Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Wednesday Hodgepodge

We had a Christmas break  from the HP last week and now I've got to get my brain back in gear to answer this week's questions.  I'm sure glad I looked at them early yesterday morning and pondered them all day long. ~smile~
1. Share a favorite memory/moment from the week of Christmas.
Just one, well, if I can just share just one then it would be listening to Hubby read the Christmas story while Hanna Beth was sitting in lap.  She was totally "into" the moment and it was precious.  I hope it is a memory she will recall when she is older.

2.  If someone wrote a book about your life based on the past year, what genre would it fall under? What would the title be?

Oh, for sure it would fall under the category of "action packed." The title would merely be, "The Move and Two Miracle Grand Babies" 
I'm not sure I could have stood any more excitement!

3. What made you feel patriotic this year?

Watching the news and seeing the young men and women putting their lives on the line each and every day for our freedom.  It wasn't just one time, it is pretty much daily that I am reminded of how blessed I am to be an American. ~thank you Lord~

4. What experience from this past year would you like to do all over again?

I used the girls from our local Teen Challenge to help me a lot during our move.  I had only heard of the program but it was such a great experience to actually meet these girls, hear their stories and to witness the Lord at work in their lives.  I am amazed at how quickly addictions can take over and ruin lives and to see these girls giving their all to overcome them is so inspiring!

5. What song lyric sums up or is a reflection of your 2015?

"Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah" came to my mind immediately, me oh, my, what a wonderful day, plenty of sunshine heading my way.  Yes, it has indeed been a "zip-a-dee-doo-dah" kind of year.

6. On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate 2015?  (10=stellar) Why?

Well, an 8/9, see #2 and #5.  

7. What part of the upcoming year are you most excited about?

I'm hopeful that Hubby and I will get to take a trip to see my Aunt and cousins in Virginia.  Most of my Mom's family lived in Virginia and I have one Aunt left and a host of cousins that I really want to see. 
 My most favorite nephew (he's my only one) is  
staring in Godspell in Feb.  He is playing Jesus. ~yes, Jesus~   He is a sophomore at Northwestern College in Orange City, Iowa. And, I really want to go and see him in this.  I mean, Godspell was released in 1973 and I remember it well.  ~yes, I really am that old~

8. Insert your own random thought here.
This is a strange random thought but...........
When we were discussing the many options available for our cabinets with our cabinet designer, one of the options was "soft close drawers."  Well, it sounded good enough to me, so that's what we went with.  I do not like them!!! I had regular closing drawers in our previous house and after 35 years of closing them all the way, I would just as soon continue doing so.  If you do not know what a soft close drawer is, well, it's one where you give it a firm push and it will automatically close itself very slowly.  I think the part that "bugs" me is that is takes it a few seconds to close and if it were a regular drawer, I could just close it very quickly.  Now, I am not a drawer slammer at all, in fact, the opposite.  But, when I close a drawer, I just want it closed.  ~Oh, me, life's little aggravations!~

Monday, December 28, 2015

Monday's Musings

Christmas has come and gone and we're just 4 days away from a new year.  I always find that the week between Christmas and New Years a bit long.  Once Christmas is over I'm ready to jump into the new year and the week between seems to drag. And, there's a certain sadness that comes over me during that week.  I think it's just all the reflecting I do from Christmases past and the loss of 3 of our 4 parents and a longing for "the way things use to be."  But, life goes on and I wouldn't have it any other way. 
 Monday and Tuesday of last week I finished wrapping gifts, went to the grocery store for final things and tried to get all things Christmas finished.  Then on Wednesday Hanna Beth and I decorated Gingerbread Trees.
 I found these neat little kits that had everything in them and we just tore into them and started to work.  Hanna Beth is very particular when it comes to decorating cookies.  She carefully places each piece and never gets in a hurry.  It's fun to watch her work so diligently.
On Christmas Eve my Dad and our son and his family gathered for dinner and then to do our gift exchange.  We enjoyed grilled steaks and all the trimmings.  It was at least 75 degrees and a grilling kind of day, so it was most appropriate.
Once dinner was over and kitchen cleaned we had our annual birthday celebration for Jesus.
Poppa reads the Christmas story and then we talk about the real meaning of Christmas.  Some years ago my Dad made myself and our two children a wooden manger.  Baby Jesus was in the manager but Andi Kate wouldn't leave Him alone.  It was really quite comical but, nonetheless, we had our celebration.  We sang Away in the Manger and then Hanna Beth blew out the one candle that signifies Jesus being the Light of the World.  It's a tradition we have done for about the past 4 years.
 It was then time for us to begin our gift exchange.
It was a bit of an overload of stimulation for Andi Kate but she loved the wrapping and bows.  Poppa and I always enjoy sitting back and watching the smiles on all their faces as they open their gifts and it's exactly what they asked for.
And, speaking of getting exactly what you ask for......
I have been wanting a battery operated blower for quite some time and Santa decided to bring me one for Christmas.  Yes, I'm plum excited that now I can go blow off the front and back porches any time my heart desires.  My 39 year old son could not wait to try it out so he decides to do so right in the house.  And, Hanna Beth had so much fun standing in front it with ribbon off of a package and watching it blow.  Oh, me, entertainment at it's finest!!!! And, might I add, the blower only weighs 6 pounds! 

