Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Wednesday Hodgepodge

It's Hodgepodge time again and I'm sure Joyce must be glad that the A-Z blog challenge is about to end.  She has written some of the most profound posts this month and I have enjoyed them immensely. And, she's managed to come up with questions each Wed. for us. I'd say she's brilliant!!  Off to answer this week's questions........

1. April showers bring May flowers or so the saying goes. Are you blooming where you're planted as we begin the month of May?
I am sure trying very hard to "bloom where I am planted."  Just in the past couple of years I have been trying very hard to live  intentionally, keeping a healthy balance in my life, keep a positive outlook,be an encourager, and not worry over the things I cannot change. In other words, "bloom where I am planted." 

2. On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being no big deal, and 10 being full scale panic, rank your fear of spiders.

Unless it is a tarantula (and we don't have any in our area of the country) then I'd say about a 5.  I don't like spiders and I will kill them quickly but they do not scare me too death.

3. May is National Salad Month (who knew???)...besides lettuce, what are two must-have ingredients in your favorite salad?

Bacon pieces/bits, grated cheese and dripping in Ranch dressing.

4. I mentioned on my blog last week that my Daughter1 will be moving to Washington State after she is married. Of the following sites in the Northwest, which would you most like to see in person-Crater Lake (Oregon), Seattle (Washington), Vancouver (British Columbia), San Juan Islands (Washington),  Mt. Rainer (Washington) Oregon Coast (Oregon), Mt. St. Helens (Washington), or Olympic National Park (Washington)

 I'm fortunate that I have been to Seattle, Vancouver, and have seen Olympic National Park and we stayed in a beach front house last summer near Seattle that looked out to Mt. Rainer.  So, of the ones left, I think I would like to see the San Juan Islands. I have a SIL and a BIL that live in Tacoma and they absolutely love living there.

5. This coming weekend marks the 140th running of the 

Kentucky Derby...when did you last race (literally or figuratively) to cross a finish line?
Humm......I do not like to have to get in a hurry and try to stay one step ahead of the game to prevent having to get in a hurry.  So,l can't think of the last time I had to race to cross the finish line.  It's been a while.
6. What is something little you love?

Lipstick!!! Yes siree, I gotta have my lipstick.  I consider it my "finishing touch" and do not feel dressed without it.  I have told my husband and children that when I pass from this life that they had better make sure I have lipstick on.  ~so silly~  It's the only makeup that I reapply during the day. ~I'm sure you cared~ 

7. Would you say you are more of a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner? Elaborate.

I would be a visual learner.  I'm the one that would be making flash cards to help me learn or memorize something and of course, they would be color coded. ~smile~ I like charts and pictures too.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

I had a precious opportunity while I was in Wal-Mart yesterday. I saw a sweet elderly lady from our church muddling along with her grocery cart.  She is in her mid-80's and dealing with some very serious health issues that have greatly affected her ability to even enjoy life.  I was shocked to see her in WM alone but we had the sweetest visit.  She has been very dear to me for many years and I told her how I pray for her regularly and she said to me," please pray that the Lord will take me quickly."  Oh, me, I wasn't sure I was going to be able to contain myself but I did.  I thought to myself, isn't that what we all wish when our time comes, that HE will choose to take us quickly.  This lady was a "mover and a shaker" in her day, and now her life is coming to a close and she is more than ready and has certainly lived an inspiring life and I'm the better one for having the privilege of knowing her. I pray my words to her were as encouraging to her as hers were to me.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Lea's Daybook - Monday, April 28th


Outside my is rainy and dreary and the forecast says it will be that way all day.  ~Ugh~

I am thinking...that our society has just become so, so casual in our dress for any and all occasions.  I think there is a place for casual dress but I am still of the opinion that there is a time to "dress up." I am sure the younger generation feels totally different and there will probably come a day that no one dresses up for anything.  But, I still enjoy "dressing up" for church and funerals.  I also think that our dress sets our "frame of mind".......~just my opinion~ And, when I go into a professional business I wish that the employees were still dressed in a professional fashion.  Well, I'd better hush and get of this soapbox but, as I'm sure you can tell, it's a huge "pet peeve" of mine.

