Wednesday, July 24, 2024

An Olympic Hodgepodge

It's Wednesday and that means The Hodgepodge. Joyce asks the questions and we provide the answers. Easy enough and so enjoyable to read everyone's answers.  Here ya go!

1. The Olympics kick off this coming weekend. Will you be watching? If you could watch just one event in person, which one would you choose? 

I may watch the opening ceremonies as they are generally most impressive but probably will only catch it in bits and pieces.

If I could watch one event in person it would be gymnastics.  I've always enjoyed gymnastics but since our 9 year old granddaughter (pictured above)  is quite the gymnast, it's gone to a new level for me.  I will add that it is nerve wracking for me to watch and especially when Andi Kate is competing. 

2. Have you ever been to Paris? Is this a city you'd like to visit? What's your favorite 'French thing'? 

There was a time that I would have enjoyed going to Paris but I never give it any thought anymore and figure I'll live just as long if I never go. ~smile~

I love the French language and our oldest granddaughter will be taking French this year and she is beyond excited.  We, her family, tried talking her into taking Spanish as we felt it would serve her better.  But, there was no changing her mind and who knows, it just might serve her well.  And, perhaps she will want to take her CiCi to Paris and she can do all the communicating. 

3. Macaron, creme brulee, chocolate soufle, mille feuille, or an eclair...your favorite French patisserie from the ones listed? 

Hands down, the Eclair!  I was reminded this past weekend of how much I like them.  We were at a gathering and the hostess served Eclair Cake.  OMG! it was sooooo good! 

4. July 24th is National Cousins you have many cousins? Are you close to them? Will you see any of your cousins on July 24th? 

I have 10 cousins located in Arkansas, Alabama and Virginia.  Regretfully, I have never lived near any of them and have not seen any of them in a while.  No, I will not see any of them today.  In spite of the distance, I do feel a closeness to them.

5.  Last time you went somewhere that felt like 'everyone and his cousin' was there? 

I NEVER go to Walmart on the weekend unless it is absolutely necessary.  But, a couple of weeks ago I had to go in the early afternoon of a Saturday and I promise "everyone and his cousin" was there.  I generally say, "everyone and his brother." ~chuckle~ Drives me bonkers and it's why I avoid afternoons and weekends at Walmart.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Just wanted to report back on a couple of items I have mentioned in my random thought the past month............

I started a subscription to Gardencup to see if we might like them.  And, yes, they were very, very good salads and it is amazing how much is crammed into these containers.  But, the least amount you can order is 6 salads and the least often is every 2 weeks.  That just doesn't work for us.  We do love a good salad but we would need to eat 6 in a week as they are only good for 5 days once they arrive.  So, that subscription was cancelled.

Then I made my very first and only purchase, thus far, from Shein.  If you remember, this dress was $10.87. Unbelievable! It arrived in less than 2 weeks and I could not believe how cute it is and appears to be well made to me.  I have no idea how on earth they can sell it for $10.87 but...............I've not ordered anything else and may not. That remains to be decided.  

In closing I, like many of you, have a very heavy heart for the "state of affairs" of our country. I pray for a miracle of peace and unity to sweep through and hearts to turn to God before our November election.

Happy everything!!!!!

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

The Wednesday Hodgepodge

And, it's Wednesday and that means Joyce has the questions and we have the answers. She's been doing this link up a few years and we are so grateful. 

1. Do you feel older or younger than your age? Elaborate. 
photo taken 3 weeks ago, our youngest gran, Case

Well, I've never been 71 before so not exactly sure what I should feel like.  But, I think I feel mighty good and am still blessed with a lot of "get up and go."  So, I'm going to say I feel younger.  As we know, we all age differently and some folks are "old" at 60 and some are still young at "80."  I'm shooting for being young at 80. ~chuckle~

2. What's one thing you should toss right now, but just can't? 

Perhaps this is odd, but I cannot think of ONE thing that I need to toss but can't.  I stay in a state of "cleaning out and getting rid of." I make multiple trips to the thrift store every month.  Of course, the older I get, the easier it is to toss or better, give to someone that could find a good use for it. Now, when the time comes that I need to have a HUGE tossing, I imagine some things will pull at my heart strings but, I won't labor over it, I'll move on.  It's just what I do. I will not dwell on it.