We sure did miss our Oklahoma family but Bridget sent me this and I'm not sure there could be any cuter or sweeter little boys.........
We had a fun Facetime visit with them on Christmas Day.

And, as we close out 2015 I'm thinking this is what we all need to remember as we face 2016.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Monday's Musings

 Monday, December 21st! Wow! Christmas is just around the corner and 2016 is waiting in the wings.  Time, please slow down!!!

It was another fun week around here.  I had my annual "Girlfriend Brunch" for the Formidible Women this past Thursday.  We can't really remember but it seems that this might have been my 15th year to host this occasion.  These gals are a part of a birthday group that we formed almost 20 years ago and from that I started the Christmas gathering for us.

We were talking about friendship and what all these years of friendship has brought our way.  My goodness, a whole bunch for sure and we have always been there for each other through the good times and not so good times.  That's what friendship is all about.  We have birthed babies, buried parents, became Grandparents and on and on the list goes. And, there are such varied personalities among us that there's never a dull moment for sure. 

I put a lot of thought into this year's menu.  I made a Cheesy Sausage and Croissant Casserole (you can find recipe here), Blueberry Cream Muffins (you can find recipe here),and Baked Apples.  After this many years it can be challenging to come up with something just a little bit different.  I think this was possibly one of the best yet. ~just sayin'~
It was a fun time of girl talk and we  do a gift exchange that's always interesting.  We all search for just the "right" gift each year.  It adds just a little something extra to the mix. We're all thankful for another year in the books.
Friday, my little Princess and I spent the day together.  We started by eating breakfast at Waffle House.  I gave her 4 choices of places we could go and she immediately said Waffle House.  So, the Waffle House it was!  She ordered a blueberry waffle and ate 3/4 of it and enjoyed every bite.  From there we were off to The Peanuts Movie.  The movie started at 11:00, well, that's debatable but we were there, popcorn and drink in hand ready for the movie.  At 11:25 there were still previews being shown and both Hanna Beth and I were getting very weary from waiting for the movie to start.  We got up, went out to find someone in charge and asked them if the movie was ever going to start or were we in the wrong theater.  She walked back into the theater with us and low and behold the movie had started at 11:30.  Ridiculous!!!  So, by 12:15 Hanna Beth was ready to go and so was I. We got up and left and I was plum aggravated that our movie date had been disrupted.  I understand the whole idea about movie previews but 10 minutes worth is plenty (especially before a kids movie) and 30 is "over the top."  We did a little shopping and then headed on home.  It was a good time spent making a few Christmas memories.
I've had my Christmas shopping done for a while but not one thing is wrapped.  So, this morning I will tackle that job.  I use to love wrapping gifts but not so much anymore.  I bought several of the pretty, pretty boxes last year at the after Christmas sale and will use a few of those for some of the gifts this year.  
We'll celebrate Christmas with our son and family and my Dad on Christmas Eve late afternoon and will join them for breakfast at their house on Christmas morning.  Our daughter is not coming home this year but will enjoy it with her family at their house.  She has made it home more Christmases than not but with a new baby and being 8+ hours away it's a tough trip and we understand that.  I truly marvel at how many families do not miss a Christmas being together.  I was certainly never able to always be with my family for Christmas, so guess that's why I understand it so well.  We will Facetime with them Christmas Day and enjoy our celebration by that means.  

I wish for you and yours the most wonderful of Christmases and His blessings for the year ahead.  Note:  I'll be away from blogging until next Monday. 