I am thankful...that so many things that didn't make sense just a year ago, do now. God uses so many things to teach us and make us into who He wants us to be, even when we don't understand. ~it's amazing~

In the kitchen...I had a cleaning out of the cabinets last week.  I don't know how it happens but cans get shoved to the back and then there are items that I don't even know why I bought and it all needed going through and gotten rid of.  Don't worry, I did not throw it away, I gave it to someone that was more than thrilled to receive it.  Well, I did throw away some open packages of items that were way past their "date."

I am wearing...some black,grey and white chevron printed palazzo pants with a black top and black shoes. Probably NOT a good choice on this rainy day. ~wink~

I am the shoulder specialist on Thursday.  I went last Oct. and since that time I've had Physical Therapy and my Chiropractor has worked on it. But, I'm still having issues.  I have an impingement in my left shoulder and it is so aggravating.  I've already had surgery on my right shoulder about 7 years ago and I don't really relish the idea of having surgery again.  The surgery was not all that bad, but the rehab, took like, what seemed forever!!! I'm hoping to find out a whole lot more on Thursday.

I am wondering..what in the world we would do without Goggle.  Have you ever thought about it?  I mean we can Goggle any and all things and find out more than we ever needed to know.  I guess it could be a two-edged sword but used correctly, I think it is a powerful tool. ~don't you agree~

I am reading...Destination Success by Dwight Bain. A powerful book about living out your dreams.  I have recently listened to some of his DVD's and what a blessing they have been to me.  Dwight Bain is a Christian Life Coach, author and speaker.

I am hoping...that my Dad will continue to feel good and enjoy life as he is right now.  It is so amazing to see the recovery he has made.  He still, and always will, have very compromised vision but we have made some accomodations for him recently that seem to be helping.

I am looking forward to...our daughter and her family moving to Mt. Pleasant, Texas.  That will happen the end of May and we are so excited that they will be only 3 1/2 hours away instead of 13 1/2 hours away.  Bridget has already gotten a 4th grade teaching position there and little Clancy will be able to go to school with her as he begins his Kindergartner year. 

I am learning.....that  we should  save our "yeses" for the very best, things in life and then to pray that we have the wisdom to know what are the very best things. ~tough at times~

Around the house...I've noticed cobwebs in corners and in light fixtures, baseboards that need cleaning and I'm trying to get motivated to do something about those things.  Overall my house is very clean, extremely neat but..............the cobwebs seem to come out of no where and cleaning baseboards rates as one of my all time least favorite things to clean.

I am pondering...having a Keratin treatment on my hair.  No, my hair is not curly, but it does have a few waves and my hair stylist tells me that I will love how easy my hair will be to manage and style afterwards and it can cut the drying time by 60%.  Humm.....I have read nothing but good reports and my SIL has had it done and was most pleased with her results.  So, we shall see........

A favorite quote for today...A lady in our SS Class said yesterday that, "God never wastes our pain."  Now, I don't know if she is that author of that quote or if she read it somewhere, but, regardless, I really liked it and totally agree with it.

One of my favorite blogging.  It has become such a part of my life and has connected me with so many other wonderful bloggers.  And, it seems that there are those that really look forward to my posts and that's just "icing on the cake" for me each time I post.  I don't generally have any trouble coming up with "blog fodder" but if I do I'm learning to just "let it go" and not try to get the creative juices flowing if they aren't willing. That takes the fun out of it and I don't want that to happen.  And, if life gets in the way of blogging, that's okay too.  The sun is going to come up if I blog or not and it's not like I'm getting paid to do this. ~wish I was~ ~big laugh~

A few plans for the rest of the week.....I'll be meeting a gal in Monroe (about 25 miles from here) today and we're going to work on a project together.  On Wednesday I'll be taking Dad to one of his Doctor's appointments and then I'll go to the shoulder specialist on Thursday.  It's a busy week but not overly busy and that's just the way I like it! 

A picture worth sharing.........
Clancy and his Mom went to a baseball game Friday afternoon to watch one of his babysitters play.  He was playing around with one of his teenage buddies at the game and ended up with his hat.  Those rosey cheeks, that big smile and that big hat just melted this CiCi's heart. ~what a cutie~ Do you see those little freckles across his nose?  ~awe~

Friday, April 25, 2014

Fraggin' Friday............