3. Have you visited many of the 63 National Parks in the US of A? You'll find a list here. Do you have a favorite? What National Park that you haven't seen do you most want to see? 

Hubby and I have done a whole lot of traveling in our 53 years of marriage but those travels have only covered  Hot Springs, The Great Smoky Mts. National Park and the Grand Canyon. I seriously doubt that we will embark upon anymore big trips but those closer to home. So, guess we've seen all the national parks we will be seeing. Who knows?

4. How often do you get take out? What's your favorite? 

It is a rarity for us to get take out, in fact, I can't even remember the last time we did such.

But, guess this is a bit like carry out......I received my first shipment from Gardencup yesterday and we had one of the salads for our dinner last evening.  The jury is still out as to whether or not I will keep the subscription.  I have it set for every two weeks, 6 salads. That is the least amount you can order and the least often you can receive them.  But, I can pause it any time I want to.  The salads are good for 6 days from the day you receive them and I'm pretty sure Hubby and I will not have any trouble eating 3 salads each in 6 days.  We shall see. They have 2 sizes, regular and mini.  I ordered the regular size and there is almost enough in one for both of us. I don't know how they pack so much in one container. If I do order again I might go with the mini size.  Added note: the containers they come in are so cute and I'm trying to find some use for them.  I mean, I can't bring myself to throw them away.  Hey, guess that could be the item I might need to toss. ~big laugh~ 

5. Do you have many (or any) subscriptions? Not necessarily magazines, but thinking more along the lines of boxes or products that companies offer, and you can sign up to receive on a regular basis. Could be weekly, monthly, quarterly, even daily. Tell us about them.

Well, guess, my above answer fits this question as well.  I do not have any other subscriptions except for streaming services, Netflix, Prime, Up, Disney+ and I'm probably forgetting another one. It's crazy! 

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Okay ladies, have you ever ordered from Shein?  I was talking with my hair stylist yesterday while getting my hair done and she and another lady were telling me how much shopping they do on Shein.  I've heard of it but have never, ever checked it out.  My stylist just went to Hawaii and got some of the cutest dresses to take from Shein.  So, just as you have guessed, I came home, checked it out, saw the dress  (pictured above) and yes, I ordered it. I mean, it was $10.87!!!!  How on earth can anything be that inexpensive and even hold together? She said she has washed hers and they still look good.  So, we shall see, but, I figure if it's a total wash, I haven't lost much.


Monday, July 1, 2024

July - Prime Purchases

Unbelievable, but folks, 2024 is half over.  What???  I was at Hobby Lobby the other day and Christmas decor is already out.  I'm not even close to thinking about Christmas, we haven't even celebrated the 4th of July yet.  But, perhaps my Prime Purchases will assist you with your Christmas shopping.  Thanks to Tanya for hosting this fun meme every month.


I wanted some summer "house" shoes and while these are not classified as "house" shoes, that is what I am using them for.  They are very comfortable and can easily be worn outside should I need to.  They come in six colors and are only $20.



I have used eyelash serum for several years and it has definitely made my lashes thicker and longer.  I have never used this brand but a friend of mine swears by it, so I decided to give it a try.  And, it's less expensive than the brand I was using.



I use Lemi Shine appliance cleaner on all my appliances and really like it.  I had never seen this shower cleaner until recently and decided it might be good also.  We have a very large walk in shower and it is a toughie to clean.  Thankfully  I've managed to keep it in tip top shape with the various cleaners I have used.  I've used this a couple of times and am pleased with the results.


I keep a handheld fan in my makeup drawer.  I use it to dry my face after I spray my makeup setting spray.  My last one bit the dust and I replaced it with this one.  This one has about 6 settings and blows extremely hard.  It would be a great cooling fan for outdoor activities.


Hubby ordered this escape ladder to set by the window in our guest suite.  It is the only upstairs area we have, and he wanted to make sure that any guests we might have will have a way to get out in case of a fire.  