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Wednesday Hodgepodge

Our last Hodgepodge before Christmas because Joyce is taking a break next week and that's great with me.  If there are finishing touches to do then I'm sure that's what most of us will be doing. Probably won't have time to be blogging. ~grin~
1. What's your biggest 'first world' problem?
 We have beautiful acacia wood floors in our new house.  Never, ever did it occur to me that dark flooring would show every little thing and would track terribly.  If I had known, I'm thinking I might have reconsidered but it's too late for that now.  So, I've been spending a lot of time trying out different cleaners to no avail.  My sister in law was here over Thanksgiving and told me that all she has ever used on her wood floors is just plain ole water.  Well, that was simple enough and that's what I've done and it has made a big difference, especially in the tracking.  I'm thinking that any of the cleaners likely have some type of oily substance to add shine to the floors but it causes tracking terribly.  It's not like my floors are filthy, so plain water it will be from now on.  I will steam mop them about every 3 months and "call it good." I've spent way too much time fretting over this when in reality it is a small problem in the big scheme of life.
2.  Each year Time Magazine names a 'Person of the Year', someone who has 'for better or worse...done the most to influence the events of the year.' It was recently announced they've named Angela Merkel Person of the Year for 2015. You can read more about this year's selection here. Your thoughts? If you were in charge, who would you declare Person of the Year? 

I hardly know who Angela Merkel is but did enjoy reading the article concerning the choice of her as Person of the Year.  But, if I were "in charge" I would declare a man that, although well known in certain circles, would be unknown to most.
His name is Wade Akins and he is shown here with his wife, Barbara.  Wade entered the ministry as a very young man and as soon as he graduated from college he was off to the foreign mission field sharing the good news of Jesus.  Wade's primary focus in life has been to win the lost to Christ .  Wade is now 71 years old and has been on the foreign fields for almost 50 years and his impact will live on eternally.  His first wife died while they were on the mission field and 2 years later he married Barbara who was serving as a missionary in the same area.  Together they are sold out to wining souls to Jesus Christ. Could there be any greater calling?  I think not!

3. Do you have a nativity set in your home? If so share it's history and how you display the pieces.

I have had a nativity but currently I do not.  I have two  figurine type pieces of Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus.  They take up a lot less space and still convey the same message.

4.  Do you make an extra effort to give back in some way during the holiday season? How do you encourage those who need encouragement this time of year?

Yes, I do and it's generally with a compliment or encouraging word.  I had my car washed this past Monday and the man that dried it was working so hard to do a good job and he seemed very heavy hearted.  I slipped him a small tip told him what a good job he had done and the biggest smile came across his face.  It's what this season is all about for sure. ~sharing the love of that baby born in a manager~

5. Who is your favorite person to shop for? Why?

Well, I always enjoy buying for our children and Grans. They are most grateful and get very excited and it makes my heart happy to watch them.  But, this year our church sponsored an angel tree for the children of the women prisoners here in our city.  I chose a little 6 year old girl that needed a coat, hat and gloves.  I had more fun shopping for those items and found, what I think, is the cutest coat for her.  I hope she will be thrilled when she opens it.

6. What's the last delicious thing you ate?

Hummm......I made a Pumpkin Pie Cake for Thanksgiving and it really was delicious.  Now, I've eaten a lot of good things since then but  nothing more delicious.
7. The best way to spread Christmas cheer is________________.

being kind and thoughtful and sharing a warm smile

8. Insert your own random thought here. 

Okay, if you will indulge me one last time to comment about The Voice.........Last night was the finals and I nailed it as to who would win and the runners up would be.  I was absolutely thrilled that Jordan won!  Aside of his unbelievable voice, I feel like he had such a positive impact on the judges with his pure and sensitive heart.  I pray that the Lord will bless him with much success and that Jordan will be a testimony to those he comes in contact along the way.  It will be so interesting to see where he ends up.  

