Wednesday, October 31, 2012

100th Hodgepodge

Happy Cenntenial Anniversary
Thanks Joyce for 100 weeks of fun! Sure do hope you'll stick with us for a 100 more.

1. What creeps you out?Well, guess there's plenty of things that creep me out but I'll go with the first thing that came to my mind,  greasy, dirty hair.  That may not be your definition of creepy, but it gives me the "bejeebers."  I feel like water and shampoo are both readily accessible and rather inexpensive, so there's no excuse for it.
The other creepy thing that is more in tune with today is those folks that enjoy dressing up in  very realistic scary ways for Halloween.  I cannot stand it and it definitely "creeps me out."  Halloween is all about fun for kids  and scary is generally not fun for kids.

  2. What's your least favorite candy?

No doubt about it, Candy Corn!  I have never, ever liked it and am so amazed at how popular it is, especially at this time of year.  I think it is an attractive candy, but it is so, so sweet that it just makes me sick even thinking about it. And, licorice rates right there with Candy Corn. Ugh!

3. Are you a fan of scary movies?  What's the scariest movie you've ever seen?
No, do not like and do not go to or watch scary movies.  Give me a suspenseful movie and I'm a happy gal, but not scary.  I did watch Alfred Hitchcock's move, The Birds, when I was a teenager and my Daddy watched it with me.  Speaking of "creepy" those birds were very creepy.

  4. What part of life confuses you the most?
What part doesn't?  You know I'm sitting here laboring over this question way too long so think I'll just leave it at is confusing but thankfully I serve a God that can make sense out of that confusion.

5. Pumpkin, sunflower, sesame, poppy...what's your favorite seed?
I'm not a seed person, I don't even eat tomatoes because they have seeds.  Yep! I know that's hard to believe but it's the truth.  I don't mind sesame seeds on a roll or bun and I don't mind poppy seeds in something like Lemon Poppyseed Bread, but that's it for me and seeds. 

6. Imagine your life ten years from today...what's changed? Hummm........I'll be a sassy 70 year old (I hope), my sweet Grans will be 14 and 13 and surely I'll have a house all on one level. ~wink~  I guess all we can do is imagine because none of us know what tomorrow holds and I've seen so much in recent years where lives have ended and changed without warning in less than 24 hours.  

7.  What do you a) love the
most and b) like the least about the Hodgepodge?
I like to blog on a regular basis, and it's not always easy for me to come up with  topics. Hodgepodge takes care of that for me and give folks insight into my life by the answers that I give.
Sometimes the questions cause me to have to really think harder than I like to think.  But, hey, it gives my brain a good workout!
8.  Insert your own random thought here. 

Our Princess will be coming over with her Dad and Mom this evening to help us give out candy to all the Trick or Treaters.  Hubby loves giving out candy to the kiddos and always buys the best candy to give out.  We have a circle drive and we sit outside in our lawn chairs and enjoy the evening.  Sometimes Roscoe and Rhett even join us.  It will be a redneck sort of evening.
  ~ big ha! ha!~

Monday, October 29, 2012

Miscellany Monday

Another Monday and that means it's time to be random with Carissa.  Thanks Carissa, for always showing up for us and especially today in the midst of Hurricane Sandy.

 1,2,3 Cake...........
I found the perfect little night time treat (or anytime treat) on Pinterest the other day and, in case you didn't see it, I felt it my duty to share it with you. ~smile~  You take a box of Angel Food Cake mix and another box of cake mix (any kind your heart desires) and mix the two mixes together (in a large bowl or a ziploc bag).  You then take 3 tablespoonfuls of the mix and drop it into a coffee mug or small dish, add two tablespoons of water and stir well.  Then place in the microwave for 1 minute and "eureka" you have a nice hot piece of cake ready to be devoured.  You can top it with whipped topping or ice cream and make it even better.  I used the milk chocolate cake mix with my angel food mix.  Of course, it makes a whole lot, so I put it in quart jars and will give them as a "happy" and, I stuck one of the jars in my cabinets for my own use.  I think these would make great little gifts this Christmas season.  Just attach a cute little card with the directions, tie a ribbon around the top of the jar and there you have it.  Now, aren't you glad I shared this with you? 

