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Daybook entries, click on the button above.
Outside my window... the sun is peeking out and the high is suppose to be 75 degrees, can you feel my excitement?
I am thinking... about the fact that today is called "good" Friday because it is the day that Christians celebrate and honor the fact that Jesus Christ chose to die for us. We should be filled with abundant gratitude as we celebrate Easter.
I am thankful... for God's grace, it's so much more than I deserve
In the kitchen... preparations are being made for our Easter celebration meal that will be held tomorrow instead of Sunday. I'm working on the strawberry congealed salad and the dessert today.
I am wearing... some jeans and a light weight sweater
I am creating... a daybook entry and not much of anything else at this time ~smile~
I am going... no where except to see my Dad today. I was gone most of yesterday and I have a lot to catch up on, so I'm hanging close to home today.
I am wondering... how some folks can get themselves into such messes. Seems almost everyday I hear stories of situations that are almost unbelievable and a lot of the reason is simply because of their poor choices.
I am reading... "The Duck Commander Family: How Faith, Family and Ducks Created A Dynasty" I'm really not a huge fan of the show, "Duck Dynasty" (guess I shouldn't say that) but we live about 30 miles from these folks and our kids went to school with one of the Robertson boys and our son graduated with Korie's sister. So, I was interested in reading their story and it has been well worth reading. Of course, it's nothing heavy and very easy reading.
I am hoping... that our weather will be pretty and sunny tomorrow so that we can hide eggs outside for the Princess before we have our Easter dinner. Hiding eggs inside is somehow just not the same. ~grin~
I am looking forward to... our upcoming trip to Savannah
I am learning ...that it's always best to "allow" things to happen, not "make" them happen
Around the house... Hubby will be hanging around today since he always closes his office on Good Friday and gives his employees a well deserved day off. I'll be in the kitchen and he'll probably be piddling in his shop or in the yard.
I am pondering... absolutely nothing. I've done enough pondering in recent months that my mind needs a break from pondering. Some of my ponderings wear me out. ~smile~
A favorite quote for today...
We live and die, Christ died and lived! ~john stott
One of my favorite feeling loved and appreciated.
A few plans for the rest of the week......our family Easter celebration tomorrow, church on Sunday and then preparing to leave for our trip. How much more exciting can life get? ~big smile~
Here's to you a Happy Easter weekend.....
Daybook entries, click on the button above.
Outside my window... the sun is peeking out and the high is suppose to be 75 degrees, can you feel my excitement?
I am thinking... about the fact that today is called "good" Friday because it is the day that Christians celebrate and honor the fact that Jesus Christ chose to die for us. We should be filled with abundant gratitude as we celebrate Easter.
I am thankful... for God's grace, it's so much more than I deserve
In the kitchen... preparations are being made for our Easter celebration meal that will be held tomorrow instead of Sunday. I'm working on the strawberry congealed salad and the dessert today.
I am wearing... some jeans and a light weight sweater
I am creating... a daybook entry and not much of anything else at this time ~smile~
I am going... no where except to see my Dad today. I was gone most of yesterday and I have a lot to catch up on, so I'm hanging close to home today.
I am wondering... how some folks can get themselves into such messes. Seems almost everyday I hear stories of situations that are almost unbelievable and a lot of the reason is simply because of their poor choices.
I am reading... "The Duck Commander Family: How Faith, Family and Ducks Created A Dynasty" I'm really not a huge fan of the show, "Duck Dynasty" (guess I shouldn't say that) but we live about 30 miles from these folks and our kids went to school with one of the Robertson boys and our son graduated with Korie's sister. So, I was interested in reading their story and it has been well worth reading. Of course, it's nothing heavy and very easy reading.
I am hoping... that our weather will be pretty and sunny tomorrow so that we can hide eggs outside for the Princess before we have our Easter dinner. Hiding eggs inside is somehow just not the same. ~grin~
I am looking forward to... our upcoming trip to Savannah
I am learning ...that it's always best to "allow" things to happen, not "make" them happen
Around the house... Hubby will be hanging around today since he always closes his office on Good Friday and gives his employees a well deserved day off. I'll be in the kitchen and he'll probably be piddling in his shop or in the yard.
I am pondering... absolutely nothing. I've done enough pondering in recent months that my mind needs a break from pondering. Some of my ponderings wear me out. ~smile~
A favorite quote for today...
We live and die, Christ died and lived! ~john stott
One of my favorite feeling loved and appreciated.
A few plans for the rest of the week......our family Easter celebration tomorrow, church on Sunday and then preparing to leave for our trip. How much more exciting can life get? ~big smile~
Here's to you a Happy Easter weekend.....