Monday, May 30, 2011

Miscellany Monday

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

It's Monday, that means it's Memorial Day and time for MM with sweet Carissa. I can't remember how long I've been linking up with Carissa, but long enough to know that I always look forward to it. ~smile~

I was out of pocket last Monday because we had been out of town visiting Hubby's sister and her husband in Flowery Branch, Georgia (an Atlanta suburb) What a fun time we had and they are such a delightful host and hostess. Fun times!

While we were visiting in Atlanta we went to a festival in Dahlonega, Ga. It's such a quaint little town and the perfect place for artist and craftsmen. While at the festival we had the privilege of meeting Eric and Jenny Hanson with World Image Mission.  What a precious couple! I want to urge you to go to their website and read about their work and perhaps you would be interested in a piece of their art that goes to support their ministry. They state on their website: 

The intention of World Image Mission from the very beginning has been to invite people to participate in affecting other people’s lives in creative and meaningful ways. 

Again, I urge you to go and check out their website. It blesses my heart when I see a young couple such as Eric and Jenny involved in such a life changing ministry, all in the name of Jesus. 


 I strolled into a shop while in Dahlonega and on the outside of the shop was the sign in the photo above.  I had to chuckle when I read it. I mean, that sign could go in just about every shop we go in, other than the grocery store. And, since I didn't need the cute scrave I have around my neck in the picture above, I left it. Oh, it really was cute, but did I need it? Humm...........


 Speaking of needs.......Hubby saw this Bentley while we were wandering through a mall in Atlanta.  He is checking out the sticker in the above photo and it says $212,000.00.  I mean, who in the world  buys a Bentley?  Last time I checked it certainly didn't qualify as a "need."  

As of today I have a heaping 84 followers.  Can I just tell you that I am so proud of each and every one of them.  And, can I just tell you that I had no idea what a follower was when I began blogging.  When I began seeing them on others blogs, I began investigating as to the "how to" of such.  I read the blog of a delightful gal that has something like 10,200 followers.  Now, she's just an ordinary gal like you and I,  but obviously she's been blogging since she was born and I think she's only about 35 right now. ~smile~  My goodness, I didn't start blogging until I was almost 57 years old so I'll never live long enough to even come close to that number.  But, hey, that's not why I blog, I blog because I want to and everything else about it is "just icing on the cake."  If you are one of my sweet followers then I thank you and appreciate you so much and hope that something I say will bless you and bring a smile to your face.  


Happy Memorial Day to you!  I changed out a few things on our front porch to give a more patriotic look  and will leave it up until after the 4th of July.  Yea! for the great red, white and blue and yes, I'm proud to be an American!! Blessings to you for a wonderful day and week!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Favorite Things on Friday

friday favorite things | finding joy

It's Friday and time for some Favorite Things and Company Girls!  What a combination! I didn't really have anything particular to post about this morning, so thought I'd join up with another sweet Rachel over at Finding Joy. I figured that my Company Girls might enjoy sharing in my favorite things list today.

I'm a "beautiful day kinda gal." I know that the weather should NOT play into our happiness but I can't help it, I'm just much happier when the sun is shinning brightly.  I love to watch it shine through my windows and cast it shadows throughout.  I always wonder about folks that do not open their drapes or blinds or lift their shades.  I just could not exist that way.

This is the neatest little devotional book I've ever owned.  It is what I would call "short, sweet, to the point and very profound." It by no means should replace one's time in God's Word but it is such a wonderful resource to add to our quiet time.  And, it's a wonderful gift!

Yes, blogging would rate as one of my favorite things!  Now, I have to admit that if it were not for memes, I would often be hard pressed to come up with an entry.  I do not see how folks blog everyday, for one, I don't see how they have the time and then I don't know how they find something to write about.  But, hey, that's not my business. ~grin~  Even just blogging about 3 times a week I have to be careful not to let it consume me.  I really had no idea what I was doing when I began blogging but it wasn't long before it all began falling into place and I began meeting some of the greatest gals in the world. Yes, I do love blogging!  And, to think that 5 years ago I didn't even know what the word meant.  How funny!

