Monday, October 7, 2024

October Prime Purchases and Daddy Update

And, here we are in October! Can it be that Christmas is just around the corner.  Surely not! Perhaps I'll be of some help to you with gift ideas.  Let's get started...............


I have a large easel in my kitchen area and I keep some type of seasonal print on it.  I thought this bird had a "fallish" look and snagged it to use through fall.  There are all kinds of stretched canvas prints available on Amazon. 


These pump carafes have been around forever, but, I have never owned one.  Well, I decided it was time to own one.  I think I will enjoy it when we have company as I could make 2 pots of coffee, pour them in the carafe and keep them hot for several hours.  I like that idea better than pulling out my 40 cup coffee maker.  And, this carafe has a very nice look.


Oh, my goodness, do I LOVE these! I know, I know, I just had a pair of new salt and pepper shakers on here a couple of times ago.  But, I saw a video of someone cooking and they used this type of shakers and I was SOLD! You can set the size of the salt and pepper from fine to course and it dispenses it like a champ.  And, they are very good looking.


If you would enjoy having your towels, sheets and lingerie to have an awesome scent, then you need to order some of this.  Yes, it is very expensive, BUT.  You combine it with another less expensive fragrance free detergent.  It just takes a small amount to give off an awesome fragrance.  I use All Free and Clear and  put about a capful of this in with the amount of All I use.  If you are familiar with Tyler Candles, this detergent is made by the same company


This is a great mindless game and by mindless, you don't have to think, it's just the luck of "the throw." It's a game that you don't have to think about and can enjoy visiting all while playing.  And, if you want to really enjoy it, replace the chips with "real" money.  Talk about fun!  It would make a great stocking stuffer.


I love these reusable grocery bags.  The shape is square and they have a formed shape.  I do not like the ones that are just fabric and do not sit up or stay open. There are several designs to choose from but I could not resist these.  I just keep them in the back of my vehicle.


I was so excited to see that Paul David Tripp had come out with his 2nd devotional book.  I have used his 1st one, New Morning Mercies, for the past 2-3 years.  His devotionals are far better than 90% of the devotional books I've seen. ~in my opinion~  His have depth, based on scripture and food for thought.  A wonderful way to start your day.


You may remember that I posted this sweater in last month's purchases in a solid color. I have enjoyed the 3 solid colored ones so much that I ordered this gray striped one. These are lightweight, great under a jacket and I love the V-neck for wearing a necklace. 


Daddy enjoying a little time outside a couple of weeks ago.

Well, until last Thursday, Daddy had made great progress.  He hasn't complained of any pain or discomfort in over a month and was getting stronger. He can still have bouts of confusion but had made good stride.  But, on Thursday, he complained of a sore throat and by Friday he had signs of chest congestion and started running a low grade temp.  I've had the sitters give him OTC meds and Tylenol and he hasn't gotten any worse but not really any better.  So, I will be in touch with his Doctor today and seek her advise. I'm pretty sure it's bronchitis as he generally has it at least once a year.  He seems to take two steps forward and one step backwards. Hopefully he will beat whatever this is and be on the road to regaining his strength once again.  

Monday, September 2, 2024

September Prime Purchases and Daddy Update

Well, here we are, September 2nd.  We will not turn around twice and Christmas decor will be in every store and I am not ready for that.  But, for now, I'll share my prime purchases with you this month.  I did not have a lot of time for Amazon in August (more about that at the end of the post) but, here's what I did find.


If the Lord's willing and the creek's don't rise, I will begin this Bible study next week with a group at our church.  We've done another Kristi McLelland study that was awesome, so I'm expecting this one to be equal or better.


If you've been hanging around here for very long then you know I love all things birds.  When I saw these cocktail napkins, I had to have them.  AND, they came in a package of 150! I use cocktail napkins a lot and these are so pretty and aren't seasonal.  


I don't know who designed expandable hoses but KUDOS to them!  What a genius idea!  They make life sooooo much easier.  We have about 3-4 at the various outside faucets.  The one near the back porch got a hole in it, so we ordered this one to replace it.  I never mind using one of these because they are so easy to put away.  If you have never had one, you need one.


I am a big user of Air Pods and just recently got the new Airpod Pros 2. And, of course, that calls for a new case for them.  Yes, they come in a case but this serves as protection.  I put my pods in as soon as I get out of the shower in the mornings and then start Audible.  And, I wear them a lot when I am home as I can talk on the phone and never miss a beat.  I DO NOT wear them outside the house.  I think it is tacky when folks have them in their ears while they are out and about. ~just my opinion~


This is the cutest blouse and comes in a whole host of patterns. I wear a 6-8 and got this in a small and it was perfect.  I love the sleeves and the elastic band allows you to push them up and out of the way. And, the front tuck is so cute!


