Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday's Letters


Oh, gotta love these Fridays where we can connect with Ashley and write letters to our hearts content.  And, I have a few I need to write today. ~smile~

Dear Presidential Candidates, Please, please, please, stop your negative campaigning.  We are tired of it and I'm not sure we can endure it until Nov. 6th.  Run on your own merit or get outta the race!

Dear One Kings Lane, Having you online is like having TJ Maxx, Tuesday Morning and Ross at my finger tips all day long.  I do love your great deals and often find great gifts or something that I just cannot live without.  If you would like to check out this great site, click here

Dear American Idol Producers, Please do not contract with Adam Lambert to serve as a judge.  I may have to stop watching if you do such.  I'm hoping what I'm hearing is just hearsay and nothing more.  And, could you find some judges without a "potty mouth."  Thank you!

Dear Hillary, Do you just not care anymore?   I mean, when I see you on TV I can't help but feel sorry for you. I would love for the folks on What Not To Wear to have you as their guest and redo you from top to bottom.  What a transformation it would be.

Dear Bridget, I can hardly wait for your Drs. appointment on Monday.  Will it be another little boy or a little girl?  Do call me as quick as you can because you know I'll be waiting on pens and needles to know.  And, should you care, I have thought of some really cute names. ~big laugh~

Dear Momma, I miss you so much and have needed to talk to you lately.  Your wise counsel was often "just what I needed" and is something I miss terribly since your death. The fact of the matter is, we never outgrow the need for our Momma.

May you have a simply
wonderful weekend!!

Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. Hey! Coming from the link-up! :) Great letters...especially the American Idol one! They would lose 2 viewers! :) Have a great weekend!

  2. What a great post..I will have to check out that site, agree on American Idol...great letters. May we all embrace those who are still here and enjoy the time the Lord gives us with them

    Blessings and have a great weekend

  3. Hey there, I hope this finds you doing just wonderful. Although I have not taken the time to comment lately, I have lurked and stalked my favorite blogs. I have stopped by and read your letters before and loved reading them. Can't wait to get back to blogging on a more regular basis. School starts back in two weeks, and the garden has about stopped making, so maybe I will have free time soon. Until then, take care and know that I lurk :)

  4. I haven't watched American Idol in years. I thought Adam Lambert with with Queen now. LOL. Maybe he could do both. I hope you have a good weekend!

  5. I quit watching AI this season.

    #1-I'm tired of the bickering and all of it really which makes me kind of sad.

    I'm sure your daughter will want you to name the next grandchild : )

    Have a great weekend!

  6. Dear Mom, I would gladly look at the names you have chosen, but I can't promise anything...I will call you as soon as I can after the doctor! I too agree that AI will not be watched by me if Adam Lambert is a judge! I also agree about Hillary. Have a wonderful day! Love your #1 daughter!!

  7. I'll bet you can NOT wait until you know if you're going to have a new grandson or granddaughter! ;-) What an exciting time ... waiting for a new grandbaby. My daughter named all her babies with names starting with T, so I always volunteered T names ... none of which made the final cut. ha!

    I must be the only person in the US who has never watched American Idol. ;-)

  8. Congratulations on the coming of a new grandchild :) I am with you about American Idol. I haven't heard about Adam but if he is a judge I am out!

  9. Wouldn't it be wonderful if they were not allowed to advertise on TV. I didn't hear that about Adam Lambert. Yes Hillary could use What Not To Wear. How exciting on the baby front! ((HUG)) for missing your Momma.

  10. I love your sense of humor!
    Sorry you miss your mom. My mother lives on the East Coast (I moved to the West Coast a few years ago) and it's been a major adjustment for me to be so far from her... I know it'll be another major adjustment when she's gone.
    Found you via Friday's Letters. =)

  11. I have already decided I will not be watching American Idol this year, no matter who the judges are. I was pretty beyond disgusted last year and the year before. So sad. So much talent out there to see, and look who their role models have been. So excited to hear whether baby will be a boy or girl! One never outgrows a need for a mama. Praying for you today missing yours.

  12. Great blog, Lea. I have often wondered who if anyone is responsible for Hillary's image and appearance. She needs a major do over for sure. Be sure and let us all know what the next little One will be. Hope to get back to some blogging myself this weekend.

  13. Dearest Lea,
    I've missed you, Blogger Buddy!

    Also had to comment and tell Kathy "Nana" that I've never watched American Idol either {or most of the other TV programs in the past 20-some years}

    ~Praying for rain in Iowa~

  14. Hi lovely lady.
    Yes Congratulations on the coming of a new grandchild you must be so Happy... Thanks so much for your comments on my Island Tablescape it was a lot of fun just me and my hubby being in Jamaica we all need to get away some times. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend with you family.
    XXOO Diane

  15. NOOOOO not Adam Lambert!!...This is TOTALLY unexceptable...Lea, its time to protest, with me??

  16. Hugs to you. I still have my mom, but feel for those of you who have lost the most important woman in your lives. Oh, and I agree about Hillary and Adam.

  17. cannot wait to hear bridget's news!! so thrilled for you all. your sweet momma note is precious... i think the same for my dad! xoxo.


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!