I have such fun creating table scapes for my dining room table.  This is so funny because just a few short years ago I didn't even know what that term meant either.  But, thanks to our local Garden Club and decorator magazines, I "caught on."  Now, mine are always ultra simple but I am just as proud as if they were "full of fuss."  The above is my latest creation for a summer look.  If I'm having dinner guests I add a couple of small vases of flowers to the mix and that "tops it off." 

These are just a few of my favorites this Friday and I hope this post has caused you to think of some of your favorite things.  May your weekend be blessed with lots of sunshine!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hodgepodge Wednesday

It is so good to be back with my blogging!  I missed you while I was away for a few days last week.  And, yes, guess I could have blogged while I was away, but hey, sometimes it is just good to "lay it down" for a few days.  And, I can't think of a better day to get back "with it" than today with Joyce and her Hodgepodge Wednesday questions.  Here we go...........

1. What is something about living in this country that you value? Oh, there's so much I value but I think the freedom of religion and speech would be the two I value the most.  I try to be mindful of this and not ever take it for granted but I'm afraid that I often forget what a privilege this is as a citizen of the United States.

2. What is a favorite something you own that is red, white, and/or blue? I cannot think of one thing that I own that is red, white and blue.  I guess that is sad, but it's the truth.  Now, I do own some red, white or blue and it would be mostly white in that area and it is mainly clothes.  I love white blouses and tops! ~smile~

3. Do you fly a flag at your house on patriotic holidays?
Well, I use to flag a US flag everyday from our front columns.  Then we replaced our wooden columns with fiberglass columns and could no longer put a bracket in the fiberglass to hold the flag.  I really should find another place so we could proudly fly the US flag.  
4. What ingredients do you think should be included in a great picnic basket? A variety of meats for sandwiches, a couple of bread choices, condiments, potato salad and baked beans.  Top it all off with some homemade brownies. And, guess we need something to drink, so how 'bout some lemonade?
5. What is one interesting piece of trivia you know? Interesting is of course a relative term. Laughter is a proven way to lose weight - if this is true, we ought to have a world full of laughter.  Don't ya think?

6. Wednesday, May 24th is National Escargot day...have you ever tried them? Eww or ooh?  Yuck! would be more the word I would use.  I cannot even imagine eating snails in any shape, form or fashion. 

7. What is one thing you know for sure?That I will be spending eternity in heaven and I cannot think of anything I'd rather be more sure of than this one thing.  What a blessed assurance as I go through my earthly life.

8. Insert your own random thought here. 
Harold Camping is to be pitied and I am utterly appalled at the folks who are faithful followers of his.  It is scary to me that there are actually people that would pretty much "sell out their souls" to a man who professes to know when the world is going to endWhat a sad commentary and what a mockery to the Christian community.


Monday, May 16, 2011

Miscellany Monday

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

Goodness, is seems that the Mondays come quicker and quicker.  But, that means more Miscellany Monday with Carissa, so that's a good thing.  


South Louisiana is bracing for more destruction.  The Morganza Spillway was opened yesterday which will hopefully prevent New Orleans and Baton Rouge from "going under."  But, it's at the expense of lots of other losses, such as acres and acres of farmland.  Our city (in NE Louisiana) has a large evacuee center and I heard this morning that there are about 1800 folks headed our way .  Hubby and I will have to cross the Mississippi River on Wednesday as we head towards Atlanta.  I'm not looking forward to it at all.  The water is within 3 feet of the roadway and that's too "close for comfort" for me. 


I made a run through the Dollar Tree this past Friday and saw some bags of leis.  I decided that my little Princess might  have a good time with them and I was so right.  She spent Friday afternoon with me and  entertained herself royally with them.  She put them over her head, around her arms, and around her feet.  It was just the cutest thing to watch her.  And, what amazed me was that she never put them in her mouth.  An afternoon of fun for $1.  Now, you can't beat that!


I received such a blessing this past Thursday.  Our Women on Mission group went to our local assisted living home.  We had a "Name That Tune" and sing-a-long with them.  I was the designated leader and my heart smiled as I saw those sweet folks enjoy singing some of the old hymns of the faith.  Of course, I was raised on those hymns, so they brought back a lot of memories for me too. 