Okay folks, it seems that a lot of the newer cars do not have the grab handles over by the windshield.  These are most helpful to someone that has difficulty getting in an SUV.  I just got a new SUV and I couldn't believe it didn't have a grab handle by the windshield. It has one above where the door opens but that is not always convenient.  SO, saw these on a video the other day and they were in my cart before "quick could get ready."  They fit in the vehicles U shaped door lock and make the perfect assist for getting in the vehicle.  I don't know that my Daddy will ever be able to get in my vehicle again but, if he does, these will be a lifesaver.  They are easy to put in and remove and then throw them in the glove compartment for the next time.

As I mentioned above, I had more to be concerned about in August (and still do) than shopping on Amazon.  I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that my precious Daddy had taken a terrible fall back on August 10th.  He fell in his bathroom on the ceramic floor and broke his shoulder blade, cracked 3 ribs and has 3 fractures in his lower spine.  Just awful!!! About a week after the fall he had to be hospitalized for treatment.  He was very anemic, dehydrated and very, very confused.  He received IV fluids, 2 pints of blood, pain meds and a lot of TLC. I was able to secure some awesome caregivers to assist me with his care and they are still with me from 7:00AM - 8:00PM.  He manages during the night with the aide on duty checking on him about every hour.  He was hospitalized for 4 nights and my youngest brother flew in to assist with his needs during that time.  He was a lifesaver!  Daddy is back at the assisted living facility  and is doing fairly well, some days are better than others.  He  seems to be getting less confused and forgetful but still has to have assistance with most everything. It has been an emotional roller coaster for sure.  But, the Lord is in control and I know He has a perfect plan, even though I may not understand that plan. He will be 95 years old in November and this type of trauma is hard to overcome for the elderly.  I'm not sure what the coming days hold, but, thankfully, I do know who holds the days, and I'm trying hard to hang on and trust Him. And, Daddy has amazed us before and I wouldn't put it past him to amaze us again.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge

I'm on a roll, two straight weeks participating in the Hodgepodge.  Yea! Me! Joyce provides the questions and we provide our answers.

1.What was the best (or one of the best) summers of your life? Tell us why. 

Well, this really is a tough one as I have the fondest of memories of soooo many summers.  But, when I was 10 years old, our family scraped and saved to take a trip to Washington DC in 1962.  My precious Momma was a very talented seamstress and made all 4 of us 2 sets of matching shirts.  I so wish I had a picture of us.  We looked so cute and I just remember what a fun, fun trip it was.  And, it was done on a shoestring for sure. A sweet, sweet memory.

2. When you have a trip coming up do you make a list and check it twice to ensure you don't forget anything? I don't know that I have ever made a list but I do start packing early and throwing things in and I don't think I've ever forgotten anything.  

 Or are you a 'throw whatever you can think of into the suitcase at the last minute' kind of packer? Oh, heaven's NO, I'm not a "last minute" kind of gal in any regard. ~chuckle~

 When returning from a trip do you unpack immediately or leave the suitcase right where it lands? Indeed, immediately or as soon after immediately as possible.

3. What's your favorite food or beverage made with lemons? Is that a flavor you enjoy? 

I enjoy Lemon Icebox Pie, it's not at the top of my list but it's definitely something I enjoy.

4. When was the last time you had to make lemonade out of lemons, figuratively speaking I mean? 

I'm pretty sure I've had to do this on more than one occasion recently, but, I cannot remember.  So, forgive me.  I'm sure when I read everyone else's answers that I will think of several.

5. Did you like school growing up? Why or why not? 

My friends, was I not the cutest little first grader with my Shirley Temple curls? Yes, I loved school and thankfully I adapted to change easily.  I say that because I attended 7 different schools in my 12 years of school.  We even moved the second semester of my Junior year and I adjusted just fine, jumped in and made new friends easily.  I was and always have been a very social person and, I must admit, I saw school as more of a social affair  than  an educational affair. ~grin~

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

This past Saturday morning I was measuring out all the ingredients to make Banana Nut Bread when my phone rang.  I saw that it was Dad's facility, and that always gives me cause for concern.  He had taken a pretty bad fall and he was in a lot of pain with his shoulder.  I dropped everything and took off (I'm about 8 minutes away) and knew, after seeing him, that he had to be taken to the ER.  I felt like he had probably broken his shoulder.  Thankfully the ER was not busy and we got him right in. And after both x-rays and CAT scan it revealed he had fractured his scapula (shoulder blade) and 3 ribs on his right side.  Bless his precious heart, just not what he needed at almost 95 years of age.  It was obvious that I was going to have to line up sitters for his waking hours of the day.  He is pretty much helpless and needs assistance with everything.  He is quite uncomfortable and is taking some mild meds for pain and they seem to take the edge off.  I was able to secure 5 sitters to work various schedules to cover 7:00AM - 8:00PM daily for now. They are working to keep him moving to prevent him from getting peumonia and to keep him mobile.  Home Health will start tomorrow and physical therapy should begin soon. It grieves my heart to see him like this but I know the Lord is with Him and holding him extra tight during this time and He is supplying me with the extra strength that I need.  Your prayers would be greatly appreciated.  