Half-Past Kissin' Time
I'm joining up with Mrs. 4444 this morning and she's about to celebrate her Tercentennial (bet you are like me and never heard of such) but that means she about to celebrate her 300th post of Friday Fragments.  Goodness, that's a boat load of fragments isn't it?   
 Have you ever met someone and after just spending a short time with you, felt as though you had known them a long time?   Well, that is the case with Prissy. I met Prissy last May  at a gathering for some of the folks that graduated from our local high school.  It was a reunion of sorts in Northwest Arkansas (where Prissy now lives).  Prissy is from here and she was passing through this past week and we met for lunch and had such a nice visit.  She is a dear and I wish we lived closer as I'm quite sure we could have a good time together.
A friend and I went to check out a new patio store in our area last Friday and we had such a good time.  We were just mesmerized by all the furnishings and decor that is available. We were like "kids in a candy store."  We both loved the realness of the drinks and food that were sitting around.  If any of those had been for sale, I'm thinking we both would have bought some to just sit around. ~smile~  Patios have just about become an extension of the house with beautiful furnishings and decor.  
Hubby has been hard at work with his "maters."  For the past few years he has enjoyed growing tomatoes and generally he has them in abundance and shares them with our friends.  I do not eat tomatoes and he is just sure that there is something wrong with me, but I do not like the texture and do want any part of them.  But, he enjoys them enough for both of us and while he enjoys a BLT sandwich, I enjoy just a BL.   As you can see, he is very methodical with his planting and care.
 Yesterday I went to my monthly study club and the gal hosting us this month has such a flair with flowers and  home decor.  She had gorgeous fresh flowers throughout her home that gave such a "welcome feel." And, she had some of the most unique light fixtures 
I have ever seen in my life.  These pictures do not do them justice but you can get the "jest" of it.
Our guest speaker for study club  was Barbara Sharik, who is an author, poet, and columnist.  She is such an interesting person and we enjoyed hearing about her writings.  She truly inspired us as she told about her diagnosis of early onset Alzheimer's a year ago.  It was after this startling diagnosis that she wrote the book, My Shrinking Brain (can be bought through Amazon).  She said that the book deals with the feelings she had following this diagnosis and a lot of facts about the disease.  I have not read the book but intend to in the very near future.  If keeping the brain active helps fight Alzheimer's then hopefully she can keep it at bay for many years as she continues to  write.

That's my fragments for this Friday and I wish each of you a fun filled and relaxing weekend!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Wednesday Hodgepodge

Well, Spring Break is over and Joyce had so much excitement during her Spring Break and I was quite certain that our questions this week would be all "wedding related" since she is going to be planning one in the months ahead.  But, perhaps she is saving those for another week. ~smile~  But, here we go with this week's questions.........

  1. April 22nd is Earth Day. Are you inspired by nature? In what way? I can't imagine someone not being inspired by nature.  I can look out my windows right now and see the most gorgeous dogwoods, azalea's, green leaves on the trees and green grass. I love it and it is a daily reminder of just what a great and mighty God we serve.  I don't go on nature walks and I don't necessarily get "up close and personal" with nature, but it still inspires me.  I'm most inspired in the spring and fall.  Now, I'm married to a man that would rather be "up close and personal" with nature than eat when he is hungry. ~no joke~

  2. Down to earth, four corners of the earth, move heaven and earth, not have an earthly chance, or salt of the earth...which earthly idiom have you most recently encountered? Explain.
I was talking with Hubby the other night about some folks we had not seen in a while and I referred to them as "salt of the earth."  Of course, that was a supreme compliment because I don't think folks can get much better than that. ~worthy and very good~
3. Share one piece of advice you might give a newly engaged couple.

Remember that marriage is a "delicate balance between two people" and keeping that balance takes work and never stop at keeping that balance where it needs to be for your marriage to be the best it can be. 

4. When did you last engage someone to perform a job, task, service, home repair, or improvement? On a scale of 1-10 (ten being the best) how would you rate their work and/or your satisfaction with the job or service provided?

