Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday Daybook

It's always fun to join up with The Simple Woman and share my day. For more
Daybook entries, click on the button above.

Outside my window...
the sun is peeking out and the high is suppose to be 75 degrees, can you feel my excitement?

  I am thinking... about the fact that today is called "good" Friday because it is the day that Christians celebrate and honor the fact that Jesus Christ chose to die for us.  We should be filled with abundant gratitude as we celebrate Easter.

  I am thankful... for God's grace, it's so much more than I deserve

  In the kitchen... preparations are being made for our Easter celebration meal that will be held tomorrow instead of Sunday. I'm working on the strawberry congealed salad and the dessert today.

  I am wearing... some jeans and a light weight sweater

  I am creating... a daybook entry and not much of anything else at this time ~smile~

I am going... no where except to see my Dad today.  I was gone most of yesterday and I have a lot to catch up on, so I'm hanging close to home today.

  I am wondering... how some folks can get themselves into such messes.  Seems almost everyday I hear stories of situations that are  almost unbelievable and a lot of the reason is simply because of their poor choices.

  I am reading... "The Duck Commander Family: How Faith, Family and Ducks Created A Dynasty"  I'm really not a huge fan of the show, "Duck Dynasty" (guess I shouldn't say that) but we live about 30 miles from these folks and our kids went to school with one of the Robertson boys and our son graduated with Korie's sister.  So, I was interested in reading their story and it has been well worth reading.  Of course, it's nothing heavy and very easy reading.

  I am hoping... that our weather will be pretty and sunny tomorrow so that we can hide eggs outside  for the Princess before we have our Easter dinner.  Hiding eggs inside is somehow just not the same. ~grin~

  I am looking forward to... our upcoming trip to Savannah

I am learning ...that it's always best to "allow" things to happen, not "make" them happen
  Around the house... Hubby will be hanging around today since he always closes his office on Good Friday and gives his employees a well deserved day off.  I'll be in the kitchen and he'll probably be piddling in his shop or in the yard.

I am pondering... absolutely nothing.  I've done enough pondering in recent months that my mind needs a break from pondering.  Some of my ponderings wear me out. ~smile~

  A favorite quote for today...
 We live and die, Christ died and lived! ~john stott
One of my favorite things...
is feeling loved and appreciated.

A few plans for the rest of the week......
our family Easter celebration tomorrow, church on Sunday and then preparing to leave for our trip.  How much more exciting can life get? ~big smile~

Here's to you a Happy Easter weekend.....


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What are your plans for Easter? Are you cooking a big lunch or dinner?  Dyeing eggs? Attending a sun rise service?  Eating too much chocolate?

We will have our family Easter on Saturday afternoon.  I'm hoping the weather will be such that we can sit outside and hide eggs for our Princess.  I am cooking a big dinner and my Dad will also join us.  I'm planning to grill a beef tender, and have potato casserole, green bean casserole, strawberry salad, rolls and lemon cake. I will not be dying eggs or attending a sun rise service, but I will eat just a little bit of chocolate.  I like peanut butter and chocolate and I have some candy eggs with that combination, but likely I'll only indulge in one or two.  Hubby and I will be by ourselves on Sunday and will probably go out to eat following church and then "chill."  Sounds exciting doesn't it? ~smile~

  2.  What is something you feel too young to do?
 Park in the "Reserved for those 60 and over" parking lot at our church.  Just no need at this time in my life and as long as I can park in the regular parking lot, I certainly will.  But, it is certainly nice for those who need it!  And, the day may come that I'm pulling right up in it and happy to be able to do so. ~grin~

  3.  "Love is patient, love is kind.  It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs..." 
Of the characteristics mentioned in the biblical definition of love which do you find most difficult to live out and why?
Oh, I think it would be being patient.  I have a tendency to be impatient but in recent years I've really worked on it and think I've mellowed out a lot. ~hope, hope~ Of course, I still have a ways to go, but I'm making progress.~smile~

  4. What's a springtime flower you associate with your childhood?
I likely did not know that there was any other flower except a daffodil until I was 25 years old. No joke!  They seemed to always be in every yard we had in my childhood and then the first couple of little homes Hubby and I lived in had them too. They are such a happy flower and represent "spring is around the corner" to me.