A very comforting scripture...............

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

The Wednesday Hodgepodge

Well, look at me, I'm participating in the Hodgepodge two weeks in a row. Joyce does such a good job week in and week out with the questions and it's always fun to answer them and then read everyone's answers.

1. What's a task you do on a regular (or semi-regular basis) that feels like it should be an Olympic event? 

We have a lovely fountain in the side of our front yard.  We had our landscaper build a specific spot for the fountain and it is indeed lovely.  BUT, guess what? That fountain requires regular cleaning and filling.  I think we thought if we kept the fountain chemicals in it that they would take care of the cleaning.  Not so. About every month it needs to be completely emptied and scrubbed and refilled.  That is generally my job and while I love the results, I dislike the process.  I'm not sure I should compare it to an Olympic event but, in the heat of summer, it is not for the faint of heart.

2. What's in the trunk of your car right now? 

I drive an SUV, so I have cargo space rather than a trunk.  I LOVE my cargo space and it always has a small fold up rolling cart and not much of anything else stays in it all the time.  I use the cart to carry items to my Daddy because I generally have way more than I can carry in my arms.  

3. Summer foods vs. fall foods...which do you prefer? 

Hands down, fall foods.  When fall arrives, my cooking turns to soups, chili and gumbo. I'm not much of a summer time cook but when fall and winter arrive, I'm all in.  I guess I'm more of a one pot cook. ~smile~

Would you rather-watermelon or caramel apple? Well, I'm not really a fan of either but, if forced, I'll take a few bites of watermelon.

iced coffee or pumpkin spiced latte? I've just recently tried iced coffee and I am a fan, much to my surprise. I got the low calorie kind but it still had more calories than I want in a drink.

 potato salad or sweet potato casserole? Yummy to both of these, I really can't pick one over the other.

 barbecued ribs or roast turkey? Believe it or not, I've never eaten ribs (they are too messy) in my life so guess I'll have to go with roast turkey.

 ice cream sandwich or apple pie? I'm a huge fan of pie, so I'll go with apple pie for sure.

 corn on the cob or candy corn? Corn on the cob hands down!!! I do not even like thinking about candy corn, yuck!

4. August 7th is National Lighthouse Day. Have you visited any lighthouses? Do you have a favorite? Is a lighthouse something you seek out if you're visiting an area known for theirs? 

I "think" we may have seen a lighthouse when we visited the Charleston or Savannah area but I have never been attracted to lighthouses.  My parents always searched them out but I guess their interest never rubbed off on me. 

5. Light at the end of the tunnel, out like a light, give the green light, a lightbulb moment, in a new light, in the limelight...of the 'light' idioms listed which applies in some way to your life lately? Explain. 

Hummm.........I'm scratching my head over this one, so I'm going with "out like a light."  That would not just be lately but most every night.  When my head hits the pillow, I am out.  Sometimes I do wake up in the early morning hours and seem to struggle going back to sleep, but that's not often.  I have always been blessed with really good sleep.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

This is Coleman's first year to be able to show sheep.  He was in his first show the last weekend of July and he won. Yea. Coleman!  Of course, he has been watching his older brother show for years and years and Clancy definitely was a great example for Coleman.  Now, Case can hardly wait until he's old enough but he's a few years away.  

Quick update on Daddy and his dentures...........Bless his sweet heart, adjusting to dentures is not going all that well for him.  He needs to use an adhesive to keep them from slipping and that is most difficult for him due to his very limited eyesight.  It's very frustrating for him to try and put the adhesive on, so he tries to not use it and it works fairly well until meal time.  The other issue is he simply forgets to put them in.  In the 4 months that he was without teeth and going through the process of getting dentures, he learned to eat fairly well without teeth.  I told him if he could see how handsome he looks in them (above picture) that would be a big motivation for him.  But, at 94, it's not looking like the dentures will be a part of his daily life. 

AND, I LEAVE YOU WITH THIS.................

Monday, August 5, 2024

August Prime Purchases

AND, here we are in August, 2024!  And, here are my Prime Purchases for the month.


I love this type salt and pepper shakers for my stove and I love that they are in a holder even better.  The salt and pepper flow freely from these and that is what I want when  I am cooking. 


