Friday, August 27, 2010

Music and Growing Up

What role did music play in your growing up years? Music played a vital role in my growing up years. I began taking piano lessons when I was 7 years old and took them for about 8 years. I  did not enjoy piano but it was the desire of my sweet Mom's heart that I play the piano.  And, I think I really did want to play, I just DID NOT want or like to practice. ~smile~ Thankfully I can play, I'm definitely not an accomplished pianist by any means, but I can play enough to get myself into trouble. ~chuckle~  What I did enjoy musically was singing.  I would have rather sung than eat when I was hungry.  I was always singing in church and in the school choir and when my brother and I were in our teens we sang together for various events.  He was an accomplished guitarist and we spent many happy hours singing together. I could not find a picture of the two of us during that time but this is a picture taken a couple of years ago of the two of us.

 When we were not entertaining for some church event or banquet, we were enjoying practicing.  We sang a lot of folk type songs, such as those by Peter, Paul and Mary. (you young bloggers will have no idea who that is) ~laugh~ Our singing together brings back the fondest of memories for me.

What, if any, music do you associate with early childhood?
 Oh, my, I'm really dating myself when I say this, but Lawrence Welk was my all time favorite TV show. I loved all the music on his show.  We did not have a TV in our home until I was 8 years old so before that time we would go to my Grandparents house every Sat. evening so I could watch the show at their house.  
 What music style or songs were popular when you were in high school?Folk songs,and Rock n' Roll.   The Temptations, Paul Revere and the Raiders, The Monkees, The Beach Boys, Simon and Garfunkel, Peter,Paul and Mary, to name a few, were some of my favorite artists.
 How did you listen to music - on the radio, albums, etc. Did you have a stereo in your room? I had a radio and a record player that played the old 33's and 45's. I was really "up town." ~giggle~
Did you attend concerts when you were a teenager? I have no memory of ever attending any kind of a concert until after I had been married for many years.  And, I don't really remember there being that many available to attend, so I certainly didn't feel like I was missing anything.
 Did the music you liked cause conflict with your parents? 
 I don't remember it ever being a problem other than perhaps I liked to play it a little louder than they thought was necessary. ~smile~
 What song or songs take you back to a certain place and time of your youth? Just about any of the music from the 60's and early 70's brings back thoughts of my "growing up" years and while to most that knew me, it wouldn't have been an exciting time, I look upon it as a great time in my life and if I had it to do over, I'd enjoy it even more the "second time around." 
For more Flashback Friday fun click here, and for Rachel Anne's Company Girl Coffee click here. These are two great memes by two great women that make our Friday's even more fun! 

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wednesday's Random Dozen

1. What is your favorite Mexican dish?  Chicken Enchiladas
 2. When you were a kid, did you get started on your homework right away after school, or did you procrastinate? Well, I never remember having the kind of homework that kids today have, but I always did it shortly after getting home.  I just wanted it "over with."  I'm appalled at the amount of homework some teachers give today.  Just seems a bit "over the top" to me. 

3. What is your favorite store for home furnishings? Uh, I have a lot of favorites, but we have the greatest place here called Mer Rouge Wholesale (it's open to the public) and I can always seem to find such great treasures there for very affordable prices. They have everything from furniture, rugs, silk flowers, ribbon, containers, wall decor, you name it and they have it.

4. When you were young, did you like school lunches? Oh yes, and I distinctly  remember the hot rolls and I would pour honey on mine. Talk about good!  I do not remember ever taking my lunch to school.

5. Is religion a crutch? I gave this a whole lot of thought before answering.......a crutch is a much needed item if one has been injured and cannot walk. So, yes religion could be looked upon as a crutch in that context. I am not nearly as bound to my religion as I am to the God I serve, the one and only Christ Jesus. He gives me a reason to live each day, He sees me through the darkest valleys of my life and gives my life purpose. Without Him I would be nothing and with Him I can face any challenge that comes my way. He has proven to be a crutch that I cannot live without.

6. In your region, what is the "big" (most popular in the community or state) high school sport? Oh, my goodness, FOOTBALL is the "be all, do all" here. I truly do not "get it" but nonetheless, that's the way it is.

