Yes, my friends, this is the 400th HP hosted by Joyce. My goodness, that's a whole lot of questions. Hats off to you, Joyce, we appreciate you so much and your hosting us each Wednesday. You are the BEST!
2. Tell us where you were and something about what your life looked like in the year 2000?
My sweet Dad and Mom made their big move from Virginia to Louisiana after Daddy retired from the ministry. We had not lived closer than a 1000 miles of each other since I had married. It was so nice to have them just "down the road." Our children were in college and doing well for themselves and, as I remember it, life was indeed good. And, that seems like yesterday and here it is, 20 years later. The kids are married and we have 5 precious Grans. I wonder what the next 20 years will bring or maybe I don't.
3. Do you like cinnamon? What's something you make and enjoy that calls for cinnamon? Of the cinnamon 'foods' listed which is your favorite-red hot cinnamon candies, cinnamon toast, cinnamon rolls, cinnamon toast crunch cereal, apple cinnamon oatmeal, churros, an Indian curry?
I love cinnamon! Several desserts I make this time of year call for cinnamon and that's what makes them all the more delicious. I love cinnamon toast but I cannot tell you the last time I had some. Just an added note..........I add a tad of cinnamon to my coffee every morning, along with a lot of powdered creamer and stevia.
4. Does Christmas 2020 (or Hanukkah) look much like it has in years past, or is this year vastly different for you and your family? How so? How are you feeling about it all?
Well, the Christmas season has been very different with little to no gatherings taking place. I've missed that so much as it is usually so much a part of our Christmas season. As far as our family Christmas, so far it's looking very similiar to past years. One of Tommy's sisters and her husband will arrive this afternoon and Bridget and her family will arrive Christmas afternoon. We'll have our family celebration on Saturday. We've all been being extra careful and doing our best to stay well so nothing will change these plans. With that being said, my Daddy has always come for part of our celebration and, of course, that will not happen this year. I just hate it but am so thankful that not one resident at his assisted living facility has gotten Covid. I think that's amazing. His facility will be getting the vaccine real soon.
5. What's one thing you need or want to do before this year ends?
I don't know if it will happen, but I would like to get our home office all ready for 2021. That means cleaning out the 2020 files and keeping the ones that are necessary and shredding the rest of them. And, there's my closet that I want to go through as well. So, if not by the end of this year, it will definitely be my first of the year projects.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
I "think" I am as ready as I can be for the celebration to begin here at our house. I worked on my menus last week, made my grocery list, and bought the groceries. I've even done some of the preparation. Meals are by far the biggest job for holiday company. I do all that I can ahead to cut down on my time in the kitchen, but it always seems like you finish one meal and immediately start thinking about the next one. ~smile~ All the gifts are wrapped and ready, the house in order and the welcome mat rolled out. All that's left to do is make memories and we'll start on that this afternoon when our first of the family arrives.