As you know, I love baking cookies and am always looking for neat and cute ways to package them.  I think these little bags will work great and will also keep them extra fresh.  Of course, I'll put a label on each bag identifying the cookie inside. Some cookies look a lot alike



Folks, I love all things birds! These are the cutest little fellas and I'm going to enjoy using them from time to time. I ordered 3 of them and took them to my local floral designer and she did arrangements of greenery and berries in them and they are too cute and the perfect size. I can hardly wait to have an occasion to do a table scape with them. 


And, more birds..........this is a short length table runner and only 13" wide.  I may use this when I use the bird arrangements I just mentioned above.  These are so affordable and look really nice and come in a few designs.



These are the prettiest candle cups and a bit larger than most.  They are real pretty with a lighted votive inside.  And, they look real nice sitting on these candle holders.  


If you are looking for a fun game then order this.  I had never heard of it until a couple of weeks ago and we were at small group gathering where we played it.  Oh, my, it is a quick game for sure and only 2 can play at a time but lots of fun.  I'll have the gran girls this week and I can't wait to see what they think.



These are the nicest lightweight sweaters and I'm wearing mine right now in the heat of summer.  I am generally just in and out of air condition and not out in the heat for long periods of time.  So, it works out very well for me and they come in so many colors and I love that they are V-neck.  When the weather cools, I'll just throw on a jacket.



These are so neat and will keep your left over tomatoes, onions, etc fresh until you need them again.  The silicone wraps tightly around the veggie or fruit as you snap the top and bottom together.  Keeps them from drying out.


And, there you have it for this month.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

An Olympic Hodgepodge

It's Wednesday and that means The Hodgepodge. Joyce asks the questions and we provide the answers. Easy enough and so enjoyable to read everyone's answers.  Here ya go!

1. The Olympics kick off this coming weekend. Will you be watching? If you could watch just one event in person, which one would you choose? 

I may watch the opening ceremonies as they are generally most impressive but probably will only catch it in bits and pieces.

If I could watch one event in person it would be gymnastics.  I've always enjoyed gymnastics but since our 9 year old granddaughter (pictured above)  is quite the gymnast, it's gone to a new level for me.  I will add that it is nerve wracking for me to watch and especially when Andi Kate is competing. 

2. Have you ever been to Paris? Is this a city you'd like to visit? What's your favorite 'French thing'? 

There was a time that I would have enjoyed going to Paris but I never give it any thought anymore and figure I'll live just as long if I never go. ~smile~

I love the French language and our oldest granddaughter will be taking French this year and she is beyond excited.  We, her family, tried talking her into taking Spanish as we felt it would serve her better.  But, there was no changing her mind and who knows, it just might serve her well.  And, perhaps she will want to take her CiCi to Paris and she can do all the communicating. 

3. Macaron, creme brulee, chocolate soufle, mille feuille, or an eclair...your favorite French patisserie from the ones listed? 

Hands down, the Eclair!  I was reminded this past weekend of how much I like them.  We were at a gathering and the hostess served Eclair Cake.  OMG! it was sooooo good! 

4. July 24th is National Cousins you have many cousins? Are you close to them? Will you see any of your cousins on July 24th? 

I have 10 cousins located in Arkansas, Alabama and Virginia.  Regretfully, I have never lived near any of them and have not seen any of them in a while.  No, I will not see any of them today.  In spite of the distance, I do feel a closeness to them.

5.  Last time you went somewhere that felt like 'everyone and his cousin' was there? 

I NEVER go to Walmart on the weekend unless it is absolutely necessary.  But, a couple of weeks ago I had to go in the early afternoon of a Saturday and I promise "everyone and his cousin" was there.  I generally say, "everyone and his brother." ~chuckle~ Drives me bonkers and it's why I avoid afternoons and weekends at Walmart.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Just wanted to report back on a couple of items I have mentioned in my random thought the past month............

I started a subscription to Gardencup to see if we might like them.  And, yes, they were very, very good salads and it is amazing how much is crammed into these containers.  But, the least amount you can order is 6 salads and the least often is every 2 weeks.  That just doesn't work for us.  We do love a good salad but we would need to eat 6 in a week as they are only good for 5 days once they arrive.  So, that subscription was cancelled.

Then I made my very first and only purchase, thus far, from Shein.  If you remember, this dress was $10.87. Unbelievable! It arrived in less than 2 weeks and I could not believe how cute it is and appears to be well made to me.  I have no idea how on earth they can sell it for $10.87 but...............I've not ordered anything else and may not. That remains to be decided.  

In closing I, like many of you, have a very heavy heart for the "state of affairs" of our country. I pray for a miracle of peace and unity to sweep through and hearts to turn to God before our November election.

Happy everything!!!!!