I am just sure that all of my faithful blog readers are most interested in my "Fudge Making." ~big smile~ Since it is a big part of my holiday I felt like it would make a good blog post. So, bear with me and hopefully you will be entertained as you read about what has become a tradition of mine, making and sharing fudge for almost 20 years.First, I will share the recipe with you. It is called Five Pound Fudge and it is in the Cotton Country Cookbook that was put out by the Junior League of Monroe, LA. about 30 years ago. I've made so much of the fudge that folks often think it is some "secret recipe" that I will not share. But, that's sure not the case. I was at a party about 25 years ago and someone had made this fudge and poured it into a bundt pan and I was so impressed with the look that I had to see what I could do with it. I've been making this fudge ever since.
Five Pound Fudge
2 cups of sugar
1 stick of butter (the real stuff)
1 tall can evaporated milk
Pinch of salt
Jar of marshmallow cream
18 ounce semi-sweet chocolate chips
4 cups chopped pecans or walnuts
Place, sugar, butter, milk and salt in heavy pan ( I always spray the bottom with Pam). Bring to a boil while stirring. Continue to stir, as it will burn very easily and turn on med to low heat to maintain boil for 6-7 minutes. Remove from heat and immediately pour marshmallow cream (I microwave mine for 20 seconds so that it will be easy to remove), chocolate chips and nuts. Mix well, making sure it all is mixed. Either drop by spoonfuls on to waxed paper or pour into pans or molds. Freezes beautifully!
First, is gathering the ingredients, sugar, marshmellow cream, evaporatesd milk, chocolate chips, and butter. And, a dash of salt is included, but I completely forgot to add that to the picture. :o)

Having everything ready is of utmost important in the fudge making process. Once the process is started, there's no time to stop and chop the nuts, or spray the pans. So, either buy the nuts already chopped or chop them yourself and I prefer walnuts but pecans are just fine. It's your choice. Always, always, always, did you hear me, ALWAYS spray your pans with Pam. It makes removal from the pan a much easier process. The fudge can be dropped out on waxed paper if that's what someone prefers. I have never done that. I prefer to make my fudge in molds or pans. I use bundt pans, seasonal pans, aluminum pans, and at Christmas I like to use the Christmas tree pan best of all. (I pick them up at the $$ store and seldom can they be used more than once) And, you must have a timer to make this fudge. Of course, my children tell me that I live my life by a timer and they are about right. Anyway, a timer is a necessity so that you do not overcook the fudge. Overcooked fudge will not be smooth and creamy but rather grainy and crumbly (not what you want).
Once the butter, milk, and salt are in the pan, it's time to begin stirring. I never turn the heat on high because it's just too easy to scorch the mixture. I turn it half way between medium and high and let it get to a boil. I always have my chips, marshmallow cream and nuts sitting nearby so that I can easily grab them when it's time for them to go in. I remove the pan from the stove when it is cooked (6 - 7 minutes) and begin adding the ingredients. It is a beautiful milk chocolate color (see picture) and you can even see the shine in the picture.
I immediately pour it into the pans that I have prepared. It is important to move rather quickly at this time. The mixture is only pourable for a short time.

Once the fudge has cooled to room temperature, I place the pans in the refrigerator for overnight. This makes the removal process easier.
After it is removed from the pan(s) I either prepare it for giving or place it in a freezer bag until I'm ready to give it.
I make cute labels (using Print Shop) for my fudge, after all, isn't presentation what it's all about? ~smile~ I pick up seasonal plates and such from the $$$ store, put it in a cello bag, tie it up with raffia and tulle and then I'm ready to deliver it. As you can tell from one of the photos, I left the fudge in the little small rectangular aluminum pans. They come with lids and once tied, it looks very nice. I usually can get 3 of those out of one batch of fudge and that's pouring them almost full.
I have some folks that I've been sharing my fudge with since I first started making it, but then I always have new and different folks each Christmas that I share it with. I can only hope that they enjoy eating it as much as I enjoy making it and preparing it for giving. I usually make about 35 - 40 lbs. of fudge each Christmas. I begin making it in Oct. and freeze it.
I figured up what it actually cost me to make it and it was somewhere between $10 and $12. Now, if it didn't have nuts, it would be about $4 a recipe. But, I can't imagine making it without nuts, but it's certainly one's choice. I always get at least two pans out of a recipe and sometimes I get three, depends on the size of the pan. So, that makes it even less per gift because I certainly don't count my time, because that's a part of the gift too.
When my daughter was at home, she always enjoyed sharing in the "fudge making." We have some very special memories and shared a lot of laughs in the process. Perhaps in a few years it will be something that my grandchildren will enjoy doing with their CiCi. If nothing else, they will likely enjoy licking the pan. There's just nothing like that warm fudge straight out of the pan that cooked it!