Wednesday, October 30, 2024

The Wednesday Hodgepodge

It is so good to be participating in the HP this week. It seems to be a rarity for me but I always enjoy answering Joyce's questions when I can work it in to my schedule.  I wish I could be as faithful to the blogging world as Joyce but, hey, I'm here today. 

1. What are your current priorities in this season of life? Elaborate as much or as little as you like.

Wow! somedays I think it's just keeping things "between the ditches." Other days, it's being the best ME I can be and I'd love to say that I'm doing a great job of that, but........... And, more than ever I desire to live a life pleasing to the Lord and making a difference in the lives of those I come in contact with daily.  I think when I reached the age of 70 my priorities took on new meaning. I have way more years behind me than ahead of me (yikes!) and I want every day to count. 

2. What's one thing you wish you had more of?

 The first thing to come to mind is time with our daughter and her family in Oklahoma. But, I am so thankful that we do see them at least 4 times a year and we talk absolutely EVERY day and then, there is Facetime.  Even the little boys know how to pick up a phone or Ipad and use Facetime. Such a wonderful perk when lots of miles separate families. 

3. Do you celebrate Halloween? If so, what are your Halloween traditions? Any special plans for Halloween this year?

It's been many a year since we actually celebrated Halloween. When the children were young, they enjoyed dressing up and going around the neighborhood trick or treating. And, thankfully, that was absolutely safe to do 40 years ago. We also went to the Fall Festival at their school. We've never been into the scary aspect of Halloween but into the fun of Halloween.  I have two huge lighted Jack O'Lanterns on our front porch and that's about as celebrated as we'll be.  We have no particular plans this year but will have some candy should we have any trick or treaters drop by.

4. Last thing you ate that contained chocolate? Last thing you made that called for chocolate? 

I usually have a small bag of seasalt caramel light and dark chocolate candies.  I enjoy a couple a day. It's my guilty pleasure. ~chuckle~

It has been several weeks ago but the last thing I used chocolate in was a batch of brownies.  I use a recipe I've had for over 40 years and they are, without a doubt, the best brownies you've ever put your "chompers" in.

5. Do you prefer laid back weekends or do you like to have a lot of plans? Thinking back to this past weekend... which was it? 

Most of our weekends at this point are fairly laid back and we enjoy it that way. We do enjoy plans and generally have some plans, but just not overloaded. Now, this past weekend we were at our daughters in Oklahoma and it was indeed a packed weekend.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

We were in Oklahoma last week to attend Bridget's Doctoral defense this past Friday. It was quite impressive and she did an outstanding job and at the end was deemed, Dr. Bridget Broome. It was a long 4 1/2 year journey, all while being wife, mom to 3 boys and teaching at Oklahoma State University. I found the mug shown above on Etsy and knew she had to have it.~smile~

Daddy update: Daddy is doing quite well, all things considered. He came through the Bronchitis and seems to be getting stronger. He's walking more with his walker trying to keep his legs strengthened. He is often confused but still able to have a good conversation, for which I am thankful. I still have caregivers with him and they have become like family. His 95th birthday is on Nov. 9th and my brother and his wife from Des Moines will be flying in to join in the celebration.

And, I leave you with this......

Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. I'm glad your Dad is doing okay. He and my momma are the same age and there are challenges for sure, but so glad to still have her in my life. Huge congratulations to your daughter! What an accomplishment!! So glad you were able to celebrate with her in person. Have a great's nice to see you here today!

  2. I'm so glad your daddy is better. Enjoy every moment you can. Wow! Congrats to your daughter -- that is amazing!

  3. Would you please share your browning recipe? Thanks! And congratulations to your daughter! Love the coffee mug. . .

  4. What a true and powerful verse! That is sweet you all will be able to celebrate your father's birthday soon. I agree that with each decade, priorities change. How thankful I know you are for technology that allows us to keep in touch with family members who don't live close. Have a great day!

  5. Congratulations to your daughter...what an incredible accomplishment!

  6. To live a life pleasing to the Lord, I love that ❤️
    Congratulations to your daughter! 🎉

  7. The top priority now is to get Trump elected and back in the White House.

  8. The Wednesday Hodgepodge sounds like a fun way to tackle midweek reflections and share a mix of thoughts on various topics! It's always refreshing to explore new ideas or hobbies, even in the middle of a busy week. For anyone interested in creative projects, why not consider using a digitizer service to bring custom designs to life on apparel or accessories? It’s a unique way to showcase personal style or even create memorable gifts. Adding a little creativity to your routine, like through embroidery or custom patches, can make Wednesdays feel a lot more inspired and enjoyable!


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!