It's Saturday and that means time for 9 questions and 9 answers.

Saturday 9: Love Is All Around (1970)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) This week's song is the theme from The Mary Tyler Moore Show, a sitcom that originally aired from 1970 to 1977. Were you a fan?
Yes and I know every word of this song. This was back in the day of good clean sitcoms. There's no such thing today. Such a shame!
2) The song tells us that Mary Richards can turn the world on with her smile. Yet the real-life Mary Tyler Moore said she was uncomfortable with her "wide mouth." If you could improve on one of your facial features, which would you choose?
Well, I'm overall pretty happy with my face but I wouldn't mind having bigger eyes. I don't have small eyes at all but they could be bigger. ~wink~
3) We also hear that Mary can "take a nothing day and suddenly make it all seem worthwhile." What do you think makes a day "a nothing day?"
Oh, I rarely have "a nothing day" but for me a nothing day would be not really getting dressed, doing nothing, seeing no one or interacting with no one. Unless I'm sick, I'm dressed and accessorized everyday, I do some kind of housework, run errands and generally talk with a friend or two and hopefully in all that I've done something with eternal value.
4) Mary works in the newsroom at WJM. Her desk is neat as a pin. Are you neat? Or do you lean to the sloppy side?
Oh, goodness, I'm a "neat freak." I operate by the premise that everything has a place and everything should be in it's place. I mean, life is (for me anyway) so much better and so much easier that way.
5) Mary's best friend, Rhoda, worked as a window dresser at Hempel's department store. What department store did you most recently shop at? What did you buy?
This past week my DIL and my two Granddaughters went shopping for some back to school clothes for the oldest one. Our last stop was to Dillard's where we found some cute things for her at some great sale prices. Trouble is, just about everything she tries on looks great on her, but she definitely has her opinion and is not shy about saying whether she likes it or not.
6) Mary Richards lived in Minneapolis. What city is nearest to where you are right now?
Well, Monroe is where I go for any big shopping that I may have but if you mean a bigger city, then that would be Shreveport (about 2 hours from us).
7) Originally the part of Mary Richards was written as a divorcee, but in 1970, there were no TV shows that centered around a divorced woman. Think about the women in your life. Are most of them married, divorced, single or widowed?
Most of the women in my life are married but I do have a few that are widowed.
8) The MTM production company logo featured a mewing kitten. The cat was found in a Minneapolis shelter, and, after her sequence was shot, she was adopted by a crew member who named her Mimsie. What's the name of the last cat -- or dog or hamster or rabbit -- that you petted?
I cannot even think of the last cat or dog that I petted. It would most likely be one of the Rag Dog cats owned by a dear friend of mine. I'm not much on cats, dogs or other furry creatures but if I were, I would own a Goldendoodle, hands down, they make the best pets and hardly even know they aren't human.
9) Random question -- Would you rather have a job that kept you seated on your fanny or standing on your feet?
Well, I would prefer to have a mixture of about 70% standing and moving around and 30% sitting. Not even sure if there is such a job but I have to move.

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) This week's song is the theme from The Mary Tyler Moore Show, a sitcom that originally aired from 1970 to 1977. Were you a fan?
Yes and I know every word of this song. This was back in the day of good clean sitcoms. There's no such thing today. Such a shame!
2) The song tells us that Mary Richards can turn the world on with her smile. Yet the real-life Mary Tyler Moore said she was uncomfortable with her "wide mouth." If you could improve on one of your facial features, which would you choose?
Well, I'm overall pretty happy with my face but I wouldn't mind having bigger eyes. I don't have small eyes at all but they could be bigger. ~wink~
3) We also hear that Mary can "take a nothing day and suddenly make it all seem worthwhile." What do you think makes a day "a nothing day?"
Oh, I rarely have "a nothing day" but for me a nothing day would be not really getting dressed, doing nothing, seeing no one or interacting with no one. Unless I'm sick, I'm dressed and accessorized everyday, I do some kind of housework, run errands and generally talk with a friend or two and hopefully in all that I've done something with eternal value.
4) Mary works in the newsroom at WJM. Her desk is neat as a pin. Are you neat? Or do you lean to the sloppy side?
Oh, goodness, I'm a "neat freak." I operate by the premise that everything has a place and everything should be in it's place. I mean, life is (for me anyway) so much better and so much easier that way.
5) Mary's best friend, Rhoda, worked as a window dresser at Hempel's department store. What department store did you most recently shop at? What did you buy?
This past week my DIL and my two Granddaughters went shopping for some back to school clothes for the oldest one. Our last stop was to Dillard's where we found some cute things for her at some great sale prices. Trouble is, just about everything she tries on looks great on her, but she definitely has her opinion and is not shy about saying whether she likes it or not.
6) Mary Richards lived in Minneapolis. What city is nearest to where you are right now?
Well, Monroe is where I go for any big shopping that I may have but if you mean a bigger city, then that would be Shreveport (about 2 hours from us).
7) Originally the part of Mary Richards was written as a divorcee, but in 1970, there were no TV shows that centered around a divorced woman. Think about the women in your life. Are most of them married, divorced, single or widowed?
Most of the women in my life are married but I do have a few that are widowed.
8) The MTM production company logo featured a mewing kitten. The cat was found in a Minneapolis shelter, and, after her sequence was shot, she was adopted by a crew member who named her Mimsie. What's the name of the last cat -- or dog or hamster or rabbit -- that you petted?
I cannot even think of the last cat or dog that I petted. It would most likely be one of the Rag Dog cats owned by a dear friend of mine. I'm not much on cats, dogs or other furry creatures but if I were, I would own a Goldendoodle, hands down, they make the best pets and hardly even know they aren't human.
9) Random question -- Would you rather have a job that kept you seated on your fanny or standing on your feet?
Well, I would prefer to have a mixture of about 70% standing and moving around and 30% sitting. Not even sure if there is such a job but I have to move.

NOTE: My birthday is tomorrow and I have been celebrating and will continue celebrating the next few days. We'll be headed to Oklahoma tomorrow for part of my celebration and I'll have a "Birthday Recap" post as soon as I can upon our return. See you then!!!