Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday Fragments

Half-Past Kissin' Time
It's Friday and that means some fragments from the week.  It's been a busy week around here with "house decisions."  Now off to a little "fragging" with Mrs. 4444.........

 Most of you have met Cody, my little adopted Asian grandson.  He is the son of the couple that own the nail salon I have gone to the past 14 years.  They are a very special family to me and they refer to me as their "American Mom."  Hubby and I got to spend some time with all of them this past week out at our new house.  They had not seen it and wanted to check it out since construction had started.  When they drove up Cody (his American name, I cannot even pronounce his Vietnamese name)  started hollaring, "Ms. Lea."  It was his first time to ever call me by name and it melted my heart for sure. He is 3 1/2 and he has a 17 year old sister and a 14 year old brother so he pretty much "rules the roost."  
Things got exciting the other night when we were leaving our friends house.  The road going to their house is surrounded by woods on both sides with a few feet of clearing before the woods start.  Well, Hubby and I are going along and all of a sudden he slams on the brakes and says, "there is a copperhead snake!"  We were in my vehicle and there wasn't a gun in it.  Let me assure you that Hubby is always packing a gun and was so aggravated that he did not think to put one in mine before we left that evening.  Anyway, I thought the snake was in the middle of the road but he spotted it off the side on the ground.  He jumps out, grabs a huge stick and goes to beating that snake to no avail. (see upper right photo)  I am inside the vehicle screaming when the young man that lives across from where the excitement was happening shows up with his pistol.  Tommy steps back and Bart blew the head right off that snake. I decided not to take a picture of that. ~too nasty~
Some of our good friends are moving into their new house this week and asked if we would like to have their packing paper and boxes.  
We're a long ways away from moving but I will likely start going through stuff and packing by November.  So, this worked out great.  I want to take my time and methodically go through things and try to get rid of everything that will not be going to the new house before we ever move.  We shall see how it goes. 
Back in April I had my Dad set up with the Louisiana Center for the Blind.  He has Macular Degeneration and has had for about 20 years and now barely has enough vision to function.  The center got him set up with a digital reader and just about any book that he would like to read is available for his use.  I recently ordered him the Mitford Series by Jan Karon.  He started it on Tuesday and is totally absorbed in them.  I had read them years ago and remembered how very good they were and thought that he would probably enjoy them as well.  It is so wonderful that there are so many wonderful provisions made for those with impaired vision.  Dad's reader definitely adds enjoyment to his day.
And, as if you didn't know, college football gets back and going this weekend.  And, while I don't "get into" football, I will always pull for our Tigers!  Enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Wednesday Hodgepodge

It's back, yes, Joyce enjoyed a well deserved vacation of sorts last week but is back today in full force. So, on with the questions of the week............

1. As August draws to a close, share what's been your favorite weekend of the entire summer?
Well, since it's still fresh on my mind, it would be two weeks ago when my daughter and I went to Dallas for a long weekend.  We attended The Declare Conference but threw in a little "retail therapy" as well.  It was just a great "mother/daughter" time and we haven't had much of that in a long time.

2. Labor Day is marked in the US of A on Monday, September 1st.  What paying job have you held that you've loved the most? Liked the least?

I was in banking before I had our son and I absolutely loved it.  It was in the "good ole banking" days.  I went to work at 8:00 and was home by 2:30 except on Friday and we were open until 6:00. It was also when banking was fun. ~not so much anymore~
When I was in high school I sat with an elderly lady that lived behind us.  I went to her house around 7PM and stayed the night and then went home around 7AM.  I did this 7 days a week and for a high schooler this was a bit confining and caused me to miss a whole lot of fun things.  That did not make me happy but I did learn a lot from this precious lady and she loved me dearly and paid me a whole $3 a night.  That means I made $21 a week and I was absolutely thrilled too death with that. ~my, how times have changed~

3. Does the new school year start before or after Labor Day where you live? When do you think it should begin? There is much discussion now about older students having later start times to their school day...your thoughts?

No the schools in our area started last week and where my daughter-in-law teaches they started the week before.  I think all schools should start after Labor Day like they did "back in the day."  As to start times...........I think they can all start at the same time but not before 8:15-8:30AM and get out no later than 3:00PM.  The problem lies in the transportation.  The buses, for so many students, run so early.  Our local schools have gone to a 4 day week this year and I know students that are catching the bus at 6:00AM and that is insane as far as I'm concerned.  But, to get the hours in a 4 day week, they have to start at "the crack of dawn."  There has to be a better way!

