Saturday, April 27, 2019

Saturday 9 - Every Time You Go Away

Saturday 9

Saturday 9: Every Time You Go Away (1985)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This song is about separation. Who is the last person you said goodbye (or maybe just "so long") to?

So, I assume this means someone that lives off and we likely do not see often.  With that being said, it would be my husband's sister (pictured above) and her husband.  They were here earlier this month for a visit and we likely will not see them for a few more months.  But, we really are fortunate in that we do get to see our siblings quite often considering the distance between us and for that, we are thankful.  My brother and his wife were here in March and Hubby's other sister and her husband will be here next week.  Our door has been swinging back and forth the past couple of months. 

2) This week's featured artist, Paul Young, was a gifted athlete during his school days and briefly played professional football (aka soccer). Sam enjoys playing tennis, though her serve doesn't give Serena Williams anything to worry about. What's something you enjoy doing, even if you don't excel?

Not anymore, but there was a time when I was an avid tennis player.  I was not #1 but I was definitely an average player and had a great time all the years I played. In the above picture, taken about 25 years ago, my good friend and I (on the left) had just won our doubles competition in  a tournament. ~we were quite proud~

3) Mr. Young and his wife Stacy were married for 31 years, until her death in 2018. What do you think is the key to a happy marriage?

This 18 year old bride did not have a clue when she got married.  But, thankfully, Hubby and I had the things that mattered most going for us, belief in God and His will and belief that marriage was forever.  Marriage takes a whole LOT of give and take, a whole lot of forgiveness, and a whole lot of love.

4) Paul Young's performance of this hit song was one of the highlights of the July 1985 Live Aid Concert. This international benefit raised more than $100 million to alleviate hunger in Ethiopia. Tell us about a charity you support.
At this time, we do not support a charity.  We do support our church with our tithes and offerings and special offerings that they have from time to time.  And, we support a dear, dear friend and his wife in their mission work.

5) This song was written by Daryl Hall, of Hall and Oates. What's your favorite Hall and Oates song?

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I liked several of their songs, but Private Eyes (1981) was the first one that came to my mind.  I knew every word of it and I haven't thought about it in years and years and now I can't stop singing it. ~thank you very much~

6) In 1985, when this song was popular, the New Coke was unsuccessfully introduced. What's the last beverage you drank?
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I am sitting here drinking water as I do most all day long every day.  I use to never drink water, could not stand it, but 3 years ago I made myself start drinking water and the longer I drank it, the more I wanted it.  It's become a good habit for me.

7) In 1985, the New York Stock Exchange had to close because of Hurricane Gloria. Has a hurricane shared your name? (Find a list of recent/upcoming storm names here.)

Image result for the name Lea

No, a hurricane has never shared my name.  Guess it just doesn't have the sound of a hurricane name.

8) 1985 was the year that the Titanic wreckage was discovered. There have been at least 11 movies and TV shows about the fatal voyage. Have you seen any of them?
The film poster shows a man and a woman hugging over a picture of the Titanic's bow. In the background is a partly cloudy sky and at the top are the names of the two lead actors. The middle has the film's name and tagline, and the bottom contains a list of the director's previous works, as well as the film's credits, rating, and release date.

I have only seen the movie, Titanic and I loved it.  I think it's been so long ago that I would enjoy seeing it again.

9) Random question: Would you rather own and run a coffee shop or a shoe store? Why?

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Well, I love them both but I think I'd enjoy a coffee shop over a shoe store.  Coffee shops generally attract folks that are fairly social and I think it would be fun to watch folks enjoy visiting, browsing on their computers, staring into space or just killing time while drinking a good cup of Java by themselves or with friends.  But, truth be known, it would be fun to have a shoe store with a coffee shop next door.  Hubby's could go next door, enjoy a cup of coffee while their wives shop for shoes.  Now, that's a good idea!!

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Wednesday Medley - Pigs In A Blanket

Every week I am appalled by some of the "national days."  But, today, I am more than appalled, National Pig in a Blanket Day.  Are you kidding me????

