Wednesday, March 6, 2024

A Saucy Hodgepodge

And, it's Wednesday again, it rolls around very regularly and Joyce always shows up with new questions.  And, here's my answers...........

1. Has March come in like a lion where you live? If not a lion then what animal would you use to describe the weather in your area this first week of March? Does the weather affect your emotions? When did you last feel 'under the weather'? 

My goodness gracious (as my Grandmother use to say), March has most definitely come in like a lion here.  We had a storm to beat all storms Monday afternoon.  Blinding rain and damaging force winds.  It was crazy and electricity was out for about 10 hours following it.  It was one of those times that we were so thankful we put in a full house generator when we built.  

Yes, when it rains for several days it definitely affects my emotions. I am a sunshine kinda gal and when all I see is rain it's a real downer.

I had strep throat about 6 weeks ago and I really thought that was a "kids thing." But, guess not.  I was quite uncomfortable for a couple of days but once the injection and meds went to work, I felt fine.

2. Do you know what your name means? Does the meaning of your name fit with your personality? Do you like your name? If you have children did you consider the meaning of their names before choosing them? 

I never think about the meaning of my name but am pretty sure I've looked it up before.  It means, delicate, weary, meadow. 

 Hummm........  No, the meaning of my name does not fit with my personality.  I'm not delicate, feminine, but not delicate.  I can be weary but it's not all that often and I'm not even sure how meadow relates.  

I do like my name. My middle name is Beth and I was called Lea Beth until my late teen years and then I dropped the Beth and have been called Lea ever since.

Our children's names are, Brandon and Bridget and the meaning of those names never entered our minds when we named them.  I just thought they were cute names that began with the same letter. No joke!  I will say that with their middle names they both have very nice family names but, I'll keep their middle names a mystery. ~smile~

3. It's National Sauce Month...what's your favorite sauce? Last thing you ate that used a sauce? 

Well, not sure this is considered a sauce but I use it as a sauce as well as a dressing.  I always dip chicken stripes in it and that was the last thing I ate using it as a sauce.  And, it's the BEST!

4. Something you've seen, tasted, done lately that you'd describe as 'awesome sauce'? 

I cannot think of anything I've tasted lately that I would describe in such a fashion.  

But, we have been to watch this little cutie (our 9 year old granddaughter) compete in gymnastics the past two weekends.  That was definitely 'awesome sauce'.  I almost have to hide my eyes when she does her beam routine but she did very well in both competitions and she has a couple more coming up.

Hubby and I were at friends this past weekend and 5 couples engaged in a Cornhole Tournament.  We've never played and dear readers, we were the champions (that's definitely 'awesome sauce').  Yes, you read that right! And, might I add, I made the bulk of the points.  I truly had no idea what I was doing but, obviously I had the hang of the throw.  

5. What kinds of things do you love to collect? 

At his point in my life there is nothing I love to collect.  But, over the years I have enjoyed collecting Santa's, pretty dishes, pottery, Andrea birds and on it goes.  But, within recent years I've quit collecting as I truly do have PLENTY and I need no more to have to get rid of 'down the road.'  Now, I do love to add to my cookie recipes if that counts. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

After the storm Monday, we were left, as I said, without electricity and also internet and cable.  We do have a generator but that does NOT help with internet and cable.  It went out about 2:30 and was restored about 5:00 Tuesday afternoon.  That's a little over 24 hours.  Well, folks, I felt like I had had my right arm cut off.  I'm a bit ashamed to say that but it's the truth.  I do so many financial things on my computer and yes, I do use it for pleasure as well.  I'm so use to going to the computer, pulling up what I need when I need it and that didn't happen for a whole day.  It truly is a bit scary that, as a society and as a country we are so dependent on the internet.  That's all I'll say about that.......... Thankfully Audible still worked and I got in a whole lot of listening time.


Monday, March 4, 2024

March Prime Purchases

And, here we are in March! Time flies when you are having fun or time flies when you are older. ~chuckle~  Either way, we are almost one third through 2024.  Now, let's take a look at some of my Amazon grabs.


I have tried different types of diffusers and I've tried Pura.  I'll take these Essential Mist Diffusers by Air Wick over anything I've tried over the past few years.  These are soooo easy to use and there are several choices of fragrances.  I am using two of them in our bedroom at night to diffuse Lavender.  When you turn them on they run for 8 hours and then will turn on at that exact time the next day.  They are battery operated.  There is no filling with water, or dropping oil in the water.  I also got some for my Dad's apartment at the assisted living facility.  I'm using a citrus fragrance for him and it has definitely given his little space a fresher fragrance.  And, the containers are non-descript and just sort of blend in with any decor.  It's a win, win!


I don't know about you, but I like for my kitchen dish cloth and kitchen hand towel to match. These are just perfect and come in 4 different colors.  They are the perfect thickness and I'm thrilled that I found these.  I got the red and grey sets. 



The silky blouses are still all the rage and the prints in this one are so pretty.  I love the lantern style sleeves.


I reworked my coffee bar area and got this black metal sign to stick on the subway tile where the coffee pot sits.  It is too cute and more importantly, it makes me happy.  I used command strips to hang it and they work like a charm.


I had this same amaryllis at Christmas except that it had a silver glitter waxed bulb.  I had so much fun watching it grow and it was perfectly gorgeous and lasted and lasted.  I decided to get another one in a spring colored wax and perhaps it will bloom around Easter.  I have no idea who came up with these waxed amaryllis but they are a genius.  You do nothing but sit them where you want them and then just enjoy watching them grow.  I mean, what's not to like about that?  And, they make the nicest gifts.


This is a beautiful tray and I do love hammered copper.  I will be using it in various ways and likely stand it on its edge on the counter against the wall when I'm not using it.  It's a lovely decorative piece as well.


Who knew about these?  Not me!  A sweet lady at our church that enjoys baking cookies as much I do told me about them a couple of weeks ago.  I could not find them at either of our local stores and was pretty sure that I would find them on trusty Amazon.  And, I was right!!!  They come 3 to a package. Just take your favorite chocolate chip recipe and use these in the place of the chocolate chips and you can thank me later.  What's not to like about Sea Salt Caramel???


I ordered some of these about 3 years ago and now need to up my readers to 1.75 so I ordered another package.  And, they have the blue light blocker.  They have several color packs to choose from and if you are like me, I want a pair laying wherever I need them.  I do not want to have to go hunt down a pair.


Do you get the feeling that I like hammered copper?  Well, I do.  And, these little tumblers are so cute.  I will not be using them for tumblers but rather for floral arrangements for something I have coming up in April.  Won't they be the cutest?  And, so affordable!


Okay, have you ever heard of a drink table? I had not until  I saw one of these in a catalog I was looking at the other day and I have 2-3 places I could sure one of these.  But, I'll start with just this one and their easy enough to move around.  I like to have a place for a drink by all chairs.  I am using this one by a rocking chair that has no room for a side table, but this "little jewel" works great.


Okay, that's it for this month.  Perhaps you saw something that you need/want.