4. What's something you've worked at recently that could be deemed a 'labor of love'?

My husband is the president of his hunting club this year. And, hunting is something else that has gotten completely out of hand.  But, I won't even go there!  Anyway, as the president he has quite a bit to do and one is to get the rules and regulations typed up and sent out to every member.  So, I have typed them up along with a letter, and address labels. Now, all I have left to do is fold and stuff them in the envelopes and drop them in the mail. Yes, it is a "labor of love."

5.Which of the following work idioms can you most relate to right now...'A woman's work is never done.', 'All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.' 'Many hands make light work.'

Oh, I think, "a woman's work is never done" is what I relate best to at this time.  A women's work truly is never done, but perhaps no one's is.  There's always laundry, ironing, cleaning of some sort, cooking of meals, buying of groceries and on and on and while the tasks do lessen when the kids leave, it's still the same work, just less of it.  And, in addition to that, I am the overseer of my Dad's care and up to my eyeballs with decisions regarding our new house and I have a couple of other responsibilities that require my time. So, I often feel that my work is never done but the good thing is, I've learned to better cope with a "loaded wagon" and all is good at this time.

6. Crab or lobster or thanks, but no thanks? Favorite way to have your choice prepared?

I think lobster would be my choice, steamed with lemon butter over it.  I so rarely eat lobster, but I really do like it.

7. Albert Einstein is quoted as saying, 'Three rules of work: Out of clutter find simplicity; From discord find harmony; In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.' Which of the three do you consider to be the most important? Share one of your own 'rules of work'.

I think "from discord find harmony" would be most important to me.  There is just sooooo much discord today and I think if everyone would work harder to find harmony, our world would be a much better place to live.  For example, the Ferguson, MO. situation.  Those folks need harmony in the worst kind of way. 
My own rule would simply be, "get er' done!!!"  

8.  Insert your own random thought here. 
 These two little sweeties began their school careers this past Monday.  They both had great first days.  I just love their little backpacks and lunch boxes, makes them look so "official."  It just doesn't seem that they should be this big, but they both have birthdays coming up in Oct. and they will be 5 and 6 years old.  Time definitely flies!!!

Monday, August 25, 2014

HELLO Monday.............

It's Monday but it's a most special Monday.  Today my Clancy starts Kindergartner and my Hanna Beth starts Pre-K 4.  It's a big day in their little lives and also a big day in their Momma's lives. I'm praying that it will be a super fantastic year for both of them.  Now, on to a few and very ordinary  hellos..........
HELLO Yahada wide strap tank..........I bought one of these last week to try as a camisole. I do believe they were intended to wear as a top, but I would NEVER come out in it as a top.  It would scare the masses for sure!  Anyway, it works great as a camisole and it is very long and I love that feature.  I am going back to get a couple of other colors as I wear a camisole almost every day of my life.  It does only come in a "one size fits all" and that usually means "one size fits none."  But, this did fit me just fine.  

HELLO Jif  Salted Caramel Spread....Yes siree, my friends, this is some good stuff!!!  Take a vanilla wafer, put some extra crunchy peanut butter on it and then "smear" this heavenly spread over that and you will be a "happy gal."  The salt cuts the extreme sweetness of the caramel just enough.  You can find it on the aisle with the peanut butter.~you can thank me later~
 HELLO new house progress........Last week was a big week and it seemed a whole lot of progress was made.  They put up the ceiling joist and then started on the rafters.  And, all I can say is that it made me so nervous to watch them working that high up in the air.  I know they do it all the time but all it takes is one slip and down they go and I can't stand to think of the end result of such. But, last week was "action city" and it's getting so exciting seeing it go up. They will most likely ~weather permitting~ finish the rafters this week.  Stay tuned.............


Friday, August 22, 2014

Friday Fragments - Plan & Sketch

Half-Past Kissin' Time

It's Friday Fragments once again.  Here's hoping Mrs. 4444 is well on the road to recovery from her shoulder surgery.  I know all too well about that road, I traveled it about 6 years ago.  On to some fragments...........