In March I did something stupid on my desktop computer and contracted a most malicious virus.  I was pretty sure that it had destroyed my 18 month old computer.  I called my "computer guru" and in about 4 days he had it up and running.  I would give him a 10 for sure!  He is the calmest man and so reassuring to me since he knows that I tend to panic when something goes wrong with either my desktop or laptop.~big smile~ 
5. When did you last find yourself engaged in small talk? Are you awkward or an expert or somewhere in between?

I was at a funeral visitation and it seems that you see folks that you never see except at a time such as this and a whole lot of small talk takes place.  I would rate myself somewhere above average as I feel like I'm pretty good conversationalist be it small talk or deep conversation.  Two things my Dad has always taught me in regards to conversation is: (1) don't make it all about you and (2) God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason.  I think I've done fairly well with #1 but just in recent years have I really tried to work on #2 and do more listening.  It's amazing what you can learn! And, my very favorite type of conversation is one on one with some depth.

6.  What was the last historic place you visited?

Tommy and I went to Savannah, Georgia almost two years ago and while we had a good time, it was not near as much fun as Charleston, S.C.  We so enjoyed the history of Charleston and I would go back in a heartbeat!

  7. The world would be a better place if we just followed the
Golden Rule. 

8.  Insert your own random thought here. 

I subscribe to a couple of email devotionals and one of them from yesterday was so powerful.  It was talking about the greatest legacy that we as parents can leave our children is the prayers we pray for them.  The author stated:

Prayer is our highest privilege as a parent. There is nothing we can do that will have a higher return on investment. In fact, the dividends are more than generational. They are eternal. Prayer turns ordinary parents into prophets who shape the destinies of their children, grandchildren and every generation that follows.

I can well remember my youngest brother standing at the bedside of our Mother, who was drawing her last breath, and saying, "Mom, who is going to pray for me everyday now that you are gone?"  
Could there be a higher compliment?  I think not! 
I have prayed for my son and daughter since they were born, then when they married, I began praying for their spouses.  Well, that's not true, I began praying for their "to be spouses" years and years before they married and when they married, I began praying for them as their spouse.  And, when the Grans came along, I added them to my prayers.  But, I have never thought about these prayers being the greatest legacy that I could leave them. ~soul stirring stuff~

Monday, April 21, 2014

An Easter recap.......

The Monday after Easter, how can that be?  It seems it was just January 1st a few days ago.  Not sure if it's an "age thing" or if time truly is flying by.
We had a good Easter celebration...........
Hanna Beth dyed more Easter eggs with her Mom on Friday.  Her Mom spread out a huge beach towel in the front yard and Hanna Beth worked away painting and decorating eggs.  I thought it was a cleaver idea to do it outside.  It was a beautiful afternoon and I stopped by for a few minutes to watch "the artist at work."
I always fix the Grans a basket and this year I did not use a traditional basket.  Hanna Beth loves Minnie Mouse and I found this basket/box and filled it for her.  The basket on the left is the one she uses to hunt the eggs with at our house.  I have a pink one and a blue one and they stay here for the Grans to use.  Clancy got his basket via the mail this year.  
We had our family Easter celebration on Saturday afternoon.  Our menu consisted of grilled pork tenders, potato casserole, green bean casserole, congealed salad, rolls and lemon ice box cake.  Even if I do say so, it was scrumptious! 
Daddy even enjoyed the fun and continues to feel very good.  Doesn't he look like a "star" in this picture?  He's a mess!
The Easter bunny had dropped by and hid eggs in our backyard for Hanna Beth and she had a good time finding them.  She was extra excited when she figured out that he had left money in the "prize eggs."  It's so much fun viewing through the eyes of a child!
 One of Hubby's iris' was in full bloom for our celebration.  I don't know that I've ever seen one any more beautiful.
We had a wonderful service of worship at church yesterday morning.  Our choir did a cantata that told the Easter story beautifully and I do believe stirred the souls of all who were there.  
It was a beautiful Easter from beginning to end.  And, it looks as though  Spring has fully arrived!  Hip! Hip! Hooray!!!

Monday, April 14, 2014

HELLO Monday!

Linking up with Lisa for Hello Monday..........
Hello Easter egg dying fun.......