National Pigs in a Blanket Day - April 24

1.  Typically served as an hors d'oeuvre, have you ever made or had a Pig-in-a-Blanket?  Do you like Pigs-in-a-Blanket?

I have not ever made them but I have eaten them.  I like them when "Lil Smokies" are used to make them.  And, I do not care to have mustard, catsup, etc to dip them in.  I like mine plain.
2.  Pigs-in-a-blanket are also known as devils on horseback, kilted sausages, and wiener winks. (Seriously.)  Please make up another name for this fun little appetizer!
Well, what about "crowd pleasers?"
3.  In the UK, pigs-in-blankets are small sausages, or chipolatas wrapped up in bacon.  Which country's version is most appealing to your taste buds?
Image result for sausages wrapped in bacon

Lil Smokies wrapped in bacon sound awesome to me.  I mean, everything's better with bacon isn't it? 
4.  The first written record of pigs-in-a-blanket occurs in Betty Crocker's Cooking for Kids in 1957.  In this digital world, do you still have a favorite cookbook you use most of the time?  Is there a recipe you can share with us from that cookbook?
Plastic Comb The Cotton Country Collection Book

This is, without a doubt, my favorite cookbook.  It is about 40+ years old and was done by the Jr. League in Monroe (about 22 miles from us).  Even though it is my favorite, I rarely ever use it or any other cookbook anymore.  I just quickly browse the internet and generally can find exactly what I'm looking for.  It's so much easier than browsing cookbooks. ~in my opinion~  But, I do occasionally enjoy just looking through cookbooks, especially prior to the holidays. 
5.  What is your favorite cooking show on TV?
Image result for pioneer woman

Ree Drummond, the Pioneer Woman, hands down!!!!!  I rarely watch her show, but, when I do I certainly enjoy it.  She's so "down to earth" and makes everything look so simple.  And, speaking of cookbooks, hers are so much fun to browse.  She has step by step pictures to go along with each recipe.  I have all 4 of her recipe books and love them all.  I have not used hardly any of her recipes but I sure do enjoy browsing them.
6.  Tell us something random about your week, please!

One of our office staff had this top on yesterday and I thought it was so cute.  I asked her where she had gotten it and she said she purchased it at Wal-Mart on Monday.  Well, my shirt didn't hit my back before I was at Wal-Mart seeing if they still had them.  And, lo and behold they did!  They had one left and it was my size and only $13.86.  I mean, you can't beat that.  It is so cute with the winged sleeves and the tie at the bottom.  What a fun summer top this is going to be!  I go to Wal-Mart 3-4 times a week but I never browse the clothes section.  I'm thinking maybe I need to in the future.  This is a cotton, linen and rayon blend and has a great feel.  They also had it in white, so I snagged one of those as well.  And, that's my random thought for today!

Monday, April 22, 2019

Easter and a BIG Surprise!!

We had our family Easter on Saturday.  Our son and his family came and of course, we would loved to have had our daughter and her family.  But, that 8 hour drive is just a little far for a weekend visit. Shucks!

Poppa grilled some awesome steaks and I fixed the trimmings and we ate at noon.  Afterwards we headed outside where the bunny had left eggs to be hunted.  The girls took off and had a good time finding them.  The bunny had a few surprises for them and I think he made them pretty happy.  I don't do baskets for our Grans but do ask their Moms about something they might want and I get it for them.  Guess you might say I give them an Easter gift. ~smile~

On Easter we joined the kids for worship and it was such a moving service.  

From the praise and worship to the message it was the perfect way to celebrate our Risen Savior. 

And, these two little dolls are just getting so big and they looked so precious in their Easter frocks.  I was a proud CiCi for sure. 

And, these two, well, look at those smiles!!! When I got this picture from their Momma I wanted to just reach out and grab them.  There are times that I struggle with the distance between us and yesterday was one of those days.  The Easter bunny found his way to their house too.

And, now for this...............

If you are my friend on Facebook then more than likely you already know our BIG surprise!
About 6 weeks ago our daughter called and said she had something to tell us.  Well, we all know that when our kids say that, it's generally BIG news.  And, was it ever!!!!  I guessed that they were either moving or that she was pregnant.  I was right!!!!  She will be having her 3rd child, another boy and our 5th Gran.  Folks, I'm pretty sure it was the biggest shock of my life.  No joke!  I mean, Bridget will be 40 years old in July and already has an almost 11 and almost 4 year old.  But, she and her husband had always desired to have 3 children and the Lord is granting the desire of their hearts.  I'm trying not to think about that 8 hour drive and how much older we will be with this one than with our first one. But, this will just give us all the more reason to take extra good care of ourselves so that we can enjoy this precious little guy as we have the other ones.  Bridget is doing well thus far and our prayer is that she will continue to as her past track record was tough.  Aren't those shirts just the cutest??  

And, I leave you with this..............

Clancy had a golf match this past Saturday and Coleman had such a good time enjoying the beautiful course while big brother played.  It's going to be so interesting to see if baby boy #3 has as big of a smile as his two brothers do.

Have a great week!!

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Saturday 9 - Happy Easter

B J Thomas was one of my most favorite artist "back in the day."