I had a large stack of old, old cleaning rags that needed to be replaced.  I decided to give these a try and I'm impressed and they come in such happy colors. ~smile~



If you know me then you know I love a good coffee mug or cup.  And, you also know that I love for them to be insulated as who wants to drink anything but HOT coffee. ~smile~ My daughter introduced me to these and I immediately ordered me some.  I love that the lids screw on tightly and that they fit in cup holders perfectly.  It's a win, win and they also make a great gift.  You can get name or initial decals to dress them up if you want to and why not, it makes them even cuter.


And, there you have it, this months "goodies."  It's hot, hot here in Louisiana and I'm already for fall. So thankful for air conditioning and a way to escape the heat. Have yourself a great new week and always remember to be kind, love each other and wear a smile!

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Wednesday Hodgepodge

I keep thinking I'm going to be a "regular" here on the Hodgepodge, but it seems I'm more the "hit or miss" participant.  But, I sure do enjoy it when I do join in because Joyce always asks such interesting questions.  One would think she might run out of questions but she just keeps coming up with new ones. Now, lets check out the ones for this edition.

1. What do you think has remained the same about you your whole life? How has your perception of yourself changed over time? 
I don't think I've ever met a stranger. I've always made friends very easily and it has served me well, especially in my growing up years.  We moved 7 times between my 1st grade and senior year.  I never thought too much about it, just jumped in, made new friends and went right on.
Another thing that has remained the same is my LOUD laugh.  If I'm laughing, you will likely hear me before you see me. I'd rather laugh than eat when I'm hungry.  And, I've found that laughter is contagious.  Certainly not a bad thing!

2. What was the first thing you learned how to cook? Do you prefer to cook or bake? 

I started cooking at a fairly young age but cannot remember the first thing I learned to cook.  I do know that I learned early on how to prepare a pot roast and veggies for our Sunday lunch.  There were no crockpots, so I put it in an appropriate pan for the oven and covered it tightly with foil.  It would cook the entire time we were at church and be ready for our lunch when we got home.

I MUCH prefer to bake!  The main thing I bake is cookies.  I LOVE baking cookies and have bazillions of different recipes of assorted cookies.  I probably have 400+ in the freezer right now (more on this in my random thought).

3. What are some of your current priorities in this season of life? Elaborate. 

Make the most of everyday.

Don't fret over things that I have no control over.

Count my blessings and name them one by one.

Live a life that points others to Christ, there truly is no greater priority.

Sure do wish I could say that I'm doing a great job at these but afraid I can't say that.  I am trying and recognize very quickly when I fail.  

4. How much time do you spend on your hair each day or, put another way, what's your hair care routine? I am NOT bragging but I have really good hair.  It's thick and coarse and is not oily, just normal. I wash my hair twice weekly, blow it dry, section it off in small sections and flat iron it.  I'm so thankful for the flat iron, otherwise, I'd walk around looking like a bush was growing out of my head.  It's not curly, just has an abundance of body. I will sometimes touch it up with a flat iron between washings but most days I can just run my fingers through it and go.

Do you get it cut regularly or just whenever the mood strikes? I get it cut and colored every 4 weeks without fail.

Do you go to the same stylist every time? I have had several stylist over the years but I stay with the same stylist for a long time. I definitely do NOT hop around.

Do you tell your stylist everything? Not hardly but we do have very good conversation. I've known her for most of her life so we never lack for something to discuss or talk about.

 Any other beauty treatments you indulge in throughout the year? If getting my nails done counts as a beauty treatment, then yes. I have them done about every 2 1/2 weeks and the same gal has been doing them for over 20 years.

5. What is the most awe-inspiring place you've visited? 

While in Israel, we were taken to a spot overlooking Bethlehem. We were not allowed to actually go into the city, but just viewing it at dusky dark was very awe inspiring for sure. I'll cherish the memory forever.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Folks, next Monday, July 1st, this man (Hubby) will celebrate his 50th anniversary as an agent with State Farm Insurance.  Good grief, that's a LONG time! Hard to believe that he opened his office without one policy in the books and built it to what it is today.  It's called a lot of hard work and being blessed with tremendous employees over the years to help him accomplish his goals and dreams.  Of course, the changes that he has seen in insurance over these 50 years could fill a book.  Some good, some, not so good but he survived them all and has enjoyed the benefits of building a successful insurance agency.