 I got so excited the other week when I found these plastic eggs that you can actually dye.  They look exactly like real eggs, except you do not have to boil them nor do you have to worry about them breaking. And, they are only $1.97 a dozen!  Sounds really good doesn't it?
Well, Friday night I got everything out so that the Princess could dye the eggs.  I followed the instructions, got all the little egg cups fixed up with the coloring tabs, vinegar and water and we were all set.  Well, guess what a hollow eggs does?  It floats!  It does not sink to the bottom of the little cup. decided we were going to have to hold those blessed eggs "down under" until they reached the desired richness of color.  Trouble is, they never reached a richness of color.  They were just pale and pitiful looking. ~or so I thought~  So, I grabbed some food coloring out of the cabinet and began dropping that in the mixture and we finally got a little better results but still not what I was looking for.  But, Hanna Beth had a great time and that was all that mattered!  But, those eggs were just not all they were"cracked up" to be. ~smile~ 

Hello Texas..........
Taken in 2011
Hear ye! Hear ye!  Our daughter and family will be relocating to the Mt. Pleasant, Texas area the first week of June.  Yep! you read that right!  The GPS says that it is exactly 3 1/2 hours from us.  Right now they are in Dodge City, Kansas which is 13 1/2 hours from us.  So, you know we are beside ourselves with excitement.  Our SIL has been promoted with the USDA to this area.  We have never known what it would be like to have them this close and it's so nice to know that if they need us or we need them, we can easily get to each other.  And, there are so many neat towns and cities near Mt. Pleasant and Bridget and I look forward to checking them all out.  We are so thankful that the Lord saw fit to bring this to pass. 

Hello cross............
 It's the week before Easter and hopefully our hearts and minds will be pondering all that Easter means to us as Christians and how differently our lives would be had it not been for the cross.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Friday Fragments

Half-Past Kissin' Time
I haven't "fragged" in a while and thought I'd join in today as Mrs. 4444 is celebrating her 300th FF on May 9th.  Goodness, that's a whole lot of fragments isn't it. 

1. Daddy has done better the past 3 weeks than he has done since he was diagnosed with Guillian Barre Syndrome in June, 2011.  He has not mentioned having any pain, he has been content and actually seems to be enjoying life.  This is such an answer to pray because he has just been waiting to die and complained about pain and,over all, very disgruntled.  It brings me so much joy to see this change and I hope and pray that it will last until the day the Lord calls him home.

2. My sweet An attended her first Jr. Sr. Banquet this past weekend and I have no doubt she was the most stunning young lady there.  Her dress was exquisite!  She attended by herself and that was her choice.  She was asked by young men but just did not want a date.  She is 17 years old and as of yet, she has not had a date.  I am quite certain that one day that will change and I can promise you that whoever the guy is that ends up with her one day will be a mighty lucky young man.  She is "all that and a bag of chips." ~grin~  Her Dad and Mom are absolutely two of the hardest working individuals that I have ever met.  They own the nail salon that I've gone to the past 15 years and I claim them as my own.

3.  They say that April showers bring May flowers.  Well, after the rain we had last weekend we should have flowers in every corner and crevice for sure!  As you can see from the pictures we had way more than showers this past weekend.  It was somewhere around 5 inches within a couple of days.  Yes, that is our house you see!

4. Speaking of flowers..........there is evidence of Spring throughout our neighborhood.  The Dogwoods are in full bloom and the azalea's  are beginning to show their faces.  It's always extra beautiful when the Dogwoods and Azalea's are in bloom at the same time.  I'm hoping they both will be in full array for Easter.  It will certainly make for some pretty pictures!

5. My DIL saw this sign at a shop not long ago and snapped a picture of it for me.  She knew it described me to a "T."  And, it likely describes most all Grandmothers. ~big smile~


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Wednesday Hodgepodge

Another Wednesday, another Hodgepodge and that means a whole bunch of various answers.  If you want to enjoy more, just click on the HP button above and read away!