Saturday 9: Mighty Clouds of Joy (1974)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This song celebrates serenity. Are you feeling peaceful this morning?  
Indeed I am, it's a beautiful morning after some not so beautiful and very wet and stormy days.  It's Easter weekend and celebrating the risen Savior is the giver of the greatest peace anyone can experience. 

2) The lyrics include allusions to sun and clouds. How does the world look where you are? Is it sunny or cloudy?
Just as I stated above, we have had some rainy dreary days lately but thankfully today is looking to be a beautiful day full of sunshine.  A perfect Easter weekend!  And, we will enjoy our family celebration today.

3) This week's featured artist, BJ Thomas, is in the Grammy Hall of Fame for another hit record that uses weather as a metaphor, "Raindrops Keep Fallin' on My Head." Make up a Hall of Fame that you believe you should be inducted into. (For example, Crazy Sam has inducted herself into The Meme Mistress Hall of Fame for her service to Saturday 9.)

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I would be inducted into the Queen of Organization.  I came into the world organized, it has always come natural to me.  Both of my parents were highly organized, so I saw it lived out before me my entire life.  It's as natural as breathing for me.

4) When Crazy Sam hears this song, she always sings along ... loud. Is there a song you simply cannot resist singing along with?
Well, it varies from time to time.  It's never the same song.  I generally listen to old hymns on my Alexa Echo every morning and sing along with almost every one of them.  It's a great start to my day!

5) BJ Thomas has performed this song at The Grand Ole Opry. The Opry has been broadcast on the radio every week since 1925, nearly 95 years ago! Of course, back in the 1920s, radio was the only broadcast media. Today we have other choices. Is listening to the radio part of your daily routine? 

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My car radio stays on Channel 69, Escape, easy listening station.  It is not noisey and just a nice soothing music.  There's enough noise otherwise so I choose to listen to quieter music.
6) Though their dress code is lenient, country music fans who attend the Opry for a live show are warned: "Just remember, there's one rule we take very seriously here at the Grand Ole Opry -- you must wear something." Easter Sunday is a day many of us dress up. What will you be wearing?
I'm not really sure, I don't necessarily wear something new for Easter.  I stopped that years ago.  I'll decide what I am going to wear when I walk in my closet in the morning.

7) Easter is recognized as the start of the spring season. What are you looking forward to this spring?

I love everything about spring, our yard is in full bloom, the days are longer and it is such a refreshing time of year.  I do love spring!!!!

8) Lilies are popular at Easter. Do you have a favorite flower?

Image result for mixed spring flowers
Well, I can't pick just one.  So, I'll say say I like most flowers and especially when they are mixed in a beautiful bouquet.

9) Which would rather find in your Easter basket: yellow marshmallow chicks (aka Peeps) or a plastic egg filled with pennies?

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Give me plastic eggs filled with pennies because...............

Image result for yellow peeps
I cannot stand these little guys!  They are wayyyy too sugary!

Image result for Happy Easter

Sunday, April 14, 2019


It's been a couple of weeks since I did a post that wasn't a linkup and I knew that you, my readers, were wondering what I had been up to. Right?  Well, here's what I've been up to lately...........

While my youngest brother and his wife were here about 3 weeks ago, Hubby and I used their help to plant our big pots on the back porch and patio.  It's a big job and it was great to have their young, strong backs assist us. ~smile~

We love our back porch and always enjoy getting it decked out in the spring for the months ahead. And, we get to enjoy the beauty of the porch and patio from inside the house with all our windows. 

Our landscape crew readied all our beds for the spring 2-3 weeks ago.  They put out fresh pine straw and trimmed the plants that needed trimming.  They all look so good now. 

There is a sweet story about this piece of art.  My Daddy bought this from a street artist in Italy in 1950 while he was in the Navy.  It is an oil on canvas and it stayed rolled up in a tube for almost 20 years.  Daddy made a frame for it and stretched it across a wooden frame to put inside the frame.  It hung in our house for many years.  About 20 years ago Daddy took the outer frame off of it and just hung it as a stretched canvas.  He gave the piece to my youngest brother and Joel thought  that it would go in my house better than his.  So, he took it to a framing shop that specializes in heirloom pieces.  It was in such a fragile state and Joel knew it had to be handled very carefully.  Well, this is the finished product!  It turned out just beautiful.  Joel brought it when he came about 3 weeks ago and while I had planned for it to be in another location, the foyer wall just seemed the BEST place for it. It is truly an heirloom that has found it's home for now.  I am thrilled with the piece and love that it has such history.