His staff and us will host an Open House to celebrate this big occasion on Monday. And, you remember those cookies I mentioned earlier?  Well, they will be served at the Open House. 

Congratulations on a job WELL DONE!

Monday, June 3, 2024

June Prime Purchases

And, here we are, almost half way through 2024. What???? How can it be???  So, perhaps you are already thinking about Christmas presents.  If so, there may be something here that "fits the bill."  Thanks to Tanya for this monthly link up.


My hair dresser uses this type of brush when drying my hair.  I watch how quickly she dries it and how well it styles.  I finally ask her on my last visit what the name was and I went straight to Amazon and there it was.  They come 2 to a package and it is a game changer.


I've been wanting one of these jewelry cleaners for some time and finally ordered one. It works like a charm and your jewels will shine brightly after going through a cycle.


I have a moderate size closet, or at least I think it's moderate.  Some might think it is big.  I do have the pull down rods  which double the hanging  space.  But, I need more hanging room and these are the greatest tools to give more hanging space.  I've never seen anything like them but happened across them while looking for something else.  They are definitely not inexpensive but, for me, they are worth the cost.   If you are looking to increase the hanging space in your closet, you need these.


I love these as shawls.  I carry one with me every Sunday, no matter the month or the temperature.  It can get so cool in our worship center and I am always prepared with  one of these.  I did not have a white one but I do now.  They are so affordable and are such an attractive wrap and provide just the right amount of warmth.  And, it comes in about 20 colors.


I have seen these around folks necks at the ball park in recent years and this year I decided I needed/wanted one.  Well, they are the "cats meow" as some would say. It has 3 speeds and when on the highest speed, it really feels good.  And, it's rechargeable and would be great for working in the yard, walking and any other time you need cooling.



This is a most attractive wax burner and I loved that it came in an antique bronze. I am amazed at how well melted wax fills a room with such a nice fragrance.  And, there are a bazillion different melts of all fragrances.  And, when this is not in use, it's an attractive lamp light.


I have two ovens but there are still rare occasions  that I could use an additional means to keep an item warm.  This is the neatest warming  pad I've ever seen.  It rolls up so it is very easy to store and it is a very nice size.  I can't believe  I haven't had this long before now.


Pickleball has swept the country in recent years and continues to gain in popularity.  Our son and granddaughters love it and play any chance they can.  Our circle drive is a perfect place to play.

And, this portable nets fits across the driveway perfectly.  It comes with a very nice bag but we found that it is really too small and too hard to use.  So, I ordered a larger one.  It is portable but does take a few minutes to set up but, well worth it, if you are going to play a while and it can be left up if rain isn't in the forecast.  


I'm not going to lie, I love a label maker!  I can find more uses for it.  I use it often in labeling my cookie containers.  I have another Niimbot label maker but this one makes much bigger labels and has the ability to add graphics to the labels as well.  It operates from an app on your smart phone.  I find it a "handy dandy" item to have on hand.

And, that's it for this go around.  Have a great new week !

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The Wednesday Hodgepodge

I am so thrilled to be participating in the HP today. Joyce always comes up with such thought provoking questions that are fun to answer.  I have gotten so slack in blogging and often think that I'll get back with it.  But, life gets in the way and the weeks turn to months and the months to years.  I have a lot of thoughts and subjects rolling around in my mind for good blog fodder.  So, perhaps I'll surprise you and get back with it.  Time will tell.

1. Growing up, at what age did you think you'd become an adult? At what age did you actually become an adult? 
Oh, my goodness, that was a VERY long time ago but I'm pretty sure I thought I would be an adult when I celebrated my 18th birthday.  I can remember thinking, "if I were only 18."  I was 2 months shy of my 19th birthday when I got married.  Yes, scares me too death to think about that now.  But, thankfully, Hubby was 5 years older and had plenty of patience and I can assure you that I tested it in our early years (and he might say I still do). ~ chuckle~  I probably didn't actually take on an adult mindset until  I became a Mother at the age of 23

