What role did music play in your growing up years? Music played a vital role in my growing up years. I began taking piano lessons when I was 7 years old and took them for about 8 years. I did not enjoy piano but it was the desire of my sweet Mom's heart that I play the piano. And, I think I really did want to play, I just DID NOT want or like to practice. ~smile~ Thankfully I can play, I'm definitely not an accomplished pianist by any means, but I can play enough to get myself into trouble. ~chuckle~ What I did enjoy musically was singing. I would have rather sung than eat when I was hungry. I was always singing in church and in the school choir and when my brother and I were in our teens we sang together for various events. He was an accomplished guitarist and we spent many happy hours singing together. I could not find a picture of the two of us during that time but this is a picture taken a couple of years ago of the two of us.
What, if any, music do you associate with early childhood?
Oh, my, I'm really dating myself when I say this, but Lawrence Welk was my all time favorite TV show. I loved all the music on his show. We did not have a TV in our home until I was 8 years old so before that time we would go to my Grandparents house every Sat. evening so I could watch the show at their house.
What music style or songs were popular when you were in high school?Folk songs,and Rock n' Roll. The Temptations, Paul Revere and the Raiders, The Monkees, The Beach Boys, Simon and Garfunkel, Peter,Paul and Mary, to name a few, were some of my favorite artists.
How did you listen to music - on the radio, albums, etc. Did you have a stereo in your room? I had a radio and a record player that played the old 33's and 45's. I was really "up town." ~giggle~
Did you attend concerts when you were a teenager? I have no memory of ever attending any kind of a concert until after I had been married for many years. And, I don't really remember there being that many available to attend, so I certainly didn't feel like I was missing anything.
Did the music you liked cause conflict with your parents?
I don't remember it ever being a problem other than perhaps I liked to play it a little louder than they thought was necessary. ~smile~
What song or songs take you back to a certain place and time of your youth? Just about any of the music from the 60's and early 70's brings back thoughts of my "growing up" years and while to most that knew me, it wouldn't have been an exciting time, I look upon it as a great time in my life and if I had it to do over, I'd enjoy it even more the "second time around."