5.  Ever sung karaoke? If so, what's your go-to song? If not and you're given the opportunity, would you? 

Yes, two friends and myself sang karaoke when we were on our Alaskan Cruise 5 1/2 years ago.  I could not remember the song so I called both of them a little while ago to ask them and they cannot remember either. ~sad~  But, it was something like "Going to the Chapel."  We did a decent job might I add. ~brag, brag~
6. What is something you keep in a basket?
Oh, I do love baskets!  I keep all my "nighttime ritual" stuff in a basket on the bathroom counter.  By nighttime ritual stuff, I mean, things like, face cleaner, facial creams, hand scrub, floss and cotton balls.  It is a neat little divided basket and everything has a place and for someone organized like me, that's a good thing!

  7.  When was the last time you felt foolish?
Hummmmm......I've drawn a blank.  But, let me assure you, I am so gullible and making a fool of myself has happened often and I'm sure it was just yesterday that I felt foolish over something. But,I'm having a "senior moment" and cannot recall the last time. ~sigh~

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

I saw this sign at the Spring Market I went to this past weekend and I stopped in my tracks and laughed out loud.  I thought of the truth of this statement and I guess it's just as well that "as far as everyone knows."  And, as we always ask, what is normal anyway?

Monday, March 25, 2013

Miscellany Monday

Another Monday has rolled around and Carissa is back from her big wedding photo shoot, all refreshed and renewed.  We're trying hard to welcome Spring here in the South and I bet all of you are, like me, thinking it can't get here quick enough.  Seems it's been a long winter to me and we've had nothing wintery like most of you.  Oh, well, on to MM with Carissa.
Artsy gal........
I belong to a club that calls themselves The Melange Study Club.  We meet September through May and each year we have a theme for our programs.  This years theme has been "Louisiana Artists."  It has been such fun and this past Thursday was no exception.  A young lady right here in our own town gave the program.  She calls herself a "whimsical artist" and I think that is a good description of her art.  I have known her almost her entire life and she is such a fun gal and is talented in so many areas.  I have a lot of her work hanging under the covered part of our patio.  I just purchased the the bright red chicken shown above to hang by our backdoor when I take down my Easter bunny.  Angela paints on old windows, old doors, tin and canvases.  Whatever you desire she can probably paint it.  Oh, to be so talented!

Cutie Patooties.......
   It's Prom time here in our fair city. Hubby's office manager's twin daughters always indulge me to take their pictures and share in some of their fun when it rolls around.  This year they chose the "mermaid" style dresses and of course, since they aren't big as a minute, they carried it off extremely well.  I loved the details of the back of their dresses with the laces.  As it obvious, they had a carnival theme.  I have known these girls since the day they were born and I still do not know which one is Kristen and which one is Krista.  I told them by the time they graduate next year I'm going to work on that. ~smile~

When I come across a product that I think you need to know about, I feel it is my duty to tell you about it. ~aren't you glad?~
A friend and I went to a Spring Market venue this past Friday and one of the booths had ladies demonstrating a lipstick that does not rub off, does not smear, and is waterproof.  In other words, when you put it on, it is there to stay the day. Well, I don't know about you, but that appeals big time to me. It seems that I am always checking and reapplying my lipstick.  I love, love lipstick and think it is definitely the "finishing touch" for a woman.  It is called LipSense and after it was demonstrated to us, we fell for it "hook, line and sinker" and both left with some. ~sucker~  After two days, I'm loving it!  So, if it sounds like something you might like, click on the link above and check it out.  We're fortunate that one of the local beauty salons carries it and since it comes in over 50 colors, I'm sure it won't be long before we buy another color or two.

As we go through this Easter week may our hearts be reminded that indeed our Redeemer Lives.......

Friday, March 22, 2013

A Little of This and A Little of That.............

