I've been away from blogging for 8 days and I must say it was a nice break. But, I'm so ready to be back into my blogging routine and can't think of a better way to begin than with Carissa for Miscellany Monday. And, can you believe it is the last day of 2012? Wow! that's all I can say is Wow!
The birthday of a King..........
Our Christmas celebration with our family here was on Christmas Eve. We had our meal and then a celebration for Jesus' birthday. We did this throughout the years with our now grown children and it is extra special to be able to enjoy it with our Grans. Our Princess who is 3 years old was totally "into" it this year. As we read the Christmas Story she was so attentive and as we talked about Jesus being the light of the world, she could hardly wait for the candle on the cake to be lite so that she could blow it out. It is a blessing to realize just how much these little ones truly do "get it."
Never enough...........
Our son and his wife can seemingly never have enough t-shirts, so it is generally always on their list for Christmas. They make such cute ones now days and I have fun shopping for the cutest or most unique ones I can find. In case you cannot read the saying on my DIL's, it says, "Here in the South we give a HOOT and sometimes we give a HOLLAR." And, of course, is the owl not the cutest!
A budding Domestic Diva.........
Every once in a while, you hit a home run with a particular gift and that's what we did with this gift to our Princess. It is a toy vacuum cleaner and nothing else mattered after she opened this. She was too busy cleaning. It was so cute to watch and the noise it makes is quite tolerable and her Dad and Mom were sure grateful for that. ~chuckle~
Almost lifelike.........
The Princess also got this precious Middleton doll from us. And, while I was just sure she would take right to her, such was not the case. The doll is floppy just like a real baby and weighs 3 1/2 pounds, which makes her fairly heavy for a 3 year old. But, I'm sure in due time that they will bond and the doll will end up being one of Hanna Beth's best buddies. Meanwhile, my DIL assured me that she will take good care of the baby. ~smile~ I'm telling you if she had not gotten the vacuum cleaner first, the doll might have won her over a bit more, but, for now, the vacuum cleaner has "first place."
A Handy Man........
This weekend presented us with a project that we would have just as soon not had to fool with. One of the metal railings on our sleigh bed broke and in order to repair it, the mattress and boxsprings had to be removed. Guess that doesn't sound all that complicated, but have you ever tried to move a king size memory foam mattress? Can I just say that it took all Hubby and I could muster up to lift it up on the foot board and then slide it on a slant to rest on the floor. Hubby has always been a very handy man when it comes to repairing things and once again, he proved that it is sure dandy when you don't have to call a repair man for every little thing and we did manage to get the box springs and mattress back on the bed. And, why did I tell you this ---- I'm not really sure. ~big laugh~
Geaux Tigers............
It will be a "tale of two tigers" this evening as our good ole'
LSU Tigers (rated #8) take on the Clemson Tigers (rated #14) in the Georgia Dome. While I am far from a die hard football fan, I will be donning my purple and gold this evening as we head out to a New Year's Eve party to watch the game. And, our #1 son will be seated on the 40 yard line basking in the fact that he is actually at the game "live and in person." Hopefully he will leave there a proud Louisiana "boy."
And I leave you with this........