2.  What's a favorite item you've bought this year?

This little cherry wood accent table.  Did I need it, NO! Did I want it, YES! This is one of our guest bathrooms and one that company uses and Hubby and I use it if we don't want to go all the way to our bathroom.  I have been in this bathroom a bunch of times and putting an accent table in it has never crossed my mind.  But, a couple of weeks ago I walked in and I thought the bird picture would look so nice with a small table under it.  So, the hunt began.  I found this on Wayfair and it arrived 2 days later and it could not be more perfect.  I have two arrangements being created right now to go on it, one on the top and one on the bottom shelf. It will be complete and I think a nice addition.  And, yes, it is just one more thing that our kids will likely have to add to an estate sale one day.  But, until then, I will enjoy it. ~smile~

3. May 28th is National Hamburger Day...are you a fan? If so, how do you like yours? When was the last time you had a hamburger? Besides the backyard grill, what's your favorite place to go for a burger? 

It's been a couple of weeks and yes, I am a fan.  But, I do not like thick patties and I want them completely done.  I really prefer to eat my own hamburgers as so many places make them so thick.  I like mine with a chipolte mayo, lettuce, onion and dill pickles, NO tomatoes.  I rarely, if ever, eat a hamburger when we go out to eat.

4.  How have your priorities changed over time? 

I think for most, as we age, our priorities change for the better. We realize what is really important and don't sweat the small things nearly as much.  I place more priority on meaningful relationships (family and friends), my own self improvement, my walk with the Lord  and making a positive difference in the lives of others. And, I'm sure I still have more work to do in this area. And, way back when, I'm pretty sure I didn't even have any idea what priority meant and certainly had none. 

5. What's one thing on your June calendar you're really looking forward to? 

In about 3 weeks these 2 "monkeys" and their Momma will be coming for a short visit. Their big brother and Daddy will stay behind to mind the dogs, horses and sheep. They have a super busy summer and the #1 priority at their house is to give Momma all the time she needs to finish up her dissertation.  Yes, she's almost to the end and "if the Lord's willing and the creeks don't rise" she will defend her dissertation towards the end of Oct. And, at that time will be "crowned" with her Doctorate in Math Education.  All in 3 1/2 years.  It has taken the boys and her husbands full support to accomplish such.  Anyway, we look forward to seeing her and the two littles for 2-3 days.  

6. Insert your own random thought here

This guy right here, my sweet Daddy, has kept me hopping in recent months.  As you can tell from the picture, he has no teeth.  That's right, it was decided last summer that the teeth he had left needed to come out.  That took about 4 months and then after some time to heal, we started in on the process of getting dentures.  Good grief, what a process! I've taken him for 4 visits and we have 2 more and he will finally get them.  Now, is he going to wear them, that remains to be seen.  It will be a huge adjustment for him as he hasn't had a full mouth of teeth in many, many years. 

And, he has another Squamous Cell cancer on his left hand.  I say another because he had one last year, on the same hand,  and it was a huge ordeal because it was misdiagnosed for months and he almost lost his little finger.  But, this one just came up and we will begin the removal process in 2 weeks and hopefully it will be a much simpler and quicker process.  Might I add, these Drs. are all 25 miles away, so it takes some time and some of the visits are rather long.

It can be overwhelming to me at times and yes, I am blessed to still have my Daddy but it doesn't mean that his care doesn't get heavy at times.  I have someone who assists me in the overseeing of his day to day care but when it comes to Drs. visits, that needs to be my responsibility. And, trying to work in my own routine Dr. appointments along with his, well, it gets challenging at best.

On a lighter note, as you can see in the above picture, he is on a scooter.  Can I tell you that he has been like a kid with a new toy since getting that.  I really tried to talk him out of it as I feel like his walking is very important to keeping the use of his legs.  He has used a cane and a walker for the past several years and manages just fine with those.  But, he got it in his head that he "needed" a scooter to go down to the dining room.  My bother and I discussed it and decided that he has very few bright spots in his life and if he wanted a scooter that badly then he could have one.  It is truly  the neatest means of transportation for such a reasonable price and far, far better than an electric wheelchair.  It will turn on a dime, it's rechargeable, has some great features and above all, he's so cute on it. ~wink~  I worried, at first, about his very limited vision and how that would work.  But, thankfully, he has managed just fine and tells me daily how much he enjoys it. I made a bargin with him and told him he "had" to walk to one meal a day just for the exercise.  Not sure he's holding up to his end of the bargin but...............