7. Do you consider yourself rich? In houses and land, no. In family and friends, yes!

8. Which of these would you have the best chance for success in administering:
B) Heimlich Maneuver
C) Changing a flat tire
I've been trained to do all 3 but would feel the most comfortable in changing a flat tire since it most probably would not be a "life or death" situation.~smile~

 9. Which dance would you prefer to learn & why:
A) Salsa
B) Hip Hop
C) Waltz
D) Swing
Oh, the Waltz! I think it is so beautiful to watch, especially when both parties are "into" it and move with one fluid motion. Doubt I could ever carry it off but I can dream.

 10. What's the worst news you've ever delivered to someone? On Nov. 29, 2008 I had to call my youngest brother and tell him that our Mom had had a massive stroke and probably would not live over it. It still hurts my heart to recall that moment.Our Mom passed away 2 days later.

11. Name something you learned in college that had nothing to do with classes or academics.

That being away from home and parents was not nearly as much fun as I had anticipated it to be, the adjustment was hard, but it was a part of the"growing up" process.

12. New variation on an old question: If there's a song in your head that just won't get out, what is your favorite (or most repeated) line in that song? 

I do not have a clue ~smile~

For more Random Dozen questions and answers click here

Monday, August 23, 2010

Miscellany Monday - Puppies and Horses

it's time to be miscellaneous again and i so enjoy that for a change. marissa is so gracious to host this for us each week. hats off to marissa!! if you haven't checked out miscellany monday, you should!
1. i'm so excited that i am going to the yellow daisy festival in stone mountain, georgia. it is september 9th thru the 12th and my sister in law and i are going to be there when the gates open on the very first day! i cannot wait!  i've never been and have heard such "raves" about it. talk about blog fodder! ~big smile~

2. this action
resulted in this action
yes, the time has come for safety locks to be put on cici and poppa's cabinets and clancy was poppa's little helper. ~chuckle~

3. our kids and their dogs..... our son and his wife have 3 dogs, two outside and one inside and our daughter and her husband have 2 outside dogs. our daughter and her husband woke up to this yesterday!!

7 corgies (only 4 had been born at the time this picture was taken), just what every young couple needs!! do you note my sarcasm? ~giggle~  but they are cute!

4. we went out to watch our son in law work with his horses yesterday and took clancy with us. clancy gets so excited about seeing the horses and took a little jaunt around the arena with his dad.
then poppa held him up on another horse 
and then he had fun swinging on the gate. yes, i think he's quickly becoming a full fledged little boy. they really do grow up quickly.
5. if you are a "regular" reader of my blog then you have probably figured out that i'm an organized and structured person. i always have been and cannot imagine that i'll ever change at this point. well, hubby is sort of a "fly by the seat of your pants" sort of guy. need i say that this has presented it's challenges throughout our 39 years of marriage. he makes very few plans and i love planning. i think planning makes for a very productive life. but, somehow we manage to "give and take" and it all works out, and that's what makes a marriage work anyway, a whole lotta "give and take." ~wink~

6. speaking of hubby, he and i went to see "eat love pray" this past friday evening. we really like julia roberts and felt sure, in spite of it's terrible reviews and ratings, that it would be a good movie. not!!! 
it was long, boring, full of new age and a totally "empty" movie as far as we were concerned. it was such a disappointment because we never go to the movie, so when we do, we  like to really enjoy ourselves. oh, well, there's always next time...........

A wonderful week to you!

Friday, August 20, 2010

School Days


 I so enjoy memes and thought I would participate in both "Flashback Friday"  and "Company Girl Coffee" today. I seemed to need a little direction for my entry today  and thought the questions from "Flashback Friday" would get my "creative juices" flowing. I'm looking forward to meeting some new "blogging buddies" over at Mocha with Linda, the hostess for "Flashback Friday" and of course, always enjoy visiting with my friends at Company Girl Coffee.   Thanks to Rachel Anne and Linda for being such great hosts.
My first day of 1st grade
What type of extra-curricular school activities did you participate in during your school days? Clubs? Spelling bees or other contests? Cheerleader or drill team? Sports? Journalism? Choir or theater? Were there any memorable events related to those? Did you receive any awards? Were football games a big deal at your school? Did you usually attend - and was it with a group or as a date? What was Homecoming like?