Okay, can I just tell you how excited I got when I saw that Shutterfly now offers customized photo books.  I have been doing photo books through Shutterfly for the past several years and I love them.  But, as I was scouting out the new look they are offering, I think I'm going to love them even more.  I always do two photo books each year.  One for the first half of the year and one for the second half of the year.  Since mine for the first half of this year is already up to date, I'll wait until I start the second half of the year to start with the customization.  Perhaps doing a customized photo  book for our 40th anniversary cruise coming up in July would be a good one to start on.  Yes, I do love me some Shutterfly!


So many of you have been so kind with your encouraging words regarding our daughter and family's move to Dodge City.  I'm pleased to report that they have finally found a house to lease and will be moving in this Wednesday.  Needless to say, it is not a day too soon.  A hotel room and a 2 1/2 year old active little boy does not work well.  Especially after two long weeks. ~smile~ And, we have our first visit scheduled for June 15th.  Everyone is adjusting and we are loving FaceTime!!  Oh, my, what technology can do!  Clancy doesn't quite understand why he can see us but can't touch us.  He reaches out and hugs the IPad and gives us kisses.  Now, how much sweeter can it get when 750 miles seperate you?

Hubby and I will be headed towards Atlanta on Wed. for a visit with his sister and her husband.  There's always lots of fun in store when we visit them.  I may or may not find the time to check on you while I'm away, but I'll be back next Sunday and hopefully ready for MM with Carissa next week.

Happy week to you!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Remembering When

Good Afternoon Girls!  I was working on this post yesterday afternoon when all of a sudden Blogger just vanished.  And, they vanished until around noon today.  What an aggravation, but surely they had a really good excuse to close it down.  Surely they know that we blogging women have got to blog! ~smile~
But, on to the subject at hand.  I don’t know if it’s age or what, but I have done a lot of remembering lately.  Looking back at how different things are today than they were when I was a little girl.  I thought you might enjoy sharing in some of my “remembering.”  And, I’m quite sure it will evoke a laugh or two for some of you.
I remember when.....

our family had a 4 party line telephone.  That meant we shared the same line with 3 other families and we had a particular ring to our phone to let us know it was for us.  You could pick up the phone at most anytime and there would be someone on your party line talking.  You had to wait until they were finished with their conversation before you could make a phone call.  WOW! Those were the days.  I don’t even remember having a phone in our house until I was about 7 or 8 years old.  Can you even imagine that today?

I paid 3 cents for a carton of milk to go with my school lunch and it was in a glass bottle.

I had one pair of shoes for both daily wear and Sunday wear and I don’t ever remember  thinking that was anything but normal.

my brother and I took a white sheet, pulled it across some fallen tree limbs and made us a fort and spent many happy hours playing in it.

when church revivals would go for no less than a week and often 10 days and no one complained.

when Vacation Bible School lasted two weeks and no one complained about that either and it was the hi-lite of our summer.

getting our first TV set and being so excited I could hardly stand it because I could now watch the Lawrence Welk Show at home instead of at my Grandma's house every Saturday night. ~smile~

never having a store bought dress until I was almost grown.  My mother made pretty much everything I wore and I loved everything she made me.

babysitting 4 children for 6 hours and making .50 an hour and when they paid me my $3, I was excited. 

cleaning our neighbors house and doing their ironing during the summer to make some spending money.   My parents could not afford anything extra, they were doing good just to put food on our table.

looking forward to friends bringing “hand me down” clothes for my Mom to go through and me hoping that some of them were for me.

I could go on and on but I’ll stop for now and perhaps share some more in a later post.  I wonder what my son and daughter will remember when they are almost 60 years old.  I can assure you it would be quite a different list from mine.  They’ve never been without, and they always had more than their share.  I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, it’s just very different.  And, I can assure you that my parents “remembering” is quite different from mine.  And, so the story goes……….

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Hodgepodge Wednesday

1. How many times in your life have you moved houses? 
 I moved 8 times the first 18 years of my life. Yep! and I'm not talking about "down the street" moves. Most of them were what you would call "long distant" moves.  I didn't even graduate from the high school that I got my class ring from. ~smile~  But, I can honestly say that I enjoyed every place that I lived growing up and have friends all across the country as a result.

Hubby and I have moved 6 times in almost 40 years of marriage, but the first 5 times were in the first 10 years of our marriage. And, all of our moves have been "just around the corner" moves.  We have been in our current home, 30 years this June 1st.