Two alike...........
This is Krista and Kristin, twin daughter's of Hubby's office manager.  Aren't they just the cutest!  A couple of weeks ago their school was celebrating Homecoming all week and this particular day was "costume day" so they came as crayons.  They are about to celebrate their 17th birthday and it seems just yesterday they were born. And, believe it or not, I still do not know which one is which.  They are not identical, but close enough that it stresses me to try and figure it out. ~laugh~  

 Called and anointed...........
This precious couple show in the photo with Hubby and me are two of the most inspiring folks I know.  They have spent their entire lives at home and abroad spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. Tommy and Wade have been friends since childhood and we delight at any and every opportunity that we have to share with them.  They were guests in our church services yesterday and what a blessing.  They never miss an opportunity to change someone's life for eternity.

Dressed and ready...........
Clancy has almost worn this costume out and Halloween hasn't even arrived yet.  But, he will be in fine form come Wednesday.  He loves Spider Man and it only made sense for him to have this amazing costume.  Sure wish a bazillion miles (a small exaggeration) didn't separate us so that he and Hanna Beth could enjoy Halloween together. But, it is what it is and we'll enjoy it together from afar.

As you go through this week remember........


Friday, October 26, 2012

Friday's Letter's


Thanks Ashley, for hosting our Friday Letters week in and week out.  What a great idea you had with this and what fun it is to write our letters.
Dear Chi - whatever would I do without your amazing flat iron?  I was introduced to you about 4 years ago and thought I'd never get "the hang" of using you, but when I did, my hair became very happy and so did I.

Dear Readers - several of you have asked if I share my fudge recipe.  Why, I most certainly do!  What would I want to keep something this delicious to myself? ~wink~  You can find it under the recipe tab on my navigation bar at the top of this page.  It is about the 8th recipe from the top and I even give some helpful hints that I have learned over the past 25 years of making it. Enjoy!

Dear Facebook - I am very often shocked at what some folks post on you. Need I say more????

Dear Keurig - your coffee pot is just so amazing and makes the best cup of coffee in the world.  You still make me excited to get out of bed every morning and I've owned you for 3 years.

Dear 2012 - where have you gone?  I guess it's age, but time seems to be going at "break neck" speed these days.  We'll be welcoming a new year sooner than seems possible.

Dearest Momma - will I ever quit missing you?  I think not!  There's been so much I've wanted to share with you lately and so often, I know your wisdom is just what I need to hear. Hard to believe it's been almost 4 years since you entered your heavenly home.

Dear Mary Kay Cosmetics - your new skincare line, Timewise Repair is awesome.  My skin feels so soft and creamy after using you.  Way to go, again!  I'm expecting it to perform a miracle after about 6 months of use. ~wish on~

Dear Wal-Mart - you make me want to spit more times than not when I am in your store.  And, I assure you that if our little town had another store comparable to you, I would never darken your doors.  I think you have gotten "too big for your britches."  And, I think Sam Walton would NOT be happy with your behavior.

Dear Presidential Candidates - I have cast my vote. So, please stop playing your ads on my TV and calling my phone.  It's too late for me and my Hubby, it's a "done deal."  And, we can only pray that everyone else casts their votes exactly as we did. Then all will be well!  ~big laugh~ 
Dear Google - whatever did I do before you came into existence? I pretty sure you are the best thing since "sliced bread."

And, I leave you with this........ 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wednesday's Hodgepodge

Wow! 99 Hodgepodges! We'd better hang on to our hats for the 100th edition next week.  There's no telling what Joyce may throw our way.

1.  So, do you like beer? NO! I tried it one time a hundred years ago, and I almost spit it in the face of the person across from me. No joke!  Someone told me that it is something that you aquire a taste for and that I didn't give it a chance.  Well, just didn't see the need for all that and never tried it again.  And, I must admit, I know too many cases where alcohol has gotten the best of folks and it has left me with a very tainted view of anything alcoholic.  And, I am well aware that there are other things that, in excess, can get the best of folks, such as food. But at least, with over indulgence of food,  folks are only harming themselves and not others.  Okay, moving on..............
2.  What's your least favorite repetitive task?
The first thing that came to my mind was changing sheets.  I strongly dislike that job and it doesn't help that we have a king sized bed.  I love the feel of clean sheets and get plum excited about sleeping on them the first night but that's doesn't change how I dread the job and thankful that it is not an everyday job.