My extra curricular activities were very limited throughout my entire school days.  In elementary I do not remember having any extra curricular activities except for piano lessons and that was not in any way related to school.
In thinking about my piano lessons I regret to say that I never remember enjoying my lessons or the practice that I had to do.  Now, I am so grateful for those lessons and while I am no accomplished pianist, I can play and I can read music.  I wish that I had really applied myself and not looked upon it as such a drudgery.  

If my memory serves me correctly (remember, it's been 40 years since I graduated from high school, yikes!) I was in the Drama Club one year and the Science Club one year.  I remember very little about either one, so they must not have been all that exciting to me. ~smile~  I was in choir 2-3 years of my high school years and I do remember enjoying that. 

Before going any further I need to tell you that in my 12 years of schooling I attended 7 different schools in 3 states.  Since my Dad was in the ministry we moved quite a lot.  I did not even graduate from the high school that I got my class ring from since we moved towards the end of my Junior year.

Okay, back to the questions........yes, football was a big deal and I did enjoy going to the games.  I could have cared less about what was going on on the field, I was all about the social aspect and visiting with my friends.  I was always with a group and I remember having a good time whenever I did get to go to a game.  What really "stands out" is that after the game we would all go to the local "burger joint" and get french fries and a coke and visit. Can you imagine a teen today getting excited about such? ~smile~

I was definitely not a cheerleader or member of the pep squad and anything related to it.  I'm sure that was because I basically never lived anywhere long enough to really get involved in those things and my parents did not have the money for us to be in activities or groups that required money.  And, I do not remember ever even having a desire to be a cheerleader.  I had friends that were cheerleaders and I knew all the cheers and had fun shouting the cheers from the stands during the football games.  

Perhaps for those of you reading this you are thinking what a dull "school life" I had.  Well, I guess "ignorance really is bliss."  I do not look back on my school years as anything but fun and exciting.  I was given the opportunity to make many, many friends in each move and some of those remain very dear friends to this day.  I always made friends very easily, I was outgoing and while I was not what you would call "popular", I was accepted. 

While I have no regrets for all the moving my family did while I was in school, I really did not want that for our children. I do not think that all children have the ability to make the many adjustments that I had to make each and every time we moved.  I am certainly not bragging on my ability, I just believe that the Lord blessed me with the gift of making friends easily and adjusting to new places and school easily.  I'm not even sure that I did not look upon our family's "way of life" as something perfectly "normal."  It certainly provided for me a lot of wonderful memories and great friends. I started the 1st grade in Ft. Smith, Arkansas at Sutton Elementary and graduated from Brookville High School in Lynchburg, Virginia.  There was about 1000 miles that separated the beginning of my school days and the ending  of my school days. Wheeeeeeeeee! what a ride!

My Senior Picture - 1970

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wendesday's Random Dozen

1. What is your favorite fair/carnival food? Roasted corn on the cob, just the best!
2. Are you holding onto something you need to let go of? Yes, at this moment, a bowl of ice cream for my bedtime snack :o)

3. What is your favorite gift to receive? Anything that I know the giver has put a lot of thought into.
4. When was the last time you tried something new?

 It would have been in July when I tried my ability at riding a Segway while in Branson.

5. What is your favorite and least favorite book genre? Memoir, Mystery, Political Intrigue, Romance, Humor, Historical Fiction, Historical nonfiction, Chick Lit, Self-Help, Other  I like a good romance, love books by Karen Kingsbury and Francine Rivers and care nothing for Historical Fiction or Nonfiction. 

6.Silver or Gold? In recent years I've converted to silver 
7. What makes you sigh? Usually aggravation :o)

8. If you didn't know how old you are, how old would you claim you are? About 45, I have to pinch myself to realize that I "really" am 58.

9. Would you break a law to save a loved one? To protect a loved one? Definitely to save a loved one and depends upon what I would be protecting them from but probably so.

10. If you had to teach something, what would it be?

Oh, this is easy, "How to have structure and organization in your life."
11. You're having lunch with 3 people whom you respect and admire. They begin to criticize a close friend of yours, not knowing she is your friend. What do you do? I would clue them in that she is a friend of mine and encourage them to get to know her better and leave it at that.

12. Which of the 5 Love Languages is your prominent means of experiencing love?
Quality Time
Physical Touch
Acts of Service
Words of Affirmation

Oh, wow, I've heard about this for years but I've never read the book or taken the test but I think Words of Affirmation would be the prominent one with all of the others being included.