2. What subject would you study if you had a year to devote to it? 

Any subject pertaining to Nursing. I have always wished that I had gone back to college and gotten a degree in Nursing.  I suppose that if I had really wanted it bad enough that I could have put forth the effort and done it.  But, that's a subject for another day. ~smile~

3. What in this world breaks your heart?

 Oh, there are a lot of things that break my heart, but the moral decline of our country would be at the top of my list.  

4. What is one item that symbolizes the times in which we live? Why?
The first thing that came to my mind, was the cell phone.  Folks that cannot afford gas for their car, or food for their table have a cell phone. Something about that just doesn't make good sense, but it does say that we have become an overly connected society at all costs. ~hum~

  5. Share a favorite bumper sticker or t-shirt slogan.
6. How do you like your spaghetti? I like it with a meat sauce, not meatballs.  And, I like angel hair spaghetti.  I NEVER eat spaghetti when I'm eating out but Hubby and I eat it quite often at home.  I make it with one of the various Ragu sauces and add seasoned ground beef to it.  Top with some Parmeasan cheese and it's delicious!

7. What is one piece of advice you would give a recent, or soon to be recent, graduate? Never forget that you will live with the consequences of the decisions you make today for the rest of your life, be they good or bad.

8. Insert your own random thought here. 

 I am totally mesmerized by the "comeback" of the cupcake!  I watched "Cupcake Wars" on the Food Network last night and could hardly believe some of the clever ideas these cooks had for their cupcakes.  Yea! for cupcakes, they bring back a lot of childhood memories for me.

Hey, Joyce these were some "toughies" today but with all you've been through the past few days, we're just glad you were able to come up with some questions. Thanks for always being there for us on Wednesdays!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Miscellany Monday

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

It's Monday and that  means Miscellany Monday! I always look forward to sharing my "random thoughts" with you and I look forward to reading yours. ~smile~

Aren't they cute?  That's my Dad and step Mom.  I'm so glad that the Lord saw fit to bless them with each other after they had both lost their spouses tragically.  They have been married a year and a half and have enjoyed life together.  I would ask that you remember my Dad at this time.  He has a gut infection and was in ICU at our local hospital over the weekend.  It's way too long of a story to tell, but it is very, very serious and he will be several weeks recovering. He is much improved and we are hopeful he will continue to heal and get stronger with each passing day. He got home from the hospital yesterday and felt better just being back in his familiar surroundings.


You have heard me talk about my adopted Vietnamese family before.  Well, I could not resist sharing this photo collage with you.  I took their pictures about 3 weeks ago and I was more than a little proud of the way they turned out and knew you would enjoy seeing them. ~smile~  There is definitely a Daddy and Husband of this lovely crew but he is not into having his photo taken.  But, I've told him that next time he has to be a participant.  


I am so glad that my parents had another child when I was 12 years old.  It has always been so much fun to have a much younger brother.  We have always shared a special bond and I was just sure that my parents had him for me. ~grin~  He came last weekend to visit Dad and me and we always enjoy having him around.  Sure wish he and his lovely family didn't live 700+ miles away.


Speaking of miles away.........Bridget and Clancy did arrive safely in Dodge City last Sunday and they are now busy trying to find a place to live.   It has not been an easy endeavor but the Lord has had His hand on everything concerning this move and I know that He has that covered too.  He may just be trying to test their faith a bit. ~smile~  We plan to make our first trip there in early to mid June so we're hopeful they will be moved in and settled by that time.

 Okay, am I the only person that wants to "cuss a cat" when I use the self  checkout at Wal-Mart?  Now, before I explain, I do not cuss, but that is a term  my dear Grandmother use to use and it is a good description of my frustrations sometimes. I resent the fact that WM pretty much gives you no choice but to use the self checkouts.  There is usually none or only one checker available.  I would probably prefer the self check out if it did not talk to me and tell me that I have not bagged an item 6 million times during one check out session.  OMG!!!  I have bagged it or either it didn't need a bag and I just placed it in the buggy.  Please, please just hush and let me scan my items.  And, it talks to me so loudly that it rattles my brain.  Okay, thanks for allowing me to get that off my chest. ~giggle~ And, that motto of "fast, easy and fun" for the WM self checkout is a big joke! ~laugh~


I do not watch a lot of TV but I do love American Idol and think that this is  the best season thus far.  This group of Top 10 had more talent that most of the previous winners of American Idol.  Pia was my pick until she was sent home and now I am hoping that the top 2 will be Lauren and James.
James had to grow on me because I do not like hard rock (noise is what I call it) and I thought, at first, that was all he knew how to do.  Once he began showing a softer side, I was "sold" on him completely.  He did such a fantastic job on  "Without You" this past week.  Lauren is just so cute, and I do love her voice.  I have no doubt that the 4 that are left, and those 6 that went before them, have a great future, regardless of whether they win the title of "American Idol" or not.  It's going to be "nail biter" all the way to the end.

