Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Organizing and the New Year.

New Year's fireworks in HelsinkiImage by taivasalla via Flickr

When a New Year is approaching it is just natural for me to begin thinking about getting things in order for a New Year to begin. Now, certainly, whether I have things in order or not, the New Year is going to arrive. But, there are just some things that I always do in January that I thought I would share with you. Of course, most of my blog readers know that I strive to be very organized. And, as I've said before, both of my parents were highly organized people, so I really just came by it quite naturally.

I'm always eager to learn new tips in organizing and perhaps something that I share in this blog will be a "new organizational tip" that you have not thought to do.

One of the first things that I do in January is get all of our financial records filed away. I keep them in a filing cabinet throughout the year under the different categories, but in January they all go into a Rubbermaid container and I make a label and place it in a designated place for
storage. Because hubby is self-employed, it is even more important that we keep very good financial records for tax purposes. And, since "they" say that we should keep financial records for seven years, then that is what we do. Now, I just really do not see the sense in that, but hubby has always abided by that rule, thus that is what we do. ~smile~ Personally, I just see it as clutter! Surely 3-5 years worth of records is enough!!

"Bebbisagg", the official Garbage ba...Image via Wikipedia

A wooden Filing Cabinet with drawer openImage via Wikipedia

Once I get all of the financial "stuff" in order, I begin cleaning out the desk and cabinet in our home office. It is so amazing to me what all can gather in these over a year's time. I usually sit down in the floor with a big garbage bag nearby and begin throwing away. If I run across something that is useful,but not to me, then I make a stack to take to our local thrift store.

I usually make my way through the rest of the house, checking out the closets, cabinets and drawers and getting rid of unnecessary "stuff." I do not spend hours and hours on this project, just a hour here and an hour there until it's done. Just seems to make me feel better when I do this at the first of the year.

Since I'm on the subject of cleaning out and organizing, I'll share a few little "tips" that have served me well over the years. Again, perhaps I'll mention something that might be helpful to you.

* I always open our mail by the trash can. Rather than lay it somewhere to throw away, I just throw it away immediately. And, believe you me, we get more trash than anything else in the mail. If we get bills, then they are put in a special file in our office. I have always thought it was easier to put it in it's place at that time than pile it up for later.

* I use Ziploc bags like they grew on trees! No joke! Hubby says that if I can find one big enough for him that I would put him in one. ~smile~ I use the gigantic ones for storage in the attic. I can see through them and I love that. I don't have to wonder what is in them when the time comes to find something. I organize my jewelry in them. (You know the little ones that you can find at Wal-Mart or craft stores that crafty folks use to store their beads in.) I put earrings, necklaces, bracelets (whatever I have in a set) all in a bag and then I don't have to dig around hunting for it. I use the little plastic crates that you can find at Wal-Mart or the $$$ store to organize it in. I organize them according to color. Yes, I know, this is almost too much information, but we all have our "quirks!" ~smile~ Then all of this goes in a designated drawer. No such thing as a jewelry box in this house. And, I know that very few women wear hose these days, but this woman still does. So, guess what, I put my hose in ziploc bags for storage .

* I love the plastic shoe boxes to store my shoes. The best thing about them is that you can
see thru them and they stack great and I put them up on the shelve in my closet and can easily find the pair I'm looking for. Of course, the slippers and tennis shoes usually just stay on the
floor in the closet. I wear them too much to worry with putting them up.

* The little plastic crates I referred to earlier are just one my all time favorite organizing tools. They usually come 2-3 to a package and are very, very inexpensive. I think they will be in colors at certain times of the year, but usually they are just basic white. I use them in all of our bathroom drawers to organize first aid supplies, medicines, tolietries, etc. I also use a lot of them in my kitchen drawers. They are just dandy items for anyone wanting to organize.

Well, think this is enough about organizing for one blog. Perhaps I've said something that you will find helpful as you head into this New Year more organized. By the way, if you've never Googled "organizational tips" you should. There are only about 10 bazillion tips out there and some are just amazing. I'm always learning a new tip and always wondering why I didn't come up with that on my own. ~smile~

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Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmm, maybe YOU are my home organization fairy! Care to come work your wonders here? :)


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!