Monday, May 6, 2024

May - Prime Purchases

And, here we are, in the month of May.  We, here in NE Louisiana, are glad to see April go.  It rained, rained and rained some more and we are weary of it.  We do hope it leaves us with gorgeous blooming flowers bursting forth soon.  In the meantime, let's check out my Prime Purchases.


Ladies, this is the best looking cardigan!  If you've hung around here very long then you know I am attracted to pearl embellishments on sweaters.  This is such a cute cardigan and can be dressed up or down.  It's not a heavy sweater and perfect for spring.


These are called the Martha Stewart Bobs and they are so cute and comfortable.  I have a narrow foot and these only come in a medium width, so I put an insole and a heel pad in to help with the fit. I love the elevated sole a whole lot and they come in a natural color that I also got.


I am a fan of lightweight sweaters in the spring and this one "fits the bill." Yes, I'm cold natured and I'd much rather be a tad warm than a tad cool.  It is well made and fits well.  It comes in about 10 different colors, made of 100% cotton and very affordable.  Go grab you one!


 Yes, I do love handbags, in case you have not noticed that.  And, I like ones that easily hold all my "stuff" and this one fits the bill.  It's leather, good price point and comes in 6 colors.  It is a requirement for me that all my handbags have an outside pocket and this one does.  As I've said before, I have a small shopping purse that stays in my vehicle as I do not carry a heavy handbag on my shoulder anymore.  


I'm betting most of you reading this have played Uno but have you played Uno flip?  Well, if you haven't then you need to.  Our daughter taught us to play while we were there a few weeks ago and we had so much fun.  It should almost be called "frustration" as it can certainly be frustrating while playing but that's part of the fun.


Flat top brushes are my new favorite makeup brushes.  They come in various sizes but this is the one I use most.  I use this to put the neutral colored eyeshadow all over my eyelid before applying any color.  It works great!  I also have a much larger version for my loose powder application.


I have taken a liking to olive leaf vine and this one is so realistic.  I ordered the set of two and am using them on our mantle with the automatic twinkle lights intertwined.  I have them set to come on at dusk and I love the ambiance it gives to the room.


I love gazing balls and enjoy using them in a few of our flower beds.  This is my newest one and it is so pretty, especially when the sun hits it.

This is the stand I ordered to place it on.  You can get stands of various heights.  I usually place them a bit under the dirt for stability and all 4 of the ones we have survive the often strong winds we have here on "the hill."  They comes in all sorts of colors and patterns and, for me, are a nice touch.


Who knew there was a battery operated flosser!  Not me, at least not until the other day when my dentist's hygienist told me about this one.  I ordered it immediately and I loved it the minute I used it.  I hate flossing and anything I can do to improve it, makes me happy.  Flossing is so important and this little gadget is making it a tad bit more enjoyable for me.


We needed some new chairs to carry to the ballpark.  We had ones with the woven webbing and it was about worn out.  I wasn't even sure those were made anymore as everyone now has the mumbo jumbo chairs with rockers, lift out drink holders and all the bells and whistles.  Well, those only weight about 25+ pounds and we aren't into carrying that much weight and we aren't into pulling a wagon either.  So, while looking to replace our chairs I ran across these.  AND, they have a shoulder strap that works like a charm and they weigh a mere 7 pounds.  They did have the webbed chairs with straps as well but I like these with the solid seat and back better.  And, they are cute as can be and as we know, cute is always an added bonus. ~chuckle~


I've had a Nix digital frame for about 10 years and was very happy with it but it had about served it's purpose. And digital frames have come a LONG ways in the last 10 years.  So, a couple of weeks I did my research and the Aura is one of the most highly rated digital frames.  I immediately went to Amazon to see if they carried it, and, of course, they did.  It might have taken me 5 minutes to set it up and now I send photos to it thru the Aura app on my phone.  And, the pictures are beautiful when they come across the frame.  I couldn't be happier.  It has way more bells and whistles than my older one.

That wraps up this months Prime Purchases.  Perhaps something peeked your interest either for yourself or for a gift.

Have a wonderful new week!!!