Monday, December 14, 2015

Monday's Musings

It's hard to believe that we are 12 days away from Christmas Day.  We have been busy enjoying some of the festivities of the season and hosted another event here in our home this past Friday evening.
It was our annual Sunday School Department party.  I sat up 3 card tables, used the dining table, the kitchen table and the bar and had enough seating for 30 folks and we had 33.  Since our menu did not require a knife, it was easy enough to hold your plate and eat, so that's what we did.  
We always have a fun time of food and fellowship.  And, yes, that young couple in the top picture is our new pastor, his wife and daughter.  We were thrilled that they came and joined in the fun with us "old" folks. ~chuckle~
 We had a small auction to raise money for missions and here I am digging in to see what's in this bag so that I can put it up for bids.  We raised over $600 with about a dozen items, so we were most pleased.  I was standing on a stool so that everyone could see the items up for bid. ~in case you were wondering~   It got very interesting and was a whole lot of fun.  
I was a tired cookie at the end of the evening but it was a "good tired."  Everything came off without a hitch and that makes it all worthwhile.  
On Saturday my Daddy and I attended the 70th wedding anniversary celebration of this precious couple.
They live in the same assisted living facility as my Dad and they are next door neighbors.  Plus, we have gone to church with them for as long as I can remember. They are the first couple I have actually known personally that have been married 70 years. 
Daddy had a good time seeing folks and visiting with some he had not seen in a while.  It was a celebration that few ever get to experience.
Saturday evening Hubby and I watched "Coat of Many Colors" that we had recorded from last week.  In case you missed it along the way, you MUST see it!!!! What a heart warming story about Dolly Parton's early childhood and every part was perfectly cast.  You will laugh, you will cry and in the end you will be so glad that you watched it.  I am quite certain it will be available on DVD very soon.The complete story about the Coat of Many Colors was so, so sweet and when Dolly (as a little 9 year old girl) sang Just As I Am at the end of one of the church services, I could hardly keep from absolutely bawling.  Oh, my goodness, I applaud Dolly for producing such a wonderful movie and NBC for airing it.  Very few movies leave me feeling as good as I felt at the end of this movie.

And, I leave you with this....

Friday, December 11, 2015

Friday Favorites

I'm so glad to be linking back up with the gals for Friday Favorites.  Life has been a bit busy and I've missed linking up on Fridays, but had to make time this week for some of my most favorites this holiday season.
Of course, this is our first Christmas in our new house so decorating took on a whole new slant.  Our former house only had 8' ceilings and now we have 11' and 12' ceilings.  Quiet a difference when it comes to the height of a tree.  We've used a 7' tree in the past and this year, it's a 10'.
I have used slimline trees the past several years because I am not into moving furniture or cramping things to make room for a tree.  Our tree is in the foyer and it fit perfectly without a whole lot of fuss.  I guess I am a bit of a minimalist when it comes to decorations but there were at least 25 years that just about every inch of our home was decorated.  But, I do think that even though it is quite simple, it has a elegant beauty about it. 
 I love the welcoming look of the front porch.  Again, simply done. 
Our church is absolutely beautiful whether it is Christmas or not.  But, during the Christmas season, it is stunning.  These pictures do not do it justice at all, but I think you can get an idea of why it's definitely a favorite of mine. ~a beautiful place of worship~
A few weeks back I mentioned that I was getting into essential oils.  Well, I got my first diffuser last week and I cannot tell you how impressed I am.  This is by Stadler Form (a Swedish company) and it runs for 21 hours intermittently, 10 minutes on and 20 minutes off.   The essential oils I use are by DoTerra and little by little I am learning the use of them.  Most of them can be used to diffuse, ingest or rub on.  They have one called On Guard and it is for immunity and one that I have used in my diffuser.  I'm thinking that my daughter and DIL both need these in their classrooms.  They could fight off germs with the On Guard and then put one of the calming oils in when their class was getting a bit out of hand. ~just a thought~  I have another one of these on order and will be using it to diffuse lavender in our bedroom at night.  The more I learn about the oils, the better I like them and the benefits of using them.  There is just so much to learn and I'm so thankful for my advisor who is assisting me.
And, last but certainly not least are these handy trash cans.  I am using these tonight for the party we are having here.  I will have them sitting in various spots and then we'll just pull the sleeve up, tie and dispose of it.  I got a few of these in holiday print for 75% off after Christmas last year.  They come flat and when you fling it open it locks in place.  Really, really cool, especially for functions.  If you cannot find them they are available from Amazon.
 ~what isn't~ 

Have yourself a merry little weekend!!!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Hodgepodge Wednesday

Another Wednesday, another Hodgepodge, you know the drill, now enjoy it!