For more fun answers link up to  Linda's 2nd Cup of Coffee. You'll be glad you did!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Miscellany Monday

good monday morning ladies! 
1.i know that it does no good to complain about the weather, but i just can't help myself. it is so hot in n.e.louisiana and the humidity is at least 100%. need i say that i am more than ready for fall and all that it brings? it seems to help my feelings if i just think about fall. ~smile~ i have "glistened and sparkled" way more than i care to this summer.  i'm a "girly girl" and i don't like sweat! okay, now that i've gotten that off of my mind, i'll move on.~wink~

2. i am saddened by all the support that the jet blue flight attendant has gotten on his behavior. i don't know that the public will ever know the "whole" story, but regardless, his behavior (and language), in my estimation, was unacceptable. now, i have no problem with those working for, and in, the public defending themselves.It's all in how it is done.  i have seen employees treated so unfairly by the public and i know without a doubt that they would most often,love to respond in the same way. it takes a big person to "rise above" such treatment but what a fine example it sets for those in observance. and, of course, it is the only choice for christians! what is all the media coverage and support for steven slater saying to our children? yes, it saddens my heart.

3. hubby and i went out to dinner with several friends Saturday evening and we always ride separately, the women in one vehicle and the men in another. it just makes for more interesting conversation that way. ~giggle~ we, the ladies, found ourselves talking about miralax (in case you don't know, it's a laxative). during the conversation one of the ladies said, "laxatives and weather are what folks talk about when they get old." that comment abruptly ended that conversation ~giggle~ and, i suppose that the guys and gals riding in seperate vehicles might also be a sign of another "old folks habit."~big chuckle~

4. i'm imagining these scenes below and looking forward to september 23!(the first day of fall)

thanks to carissa for hosting "miscellany monday" each week. she is definitely a "hostess with the mostess." blessings for a wonderful week!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Chubby Thighs and Bulk Cooking

 Good Morning Ladies! It's always fun to enjoy a visit with my "blogging buddies" through Company Girl Coffee on Fridays. And, let me add that while most you I have never met, nor will I ever meet, I treasure our friendship. I never dreamed the wonderful folks I would meet out in "blog land" when I began this venture 17 months ago.  I feel a special bond to many of you.  Thanks to Rachel for giving us one more way to "connect" on Fridays.

On Tuesday I had the privilege of keeping my precious little 10 month old Granddaughter for most of the day.  She is the happiest little girl and squeals with delight.  She is beginning to say Da-Da, Ma-Ma and I'm working hard with her on CiCi. ~chuckle~  And, I couldn't help but snap the picture below and afterwards I explained to her that this was the only time in her life that chubby thighs would be considered cute. ~giggle~  But, aren't they precious?  I just love pinching them!
I have been wanting to replace the flat braided rugs in our kitchen (under the table and in front of the sink area) but wanted more of a decorator rug this time. I've always had flat braided rugs and while I do like them, it is just time for a change. I began looking a couple of weeks ago and of course, an 8X10 rug and a 9' runner can be costly.  I had been to one furniture store and checked the internet but nothing just "sent me" or was just way to costly.  Yesterday I happened to remember this great discount place that we have here.  I had completely forgotten that they carry lots and lots of rugs.  I decided to go and check them out.  I had not been there 15 minutes when I saw what I thought was perfect!  And,what

This replaced the one below. Now, don't you agree it has a bit more pizazz!!!

made it even better, they had the matching 9' runner.  The price couldn't be beat.  They are made in India of 100% wool.  Now, I don't know how much you know about rugs, but let me tell you, they can be expensive.  I paid a small fraction of what they would have cost anywhere else.  I've known the owner of this place for years and I asked him how in the world he could sell these so inexpensively.  He explained that he buys them by the tractor trailer load and gets them for "rock bottom" prices.  Well, I'm so thrilled with the new look in our kitchen and Hubby was equally thrilled.  Amazing what a rug can do. ~smile!~

Yesterday I woke up with a "bee in my bonnet."  I have always enjoyed doing what I call "bulk cooking" and then stashing it away in the freezer.  Well, I noticed the other day that my freezer was pretty much empty of any stashes. When I woke up this morning I decided to do something about that today.  I have to be in the right mood to do bulk cooking and it seemed that today was the day.  I quickly made a grocery list of needed items to make Lasagna and a Mexican Casserole.  When I returned home I began the process.  

