Monday, December 21, 2015

Monday's Musings

 Monday, December 21st! Wow! Christmas is just around the corner and 2016 is waiting in the wings.  Time, please slow down!!!

It was another fun week around here.  I had my annual "Girlfriend Brunch" for the Formidible Women this past Thursday.  We can't really remember but it seems that this might have been my 15th year to host this occasion.  These gals are a part of a birthday group that we formed almost 20 years ago and from that I started the Christmas gathering for us.

We were talking about friendship and what all these years of friendship has brought our way.  My goodness, a whole bunch for sure and we have always been there for each other through the good times and not so good times.  That's what friendship is all about.  We have birthed babies, buried parents, became Grandparents and on and on the list goes. And, there are such varied personalities among us that there's never a dull moment for sure. 

I put a lot of thought into this year's menu.  I made a Cheesy Sausage and Croissant Casserole (you can find recipe here), Blueberry Cream Muffins (you can find recipe here),and Baked Apples.  After this many years it can be challenging to come up with something just a little bit different.  I think this was possibly one of the best yet. ~just sayin'~
It was a fun time of girl talk and we  do a gift exchange that's always interesting.  We all search for just the "right" gift each year.  It adds just a little something extra to the mix. We're all thankful for another year in the books.
Friday, my little Princess and I spent the day together.  We started by eating breakfast at Waffle House.  I gave her 4 choices of places we could go and she immediately said Waffle House.  So, the Waffle House it was!  She ordered a blueberry waffle and ate 3/4 of it and enjoyed every bite.  From there we were off to The Peanuts Movie.  The movie started at 11:00, well, that's debatable but we were there, popcorn and drink in hand ready for the movie.  At 11:25 there were still previews being shown and both Hanna Beth and I were getting very weary from waiting for the movie to start.  We got up, went out to find someone in charge and asked them if the movie was ever going to start or were we in the wrong theater.  She walked back into the theater with us and low and behold the movie had started at 11:30.  Ridiculous!!!  So, by 12:15 Hanna Beth was ready to go and so was I. We got up and left and I was plum aggravated that our movie date had been disrupted.  I understand the whole idea about movie previews but 10 minutes worth is plenty (especially before a kids movie) and 30 is "over the top."  We did a little shopping and then headed on home.  It was a good time spent making a few Christmas memories.
I've had my Christmas shopping done for a while but not one thing is wrapped.  So, this morning I will tackle that job.  I use to love wrapping gifts but not so much anymore.  I bought several of the pretty, pretty boxes last year at the after Christmas sale and will use a few of those for some of the gifts this year.  
We'll celebrate Christmas with our son and family and my Dad on Christmas Eve late afternoon and will join them for breakfast at their house on Christmas morning.  Our daughter is not coming home this year but will enjoy it with her family at their house.  She has made it home more Christmases than not but with a new baby and being 8+ hours away it's a tough trip and we understand that.  I truly marvel at how many families do not miss a Christmas being together.  I was certainly never able to always be with my family for Christmas, so guess that's why I understand it so well.  We will Facetime with them Christmas Day and enjoy our celebration by that means.  

I wish for you and yours the most wonderful of Christmases and His blessings for the year ahead.  Note:  I'll be away from blogging until next Monday. 

Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. What an indescribable gift is friendship--and the ones that are decades old are so precious. To have that history with each other, to know someone's "got your back", to love each other through thick and thin--and to get all gussied up to do girly things like Christmas brunches with "bright paper packages tied up with strings"--priceless!

    I totally get the whole movie aggravation. Didn't movie trailers used to be limited to about 3 new movies in the previews? Blessings to you all at Christmas. Enjoy every bit.

  2. What an indescribable gift is friendship--and the ones that are decades old are so precious. To have that history with each other, to know someone's "got your back", to love each other through thick and thin--and to get all gussied up to do girly things like Christmas brunches with "bright paper packages tied up with strings"--priceless!

    I totally get the whole movie aggravation. Didn't movie trailers used to be limited to about 3 new movies in the previews? Blessings to you all at Christmas. Enjoy every bit.

  3. What a sweet gift friendship is, your get together looked wonderful! Merry Christmas Lea, and blessings for a bright and wonderful new year!

  4. We took Alise to see the Peanuts movie, but I can't remember the previews being very long. However, I saw not one, but TWO movies this weekend, and for someone that normally likes to see the upcoming movies, I thought the previews were a little longer than usual, too. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!

  5. Sounds like you have been very busy. What a lovely time with your granddaughter! Have a blessed Christmas, Lea.

  6. Sounds and looks like you have been having a WONDERFUL Christmas season and enjoying your various celebrations! So nice to hear! Wishing you and your family a very Merry and blessed Christmas!

  7. You have beautiful girlfriends. It looks like you had a wonderful time and the food sounds yummy!

  8. Looks like y'all had a wonderful time with friends. The cheesy sausage and croissant casserole sounds so good! Glad you got to spend some time with your granddaughter - even if the previews were long. Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas.


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!