1.  Many families have a story they love to tell every year around a holiday. Does your family have one? Are you the star of that story, or does another family member take center stage? Share your story if you want.
We don't really have just one story but we often will talk about past Christmases and especially when it comes to the 3 Grandparents that are no longer with us.  I have shared with my children how on one Christmas our neighbors pretty much took care of the gifts for my brother and me.  Times were hard for our family and they sensed that and they had no children of their own and wanted nothing more than to provide for us the Christmas that we wanted.  It was the year that I wanted to Chatty Kathy doll and they made sure that I got her.  I will never forget that Christmas and just 2-3 years ago I sent her off to a doll hospital in Oklahoma City and had her reworked and repaired and each time I see her it brings tears to my eyes and the fondest of memories.  My children will never have a memory like that but hopefully they have some sweet memories that they will share with their children one day.

2. Are you afraid to speak your own opinion?

I guess it depends on the person or the group.  I do try to be sensitive but it sure is hard sometimes.  It amazes me how quickly some folks will give their opinion regardless of how it might affect someone listening.  Now, if it comes to some matters I'm pretty sure we should speak our opinions in a most gracious way.

3. Pantone has announced the color of the year for 2016, and for the first time have chosen two shades-rose quartz and serenity. Hmmm...did you know serenity was a color? You can read the thought behind their selection here, but essentially it's blending the warmth of rose quartz with the tranquility of a very soft shade of blue. So what do you think? Are these colors I'd find in your home or wardrobe? Will you add something in these shades to either place in the new year?

No, I had no idea serenity was a color and I had never heard of Pantone until last year. ~guess I missed out~  I do like both colors but you will not find them in my home and I might wear a scarf in those colors and that would be it.

4. If you could be in a Christmas carol, which one would you choose? Why?

I would be "Mary Did You Know."  I love that song and it causes me to ponder deeply the many emotions that Mary might have experienced in her days of expectancy and knowing she would be the mother of Jesus.  I can't even imagine!

5. December 9th is National Pastry Day. Will you celebrate? When did you last purchase something from a bakery? What's your favorite treat that falls under the heading of pastry? Do you make it yourself or buy from the professionals?

No, I will not be celebrating.  I cannot remember the last time I purchased something classified as a pastry and I pretty much never indulge in pastries, so I do not have a favorite.  On the rare occasion that I do get pastries I always go to the bakery.  I have picked up donut holes for our Sunday School department and I will have 1 or 2 but it's been a long, long time.

6. When it comes to holiday decorating I probably do 1/4 to 1/3 as much as I use to do.  I enjoy what I do but it's on a small scale.  Guess I can say, "been there, done that." ~laugh~

7. When did you last laugh so much it hurt? Explain.

We had a husband/wife Branson act do a show at our local theater this past Monday evening.  They were quite entertaining musically and the husband was part comedian.  I got very tickled at times and you had no trouble hearing me laugh in our very small theater.  And, you know you can't have a good laugh without slapping your knee as well.  It was a fun evening. Thankfully Tommy is use to my laughter after 44 years and he has yet to get up and leave me by myself. 

8.  Insert your own random thought here.
As I stated last week, I am a big fan of The Voice and I have thought many weeks that the talent just could not get any better.  But, it seems to step up a notch every week.  I have had my 3 favorites since the beginning and they made the final 4 last night, Jordan, Emily Ann and Barrett.  I'm not a fan of Jeffery and would have rather seen Zach in the mix than him.  But, I'm predicting Jordan the winner.  I mean, he can raise the roof, draw a crowd in and sings from his heart. We'll find out the winner and then I guess I'll watch the last season of American Idol. It doesn't  compare to The Voice but I enjoy the competition, so will likely watch it. And, that my friend is my random thought for the week! ~smile!~

Monday, December 7, 2015

Monday's Musings

Our December has gotten off to a festive start for sure. I am hosting 3 events here in our home this season and the first one was last week.  I always do a Christmas luncheon for our office staff.  They say that this time is like their Christmas morning.  Their excitement makes it so enjoyable for me.
 While Hubby is their "official" boss, they often refer to me as "boss lady."
And, sometimes they even refer to me as "Momma C."  Either way, I love these girls and Tommy and I are grateful to have them, along with our son, that do a stellar job of keeping the wheels turning at the office.  I can't help but feel a tad bit sorry for our son.....he works with an office full of women and then goes home to a houseful of women.  Gotta hand it to him for sure!!!  He's never surprised at any conversation. ~belly laugh~
 I always enjoy playing Santa for the girls and they are always seemingly thrilled with my "finds" each year.  I started them a collection of Vera Bradley a few years back and that has proven to be something they enjoy.  And, I always provide them with Christmas tee shirts and this year couldn't resist giving them two.  If you aren't familiar with Tees 2 Ur Door then you should go and check them out.!!
This Friday evening we will be hosting our Sunday School Department for our annual gathering.  What a great group of folks and we look forward to welcoming them into our home and sharing the spirit of Christmas with them.
My heart is especially full this Christmas season over our two miracle babies that the Lord blessed us with this year.  And, to think that He answered both of our children's prayers in the same year is just "icing on the cake."  Yes, His timing is always perfect.

