Finding Joy in the Simple Things of Life
For today.......
Outside my window.........
is a beautiful green and perfectly manicured lawn that my dear husband meticulously cares for with TLC week in and week out. He does hire help because we have a HUGE (2 1/2 acres) yard but he oversees every last bit of work that is done. Having an attractive lawn is like a science for him and myself and all that pass by are the beneficiaries of it.
I am thinking..........
that one year ago I was completely inundated with my Dad's care and my brothers and I were certain that he would not survive his battle with GBS. Well, fast forward one year and he has not only survived, but I would say that he is thriving, considering what he has been through. Once again I was reminded that the Lord is in full control of our lives and while we may not always know how events will turn out, it's best if we just trust Him completely.
I am thankful for...........
so, so many things but am thinking today of how blessed I am with friends. Friends that are there for me, that know me inside and out and still love me and encourage me in my darkest hour or time of need. What a blessing!
From the kitchen..........
well, I'm afraid that most of what goes on in my kitchen these days is pretty simple. I've never been a gourmet cook, but what I cook is good, just not fancy. But, as of late, it's been a lot of BLT's and eating out. Hubby is easy to please in this area, so it works for us.
Every so often I get a "bee in my bonnet" and do some "real" cooking, especially if the family is coming.
I am wearing............
black knee shorts and a white top and black flip flops and of course, accessories to match. I'm one of those that no matter what, I'm going to have on earrings, necklace, and bracelet. I don't know why I'm that way, but I am. I don't feel dressed without my jewelry and lipstick. ~grin~ And, my closet has way too much black and white in it.
I am creating............
I'm not exactly creating just yet, but I'm gathering ideas for some Christmas projects. Pinterest has so many creative ideas and a lot can be used for Christmas giving. I love to have cute gift giving ideas for friends and other special folks and it is most always in the edible fashion.
I am going..........
well, I don't know???? That's right, as I said in my last daybook entry, Hubby is taking me on a mystery trip for my upcoming 60th birthday. At first he told me we would leave on the 29th (my actual birthday) and return Aug. 1st. Well, yesterday he changed the return date to Aug. 7th. That's a long trip and I truly have no idea where we may be headed. Hubby has never been much of a planner so I can only hope that we are not getting in the vehicle with no destination in mind. ~giggle~ I have a feeling there probably is a destination and I also have a feeling that it will make for a memorable 60th celebration. Stay tuned.......
I am reading...........
John Piper's, Pierced by the Word and blogs
I am hearing..........
the Oldies but Goldies playing through our TV rather softly. We have digital music through our cable and I enjoy it as much or more than regular TV.
On my mind.............
how free I feel since I retired. Yep! that's right! I have been my Hubby's payroll administrator for his business for about 15 years. Even though it is only for 6 employees, it is still a very regular job and one that you have to stay on top of. About a month ago we contracted with a payroll firm and it has been awesome! Ah! sweet relief!
Around the house..........
I have been changing a few things around inside the house the past couple of weeks. Moving some decorative items, just for a different look. And, continuing to go through items in the attic and making several trips to the Thrift Store to add to their inventory.
One of my favorite things.........
is snuggling up in my recliner at day's end. Hubby and I have matching recliners and it's usually where we head after dinner if we have no other plans. Hubby usually controls the remote and I catch up on email, blog and read blogs. Now, doesn't that sound like a relaxing evening?
A few plans for the rest of the week.........
my Princess is coming to spend the day with me on Thursday and I can hardly wait. She is 2 1/2 and so, so much fun. While I do love babies, I think my favorite age is from about 15 months on. I so enjoy talking with her and am constantly amazed at her verbal skills and her understanding. And, she can be so animated and I love that. But, the best part is that she loves her CiCi!!! And, Friday I'll be spending the day with a dear friend.
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