I took a new bouquet of silk flowers to place on my Mom's grave this past week.  I take flowers each season and it really makes me happy to see how pretty it makes the grave.  I do not go to her grave any other time but I do enjoy the few times a year that I go to place flowers  And, I think that this is fast becoming a "thing of the past."  I don't think my kids generation will ever have the desire to visit or take flowers to our graves.  And, that's just fine, things change.  And, Hubby and I are even discussing being cremated and having our remains put in a mausoleum.  There is a mausoleum 20+ miles from us that has an area for vessels of cremated remains to be placed and it is so lovely.  Once placed, there is no maintenance to be done or no need for flowers and it's always neat and dry inside the mausoleum.  It's very appealing to me but decisions such as this are very individual.  I hope that Hubby and I will have all our plans made and paid for by the time our last breath is taken.  It will sure make it so much easier on our children.

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The week between Palm Sunday and Easter is referred to as Holy Week.  I hope that you will reflect on the difference the resurrection has made in your life as you prepare for your Easter celebration.  And, if the resurrection has not made a difference in your life then I pray that you will change that and accept Jesus as your Savior and experience the difference the resurrection makes in your life.  May this week be extra special as we all prepare for Easter. 

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Saturday 9 - April Love

April Love (1957). Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here. 

1) In this song, Pat Boone sings that April love is a wonder reserved for the very young. Do you think the sensation of falling in love changes as we grow older?
Oh, indeed!  But, I fell in love with my husband at a very, very young age and we married when I was a mere 18 years old (he was 24).  Truth be told, I had no idea what "real" love was and I'd say that rarely does any 18 year old.  Now, that doesn't mean that it can't work out.  We've been married for almost 48 years so I'm living proof that you don't have to have love all figured out for it to work.  I figured it out as we went along and at the age of 66 I definitely view love differently than I did at 18.  And, that's a good thing. ~smile~

2) "April Love" reached #1 on the charts. Between this song and "Love Letters in the Sand," Pat Boone had a career year. Only one artist sold more records in 1957: Elvis Presley. When you think of Elvis, what's the first song that comes to mind?

******Image result for elvis presley  

I was a HUGE Elvis fan.  I saw him in concert twice, once in early 70's and again in a couple of years.  One of the tickets was $7.50 and one was $10.00 and I could not believe that I actually paid that much to go to a concert.  Funny how times have changed!  The song that immediately comes to mind is, "Can't Help Falling In Love."

3) Pat was extremely busy in high school. He wrote for the school paper, ran track, and acted in school plays. Share a memory of your extracurricular activities during high school.
I cannot think of one extracurricular activity I did in high school.  And, I don't remember ever thinking anything about that. Extra curricular activities were the exception rather than the rule at that time. 

4) It was his track coach who introduced Pat to the new girl in school, Shirley Foley. Three years later Pat and Shirley married, and remained man and wife for 65 years, until her death earlier this year. Who is the longest married couple you know?
  Hummm, I do not know.  I know so many folks that have been married 50+ years.  The 50th anniversary doesn't seem to be near the big deal that is was back in my childhood.  I so well remember my Grandparents making that milestone and a huge affair was given in their honor.  I do believe there is a couple in our church that is very close to celebrating 70 years of marriage, but I can't remember who it is.

5) Pat has lived in the same house for more than 60 years. He once received an offer to sell it for $18,000,000 but turned it down because it's the Boone family home and he simply doesn't want to leave. Do you plan on moving in the foreseeable future?

Well, I imagine that we will move at some point.  We had said when we built this house that we felt like we would likely live here about 10 years and then sell and downsize.  We've lived here 3 1/2 years, so who knows?  All I can say is that if someone came along and offered us the right amount of money, we'd sell in a heartbeat. Otherwise,  we love our home and thoroughly enjoy it, so we'll likely be here as long as our health permits. NOTE: the bad spots in our grass have been caused by the excessive rain.  Hubby has treated them and says they are all going to be okay in a few weeks.  Hubby is so particular about our grass and this has been most bothersome to him. ~chuckle~

6) Pat has a warm friendship with his neighbors, Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne. Pat has mentioned in interviews that he has enjoyed bike rides around Beverly Hills with Sharon. Tell us about one of your neighbors. 
Image may contain: one or more people, closeup and outdoor

Nancy and I have been friends for 40+ years and we would have never guessed that we would one day be neighbors.  She lived most of her life in the country, but, after her husband passed away, she decided to move to town.  She has lived here on "the hill" about 2 years longer than we have and she is as happy here in our quiet little neighborhood as we are.  Nancy is a dear treasured friend and we so enjoy now being neighbors.  We may go a while and not actually see each other but we do know that we'd do whatever we could for the other one should a need arise.  I've known Nancy longer than any of our other neighbors but I've known others for quite a long time.  There are only 10 houses and likely will only be a couple of others at some point.  It's a lovely neighborhood, high up on a hill with two beautiful ponds.