I love to "kill two birds with one stone" whenever possible. There were 3-4 of my older (remember I don't like the word elderly) lady friends that I needed to check on, so I put on my headset phone.  I would call and talk to
them while cooking. Let me just say this before I go any further--if you do not own a headset phone, you are missing out on one of life's greatest 
blessings! ~big laugh~ You can talk on the phone and absolutely never "miss a beat." Okay, now back to the cooking.  In about 2 1/2 hours I had   
6 containers  of  Lasagna and 4 containers of Mexican Casserole. I believe that calculates to about 10 meals and I did not spend quite $40 for all the ingredients.  I think that's impressive! ~smile!~ I will share with my daughter and daughter in law. They both head back to work (they teach) next Tuesday.   A stash in their freezer  might be handy for them to have for "one of those days."  I was so glad to find that these neat little aluminum containers  at the local Dollar Store. Just love some of the "finds" in there!  I think I have another "bee in my bonnet" this morning and am going to do some more bulk cooking. Today it will be Chicken Enchilada's and a Breakfast Casserole.  That should get my freezer looking "happy" once again.

 While visiting, via my headset,  with a couple of my little "lady friends" my heart was so touched.  One was the Director of Nursing at the nursing home where my Grandparents were several years ago.  She was always there for me, knowing just what to say when the days were tough. We developed a very special relationship during those years and she will always hold a very dear and precious place in my heart.  She is now having health issues and takes care of her disabled husband who has a string of health issues too.  She remains so positive and is such a beacon to the Lord and His great mercies.  

My next call was to a precious lady that is 91 years old and has outlived two husbands and never had children.  She was an educator here in our community for almost 40 years and served as teacher, principal and superintendent during that time. She has literally touched the lives of hundreds here in our small town.  In the past couple of years she has faced declining health and can no longer walk unassisted.  She said in our conversation today, "I just want to be the me I use to be." (she was speaking of her physical body)  I felt a big lump come up in my throat and didn't know if I was going to be able to speak. All I could think was that if I am fortunate to live long enough, I will one day likely long to "be the me I use to be."  WOW! may I age with the same grace and dignity that these ladies have and bless lives as they have for as long as HE sees fit to give me life.

May you be awesomely blessed this week-end!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wednesday's Random Dozen is BACK!!!!

 Aren't we thrilled to have Linda back with her Random Dozen!! I know she deserved a break, but it sure wasn't the same on Wednesday while she was away. I bet she missed us too!

 1. When was the last time you laughed until you cried?
Just a little over a week ago at a play at our local theater. It was the Dixie Swim Club and it was just hysterical and I highly recommend it.  The director of the theater makes sure I am in attendance at all of the plays because of my very loud and contagious laugh.  He "claims" it's good for the audience and they will join in.  Oh, well, guess I could be known for something a whole lot worse.~smile~

2. If you found $10 today, what would you do with it?
Probably put $5 in each of the "Grans" piggy banks.

 3. Do you volunteer anywhere?
Not per say, but I do try to be aware of the needs of my older (I don't like the word elderly) friends and help with those whenever I can.  I'm quite sure I could do a whole lot more.
4. What is your favorite summertime veggie or fruit, and how do you eat it?

I love fresh purple hull peas, cooked with a little bacon, okra, mealed and fried and cantaloupe with salt and pepper. Oh, and new potatoes with butter, salt and pepper are just the BEST!
5. Is your social sphere (circle of friends) small, medium or large? I would say that my circle of friends is large. I have friends from all walks of life, varying personalities and interests and they all offer something different in their friendship.  Of course there are friends and there are  "bosom buddies."  Now that "circle" would be much smaller because I do not feel that a person can possibly have anything but a small circle of BEST friends.  I can't imagine life without my friends, they "double my joy and divide my grief." 

