Monday, April 1, 2024

April Prime Purchases

April 1st, and time for another edition of Prime Purchases.  My thanks to Tanya at The Other Side of the Road for hosting this fun link up each month.  I have a hodgepodge of items this month so enjoy and perhaps you'll see something that you need or want.


I had used my double walled tumblers for long enough.  The rubber seals wouldn't stay in and I decided it was time for some new tumblers.  Well, I saw these and decided they would work very well for my nutritional tea that I drink everyday.  They are skinny, easy to hold and keep my tea cold while I drink it.  And, need I say, they are so cute! And, I ordered my name and initials from Etsy to decorate them.  They would also make great gifts as there are 8 to a box.


I succumbed to the temptation, yes, I did! Aren't these just the cutest? No, I did not need them for sure but I couldn't resist.  I love dessert plates and mugs and these are just so happy looking. I will say that the dessert plates are smaller than some but plenty big enough for any dessert I will be serving.



This is such a cute jacket.  I thought it might be a bit gaudy but it really isn't.  There are no embellishments on the back of it and it looks really cute with white jeans.  It's just a fun jacket!


I love decorative tassels.  I like to use them on drawer knobs, door knobs or lamp knobs.  These are so well made and come in several colors.  And, there's lots and lots of others throughout Amazon, different lengths and different colors, depends on your preference.


I'm pretty sure I have listed these before but I use these containers ALL THE TIME!  They are just so handy to have and if I take something to someone in them, they do not need to worry about returning it.  They are great for freezing and storage too.



I started not to include these but decided that there might be someone out there that doesn't know how wonderful these are.  I have been wearing these gloves or something similar, all my adult life.  My mother always wore gloves washing dishes and I just thought that was what you did, so I've been through lots and lots of pairs of gloves and I love these.  AND, you get 6 pair and the price is fantastic. 


A friend gave us a little mini pound cake that she had made a couple of weeks ago.  I make a really good Almond Pound cake but this cake was REALLY good too.  I seemed to sense that there was something just a tad different in hers, so I ask her about it.  She said it had a tiny bit of Bakery Emulsion in it.  Well, not sure where I've been, but I've never heard of such but I now own a bottle and I will be using it in my cakes from here on.  It only takes 1/2 teaspoon and, from what I read, any more than that can ruin the taste.  I can't believe 1/2 teaspoon makes such a difference but I promise it does.  I'm thinking I may try it in my next batch of cookies as well.


These are the BEST, especially if you are using them on a calendar.  Yes, we still keep an old fashioned wall calendar for our appointments.~smile~  And, I love a neat calendar and do not like to mark or white out anything.  So, I found these little jewels a couple of years ago and they solve the problem.  If I need to change anything on my calendar I just erase it and it does a great job.  No mess!  I only use them for my calendar but you can certainly use them for all your writing if you desire.


We use this type of mat at our back door going out to the porch.  They are so attractive, so good for wiping feet and I love the half moon shape of these.  They hold up extremely well, especially if they are sheltered from the elements.  They are very heavy and that keeps them in place.  I give these 5 stars..

And, there you have it, my Prime finds for April. Wishing you a happy April Fool's Day and hoping no one fools you too badly today.  Have a great new week!

Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. Great purchases this month! I love the idea of using tassels. I know someone else who did that, and I'd forgotten about it until I read this post. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Those cups and plates are so cute!

  3. Hellooooo dear Lea! I can never walk away from your Amazon list and not order something. I think those cups and plates are so cute! Have a wonderful week.

  4. Looks like some great finds. I love the plastic containers with lids. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  5. We've got some of those semicircle door mats here. They look so stylish with the curved edge and is not prone to curl up the way a 90-degree corner might. Good suggestions here, Lea!

  6. I added the tassels to my list! You always have such good finds! Thanks for linking up with Prime Purchases.

  7. Great purchases - I am going to look for the containers and the gloves. Just bought a pair and going to try and wear them when I clean up and wash whatever dishes don't make it into the dishwasher. Thanks for sharing !

  8. Thank you for this post, I almost missed it! Off to shop:) Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  9. Just checking on your since you haven't blogged in a while!


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!