2. Do you know what your name means? Does the meaning of your name fit with your personality? Do you like your name? If you have children did you consider the meaning of their names before choosing them?
I never think about the meaning of my name but am pretty sure I've looked it up before. It means, delicate, weary, meadow.
Hummm........ No, the meaning of my name does not fit with my personality. I'm not delicate, feminine, but not delicate. I can be weary but it's not all that often and I'm not even sure how meadow relates.
I do like my name. My middle name is Beth and I was called Lea Beth until my late teen years and then I dropped the Beth and have been called Lea ever since.
Our children's names are, Brandon and Bridget and the meaning of those names never entered our minds when we named them. I just thought they were cute names that began with the same letter. No joke! I will say that with their middle names they both have very nice family names but, I'll keep their middle names a mystery. ~smile~
3. It's National Sauce Month...what's your favorite sauce? Last thing you ate that used a sauce?
Well, not sure this is considered a sauce but I use it as a sauce as well as a dressing. I always dip chicken stripes in it and that was the last thing I ate using it as a sauce. And, it's the BEST!
4. Something you've seen, tasted, done lately that you'd describe as 'awesome sauce'?
I cannot think of anything I've tasted lately that I would describe in such a fashion.
But, we have been to watch this little cutie (our 9 year old granddaughter) compete in gymnastics the past two weekends. That was definitely 'awesome sauce'. I almost have to hide my eyes when she does her beam routine but she did very well in both competitions and she has a couple more coming up.
Hubby and I were at friends this past weekend and 5 couples engaged in a Cornhole Tournament. We've never played and dear readers, we were the champions (that's definitely 'awesome sauce'). Yes, you read that right! And, might I add, I made the bulk of the points. I truly had no idea what I was doing but, obviously I had the hang of the throw.
5. What kinds of things do you love to collect?
At his point in my life there is nothing I love to collect. But, over the years I have enjoyed collecting Santa's, pretty dishes, pottery, Andrea birds and on it goes. But, within recent years I've quit collecting as I truly do have PLENTY and I need no more to have to get rid of 'down the road.' Now, I do love to add to my cookie recipes if that counts.
6. Insert your own random thought here.