I was browsing blogs today and visited at Mocha with Linda and she posed these questions for any reader that wished to participate and I decided to be a participant. Hope you will enjoy! ~smile~
1. Do you prefer to read the book or see the movie?
In almost all cases the book is always better than the movie. Of course, if I haven't read the book, then it doesn't matter. I get to make up my own movie as I read the book and it seems to always be much, much better.
2. What is your favorite holiday and why? I think I would have to say Easter. It's just about the same time as the beginning of Spring. And, there's not the busyness of the Christmas season and it signifies the greatest gift to mankind.......the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord and Savior.
3. Which do you like better - the mountains or the beach? I would have to say both and guess that's not a fair answer. I'm not a beach person, but I enjoy looking at the beach and hearing the waves come in. Something so calming about the water. But, the mountains are so beautiful and usually offer cozy places to lodge. So, guess it depends on my mood.
4. If money were no consideration, what vehicle would you drive? I have seen a few of the Lexus LS 460S and really think they are a sharp looking vehicle, but they are all soooooo overpriced!
5. What is your favorite cold-weather beverage? There's just nothing like a good cup of coffee cold weather, hot weather, inbetween weather. It's the best!
6. How do you communicate most often with your friends: phone, email, text, face-to-face? Phone and email usually but there's still nothing like face to face communication. But, email and phone calls are the next best thing.
7. How do you receive your mail? Mailbox on the porch, at the end of the driveway, down the street, or post office box? We receive our mail at the end of our driveway and I do love getting the mail. That may sound silly but getting the mail is one of the "hi-lites" of my day. ~giggle~
I so appreciate Linda posting these 7 questions for us today. I'm down with a terrible, aggravating cold and just did not feel up to posting an entry of my own. But, knew that my "faithful followers" would be disappointed if I did not have a new post. ~big giggle~ Love you gals!