Monday, September 23, 2019

Welcome Fall.......

Today is the "official" first day of fall, BUT.......It feels like anything but fall here in NE Louisiana. It appears that this week is going to be in the low 90's and that is a nice drop from the 100+ degrees we've endured the past 2-3 weeks.  So, if those temps will keep right on falling then perhaps we'll be "officially" into fall before too much longer.

In spite of the high temps I put out my fall touches a couple of weeks ago.  I was more than ready for "all things fall."  I found these jeweled place mats at Homegoods when we were in Atlanta a few weeks ago and they work so well as the surface for some of my touches.  And, I got my jeweled pumpkin table runner at Pier 1 about 3 years ago and just love it.

I had a good time getting my tiered tray decked out with all things fall.  Between Amazon, Hobby Lobby and Etsy, I thought it turned out really cute.

Over the past few years I have picked up these touches at Homegoods, Tuesday Morning and this year I ordered the beautiful bronze leaf bowl (lower left hand picture) for the sideboard from Wayfair and the decorative pumpkins from Amazon.  Their all very simple but make a nice fall statement.

This little antique children's bench always looks nice with a decorative pillow(s) for the various seasons or holidays. Homegoods has the most wonderful selection of decorative pillows.

I am so proud of this new arrangement for our dining table.  Since moving in our new house 4 years ago I've  used the same arrangement pretty much all year long.  But, I decided that I wanted to change and use something that would be appropriate from now until spring.  The other arrangement will be perfect for spring until fall.  I do remove them if we use the dining table and I generally use something different at Christmas.  These arrangement are so big and tall that storage for them can be very challenging.  Thus, the reason I only want two of them. 

And, that is my "fall touches" that await falls arrival. 

And, I leave you with this sweet picture of Bridget and her boys.  This was one of the many pictures taken during Case' newborn photo session. When I saw this it made my heart smile really BIG!!!

Happy Fall Y'all!!!!!

Monday, September 16, 2019

Inquiring Minds Want to Know!

I have been "missing in action" lately and I do apologize but I just have not been in a "blogging" state of mind.  And, as I've stated before, blogging is purely fun for me and  if I feel that I "have" to, it ceases to be enjoyable.  So, hang in there, I'll at least try to make my posts enjoyable for you when I do blog.

Today's entry was another "FaceBook find" and I thought it would make a great blog entry. And, I always enjoy reading this type entries from others as it's a way to get to know them better.  

▪️First job - Well, as a teenager I babysat, cleaned houses and did a couple of neighbor's ironing.  My first job at an established business at the age of 16 was for Kroger's as a checker.  And, my first job as a young married was a teacher's aide.  I've done a little bit of everything over the years.

▪️Current job -Domestic Engineer, keeping the "home fires" burning and CFO of my husband's insurance business.  That means I pay the bills for him and make sure payroll info gets to proper authorities. 

 ▪️Dream Job - I have always thought I'd love to be a nurse and in all my years of care giving I have often thought that I had earned that degree. ~smile~  But, I'm pretty content with my life just as it is.

▪️Favorite food - Bacon and anything with bacon in it.  Love me some bacon!

▪️Favorite dog - Hands down, a Golden Doodle.  I'm not really a "pet" person but if I were, I would have a miniature doodle.  I'm pretty sure they think they are human.

▪️Favorite footwear-I'm a big fan of Michael Kors shoes, they are very stylish and comfortable.

▪️Favorite Candy - The ooey, gooey Turtle candy. I never, ever eat them but they have just the right amount of everything I like, chocolate, pecans, and caramel. And, they have just come out with "Turtle bites" and I did buy a bag of those the other day but have only eaten one.  Shucks, even the bites have 55 calories in them and they are just that, a bite.  But, ever so often, just a bite will do. 

▪️Favorite Ice Cream- Blue Bell Vanilla and slivered almonds make it all the better.

▪️Your Vehicle color - Pearl white and I'm pretty sure it is the most popular color of vehicles on planet earth.  There's sure nothing unique about it.

▪️Night owl or early bird - Early bird, I've always loved the early morning and am most productive in the early hours of the day. 

▪️Favorite day of the week- Even though I do not work outside the home, I still seem to really enjoy Saturdays. But, it really depends on the week.

▪️Tattoos - Well, not unless you count permanent makeup.  I've had my eyeliner, eyebrows, and lips all tattooed and, might I add, the eyebrows and eyeliner were bearable but the lips, Oh, my goodness, NOT worth the pain I endured. ~just sayin'~

▪️Like to cook -Well, I don't mind cooking and am definitely not a gourmet cook, just plain and ordinary.  I LOVE to bake and feel I'm a much better baker than cook.

▪️Can you drive a stick shift- Indeed I can, it's what I learned to drive on and it was in the hills of Virginia.  Oh, my, it was an experience to say the least.

▪️Favorite color - A blue gray but my closet screams black and white. ~chuckle~

▪️Do you like vegetables -There's few if any vegetables that I do not like.  I could live off veggies for sure!

▪️Do you wear glasses- Only readers and sunglasses.  I can't make it without either of them.

▪️Favorite season- It's a tie between Fall and Spring.  I'm always excited for both of them to arrive.

I'm betting you found out something about me that you didn't know.  And, I can't close without sharing a picture of our little Case.

Indeed, he is one very LOVED little boy.  He'll be a month old Thursday.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

August Prime Purchases

And, it's the first Tuesday of September.  My goodness, we won't turn around twice and it will be Christmas.  Speaking of Christmas, perhaps you will see something here today that would make a good gift for someone on your list.  This is always a favorite post for me as I do love shopping Amazon.  It doesn't get any easier, that's for sure!

I have a lot of  4 X 6 frames as that is the size that I prefer to have sitting around.  Most of them are several years old the easels on many of them are just about worn out.  I decided to replace the oldest ones and I found the greatest selection on Amazon.  I love the vintage look and I've had a good time filling them with pictures.  I never lack for pictures with 5 Grans. ~chuckle~



If you are in the market for a comfortable, yet stylish pair of shoes then these may be for you.  They are by Softt.  It seems that all of the "comfort" shoe manufactures have really gotten on board with very stylish looks along with their comfort.  I got these in this platinum color and also black and they come in 5 other colors as well.  They can be dressed up or be worn with jeans.  Suit yourself but I promise you that they are comfortable and I feel very secure walking in them.  

Sofft Womens Milan


I've shared with you before pillows that I have gotten off Amazon.  This is a zippered heavy cotton and linen 18 x 18 pillow cover.  I ordered the pillow inserts as well and I am using them on the benches on our front porch for fall.  They are so colorful and perfect to welcome fall.  Amazon has pillows, pillows and more pillows for any and all decorative purpose you may need/want them for.

And, my last item are these fabulous bags!  They are a silver heavy duty plastic bag that can be used as a tote, gifts, shopping or you name it.  They are around 15" x 14".  You can ask my daughter or DIL and they will tell you that!  Bags of all shapes, designs and size.  If they need a bag they know who to call.  I seem to use them all the time for one thing or the other.  So, thought I might not be the only person that loves pretty bags.  And, these are ONLY $19.99 for a package of 50.  Can't beat that! 


That's it for this month's Prime shopping post.  Hope you found something you can't live without.  ~chuckle~  Always a fun post for me.  

Wishing all of you a wonderful week and thinking of and praying for all our dear friends in the path of hurricane Dorian.