6. When was the last time you attended a family or school reunion? How did that go?

The Class of 70 - I'm on the 2nd row, 2nd from the right
 My class celebrated its' 40th class reunion on June 26th of this year.  It was super fantastic!!  We had a nice meal and then just a time of fellowshipping. We decided that the hearing of many is not what it once was (is anything?) and we would forgo any kind of music to try and talk over. ~chuckle~ It was an evening of sharing a lot of fun memories 

 7. When you're feeling blue, what is the best way someone can cheer you up? Well, it depends upon what I'm blue about. I'm not usually blue/sad alot but when I am, it's usually something major. Prayers, reassurance from the scriptures and a warm touch or hug from a loved one or friend is super "salve for the wound."

 8. Have you taken a vacation this summer? Hubby and I went to Point Clear, Alabama and then we also met family in Branson, Missouri, not big trips, but great fun!

 9. What is the most unnecessary item you carry with you all the time?  Well, I carry so many items in my purse/suitcase that my friends call me a boy scout because I'm pretty much always prepared for anything. I carry band-aids, wet ones, asprin, sissors, flashlight and a "bazillion" other things, and I don't think any of it is unnecessary. ~chuckle~
10. What is the best summer flick you have seen so far?
This is sad to admit, but the only movie I've been to this summer is Toy Story 3 with my daughter and Grandson. I've gotta do better. ~smile~

11. Describe a perfect summer day.
Beautiful weather, some "hubby and me" time, time with family  and not having anything that just HAS to be done.  Of course, I'm guilty of often thinking things HAVE to be done when they really don't. It's that weird part of my personality. ~wink~ I'm very blessed to have a lot of these kind of days.

12. Please a share a favorite photo from the summer so far!

Me enjoying some special time with my niece and nephew in Branson

Monday, August 9, 2010

Miscellany Monday

1. i'm not sure there is anywhere else in the u.s. that one can live and actually see spanish moss growing in trees like you can here in louisiana. it has always been so interesting to me and you would not believe all the ways one can use that moss to decorate. trouble is that you have to figure out how to get up in the trees to get it. ~smile

2. we enjoyed going with friends to a habachi grill Saturday evening. this was only my 3rd time to go and i love  the food. we had a very fun waiter/chef last night. it is so amazing to me how they rattle those utensils, flip the food, squirt the seasonings and never miss a beat.  i wonder how long it takes them to learn to do this? i think it would be much like learning to juggle and am quite certain that it is a task beyond my ability. ~wink~

 3. i think that most habachi grills are also sushi bars (it obvious that i don't know a lot about either one) one of the folks with us last night ordered sushi and while i cannot imagine putting something by that name in my mouth, it had a most attractive look.  i think he thought i was pretty "  out there" when i told him i wanted to take a picture of it before he "dug in."   it was absolutely perfect and uniform and the plate presentation actually made it look yummy.

 4. hubby's thoughts are beginning to turn to hunting. he is quite the golfer but it has gotten so unbearably hot that he says he may not do much more until next spring. it's too hot to golf but not to hot to go and ready the woods for deer hunting. (go figure) hubby has been an avid hunter for over 50 years. there isn't a trick that he doesn't know and his deer stands look like the "Hilton on a stand." 

 they are equipped with carpet, heaters, nice swivel chairs and windows that open.  he spends some of his happiest times in his deer stands and says he does some of his best thinking while there. he is able to get "up close and personal"  with mother nature. he's one of  the reasons that louisiana is called "   a sportsman's paradise." 

5. i'm in love with my keurig coffee maker.  i've had it almost a year and i like it more everyday. it is just the coolest one machine.

i love the little pods and all the many flavors of coffee available in them.  it's so much neater and quicker than a regular coffee pot and your coffee is always freshly brewed.  i love me some coffee first thing in the morning!

6. our sunday school lesson yesterday  was on how god desires to be involved in any and all of our decisions. he's not just about the big things in our lives, but even what we might think of as mundane. i know that and have known it for many years, but i sure did need to be reminded.  it's so easy to forget to consult him on any and everything that concerns us. may i be rededicated to this in the days ahead.

as always, miscellany monday is so much fun! i don't know how carissa finds the time to host us each week, but i sure am glad she does.  she is a sweetheart!  perhaps she is like many of the rest of us, blogging is her therapy. ~smile~

Friday, August 6, 2010

Cowboy Rain Boots & A Ruffled Skirt

First, it is so wonderful that in the last few hours the temperature here in Northern Louisiana has  dropped 
about 20 degrees and it feels like a "cold wave" has swept through. Oh, it feels so good  and makes me think of fall, pumpkins and cooler weather. But, I'm quite certain that we are still a couple of months away from any "real feel" of fall. But, it's fun to think about anyway.