#1. Many of you have asked to see the floor plan our new house.  So, I remembered that our house designer had emailed me the plans a long time ago and I scanned them into my computer and this is the best I could do.  I do think you can get "the jest" of it.  The garage and shop would not fit in the image, nor all of the front porch. And, you want to know what I'm sooooo excited about!  Do you see those two rooms coming in off the garage, called "storage?"  All my storage in our current house is upstairs and they are very steep stairs.  So, I can hardly wait to have storage so convenient. And, they will house my seasonal decorations and such as that. And, the room labeled, bedroom 4, will actually be my home office and will be laid out as such.  I'm excited about it as well.

#2. This is a sketch of the outside of our new house and again, I could not get all of each end of the house but you can tell that it will be a very Southern traditional look.  And, some of you have asked about the room above the garage.  Well, Hubby is calling that his "man cave."  Now, what it ends up being, who knows?  It may well be an extension of his shop since the stairs going to it will be in his shop area.  I never want to have anything to do with stairs again as long as I live. ~chuckle~  I just hope and pray it doesn't become a "storage area."  We are at a point in life that we DO NOT need anything stored.  NOTHING!!!! If we have no need for it, then it needs to go to the thrift store or to someone who can actually use it.  
#3. The Princess stayed with me 3 days this past week and one day I took her up to my nail salon and let her get a mani-pedi.  They have the adorable child size pedicure chairs, complete with DVD players.  She loved putting her feet in the swirling water but couldn't hardly stand for the technician to fool with her feet.  It was so funny.  But, she is now all "prettied up" for her first day of school on Monday.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Lea's Daybook - August 20th

 The Hodgepodge is on vacation this week so I thought it would be a good morning for a Daybook. If you would like to read more daybooks click here.


Outside my window...the sun is already showing it's face and is promising to put forth some heat on us today.  We've really had a rather mild summer all things considered but this week is promising to be rather hot. ~and of course, humid~

I am thinking...that we just never know, even though we may think we do, how different situations are going to work out.  I've been so surprised at what I had figured and what God did.  Thank goodness, He's the one in control and I'm NOT!!!

I am thankful...that my Dad is doing so much better and his back pain is tolerable.  His back has multiple old compression fractures and a lot of arthritis and he will likely live out his remaining days dealing with back issues.  Hopefully we will be able to manage the pain and keep it tolerable.

In the kitchen...There hasn't been much going on in our kitchen lately.  Oh, I fix a sandwich of some sort for our lunch and dinner of some sort, but nothing worth talking about. ~shame on me~ I'm about ready for stews, soups, gumbo, and chili weather.  That's my kind of cooking!

I am walking clothes, capri leggings, a t-shirt and my Shape-Ups by Skecher. I will be changing before leaving the house. I'm not sure anyone cares to see me in my "walking clothes."

I am creating...well, don't know that it's really creating but I'm thinking a whole lot about our new house and the different aspects of the interior.  We are still a ways off from interior work but I want to have my mind pretty much made up on those things before it actually starts.  I'm so thankful for a wonderful decorator that is walking this process with me.  She thinks of things that would absolutely never enter my mind.

I am begin the process of "cleaning out, going through and packing" in the next couple of months.  I want to take my time and methodically go through things.  I know there are things in cabinets and drawers that I probably have not seen in 20+ years. And, the decision is, if I haven't seen it or apparently needed it in that length of time, why would I keep it?  We shall see how it all comes together once I get started.

I am wondering...why I ever doubt God and HIS ability to work things out.  I've lived long enough at this point to have seen how HIS hand has guided me through the various issues of life and how He's proven faithful in any and all things.

I am reading...Kingdom Woman by Tony Evans and his daughter Chrystal.  All women who attended The Declare Conference were given a copy of this book.

I am two Grans have absolutely wonderful school years.  Clancy will start Kindergartner and Hanna Beth will begin Pre-K this coming Monday.  I can hardly wait to hear about their first day.

I am looking forward to...September and fall.  I'm in a couple of organizations and we do not meet in the summer.  And, there are many ladies that I do not get to see or connect with except through these organizations.  I look forward to seeing and being with them again after our summer break.

Around the house...I feel myself not being as concerned about things as I should.  I think it's because I know that we will be moving in the coming months and the cobwebs just aren't bothering me like they should.  But, I did finally get after them one morning this week.  I had stood it as long as I could but I just can't seem to get motivated to "nip them in the bud." 

I am pondering...the arrival of our newest Gran this next Feb and so excited about finding out what it will be on Sept. 11th.  And, praying and giving over all the details of his/her little life to the Lord.  I still find myself having a hard time really believing that my DIL is pregnant.  What a miracle!!!