3.  When was the last time you rode a bus?  Where was it headed?
It was on our Canadian and New England Cruise last summer.  We rode a bus almost more than we cruised.  No joke!  All of the excursions that we went on were by bus and while we thoroughly enjoyed all of the excursions we did tire of getting on and off the buses time and time again.  But, we sure did get to see some gorgeous sites as a result.

4.  What song from your childhood or from your own children's childhood could make a parent's nerves stand on end? 

Ten Little Monkey's Jumping on the Bed.  OMG! our daughter  learned that song at one of her preschools and sang it until I had to dare her within an inch of her life to shut it up. ~giggle~  It's as bad as 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall.

5.  The US Presidential election cycle is drawing to a close ( can I get an AMEN??), and the third and final debate was held last night...what was the last thing you 'debated about'?Oh, been several debates recently around this house. ~smile~ We've done a lot of debating about downsizing from our present house and building or buying a new home.  So, so much to consider and no decision has been reached thus far, guess you could say we're still debating. ~laugh~

6.  Can a person make too much money?  How much is too much?

Oh, indeed! I mean when Drew Brees was awarded a 5 year, $100 million dollar contract with the New Orleans Saints, I couldn't believe it.  Come on, I find it appalling myself and the fact that he's a great guy doesn't help my feelings one bit.  To me it says that our society is way off base in what really matters. Need I go on????

7.  Pop-soda-coke-something else...what's it called where you live?
Seems most of us refer to just about any cold drink here in the South as a Coke but the favorite drink here  is none other than good ole' Sweet Tea and especially if it comes from Sonic. ~wink~

8.  Insert your own random thought here. 

I've talked a lot about my precious friend, Martha, and her battle with cancer.  Well, the tough battle continues for her.  She just found out yesterday that she now has Soft Tissue Sarcoma and cancer in her other breast as well.  She is devastated beyond words and I covet your prayers on her behalf and  prayers for me as I minister to her as a dear friend of 41 years.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Miscellany Monday

Hubby and I returned Saturday night from a fun getaway to Northwest Arkansas.  The beautiful colors, great friends and fun festivals made for a wonderful time.  But, as always, it's good to be back home.
 Owls and more owls..........
What is the big deal with all the owls?  I have never seen owls in so many shapes, forms and fashion in my life.  Every craft show and every shop we went to while on our trip had owls, anyway you might want them.  I decided to join the fad and got this cute fella since he went really well with the items on my kitchen island. And, there was owl jewelry by the truckload.  So, if you do now have anything "owlish" then I'm suggesting that you get something.  Especially if you want to be "in." ~laugh~

Bubble Necklaces............
These were the other items that were EVERYWHERE we went while on our trip.  I'm not even sure why they are called bubble necklaces but I do like them and these two had my name on them, so they came home with me.  And, they came with matching earrings, and since I'm all into "matchy matchy" that made it all the better.  I guess a gal's gotta do what a gal's gotta do to stay "in vogue." ~really~

Southern Hospitality at the finest....... 

These dear friends wrote the book on Southern Hospitality. They know how to make their guests feel so special and they pull out all the stops to show them a good time.  And, it doesn't hurt that they live in beautiful NW Arkansas.~ big smile~

 This is the delicious meal that we sat down to the night we arrived.  It looked like something straight out of a magazine.  I'm afraid that this is the type of thing that we're getting away from more and more and it was a delight to sit down to a wonderful meal in our dear friends home.

A penny for his thoughts........
This is Hubby as we are preparing to head towards home Saturday morning.  I can just about tell you that he is standing there waiting on the elevator and thinking "does it really take this much STUFF for two people to be gone a mere 3 nights and 4 days?"  And, he would be quick to tell you that 75% of it is mine. What can I say?

And, I leave you with this.......
why is this so hard to do at times????