Good Friday morning!  Decided not to do any kind of a "link up" today, but rather just sort of "do my own thing."  I have a few things to share with you , so grab a cup of your favorite drink and enjoy!
Moms and Grandmothers, if you have not made the Cookies on a Stick by Pillsbury, then you need to give them a try.  I did these for my Grans and they were a huge hit.
 Everything you need to make them comes in the box and while mine were certainly not to perfection, I thought they turned out really cute.  And, might I say, they are very good!  I'm always looking for something cute to do for or with the Grans.  These fit the bill perfectly. And, Grans or no Grans, these are just plain good enough to make for anyone!

Our Princess started taking gymnastics last summer in a little "Mom and Me" summer program.  She enjoyed it enough that
she has been taking regular gymnastics this school year.  Doesn't she look like a "budding Olympian?"  The little leotards are just too cute!

We had the most gorgeous weather last weekend and Hubby and I used it wisely.  We got busy getting the patio all "prettied up"
for Spring and Summer.  We planted petunias, impatients, hybiscus, mandevilla, strawberry plants and sword ferns.  Our pansies are still so pretty, so we will wait a while longer before replacing them.
(sorry for the softness of these pics, I had accidently changed the setting on my camera)

 Hubby also got his little raised garden ready
with tomato plants.  Hopefully the little furry friends will not carry them off as fast as they come on the vine. ~smile~ He only plants tomatoes and will likely have enough for the entire neighborhood. I don't eat tomatoes (I know, crazy, but just cannot stand the texture of them) so it doesn't take very many for just Hubby.  Leaves a lot to share.

Hanna Beth will also be playing "wee ball" in April.  This will be a whole new experience for us, but one I hear that is quite entertaining.  Her Dad and Mom have been introducing her to a bat and glove and I can't get over how "girly" all this stuff comes.    
She has a hot pink bat to go with this glove and check out those "itty bitty" cleats she has on.  I'm thinking that our little Princess will likely be picking daises in the out field rather than chasing after a ball.  We shall see............

Hubby and I will be heading to meet friends in Savannah, Georgia for a few days the first of April.  

It should be perfect timing for the azelea's  and beautiful weather. ~hope, hope~  We have never been to the fair city, so we are very excited.  We are staying at The Mansion on Forsythe Park, and have reservations to eat at Lady and Sons and The Olde Pink House.  If you have been to Savannah and want to give me some "don't miss" suggestions as to sites or restaurants, that would be great.  We will be there for 4 days.

The past two days have been "ultra" cold here and I had already gotten my body warmed up and set for Spring.  I'm freezing now, turned the heat back on and it feels like the beginning of winter rather than Spring.  Well, they say there's always a "cold snap" before Easter, so guess that's what we're experiencing. ~blah~
 And, rain is forecast for all day today and tomorrow. ~blah again~  Oh, well, it will just make anticipating Spring all the better.

Happy weekend and I leave you with this.........


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Hodgepodge Wednesday

What better way to begin the first day of Spring than with Joyce at The Hodgepodge.  Thanks Joyce for always being here for us each and every Wednesday. And, I'm especially glad to be back today after missing last week.

1. March 20th is the first day of she a lion or a lamb in your part of the world?
Hummm.......I would have to say a lamb.  We've had some of the most gorgeous weather with temps in the high 60's and low 70's. The wind has blown quite a bit, but then, it's March and that's when the wind blows.  I'm just not "into" wind but I am "into" beautiful spring days.
2. What's the most dreaded task on your spring clean to-do list?  Do you have a 'plan of attack'?

Okay, do you see all that STUFF on the top of the cabinets in the above picture?  Well, that is my kitchen cabinets and guess what, all that stuff needs to be dusted.  Not an easy task and it's always on my Spring cleaning list.  I do have a young agile gal that comes and assists me in this endeavor.  She climbs up and gets it, hands it down to me to clean and then we reverse the process to put it all back in its place.  I love the warm look that all that stuff gives my kitchen, but it is definitely a whole lotta work. ~sigh~

3. 'em or hate 'em?  What's a favorite dish you make using peas?
I don't think I've ever met a pea that I didn't like, be it purple hull, black-eyed or green.  Just pass them my way and I'll dig in.  I love the layered salad that you make with frozen green peas. I could eat the entire recipe by myself. ~oink - oink~
4.  Do you feel under appreciated?