 Our little Andi Kate will be 9 months old this next Friday and I'm not sure there is a happier little girl.  She wears a smile all the time and those blue, blue eyes of hers would melt anyone's heart.  And, I'm sure I've told you that there is evidence that her hair is going to be that same beautiful red color as her Moms.

And, our precious Coleman just continues to thrive.  After entering the world almost 2 months early, on August 31st, he has sure made up for his weight.  Look at that double chin!  We call him our little "snuggle bug."  
Yes, we have been abundantly blessed and our hearts are full! 

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Wednesday Hodgepodge

 The first Wednesday of December, what!!! How can it be that there are only 29 more days left of 2015.  Meanwhile, back to the HP, where Joyce has given us our "drill" for the week.
1. Did you watch The Charlie Brown Christmas special Monday night? Who's your favorite Peanuts character and why?

I did not watch the CBC special. I think it was on at the same time The Voice was on and I'm really "into" the voice and Snoopy and his friends were left by the wayside at our house.  But, I do love Snoopy, I mean, what's not to love about him. And, I have a soft spot in my heart for Linus. ~smile~
"Most psychiatrists agree that sitting in a pumpkin patch is excellent therapy for a troubled mind."~Linus 
Would you agree? 
Well, for me, a pumpkin patch might not be my place of choice, but anywhere there is peace and quiet should be good. And, I guess if it's a pumpkin patch, then that's great.


2. Describe a sound from your childhood. What does this sound bring to mind? 

The first thing that came to my mind was the slamming sound of wooden screen doors.~most everyone had them~  And, at times, I would slam it even harder and I would hear my Daddy say, "Lea, you come back in the door and you close it correctly."  Yep, you didn't slam doors in our family and to this day, I cannot stand the sound of a slamming door.

3. You've won a trip to a winter wonderland...would that excite you? Which one of the following would you most want to experience (or which one would you dislike the least)-see the Aurora Borealis in Norway, stay in Sweden's Ice Hotel, go dogsledding in Lapland Finland, take a winter wildlife safari in Yellowstone or celebrate Winter Carnival in Quebec? 

No, it wouldn't really excite me, I'm not a big fan of extreme cold. I love Quebec so think I would go for the Winter Carnival.

4. Who or what keeps you humble? 

In my life I've known what it was like to have very little and hear my parents pray for God to supply our needs. ~and He always did~ And, I've known the other side of the coin where He has supplied way more than I could ever need or want.  And, I was just as happy in the time of need as in the time of plenty.

5. What part of preparing for Christmas do you like the most? Explain. 

Buying and giving gifts to our kids, their spouses and the Grans.  I enjoy buying them what they want and I love seeing their faces when they open their gifts. 

6. Gingerbread-yay or nay? Is making a gingerbread house part of your family holiday tradition?
I do like Gingerbread, a lot!  A couple of years ago I got a gingerbread house for Hanna Beth to decorate and she did an excellent job and was very careful to place everything exactly where it went.  While it's never been a tradition, I'm sure we'll do it several more times in the years ahead.

7. What's one thing you want to start, do, or complete before the calendar rolls into a new year? 

Oh, my, I think I have started, done and completed a big plenty for this year.  We were 6 months into the building of our new house in Jan. of this year and we saw it through to completion in August of this year.  That involved a lot of attention to details and then I orchestrated a huge move, and then to settle in. Yes, that's enough for now. ~big smile~

8.  Insert your own random thought here. 
As I stated earlier, I am a fan of the Voice.  On last night's show they had the singer Sia ~I've never heard of her~ perform and I thought it was one of the most weird performances I have ever seen.  I mean she had a bow big as Dallas on the top of her heard, her bangs came down to her nose, you could not see her eyes at all.  And, one side of her hair was jet black and the other side white.  AND, I only understood a very few of the words she sang.  Then she got a standing ovation. Really??? they call that talent?  I'm a bit confused.