Last week Hubby and I had an experience unlike anything we have ever experienced. We attended the Oklahoma Youth Expo in Oklahoma City. Exactly what is OYE? Well, folks it is the world's largest youth livestock show in the WORLD! Yep, you read that right. Clancy has participated in this event for the past 3 years and we wanted to go and watch him this year. It is always held during Oklahoma's spring break, so it pretty much consumes our daughter and her family during that week. If I remember correctly there were 2500 sheep, goats, cows and pigs. Folks, that is a whole bunch of animals and guess what else, it is a whole lot of "poop." ~that's the gospel truth~
But, can I just tell you that it was worth it all to watch this hard working Grandson place with all 3 of his sheep. This was tough competition and while he did not get any top honors, he has 5 more years to compete in this show and I'm pretty sure he will definitely take home some top honors. This was his 4th year to compete and in the past 3 years he has been sifted (that means he did not place) but he was determinded to place this year. And, he did! I wanted to stand up and hollar but they don't allow such at these type of events. ~shucks~ So, I gave him a big ole hug when I saw him afterwards. I have little doubt that his commitment and responsibility with the care and work with his sheep will carry him far in life.
And, another "hi-lite" of the trip was seeing this dear friend. Terri and I met at my Dad's first pastorate in Alma, Arkansas some 60 years ago. That's a long time folks! She recently moved to Denton, Texas and it worked out perfectly for us to stay in Denton as we were headed to Oklahoma. We enjoyed a great visit and a nice dinner. It had been 13 years since we had seen each other so we had a whole lot to catch up on and didn't nearly skim the surface. But, we have plans to not let so much time go by before we plan another visit.
Look at this picture of our Hanna Beth! I mean, isn't she adorable? Folks, she will be 13 this year and I don't know if I can stand it. She is our quiet, reserved, studious gal that we love dearly. Their all growing up so quickly and, as any grandparent, we are more than a little proud of all 5 of them.