7) Mr. Boone was very critical of Barack Obama, enthusiastically supports Donald Trump, and has appeared on Fox News to express his views. How do you feel about celebrities talking politics?
I have about decided that NO ONE needs to talk politics.  I get so sick and tired of all of it and I pretty much don't watch much more than our local news.  So, in general, I think celebrities should stick with their "calling" and keep their political thoughts and comments to themselves. 

8) In 1957, the year this song was popular, Dr. Ian Donald pioneered the use of ultrasound technology. Today ultrasounds are commonly used by doctors in diagnosing conditions affecting the eyes, blood vessels, kidneys, gall bladder and more. Have you ever had an ultrasound?

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Yes, way back in 1979 when I was pregnant with our daughter.  That's the only one I've ever had and I assure you it was not nearly as clear as the one shown above.  I could never even tell it was a baby by the imagine it showed.  And, they sure couldn't tell you what the sex was.  In 1976 when I was pregnant with our son ultrasound was not even available.  I am so amazed by ultrasound today.  You can pretty much see exactly what the baby is going to look like they are so clear, and you can definitely tell the sex.  

9) Random question: You're sitting alone in a restaurant, waiting for a friend. The waiter brings you a drink and the compliments of a member of the opposite sex seated at the bar. What's your reaction? Are you flattered, shocked, embarrassed, intrigued or annoyed?
What a question!! First, I would not be at a bar but if I were, I would be flattered, and annoyed and would send a message back that I was a happily married woman and I walk the straight and narrow when it comes to my marriage. ~shoot straight~
We are experiencing horrible weather here in NE Louisiana today.  Lots of fun events had to be cancelled and we're praying that it doesn't get as bad as they are predicting.  I hope you all are enjoying a beautiful weekend!

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Wednesday Medley - Siblings

And, today's questions are about siblings since it is National Siblings Day.  Who knew?  I really figure that there is likely a Hallmark card commemorating today but I haven't browsed through cards lately so I don't know.  But, I do know that greeting card companies capitalize on any and every day that they possibly can.  Now, one to the questions...............

.National Siblings Day - April 10

1.   How many siblings do you have? Are you rivals or do you support each other in all you do?
I have two brothers and we support each other in all we do, especially my younger brother and me.  

This is me with my brother that is 3 years younger than me.  This is the last picture I have of us and it was taken in 2008.  We were extremely close growing up but, sadly, we haven't seen each other much over the past 40+ years.  He's a great guy and I would love to see him more.

This is my younger brother and me with our Dad last November on Daddy's 89th birthday.  Joel was born just before I turned 13, so when I say younger, he really is YOUNGER.  I adored him as a baby and he's really more like my 3rd child.  He is a special man and I can count on him at any time.  Thankfully, we usually see each other 4-5 times a year.  He currently lives in Iowa.

2.  Have you heard of the Birth Order Book?  What are your thoughts on the premise that your birth order affects everything you do in life?
The New Birth Order Book: Why You Are the Way You Are by Dr. Kevin Leman

Oh, yes, I've not only heard of The Birth Order book but I have read it.  I pretty much fit Dr. Leman's description of the oldest child.  It makes sense to me that our birth order does indeed play a pretty important part in who we are.  But, as in most things, that is not always the case.

3.  Is there something that you still do that drives your siblings crazy?
Perhaps if we lived near each other and were more involved in each other's day to day lives there might be something.  But, I can't think of a thing.

4.  Are you closer to your siblings now than you were when you were younger?
As previously stated, I was much closer to my brother that is 3 years younger than me when we were growing up and now my youngest brother and I are much, much closer than when we were younger.  One reason would be that I married when he was a mere 5 years old and moved 1000 miles away.

5.  Would you dare to tell us an embarrassing story about a sibling?
Well, I would love to if I knew one.  But, I've racked my brain and can't think of a single story.

6.  Tell us something random about your week.

Folks, I just had to share this!  Yesterday my daughter, who lives near Oklahoma City, sent me a text of this picture.  I thought it was a joke.  But, oh, no, a car pulled up beside her at a red light with these little guys/gals staring out the window.  Bridget had to snap a picture and it really appears that they knew as they are certainly posing.  I'm guessing they had just left the groomers and it appears they have fluffy bows on their tails as well. ~mercy me~ Talk about prissy dogs!  I'm pretty sure these two qualify. ~chuckle~ And, these are unedited photos, these colors are that vivid in the photo without editing.  I'm also betting they could be siblings as well. ~just sayin' ~