Wednesday, February 5, 2025

January and February Prime Purchases

I must first apologize for not having a January Prime Purchase.  Some of you have asked me about it and I just couldn't seem to get it together.  I came down with the flu on Christmas Eve and it pretty much ruined my Christmas.  I was a sick puppy, as sick as I have been in a very long time. That set me back and I was so behind on several things that a Prime Purchase post was on the bottom of my list.  ~just being honest~  

But, I am excited to share a "double doozie" with you today and I'll try not to let that happen again.  I was thrilled to find that many of you really enjoy this post and often see an item that you add to your cart as well.  I enjoy recommendations too, so I'm happy I can recommend some of my "finds" to you as well.


First, let me just say that I am NOT a fan of jewelry boxes.  I probably haven't had one in 40-50 years. But, I decided a couple of months ago that I wanted "something" to put my nicer fashion jewelry in.  I have stored my jewelry in the smaller, various size bead bags for years. That protects it and keeps the necklace, bracelet and earrings all together and I never have to hunt to find matching pieces. And, it makes grabbing it when we travel "easy peasy."  This box has worked beautifully for my nicer pieces. They are protected, easily seen and it holds a lot.  And, it's so attractive and comes in several colors. So, if you are looking for a nice jewelry box, I highly recommend this one.



I have 2-3 pair of Lucky Brand ankle boots but I did not have a brown pair.  Now, I do. They are the perfect height and very comfortable.



I was in need of a new electric toothbrush when I saw my dentist in December.  She recommended this one and I really like it.  One charge lasts for probably a month and it recharges very fast.  It comes in white and this rose gold.



The appliance pull tray I have used for years finally "bit the dust" recently.  As I was browsing looking at what was available, I ran across this one.  It was exactly what I wanted and needed and it is so attractive.  I love Acacia wood and this works so smoothly pulling my coffee pot in and out from under the cabinet.  It's super sturdy too, no wobble whatsoever.



Our entire house has hardwood floors (ceramic in bathrooms) and when you have wood floors there are times you have to have a dust mop.  I have one of the old fashioned dust mops but I much prefer these smaller pads that fit right on to a Swiffer mop head.  I use them  under furniture, behind doors and places hard to reach with a vacuum  cleaner.  I really think these are superior to a vacuum cleaner as they grab dust and cob webs so much better.  I love the way they clean!



I'm sure by now you have figured out that I LOVE anything that makes cleaning easier and more thorough. I saw these brushes and was sure I had a need for them.  They are especially great around the base of a commode, and ceramic tile.  I'm sure I'll find more uses the longer I use them.



In recent years I have really become aware of how important protein is in our daily diets. I'm always looking for easy ways to get protein and this protein infused water hit the spot.  I have not seen it in any stores in our area so, of course, I went straight to Amazon and there is was.  I first saw it on Tick Tock.  I was a bit concerned that I would not like the taste but I like it very much.  It comes in a variety pack and a peach/mango pack.  I love peach and mango so that's the flavor I went with and I drink at least one a day and one bottle has 15 grams of protein.  The down side is that it is a bit pricey.



I may have featured these before because this is my second time to order them.  They are the absolute best hanger for sweaters and heavy knits.  They prevent hanger indentions on the shoulders and nothing can slide off of them.  I love them!



I cannot remember the last time I've had a new ironing board cover but it's been wayyy toooo looong. My old one had definitely seen better days.  Of course, I immediately went to Amazon and began browsing and what a selection they had.  I thought this was an attractive print and would make me happy as I iron, so I ordered it and am so pleased.  It comes with a pad and the fit was perfect!


In closing.........And, for those of you that haven't heard, my precious Daddy went to be with Jesus last Wednesday night. He began going downward over the weekend and on Monday, January 27th, he was hospitalized.  It was downhill from there until he drew his last breath on Wednesday evening.  My youngest brother and his wife arrived Tuesday afternoon and he and I had some very precious moments with Daddy that we both will treasure forever.   I'll be trying to find my new "normal" since I've been the overseer of his care for the past 14 years. It will be so different but I rejoice in his homegoing as he is enjoying a glorious reunion. in his new body with eyes that can now see.

Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. I'm so sorry for the loss of your sweet daddy. I know you rejoice in his homegoing . . . but I know you will miss him so very much. Sending prayers and hugs!!

  2. Praying for you and your family in the homegoing of your dad. Praise God for the new body . . .

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about your father, but praise God that he is healed and rejoicing in heaven. Take care of yourself.

  4. I am so very sorry for your loss. I always enjoyed it when you would post a picture on FB of your daddy. It always made me smile. Knowing he is rejoicing in heaven is precious. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  5. I'm sorry to hear about you and your father. It has been a tough month or more for you .I will keep all in my prayers .Best thing is that we will see them again.

  6. So sorry to hear this news, but thankful he is with Jesus. What an adjustment this will be for you.

  7. Thank you for the Prime purchases, I always find something I need:) The sweater hangers are for sure. I just bought my Great-granddaughter a divider jewelry box for her earrings.

    I am SO sorry to hear of your Dad's passing, I am sure you will miss him terribly... you will be together again. Sending HUGS and PRAYERS your way!


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!