1. April showers bring May flowers, or so the saying goes. When did you last 'shower' attention on someone or have attention 'showered' on you? Did you love it, or did all that attention make you squirm?
Okay, I'm thinking that my showering attention on someone else happened last.  Back in Feb. I pulled together a quick Sunday lunch at a local club for a rather "new" friend of mine because it was her birthday.  She and her husband, in the past year, have moved back to our area to retire.  I thought it would be a way to say, "welcome home" and she truly was thrilled with the lunch and did feel very "showered" with attention on her special day.
I have certainly had my share of "showering" and it always makes me feel very loved.

2. Share a favorite 'spring break' memory. Not talking about just the 'college spring break' thing, but any favorite spring break memory you'd like to share. Keep it family friendly please!
Well, most of my Spring Break memories are from when our children were in school, not when I was in school. I don't ever even remember Spring Breaks when I was in school. ~humm~  But, we pretty much always took vacations of some sort when the children had Spring Break.  We went to Disney World, to see my parents in Virginia, and to the beach a couple of times.  They were all lots and lots of fun and if I had to do it over, I'd enjoy those times even more. They're over much to quickly.

3. It's National Pecan Month...are you a fan? If so, what's your favorite dish that calls for pecans?
Oh, yes, I'm a huge fan!!!  The first thing that came to my mind was Plantation Pound Cake. It is so good it will "make you slap your Pappy."  It not only has oodles of pecans but coconut too.  You can find the recipe here.

4.  'Put all your eggs in one basket', 'egg on your face', 'rotten egg', 'walk on eggshells', or 'a good egg'...which egg-spression could most recently be applied to your own life?

Well, I've spent way too much time thinking on this one, and still haven't thought of an answer.  So, guess I'll move on to #5.
5.  In my experience___________________________________.

a person with common sense is often more ahead of "the game" than the intelligent person, without common sense. ~just sayin~

6. What's a  favorite song with the word rain in its title or lyrics?
Rhythm of the Rain by The Cascades.  I'm not sure they ever had another hit,but this one was a big hit and I still love to hear it.

7. What does the word hope mean to you?
Expecting or desiring something to happen.  I cannot imagine living life without hope.

8.  Insert your own random thought here. 

I use the time that I walk on the treadmill each morning to watch movies on my IPad through Netflix.  I just finished watching The Shunning and thoroughly enjoyed it.  It is based on the book by Beverly Lewis and was a Hallmark Movie.  There is a sequel to it, The Confession and I plan to start that tomorrow.  It is the story of an Amish girl that finds out she was not born Amish but adopted by an Amish family.  Such an interesting story and had me in tears when it ended.  If you are looking for a good movie, I highly recommend it.  It makes my walking time so, so much more enjoyable!

Monday, April 7, 2014

A Spring Event, Southern Sytle

If you have been reading my blog for very long, you know that I love to blog about Southern events and how we Southern ladies know how to "throw an affair."  It matters not where it is held, we can "make it happen."  This past Thursday evening was another evidence of that.
 I was chairman of the annual ladies Spring Event, at our church,  this year and I had a team of ladies heading up the various aspects of the event.  They are ladies that when they tell you they will do something, they do it.  That's my kind of person!  So, while it was a lot of work, it was much easier done working along side these great ladies.
First off was the table scapes and what better way to welcome Spring than bunnies, all kinds of bunnies!  The tables were just beautiful!

The entrance was lovely as well and made all the ladies feel welcomed as they came in.

One of the men's Sunday School classes worked in the kitchen and served the meal.  The meal was catered but just serving 125 folks is no easy feat and they did it like they knew what they were doing.  Hubby was one of the trusty servers! And, they did all the clean up afterwards. ~can I get some applause~ They don't come any finer than this group of men!

This gal, Sherry Peveto was our guest speaker for the evening.  Sherry has such a wonderful life story. The Lord laid His hand on her from the beginning of her life and continues to use her life story to shine His light into the lives of other women and give them hope. She has just the right amount of seriousness and humor to keep you anxiously awaiting her next words.
It is just amazing  how smoothly an event goes when everyone with an assignment comes through.  These ladies went over and above the "call of duty."

I was privileged to have my Daughter in Love share the evening with me, and
a dear sweet friend that I don't get to see nearly often enough, and

my cute and sassy hair stylist, Amanda.

I would have to say it was truly a night of fun and laughter, good food and inspiration.  What more could one ask for and all for only $10 a ticket! ~smile~

Happy new week!!!!