It's Monday and time to link up with sweet Carissa for our randomness.What a fun way to begin a new week!
I swear I really did feel a " nip" of fall in the air Saturday morning. It got me plum excited and I began thinking of fall decorations. Didn't pull them out, but I'm thinking in the next couple of weeks I'm going to " go for it" and hope that it causes it to " show it's face."
Strawberry Lemonade
My newest favorite drink is Sonic's Strawberry Lemonade. It use to be their tea, but I tried this one day (at my DIL's recommendation) and I'm addicted. Don't know what it is about those Sonic drinks but somehow my vehicle can hardly go by one without pulling through and grabbing a drink. My Hubby just does not get it at all. ~grin~ I doubt it's the only thing he doesn't get. ~big grin~
Neat and tidy and a girly girl
Our little Princess and her Dad and Mom went out to eat with us the other night. She is the neatest little eater I've ever seen for not quite 2 years old. She is so very precise with her little fingers and when dipping her fries in catsup she never makes a mess and it goes straight in her mouth, not around her mouth. I love it! She's such a " girly girl" and she loves putting on her CiCi's shoes too. Believe it or not, she took several steps with her feet in the shoes just like this.
Meet my Virginia brother
My oldest brother was here this past week for a couple of days to visit our Dad. We enjoyed him so much and he is quite an accomplished guitarist and he was able to round up one while here and enjoyed serenading our Dad with some of the old hymns while visiting with him. He and I use to enjoy singing together when we were teenagers and he accompanied us on the guitar. What memories!
Coloring that gray right out
Coloring that gray right out
Every 4 -5 weeks you will find me at my favorite salon with my favorite hair sylist. She colors and trims and offers free counseling on the side. ~laugh~ I'm sure that she could write a " best seller" with some of the " stuff" she has heard throughout her years of dealing with women. She is definitely a bright spot in my day!