May you be blessed with a wonderful week! 

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Two Special Moms

This will be my 3rd  Mother's Day without my Mom.  But, I am so thankful for the rich heritage and wonderful memories I have of her.  Never a day goes by that I do not think of her and wish that I could talk to her, but life goes on, just not as before. If you want to read more about my memories of my Mom you can find it here.

Another very special Mom was my sweet Mother-in-Law.  She was a gentle spirited lady, a woman of few words and she loved me.  I always felt blessed by our relationship with one another.  We loved each other mutually and made many precious memories together.

The Lord took both of our Mother's the same year.  My MIL went to be with the Lord on Jan. 1, 2008 after a lengthy illness.  My Mom went to be with the Lord on Dec. 1, 2008 after a massive stroke.  

I will always miss these two very special ladies but am grateful for the years they had and the memories we made.  Yes, they were two special Moms. 

I loved this quote and truly once your Mom has passed away, home is not the same.  So much of a home is a Mother.

May your Mother's Day be especially blessed!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Hodgepodge Wednesday

1. Have you ever been served breakfast in bed? Do you enjoy that? If someone were serving you breakfast in bed this coming weekend what would you hope to see on the tray? Do you know that I "think" my kids brought me breakfast in bed many, many years ago, but I'm not for sure.  I'm really not a "breakfast in bed" kinda gal.  I get up early and if someone was going to serve me breakfast in bed they would have to get up really, really early and that's not likely going to happen.  ~smile~  But, if someone were, I would want to see coffee, fruit, toast and maybe some scrambled eggs and bacon. I will say that Hubby has brought me coffee in bed a few times over the past 39 years on a Saturday morning.  I sleep in a bit later on Saturdays and if he can figure out to work the coffee pot, he'll surprise me occasionally. He's not a coffee drinker, so he and a coffee pot are strangers. ~grin~

2. What is one piece of advice you would give a new mother? Crying, dirty diapers, sleepless nights,and cuts and bruises are really nothing.  Peer pressure, choosing a life vocation, choosing a life partner, etc.  These are the things that weigh heavy on a Mom's heart and are the things that really matter.  Enjoy those babies because they grow up to be adults before you can turn around twice and those baby issues become adult issues. ~smile~

3. When was the last time you wanted to scream? Explain. Oh, there are just some things that do not need to be "aired" on one's blog and this is one of those times.  Now, that ought to get your curiosity aroused. ~giggle~

4. Can you hula hoop? Oh, yes, I can, but I no longer do.  I can't afford to get my back out of whack, so I gave it up a few years back. ~wink~

5. What is something people do in traffic that really bothers you? Lingering at the red light, usually because they are texting or just not paying attention and driving a slow speed in the left hand lane.  I'm not a speed demon at all, but I do not like to be trying to get around someone and can't because there's a "slow poke" in the left hand lane. I truly try to be a very tolerant driver because it's does no good to be "short fused" when you are driving. 

6. What do you do when people don't admit they're wrong?  Remind myself not to be the same way and be willing to admit I was wrong gracefully.

7. What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word 'fun'? Oh, Disney World, Branson, Gatlinburg, New York. All these come to mind because I have had such fun at all of these places, more than once and hopefully will again.

8. Insert your own random thought here. I'm not sure where the weather is coming from that we are currently enjoying. NOT!!  It has been in the mid-40's the past two mornings and rather cool throughout the day. It seems that Spring just up and left! I'm begging it to return because I was a mighty happy gal while it was here.  Spring, oh, Spring, where are Thou?

Thanks Joyce for hosting us each Wednesday.  If you would like to read more Hodgepodge, click the button above.

 Enjoy the day my friends!