Saturday 9: The Fool on the Hill (1968)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
Chosen because Monday is April Fool's Day.
1) As an April Fool's prank, Taco Bell once announced they had purchased The Liberty Bell and renamed it The Taco Liberty Bell. Describe your perfect taco.

I want mine pretty plain, just meat, lettuce and shredded cheese.
2) Similarly, as an April Fool's prank, the Ford Motor Co. was supposed to wipe out the national deficit by purchasing the naming rites to a beloved monument, renaming it the Ford Lincoln Mercury Memorial. What model car do you drive?

I drive a 2018 white Tahoe. It's big, roomy, has a great ride and I love it.
3) In 1998, Burger King got in on the April Fool's Day fun by promoting a special "Left-Handed Whopper," designed to be easier for a leftie to hold. Describe your perfect burger.

I want Chipolte mayo, lettuce, purple onions, dill pickles and sometimes cheese but NEVER, EVER tomatoes. ~I know, weird~
4) In 1962, when color TV was still new, a Swedish station pranked viewers by telling them they could convert their black/white sets to color by cutting up a nylon stocking and stretching it across the screen. Of course, in 1962, more women wore nylons and screens were smaller. How big is your TV? Are there any nylon stockings in your home?
The TV in our fireplace room is 60" and it is a wall mount as are all TV's in our home. Yes, there are definitely nylon stockings in our house. I still wear them whenever more than just a little bit of my legs will be seen. I have always thought that legs with hose look a whole lot better than bare legs. ~just my opinion~ It's sort of like makeup, most women's faces look better with it than without it. ~chuckle~
5) In 1957, the BBC ran an April Fool's story about how the Swiss were enjoying a "bumper spaghetti crop," with spaghetti literally growing on trees. Viewers who called the station, asking how to grow a spaghetti tree of their own, were told to place a sprig of spaghetti in a can of tomato sauce and hope for the best. Have you ever fallen for an April Fool's prank?

6) When Crazy Sam was growing up, her mother would surprise her on April Fool's Day by slipping a rubber worm or plastic spider in her lunch box. When you were in school, did you more frequently brown bag it or buy your lunch in the cafeteria line?

7) This week's song was an international hit for Sergio Mendes and Brasil 66. Because of the song's bossa nova arrangement, everyone assumed the lead singer, Lani Hall, was Brazilian. She was a folk singer from Chicago. Sergio Mendes discovered her at a charity benefit. Can you think of a time when doing good really paid off for you?
Well, not in the form of a job but I'm pretty sure in other areas that "doing good" has definitely paid off for me.
8) In 1968, when this record was popular, Pierre Trudeau became Prime Minister of Canada. Today his son holds that office. When did you most recently visit our neighbor to the north?
We live in the Northern section of Louisiana so I guess pretty much all my neighbors are to my North. ~that may not make sense but I've never been good with north, south, east or west~ Just sayin' ~
9) Random question: Name three websites you visit every day.
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
Chosen because Monday is April Fool's Day.
1) As an April Fool's prank, Taco Bell once announced they had purchased The Liberty Bell and renamed it The Taco Liberty Bell. Describe your perfect taco.

I want mine pretty plain, just meat, lettuce and shredded cheese.
2) Similarly, as an April Fool's prank, the Ford Motor Co. was supposed to wipe out the national deficit by purchasing the naming rites to a beloved monument, renaming it the Ford Lincoln Mercury Memorial. What model car do you drive?

I drive a 2018 white Tahoe. It's big, roomy, has a great ride and I love it.
3) In 1998, Burger King got in on the April Fool's Day fun by promoting a special "Left-Handed Whopper," designed to be easier for a leftie to hold. Describe your perfect burger.

I want Chipolte mayo, lettuce, purple onions, dill pickles and sometimes cheese but NEVER, EVER tomatoes. ~I know, weird~
4) In 1962, when color TV was still new, a Swedish station pranked viewers by telling them they could convert their black/white sets to color by cutting up a nylon stocking and stretching it across the screen. Of course, in 1962, more women wore nylons and screens were smaller. How big is your TV? Are there any nylon stockings in your home?
The TV in our fireplace room is 60" and it is a wall mount as are all TV's in our home. Yes, there are definitely nylon stockings in our house. I still wear them whenever more than just a little bit of my legs will be seen. I have always thought that legs with hose look a whole lot better than bare legs. ~just my opinion~ It's sort of like makeup, most women's faces look better with it than without it. ~chuckle~
5) In 1957, the BBC ran an April Fool's story about how the Swiss were enjoying a "bumper spaghetti crop," with spaghetti literally growing on trees. Viewers who called the station, asking how to grow a spaghetti tree of their own, were told to place a sprig of spaghetti in a can of tomato sauce and hope for the best. Have you ever fallen for an April Fool's prank?

If I have it's been so long ago that I can't remember.

I generally bought the cafeteria lunch and I have such fond memories of the delicious hot rolls and we could always have two if we wanted them. I would eat my lunch and then eat my roll with good ole sticky, sugary sweet honey. I don't think the school lunches today include a hot roll. ~such a shame~
Well, not in the form of a job but I'm pretty sure in other areas that "doing good" has definitely paid off for me.
8) In 1968, when this record was popular, Pierre Trudeau became Prime Minister of Canada. Today his son holds that office. When did you most recently visit our neighbor to the north?
We live in the Northern section of Louisiana so I guess pretty much all my neighbors are to my North. ~that may not make sense but I've never been good with north, south, east or west~ Just sayin' ~
9) Random question: Name three websites you visit every day.
My blog
AND, more than once a day too. ~smile~
NOTE: If you are bothered by Acid Reflux and did not read my blog post yesterday then you definitely need to. You can find it here.
AND, more than once a day too. ~smile~
NOTE: If you are bothered by Acid Reflux and did not read my blog post yesterday then you definitely need to. You can find it here.