A favorite quote for today...
Life is 10% of what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.
Chuck Swindoll

A few plans for the rest of the week......I will have the Princess tomorrow and I'm not sure what we will be doing but I imagine that Hubby and I will be doing more "house stuff" on Friday.  But, we are little by little getting things picked out and decisions made.  I'm so thankful that my husband is a man who covers the details of things.  He has spent literally hours pondering different aspects of our new house to hopefully ensure that we make the wisest and best decisions.  

Monday, August 18, 2014

HELLO Monday...........

These Mondays roll around ever so quickly. Not sure it's that time is flying or that's what happens as we age.  Could be a little of both. ~chuckle~  Happy Monday and here's some HELLO's.........

HELLO Poppa time...........The Princess and I went out to where our new house is being built one afternoon last week.  Poppa was out there and he decided it would be fun for them to go and feed the fish.  Yes, he has a fish feeder near the pond (right behind our new house) and it is set on a timer.  When the food is thrown out those fish all come running.  It is so neat to watch them and even more fun to catch them.  I do believe it will be a fun past time for all of us once we live out there.  Right now it has to be "bank fishing" but we hope to have a dock at some point after getting moved.

HELLO good read........I have just read the above book, Even in the Valley, and it is the second book by a lovely young lady in our town, Debbie Wilson.  Debbie first authored, Scent of Justice, a book about how she solved the mystery surrounding the death of her sister 20 years earlier.  In her latest book, she tells of her journey from cancer to hope and ultimate healing.  Debbie's strong faith in the Lord is evident throughout both books and her sweet spirit is testimony to His miracles in her life. I highly recommend  "Even in the Valley" and it can be ordered from Amazon. And, I think any book is more enjoyable when you know the author.  And, while I do not know Debbie personally, I have known of her strong faith and sweet spirit for many, many years.  I urge you to order her book* and I promise you will be blessed.
*Locals, I believe that you can get a copy of Debbie's book by contacting her directly if you would rather do that. 
HELLO fishy fish..........Our daughter and family live just "spitting distance" from a wonderful pond that is full of fish and they go fishing quite often.  Saturday they spent almost the entire day fishing and just about every time they dropped a line, they caught a fish.  Guess what they had for dinner, yep, that's right, good ole fried fish. Bridget has even worked up the courage to bait her own hook and take her own fish off the hook.  At 35 years old, she is really getting brave and I know her husband is so glad. ~smile~
HELLO house progress.....The trusses and rafters went up last week and that makes it look even more like a house.  We will be making the brick and shingle selection this week.  We've sort of found what we want, so hopefully it won't be too difficult.  Brick choice is a huge decision as it covers the entire house.  We will have a little stucco on the front but for the most part, the entire house will be brick.  Stay tuned........... 

Friday, August 15, 2014

Friday Fragments

Half-Past Kissin' Time

It's Friday and time for some fragments of this past week.  And, I do have some to share.......and some mighty BIG NEWS from our family. Oh, and I sure do hope that our lovely hostess, Mrs. 4444 is recovering nicely from her shoulder surgery.  I've been through shoulder surgery and it isn't a "cake walk."

Yes, you are seeing this correctly!  Our Princess is going to be a big sister around Feb. 15, 2015.  Now, some of you may not know that our Princess was adopted.  When our DIL was an very young adult she was told by Drs. that she would likely never be able to have children.  She and our son went through some fertility treatments before deciding to adopt.  But, after several failed attempts they decided that adoption was the route they would go.  And, on Oct. 7, 2009, our little Princess was born and what a gift she has been to our entire family.  And, now they have the blessed privilege of having one themselves.  It was a total and complete shock and I do believe that we had all sort of thought that it would never happen.  Well, the Lord knew all along and as we know, HIS timing is perfect.  Windy has done beautifully and gets glowing reports each time she goes to the Dr.  And, on Sept. 11th, we will find out if "it" is a boy or a girl.  As you can see in the picture above our DIL has the most gorgeous head of red hair and our son has auburn hair.  So, it's going to be interesting to see if they have a precious little red head or a blonde and blue eyed little darling. ~ever so often that does happen~  We rejoice in HIM who is the author of so much more than we can ever even imagine!
Hanna Beth has been with me 3 days this week.  Our DIL started back to school this past Monday and Hanna Beth doesn't start until the 25th.  I don't know why in the world all schools, private or public, cannot operate by a nationwide calendar.  What would be so difficult about having all students on the same schedule?  Anyway, it can really cause issues for those teachers whose children's schools are not on the same schedule as theirs.  We've had a good time and will enjoy some more fun next week and then it's down to serious business - her first year of "real school."  We found out this week that her teacher is one of her Daddy's former babysitters.  How neat is that!!!
The house is coming along nicely.  Big changes every day and when I post the next pictures they will be working on the trusses and rafters.  Then it really will begin to look like a house.  We made our front door choice this week and we did end up going with a antique bronze iron door.  I think it is just beautiful and will be a lovely focal point for the front of our house.  It should arrive by the first week of December. ~surely they can make a door in 14 weeks~  And, we picked out our bathtubs and sinks and have just about decided on our windows. One day at a time and one choice at a time.  