It's been a fairly uneventful week, just busy enough but not too busy. We did manage to get the new light fixtures hung in the bathrooms and  a new commode was installed in our Master Bathroom.  Now, does it get much more exciting that that? ~giggle~

Yesterday was a most fun day! I took a 13 year old girl out to lunch and shopping.  She is the daughter of the gal that has been doing my nails for the past 10 years.  (See my last post for more about them and pictures.)
 Our first stop after lunch was a shoe store that carries all the latest  and greatest in shoes for the young teen through the older women.  We walked in just as the owner was opening a huge box of rubber cowboy rain boots. An was beside herself with excitement and wasn't long about finding just the perfect pair for herself.  And, she loved the fact that she bought the first pair the store sold.  I must say, they are just the cutest, but, wow! what a difference in the rubber boots I wore as a 14 year old.  I did have to try on a pair myself but just could not see me in rubber cowboy boots. ~smile~

From the shoe store we went to Dillard's. An wanted to check out the sale in the Jr. Dept.  Mind you, she is a size 1!!!  There's not much out there that doesn't look "picture perfect" on her. She found the cutest ruffled skirt for 50% off, tried it on and it was a "gotta have it."  We decided that the ruffled skirt and the cowboy boots made a definite "fashion statement."

It was a delightful time and it was so refreshing to see a young girl that is so conscious of cost and modesty.  She even said to me that she knew how hard her parents worked and she wanted to be responsible in the way she spent their money. WOW! such depth for a 13 year old.  This 58 year old woman was blessed by her day with a teenage girl and I pray that she was blessed by her time with me.  And, I might add, her Mom approved of all her purchases and appreciated my taking An shopping as she just simply has very little time to enjoy such luxuries with her daughter. It was also some great "on the job" training for later when my little 10 month old Granddaughter is old enough to go shopping.

If you want more good "reads" then by all means check out Rachel's Home Sanctuary. Rachel is the "bomb!"

Monday, August 2, 2010

Miscellany Monday

it's monday again and that always means it's time to link up with carissa for some meme fun.  what a super gal she is and i so appreciate her taking the time to host us each monday.

<1> my dear mom has been deceased 20 months. there's never a day that goes by that i do not miss her. thank goodness it's not a miss that necessarily makes me sad anymore, but there's so much i miss about her. one major thing is her prayers for me. i knew all of my life that there was not a day that my mom did not pray  for me. as i grew older her prayers began to mean more and more to me. i knew that i could call and share the concerns of my heart and she would be in earnest prayer with me. there's just no one like a momma and there's no prayers like those of a momma.
<2> last week i mentioned my precious Vietnamese friends that own the salon where i get my nails done. Their 14 year old daughter is such a talented young lady. She

Ami and her daughter An

 plays the piano, sings and dances and is a superb artist.  in the past few weeks she started painting art work on jeans. below is a pair she painted this week.  i was more than a little impressed. it seems that she is in demand among her friends. an is such a sweet girl and is president of the

 fellowship of christian athletes at her high school. she is excited that their family will be adding another member  in feb. what a wonderful big sister an will be.

<3> is it just me, or does blogger misbehave for you too sometimes? and, do you use internet explorer or mozilla as your browser? i am a big mozilla fan but my daughter says that blogger works best in internet explorer. any thoughts would be appreciated. it seems that i can have "issues" with either one some times.

<4> our little town is so blessed to have a wonderful little theater, called "the rose" and plays are performed by local folks 5-6 times a year.  yesterday afternoon i went to see the current play, "the dixie swim club." oh, my goodness, 
it was hysterical almost from the beginning to the end. i love to laugh and i wish that i could tell you i have a dainty laugh, but such is not the case. i laugh with gusto (I cry with gusto too). ~smile~  If you are ever given the chance to see the play, i feel certain you will enjoy it.

<5> the "two delights" of my life will be coming in a few minutes. they will be spending the morning with their cici while their mommies attend a meeting concerning their upcoming school year. my little princess just started crawling this past week and my little prince is usually in a full trot. so it will be a busy and fun morning of making memories.

may your socks be blessed off this week!!