Not at all!  Hubby shows and tells his appreciation for me and my children and other family members do the same.  And, in my circle of friends we are all good about letting each other know how much we appreciate each other.  
5. Have you been using Google Reader?  If so, what are you switching to now that GR has announced retirement?  If not, how do you read your favorite blogs?

Good grief, why, oh, why does Google have to "fix" something that isn't broken?  I have been working the past few days getting set up with Google+ and Bloglovin'.  I think I have them in pretty good working order now but it was after pulling some of my hair out of my head in frustration.  I'm not all that happy with it right now, but, as in most things, I'm sure I'll adjust once I get use to it.
6. Anne Bradstreet is credited with the following quote~

"If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant;  if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome." 
Agree or Disagree?  Why?

I do agree! If life was always a bed of roses we might not even recognize it.  Tough times help us to really enjoy times of less stress.  The same is true of Spring.  If the seasons didn't change we'd have nothing to look forward to.  Just about the time I'm tiring of one season, the next one is almost here. 
7.  When did you last 'spring for something'?  What was it?

Just in the past few days I've begun to "try my hand" at making an I-Movie.  My daughter introduced it to me while she was here last week and got me started and now I'm on my own.  We shall see how it goes.  I'm working on something that I think will be very special when I'm finished.  Of course, then I have to figure out how to get it from I-Movies to another venue for viewing.  Oh, well, one step at a time.  I can't overload my brain with all of it at once. ~grin~
8.  Insert your own random thought here?

Tomorrow marks my 4th Blogversary.  What an adventure it has been and what wonderful folks I have met along the way.  I truly had no idea what I was doing when I first started, but it wasn't long until I was "hooked."  Thanks to all of my faithful readers and followers.  I hope that something I say brings a smile to your face or joy to your heart.  Here's to many more years of blogging!


Monday, March 18, 2013

Miscellany Monday

Woo, hoo!  I'm back, I'm back!  I sure did miss you but I was busy making memories with our daughter and Grandson last week.  They were here visiting during her Spring Break and we had such a delightful time.  So, guess you know that my MM will be all about those memories!

Lots of hugs........

Can we ever get enough hugs?  I think not!  Clancy is shown giving his Uncle B a big hug and then Clancy and Hanna Beth greet my Dad and step Mom at the front door for some hugs. Of course, we tried to stock up with enough to last until the next time we see them. ~smile~
 The best Poppa........

Can I just say that Hubby is the BEST Poppa!  He would just about do anything within reason and energy for our two Grans.  Clancy almost did him in a couple of days with all of the activity, but somehow Tommy kept going and making sweet memories.

 Game playing........
I enjoyed building Legos and playing Candy Land with the Grans last week.  It so much fun to watch them learn about the art of losing graciously. ~chuckle~  And, it was a real test for me to follow the instructions that come with the Legos.  I don't how in the world they expect a child to follow them when a 60 year old woman can't. ~pitiful~  Of course, they never want to just use their imagination and build something, they see something on the enclosure that they want and of course, they need a lot of help to do so.  But, we managed and learned patience in the process.
Great Poppa time......

My Dad and step Mom joined us for a family dinner last Sunday evening and we were able to get some good pictures of him with his Great Grans.  Clancy has always been the most cooperative little boy when it came to picture taking.  But, not so much anymore.  So, if we're even lucky to get his picture, it usually has a silly smile, such as the one above.  Perhaps that's a thing with 4 year olds!

Mother - Daughter time.......
Bridget and I always have a good time when we're together.  We can laugh at things that no one else would even find funny.  We make great shoppers, as we are both quick to make up our minds.  We either like it or we don't and we're ready to move on.  I enjoy her teaching me new things on my computer and IPad and just wish that we could be together so much more.  But, thankfully, she teaches school and is out for the summer and for great breaks.  We make it work.