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Wednesday Hodgepodge

Seems this past week flew by extra fast and since I was gone most of last week, I'm having a hard time getting caught up.  But, had to have my dose of "blog therapy" with the Hodgepodge and then it will be back to "the issues at hand." And, just so you know, this is my 650th blog post. ~that's a lot of writing~ 
1. The best part of waking up is pushing the BREW button my Keurig for that first cup of coffee.  Love it!!!
2.  Given a choice, which animal interaction would you most like to experience (or for those non-adventurers...which would you dislike the least?)- Swim with the dolphins at one of several locations in the Florida Keys, a lion encounter ten minutes from Victoria Falls (Africa), or a day at a remote base camp high in the Big Sur wilderness via the Ventana Wildlife Society helping track California condors?
Well, glad you gave us non-adventurous folks a choice.........I would dislike swimming with the dolphins the least.  I'm actually thinking that I might enjoy the interaction with the dolphins.  

3. What is something you fear about 'old age'? What is something you look forward to?

I fear losing my independence.  I have watched my Dad loose his and it has been so very sad to watch and even sadder for him to experience.  I don't see much to look forward to, in regards to aging, outside of gaining wisdom. ~hopefully~
4. Hot sauce...are you a fan? If you answered yes, what's something you make/eat that must have hot sauce? On a scale of 1-10 how hot is too hot?
Indeed I am a fan, good ole Louisiana Hot Sauce, a few sprinkles on gumbo, soups, chili, and even on Melba Toast.  I think a 9 or 10 might be too hot for this gal, but up to an 8, I love it!

5. It's been said that children learn what they live. What do you think children learn at your house?
About the only children at our house at this point is our two Grandchildren. But, even our own children likely learned, as our Grans are now learning, that we are all about family and love abounds under our roof.

6. What's your favorite movie with a number in it's title?
3 Men and a Baby - a great comedy from 1987.

7. Saturday (August 16th) is National Tell a Joke Day...share one here.
What do you call a fake noodle?

An Impasta
~a bit corny for sure~

8.  Insert your own random thought here

Hubby and I spent the entire day yesterday looking at and picking out plumbing fixtures and windows.  Oh, my goodness, why are there so many choices and so, so many details you need to know about each brand.  And, all the various details mean different prices.  Needless to say, we were quite weary when we got home and headed straight to our recliners to unwind and recover.  But, things are moving along and it's looking more and more like a house everyday.  Yea!!! 

Monday, August 11, 2014

HELLO Monday.......A Day Late

Yes, I am a day late on my "Hello Monday" post, but there was NO WAY for me to get a post ready for yesterday morning and I just decided to not even give it another thought.  After all, the world does keep right on a spinnin' whether I blog or not.  I would love to think that it didn't, but truth is truth!

HELLO Declare Conference.........
Last Wednesday morning I headed out to pick up my daughter and then we were bound for The Declare Conference in Dallas.  The conference started on Thursday evening, so we had some time for a little "pre-conference fun" since we arrived early afternoon on Wed.
We enjoyed some outlet shopping and checked out a couple of really great malls.  We are both quick to make decisions, so we make great shopping partners.  
On Wednesday evening we met up with a gal that has been dear to our family for a long, long time.  She lives in the Dallas area and we had not seen her in quite some time, so it was fun to get to see her and visit for a little while.  She was one of our former babysitters when our children were little and even traveled with us at times. 
The Declare Conference was held at the lovely Marriott Las Colinas  in Irving.  They gave the attendees the greatest rate and we had first class accomodations that just added to the  greatness of the weekend.  Once we parked our car we never got back in it until we headed home on Sunday.  It was so nice that everything happened at one place, the meetings, the meals and our lodging.  Doesn't get any better!
Thursday night was a time for registering and meeting and greeting.  There were about 175 women there so it wasn't all that crowded and it was easy to mingle and meet.

