I bet if you are reading this blog, you enjoy your computer! Aren't they just amazing machines? I mean whatever did we do without the internet? We can find out anything we want or need to know about any subject. We can stay connected with friends far and near. But, I've been wondering, is there such a thing as being "too connected." Technology today is magical and fantastic. There's email, texting and phoning, all usually in the palm of our hand. I read an article on this matter the other day and the author stated that, "technology blocks our ability to live the good life by gulping up available time that could, and often should, be spent on other more productive activities..and by putting up a barrier that gets in the way of relationships and experiences that could otherwise be more enriching." Ugh! that caused me to stop and think.
My Blackberry
She went on to say that most of us would be embarrassed to admit how many hours we spend on our Blackberrys, I-Phones, and computers. Now, let me be the first o admit, I LOVE, do you hear me, I LOVE my Blackberry and my desktop and laptop computers!! To tell you the truth, I can hardly imagine life without them. BUT!!!!!! there definitely was life before them and somehow I managed just fine and folks got in touch with me when they needed too, it just wasn't while I was in Wal-Mart, driving down the road, etc. And, guess what, we all survived during those days.My Laptop
I was in a hospital waiting room this morning and someone's cell phone rang. They answered it and held a full fledged conversation loud enough for the entire room to hear, and it obviously wasn't concerning a crisis situation. Of course, that is not the first time that has happened to me. It happens more regularly than I care to recall. Why do folks think that the entire world is interested in their conversation and further more, how can they be so rude? I attended a funeral this afternoon and in the program they asked that everyone please silence their cell phones. That should not have to be mentioned should it? I mean shouldn't we realize that a funeral, a church service and such is no place for a cell phone?My Desktop Computer
In my wondering, I couldn't help but think about the Lord and how much better off we would all be if we were as "connected" to HIM as we are our phones and computers. WOW!! can you even imagine? And, again, don't get me wrong, I do not think that HE minds our having these items, but I do believe it is HIS desire that we keep them in balance. I'm reminded of the scripture about "in all things moderation."
I have definitely been asking myself if "my technological gadgets are in charge of me, or I am in charge of them." I'm afraid that I would have to admit that more times than I care to admit, they have been "in charge of me."
I would not want to go back to the days before all these wonderful inventions. There are so many "pluses" to them, but I do believe that if we allow them to constantly interrupt our lives, problems are likely to arise.
May we strive to find HIS perfect balance in all areas of our lives.