Dressed and ready........

Here we are dressed and ready for church and of course, Clancy is doing one of his "squint eyed" poses. ~laugh~  But, sometimes you have to take what you can get.

Gave it up.........

Just before dinner one day this was the scene on the couch.  He goes full steam ahead but when he collapses, that's all she wrote.

It was a fun week and we're already looking forward to our next time together and that will likely be this summer sometime.
Families - it's one of life's greatest blessings!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Friday's Letters

Time for a little letter writing ~ so therapeutic ~ on this
 Friday morning.
Dear Chris Tomlin - your music has been an extra special blessing to me this week. I've been listening to your music while walking on my treadmill each morning and it's made me feel like I'm "walking on air."  Thanks for your inspiration through music!

Dear Chevron Print - can I just say that I'm in love with you.  I don't think there's ever been another pattern or print that I've liked more.  That's why my blog sports a Chevron look. ~smile~

Dear Weather - could you possibly be gorgeous for the next week?  I mean, our daughter and Grandson are going to be here and we want to be able to be outside so he and his cousin can romp and play in the sunshine.  P-l-e-a-s-e!

Dear God - being in your "holding room" is such a difficult place to be but I know that when we are there You are at work. And, I know that Your timing is always perfect, but it's easy for me to forget some days. Keep reminding me!!

Dear Bridget - drive safely as you head our direction today.  I'm praying God's "hedge of protection" around you and Clancy as you travel.  You are such a trooper!  I don't know a lot of gals that would drive such long distances by themselves with a little one.

Dear Women - Did you know that today is International Women's Day?  Me either, but hey, it's high time folks realized how wonderful we women really are!!!

Dear Clancy and Hanna Beth - I saw this and immediately thought of you....

Dear Urban Dictionary  - I love the words "linner" and "dunch."  I've always wanted a name to call a mid-afternoon meal and now I have it.  Thank you!

Dear Jimmy Dean - your pre-cooked sausage crumbles make my life so much easier.  I can throw together breakfast casseroles or homemade pizzas in half the time with you.  And, you are very tasty!

Dear Friends and Blogging Buddies - I'll likely be out of circulation the next few days while I am busy making memories with my family. I'll have lots to share from that "memory making" I am sure.  See ya in a few days!

And, I sign off with this.......




Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Wednesday Hodgepodge

Joyce is always full of good questions to make us think.  We appreciate her and
her faithfulness to her Hodgepodgers.
1. My real life friends came through with another question this week so thank you real life friends. When you've eaten in a restaurant do you complete their comment card? Do you take online surveys highlighted at the bottom of store receipts?

I "think" that I did fill out a comment card in a restaurant one time over exceptional service but that is the only time I have ever done it.  I just do not want to spend my time filling them out and I have never taken the online survey at the bottom of a store receipt.

  2. The (US) ban on women in combat was lifted at the end of January. It will probably be next year before specifics are worked out, but its been reported over 200,000 front line positions will eventually open up to women.  Your thoughts? 
 Oh, my goodness, why???  I mean, really, why would any woman want to be in front line position in war?  What happened to the days of women being women and men being men and women being proud to be the the weaker sex and allow men to go to battle for them and protect them.
3.  In looking back at all the blog posts you've written, what's your favorite post title? 

The Bra Fitting  is my all time best as far as humor goes. If you haven't read it and want a belly laugh, head on over.

4. What's worse-overly permissive parents or overly protective parents?  Did your own parents lean more to the permissive or the protective category?  If you're a parent where do you fall?
Humm.....well, neither is good but probably more damage done with overly permissive.  My parents did not lean either way and I'm not sure that we did either, but it would be protective for us.