Each morning began with a delicious breakfast, followed by a wonderful speaker.  Then there were breakout sessions that covered topics such as motherhood, blogging topics and inspirational topics.  Lunch was served following these sessions and then two more breakout sessions were held following lunch.  We had a free time each day from 4:00 - 6:00PM and were able to browse the various vendors that were there.  Following dinner there was another speaker and praise and worship to close out the day. And, we came home with more "swag" than the law allows.  Oh, my, they "gifted" us too death.  It was fabulous!!! And, might I add, the conference was well organized and the entire weekend went "smooth as silk."
The theme of the conference was Wild Obedience and the main speakers were:  Francie Winslow, 29 year old, Mom of 4, Lisa-Jo Baker, Mom of 3 and author of "Surprised by Motherhood,"
Kat Lee, Mom of 3 and author of e-book, "Maximize Your Mornings," Jessi Connolly, Mom of 4 and writer of Naptime Diaries blog, and Kristen Welch, Mom of 3 and writer of We are THAT Family blog.  There gals spoke such truths as:
If we walk in obedience to God, we won't miss out on any good thing He has for us.
Obedience = success
When He calls us He expects obedience.
Big things are often a combination of a lot of small things.
The invitation to wild obedience awaits us every single morning.
Wild obedience interrupts our lives and doesn't always make sense. 
I could go on and on but I think you get the "jest" of it.  And, while I did learn a lot of new "tips and tricks" of blogging, it was the inspirational part of the conference that touched my heart.
 I met so many wonderful ladies and sharing this time with my daughter was delightful!  We've already registered for the 2015 conference. Fewer tickets will be available and it will be held at a different venue, so if you want to go, you better grab a ticket fast!
Wishing you a wonderful week!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Wednesday Hodgepodge

Joyce has given us some "brain stretchers" today.  But, a little brain exercise never hurt anyone. And, if you want to see how it stretched some other bloggers brains, then click on the button above and read away!

1. What would you say is the key to success?
Work hard, have confidence, remember the Golden Rule and a little luck never hurts either.

2. Have you ever been to the Florida Keys? Any desire to visit that part of the US of A?

  Hubby and I have talked of going but that is as far as we have gotten.  We have been to several Florida cities and we really like Florida, so perhaps we'll make it to the Keys one day.

3. When and where did you last see a real live donkey? Monkey? Turkey?

A couple of years ago Hubby had a gal that worked for him that had a donkey and we took the Grans out to see it one evening.  I think the last time I saw a monkey was last summer when we went to the Omaha Zoo and I can't remember the last time I saw a turkey.

4. An old Portuguese proverb says, 'Beware of the door with too many keys.' What do you think this means? Share an example of how this has proven true or false in your own life.

Okay, must admit, I did a little internet research on this one because I didn't have time to ponder it on my own.......and there was quite a lot of varied interpretations. I liked the one that interpreted as, "be clear about what you offer the world - don't try to be all things to all people." ~good interpretation~
5. Besides your home, vehicle, and special jewelry, what is something you keep under lock and key?

Insurance papers and legal papers

6. When did you last get keyed up about something?

I have a new vehicle and I had to take it in to be serviced last week.  I was having some issues with OnStar that OnStar said was an issue with the vehicle, not them.  I had the most difficult time trying to explain this to the folks in the service department and I got quite "keyed  up" in the process.  But, it must have worked because my OnStar now works like a charm. ~and that's a real good thing~

7. Who thinks we need an easy one right about now?  Key lime pie...yes please or no thank you?

Oh, YES, for sure!!  I do love me some Key Lime Pie!

8. Insert your own random thought here. 

 By the time many of you read this I will be  on the road headed towards Dallas, Texas by way of Mt. Pleasant to pick up my daughter.  We will be attending The Declare Conference from Thursday evening until Sat. evening. This is a Christian blogging conference and  it is being held at the Marriott in Las Colinas.  We are so excited to share in this event. I will likely be one of the oldest in attendance, but that's okay, I love being surrounded by young ladies.~big smile~  I will have lots to share when I return, but in the meantime, I will probably be "laying low" in blogland.  Have a great rest of the week!