I'm linking up with sweet and charming Carissa for
Miscellany Monday today.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wednesday Hodgepodge

Wednesday means it's Hodgepodge time. Yea for Joyce!  She  keeps those questions coming week in and week out.

1. Noah Webster was born this week back in 1758....besides the online version, do you own a dictionary?  Do you ever use the hardback copy or is your hunt for a definition strictly online these days?
Yes, we do own a very nice Webster's dictionary that has probably not been opened in the past 15 years.  I never, never use it.  It's just too easy with spell check and Google.  Well, if you have no idea how to spell something then it can be challenging with or without a dictionary. 

  2.  Should public schools ban Halloween celebrations?  What about other holiday celebrations currently under fire?
Well, with things the way they are, probably so.  But, I think it is such a shame that kids cannot enjoy parties and celebrations for all the holidays like I did when I was a child.  Halloween was all about fun and nothing more and we all Trick or Treated without a worry one.  The birth of Christ was not hushed as the real meaning of Christmas and Santa had his place as well. I have such fond memories of these parties with all my class mates in our class room.  What a difference today!  I do think that a lot of schools now have what they call Fall Festivals and that seems to be providing a lot of fun for the kids and their families. And, the churches in our area do what they call, "Trunk or Treat" and folks put candy in the trunk of their car and the kids go from car to car getting candy.

  3.  What's your favorite 'dog' movie?

Awe, The Shaggy Dog for sure!  I remember this movie from way, way back when I was a little girl.  And, I asked for the stuffed animal version of him for Christmas that year, and I got it.  That dog slept with me for years and years.

  4.  When were you last somewhere you'd describe as 'too quiet'?
Humm.......can it be too quiet??? ~wink~

  5.  Are you a neat cook or a messy cook?  In other words do you clean as you go or make a big mess and then deal with it later?
I wear myself out being a neat cook.  I will occasionally let it get ahead of me and have a big mess, but I try very hard to "clean as I go."  I enjoy cooking a whole lot more when I can stay on top of the mess it creates. ~grin~

  6.  Did you hear about Felix Baumgartner, the skydiver who broke the sound barrier via parachute?  Was your first thought  COOL! or was your first thought CRAZY!  Are you adventurous?
Yes, I heard all about it and my immediate thought was,"how insane, why would anyone want to do something like that."  I truly do not have much adventure in me by most folks standards.  I thought I was adventuresome on our Alaska trip 4 years ago when I went on a rugged ATV ride. ~big smile~

  7.  What's not a word but should be?
UNTHAW - Good grief, I have used that word so many times when defrosting an item.  I truly do not know why "the powers that be" did not make that a word.

8.  Insert your own random thought here. 

Pumpkin Dump Cake
 Girlies, if you want to put your chompers into something that will make you "slap your pappy" then this is it!  I saw it on Pinterest, gave it a try and I did slap my pappy. ~big smile~  If you want to give it a try, click here for the recipe.  It's definitely "yummy for your tummy."  Meanwhile, Hubby and I are off to North Arkansas this morning for a little fall fun with dear friends.  I'll return with lots of blog fodder.  So hold tight while I'm away!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Miscellany Monday

It's time for pumpkins, mums, scarecrows and all things fall! Yipee! I love me some FALL!!! And, I love me some Miscellany Monday with Carissa.

The big girl bed.........

 Our Princess graduated to a toddler bed about 6 months ago and about 2 months ago she made the switch to a double bed.  She was so excited and has had no trouble adjusting whatsoever.  I think her bedding is just some of the cutest I've ever seen.  She's growing up in so many ways and I must say I absolutely love the toddler stage.  Just so blooming cute in just about everything they do and say.

Stepping out of "the box"....

I would classify my style of clothes as conservative but I have recently stepped out of "my box."  When I first saw all the brightly colored jeans and pants, I certainly didn't see myself in them.  Well, I broke down and tried some on and hummm, I bought myself a pair.  They look red in this picture, but can I just tell you that they are orange, yes, Halloween orange!  I thought I might tame them down a bit with the white shirt.  I'm thinking I might just have to have another color.

