It's good to be back with the HP. I've been MIA the last 2-3 weeks but I'm back with it and ready to answer Joyce's questions this week.
1. When is the last time you experienced nostalgia?
Just the last couple of days. Unbeknownst to me, daughter and son days were just observed. While I didn't really acknowledge them on those days, I did do a lot of reflecting on "bygone days" and what a wonderful privilege it is to be their Momma.
2. September 29th is National Coffee Day. Do we need this? Ha! So are you a coffee drinker? If so how many cups per day, and tell us how you like it. Is there a recipe you enjoy that calls for coffee as one of the ingredients?
No! we do not need it but there seems to be a day for just about any and every thing. Yes, I have been a coffee drinker for many years. My paternal Grandpa started fixing me milk coffee when I was 6 years old and I've loved it ever since. I start my day with a cup and probably drink 2 full cups a morning and I only drink out of an insulated mug. I'm only into HOT coffee, not lukewarm. I like powdered creamer, a heaping teaspoon of Stevia and about a half teaspoon of cinnamon. Yum, it's so good! Funny that if I have coffee any other time of the day I only want the creamer. I only do sweetner and cinnamon in the morning. I can't think of a recipe that I use that calls for coffee.
3. Do you find praise or criticism to be more motivating? Explain.In general I find praise to be far more motivating and believe that it is for most folks. But, if criticism is done in a constructive way, it, too, can be motivating. I'm all about praising folks and try to do my fair share of it.
4. What's a television series you keep coming back to and re-watching?
I can honestly say that I have never re-watched a television series. I've just never been into watching series or movies again. An added note......Tommy and I started watching the TV series, Heartland, about a month ago and we are enjoying it. It should keep us busy for a while as it is 13 seasons and we are just now on season 4. We've really gotten into watching series on Netflix and Prime in the past year. We love choosing our time and not being interrupted by commercials.
5. As the month of September draws to a close give us three words to describe your mood.
6. Insert your own random thought here.