5.  Candlelight-moonlight-firelight-bright lights in the big city...which one's your favorite? 

 I love candlelight, not necessarily to eat by, but it gives such a peaceful atmosphere in a room.  But, nothing like the big city lights, they spell "fun" to me.
6. Dr. Seuss's birthday was celebrated on Saturday. What's a favorite book you remember (Seuss or otherwise) from your own childhood?  Did books play an important role in your growing up years? Explain. 

 Oh, it would have to be The Cat in the Hat.  I knew it word for word and probably still do.  I was 5 years old when it came out.  I didn't have a lot growing up but we did have a whole host of Little Golden Books and my Mom read them to me and many, many years later I read them to my baby brother. ~smile~
7.  To quote Dr. Seuss...

"From there to here, and here to there, funny things are everywhere." 
from One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish

Share something funny you've recently read, seen or heard.  
I read this the other day and thought it was hysterical and true.......
A woman's mind is cleaner than a man's:
 She changes it more often.
8.  Insert your own random thought here.
I have been a fan of American Idol for a while but I'm thinking this year may cure me.  This years judges don't exactly "do it" for me.  When Simon Cowell left, it's sort of been down hill since. Nicki Minaj's squeeky voice just about sends me "over the edge."  In fact, everything about her just about sends me "over the edge." ~roll eyes~  And, some of the folks that made it through this year, well, let's just say, I don't get it.  But, hey, no one is making me watch it, it's my choice and I'm going to stick with it for now.  Maybe it will get better. ~hope~

Monday, March 4, 2013

Miscellaneous Monday

The first Monday in March, oh, do I even bother to ask, "where has the time gone?"  I think not, I'll just jump right in to MM because I do have some "unbelievable" stuff to share.
Interesting plant............
This is what is called the ZiZi plant, short for 
 Zamioculcas Zamiifolia. ~aren't we glad they shorted it to something easy to pronounce~  It is a slow growing, low light tropical plant.  "They" say that it is impossible to kill.  I do not have the greenest thumb but I have definitely grown some beautiful house plants over the years.  I had one of our local florist get this for me because I had heard so much about them and wanted to try my hand with it and it's a great conversation piece for sure. We shall see how it does.

Doggie boots.......
If you've been reading my blog very long, then you recognize this as Tater.  Tater belongs to my brother and family in Des Moines.  Tater is a Golden Doodle and has no idea he's a dog.  And soon after they moved to Des Moines from Sarasota (I know, can you get much further from Florida weather than Des Moines) Tater was introduced to doggie boots.  He loves them and it helps when he comes back in the house to not make such a mess.  He had a chance to "strut his stuff" in them this past week.

Tulips, tulips and more tulips......
  This is the Reily Memorial Methodist Church in Collinston, La.  Collinston is a small community of 287 dear folks and this church serves as it's #1 landmark. It's about 8-10 miles from where we live and for the past several years the members have planted about 1000 tulip bulbs that burst forth in early spring.  It is a sight to see and is a spot used by many for photos during that time.  We drove over last week to take it all in and were certainly not disappointed.  It is perfectly gorgeous!  It's a shame that tulips don't have a longer life of blooms. 

Never seen such......
  Meet Roxanne Elizabeth, yes, that's right folks!  When we pulled up to the above mentioned church, there was a lady there taking pictures of her pet squirrel in the tulips.  As I got closer to her I could hardly believe my eyes.  I had never seen such in my life.  Roxanne was rescued by the lady from a dog's mouth when she was about a day old.  She is now 17 days old.  The owner has made her some dresses and she goes everywhere her owner goes.  She has a little "pet purse" she keeps her in.  I told the lady that this was the very creature that nearly caused me to have an early death when it got in through our fireplace vents and went scurrying through our house.  Have mercy, I cannot imagine holding one in my hand or having one as a pet.  But, it is very obvious that Roxanne and her owner have a very special relationship.  Oh, by the way, Rosanne's nickname is
"Foxy Roxy." 

Ponder these.......
*A successful person, is the average person focused.
*Ordinary people think merely of spending time, great
people think of using it.
  *Failure is never as scary as regret.
*The bigger the challenge, the greater the opportunity.