The breakfast of champions......
A couple of years ago I started eating crunchy peanut butter spread on vanilla wafers for breakfast.  Well, I saw this Dark Chocolate Dreams spread a couple of weeks ago and decided it might just be what I needed to "top them off."  And, it is more than delicious.  Four of these fellas with a good cup of piping hot coffee will get your day started off in grand style. I promise!

The Pumpkin Patch............

One of our local churches has a Pumpkin Patch this year.  I took Hanna Beth over to wander through and to snap a few pics this past Saturday.  She thoroughly enjoyed everything about it except the scarecrows.  When we came upon the first one she looked up at me and said, "I not like him CiCi."  As I said earlier, toddlers just say the cutest things.
Your prayers...........

You may well remember this photo from a previous post of mine.  This is my very special friend, Martha, that has been battling breast cancer since July, 2011.  It appears that she has cancer in two other places and Martha is so despondent and discouraged.  She will go to Houston for biopsies this week to confirm the suspicions of the Drs.  Please pray that the Drs. suspicions are wrong and that she will be able to beat this terrible disease.  It has made my heart so sad but I know the Lord is still on His throne and even when we don't understand, He is still there.


Friday, October 12, 2012

Heirlooms Crafted with Love

I thought it would be fun to share with you some of my most prized heirlooms.  These "prizes" happen to be handcrafted by my Dad. 

Taken 3 years ago as he was preparing for a local craft show
I am thrilled to have each of the pieces and especially now that my Dad can no longer do wood crafting.  He was stricken with Guillian Barre Syndrome 18 months ago and lost a lot of the dexterity in his hands, plus he still lives with a lot of pain and discomfort and is not able to stand for long periods of time. It does make him happy to know that my older brother has taken his shop tools and is now enjoying being creative with them himself.  It seems as though he must have inherited Dad's wood crafting ability.

The first item my Dad ever made for me was a "Hope Chest" when I graduated from high school.  It is made of solid walnut and lined in cedar.  These pictures do not do it justice, and if you look close you can see where he routed my name with a heart on the inside of the top.  ~Yes, now you know, my middle name is Beth.~  Anyway, I have used this chest since the day he gave it to me and it makes the best place in the world for sweater storage.

 The next piece he made for me was this cradle when I was pregnant with our first child.  It was made from the pattern of an antique reproduction.  Our son actually slept in it for a couple of weeks and one day it will be passed on to him.  It is also made out of walnut.  I hope that you can see that it is crafted with perfection, as was all of Dad's work.

This is a 30 minute hour glass made of mahogany.  It serves as quite the conversation piece since it is large and a most unique piece.

I saw a picture of this little shelf in a magazine about 8 years ago and asked Daddy is he could make me one like it and he went right to work and it holds a very special place in my kitchen.  It is made of oak.

 This is called a sleigh shelf and hangs in our guest bathroom
It is made out of oak as well.

 This is a quilt rack also made of oak.  It is a very large piece, very substantial and will hold up to 6 quilts.  He also made both of our children one of these.

This is a matching pair of columns that sit on either side of our fireplace.  They are one of my most favorite pieces and are made of walnut.

These are two of the many types of crosses that Daddy has crafted over the years and two of my most favorite of all.~ By putting them side by side I cut off some of the length.~

Now, don't you just love this Fleur de Leis?  It is sort of the symbol of Louisiana and hangs proudly in our foyer.

Daddy has also carved over the years and this little hound is a result of some of his carving.  I thought he was so cute and asked if I could have him.  I think he was sort of just playing when he made this fella, but he's such a cutie!

Speaking of carving.......he has also carved many wooden spoons over the years.  This is a BIG spoon and will reach down into my deep soup/stew pots and the flat edge allows me to scrap the bottom of the pan very easily. Daddy called it a "spatula spoon."  This is made of  maple.

This is what I call a "fern stand" but could also be used as an all occasion table.  It is made of mahogany.

I hope you have enjoyed seeing these heirlooms as much as I have enjoyed showing them to you.  It is this type of item that has priceless value.  I treasure each and every piece and hope that when these are passed on to my children they will remember the man whose hands crafted them with love.

I'm linking up with Rachel this morning for Friday Favorites.