Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hodgepodge Wednesday

It is so good to be back with my blogging!  I missed you while I was away for a few days last week.  And, yes, guess I could have blogged while I was away, but hey, sometimes it is just good to "lay it down" for a few days.  And, I can't think of a better day to get back "with it" than today with Joyce and her Hodgepodge Wednesday questions.  Here we go...........

1. What is something about living in this country that you value? Oh, there's so much I value but I think the freedom of religion and speech would be the two I value the most.  I try to be mindful of this and not ever take it for granted but I'm afraid that I often forget what a privilege this is as a citizen of the United States.

2. What is a favorite something you own that is red, white, and/or blue? I cannot think of one thing that I own that is red, white and blue.  I guess that is sad, but it's the truth.  Now, I do own some red, white or blue and it would be mostly white in that area and it is mainly clothes.  I love white blouses and tops! ~smile~

3. Do you fly a flag at your house on patriotic holidays?
Well, I use to flag a US flag everyday from our front columns.  Then we replaced our wooden columns with fiberglass columns and could no longer put a bracket in the fiberglass to hold the flag.  I really should find another place so we could proudly fly the US flag.  
4. What ingredients do you think should be included in a great picnic basket? A variety of meats for sandwiches, a couple of bread choices, condiments, potato salad and baked beans.  Top it all off with some homemade brownies. And, guess we need something to drink, so how 'bout some lemonade?
5. What is one interesting piece of trivia you know? Interesting is of course a relative term. Laughter is a proven way to lose weight - if this is true, we ought to have a world full of laughter.  Don't ya think?

6. Wednesday, May 24th is National Escargot day...have you ever tried them? Eww or ooh?  Yuck! would be more the word I would use.  I cannot even imagine eating snails in any shape, form or fashion. 

7. What is one thing you know for sure?That I will be spending eternity in heaven and I cannot think of anything I'd rather be more sure of than this one thing.  What a blessed assurance as I go through my earthly life.

8. Insert your own random thought here. 
Harold Camping is to be pitied and I am utterly appalled at the folks who are faithful followers of his.  It is scary to me that there are actually people that would pretty much "sell out their souls" to a man who professes to know when the world is going to endWhat a sad commentary and what a mockery to the Christian community.

Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. Welcome back! I think escargot cooked in butter, garlic and wine tastes and 'feels' almost exactly like a sauteed mushroom.

    I definitely need to laugh more : )

  2. Couldn't agree more with your #8! enjoy your Wednesday!

  3. Nice to see a post from you again. Glad you had some time away. My sister posted on facebook something funny. "Cheer up, Harold Camping. We all make mistakes. It's not the end of the world."

    In all seriousness, it's scary that people follow false prophets, but even scarier that we Christians aren't more concerned with the souls of others who spent so much time worry about their eternity prior to May 21 rather than sharing the hope of Jesus with them. I count myself among the guilty. On a lighter note, please invite me to your next picnic. Sounds delish.

  4. I completely agree with your random thought, although you've gotta feel bad for people who are blind followers. Seems like they would have checked their Bibles first!

  5. Great answers. Love your random on #8. After reading so many answers today I think I need to go on a picnic!

  6. I always love stopping by. Hope you have a great week.

  7. I hardly heard anything about Harold Camp and his prediction. Freedom seems to be a popular answer, but I do think we take it for granted.

  8. Your picnic basket sounds yummy! The lemonade would be the perfect touch :)

    Have a blessed day!

  9. Fun post as always...yes Blessed Assurance of eternity! So, so sad to see people follow a false word, but then we are encouraged to take every word and test it against the WORD!

  10. well said on #8. and #7. what a blessing to know that we have perfect peace awaiting us! i don't own anything red, white or blue either. gasp! i want to fly a flag outside. we really have so much to be thankful for living in a country with religious freedom. have a blessed memorial day weekend.


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!