Monday, May 2, 2011

Miscellany Monday

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

It's Monday and time for our sweet Carissa who hosts us each Monday so we can share our random thoughts.  Click the button above if you want to read others.

{1} Safe Arrival
Bridget and Clancy pulled out Saturday morning around 5:15 and we all did pretty good.  I think it was really good that Hubby and I were still half asleep and perhaps we weren't fully aware of what was about to happen. ~smile~  They arrived yesterday afternoon around 1:00PM at their new home town of, Dodge City and they had a husband and Daddy that was mighty glad to see them.  I pray that the Lord will surround them with folks that will love them and reach out to them as they make the necessary adjustments to a new place.

{2} Sleep Sound

Are you like me and like to have some type of noise when you sleep at night?  If so, this little "jewel" above is the answer.  It is the most wonderful gadget!  It makes a soothing sound of air blowing and you can make several adjustments to the sound.  I love it!  Now, I can't stand the sound machines that have the ocean waves, birds chirping and so forth. That's more like racket to me. ~wink~ And, it's small enough to fit right into your suitcase when you travel.

{3} Mother's Day Project
 Okay, Moms and anyone else interested in doing a Mother's Day project with young children.  The gal that keeps my two Grans (well, she will only be keeping our Princess now) did this project with them last week and their Momma's just about had a fit.
Is that not the cutest!  It is on a mounted board that she got from Hobby Lobby or Michael's.  Just dip their little hands and feet in the paint and before you know it, you'll have a lovely flower.  Thought some of you might be looking for ideas and might like this one.

{4} A thoughtful friend

I was here on Saturday after Bridget and Clancy had left just a cleaning and a cleaning.  Cleaning always serves to be therapeutic for me and besides that, my house definitely needed a big time cleaning after last week.  The door bell rang around mid-morning and when I opened the door the arrangement in the picture above was handed to me.  One of my dear friends  sent them to say she was thinking of me in a special way that day and wanted to send a ray of sunshine my way.  Now, what a special treat and what a very thoughtful action.  I'm blessed to have some of the best friends in all the world!

{5} Different prom attire

This is the daughter of one of my husband's office staff.  She came by to show us her prom dress this past Sat. evening and one thing for sure, I doubt she had to worry about anyone else having on a dress like hers.  If this is what "floats your boat" then I say, "more power to you" and Katelynn was quite proud of her look and said she liked being herself.  Hey, can't knock that!

She had seen the dress on the internet for $975 (yep, that's right) but her Mom found someone to make it and with the fabric (and believe it or not, it's satin)  and labor she has $250 in the dress.  Still a lot of money, but about 1/4 of the cost of the one she patterned it by.  You just can't beat these Southern Gals! ~laugh~

Thanks for all of your prayers and encouraging words these past weeks as we have prepared for Bridget's move.  We are now in the process of finding our "new normal" and moving on with our lives and we will all adjust. And, we're blessed to have our Princess and her Dad and Mom nearby to share in our lives and us in theirs. There's always a sliver lining to every cloud. ~grin~

May you all be blessed with a wonderful week!
Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. That Just My Baby Girl "Staying True to Herself" Thank You, Once Again for letting us use your Beautiful Yard for "Once In A LifeTime Photos"
    Love Always, Jonette

  2. I love that mother's day idea. I will be filing it away for the grandmas. I am going to do that bird house hand print thing you showed a few weeks back this year.

    Glad your family arrived safe. The wind probably blew them there. Goodness on Friday I nearly blew away. There is lots you can get use to in KS but never the wind and especially out west. (where they are).

    Happy Monday!

  3. Oooh, love #2! I am a light sleeper and could definitely use something like that; I've tried but haven't liked the machines that make nature sounds ... like you, they just soujd like more noise to keep me awake. I'll have to go check that out!

    So glad that Bridget and Clancy arrived safe and sound. {{hug}}

    Hope you have a marvelous Monday!

  4. So happy the Broome family is all together safely...praying they will find just the home for them...
    We have slept with "a noise maker" for years and years...we have that type in your picture...Dwight even carries one on his trips so he can sleep better...I am with you...none of that ocean waves crashing or rain..just "white noise" works for us...
    Beautiful flowers...they look happy..
    Thinking of you as a new week begins...hugs :)

  5. I remember being a younger married girl and moving away from family and how those years were so exciting...trusting your daughter will find them to be the same!

    How sweet someone sent flowers...we can feel excitement for what lies ahead for our children and a tinge of the bittersweet too.

  6. I am so glad that Bridget and Clancy arrived safe and sound! I'm sure they're happy to all be together again. When is your first visit planned?!

    I need to check out that sound machine for Noelle. She was always my good sleeper until she moved to a toddler bed. I wonder if that would help. Me? I am out cold the second my head hits the pillow and sleep like a baby!

    That Mother's Day idea is AWESOME! I did the kids' feet into butterflies last Mother's Day for their grandmas and I know what I'm doing on Friday now, ha! THANK YOU! I've been meaning to think of an idea...appreciate you making that nice and easy for me ;)


  7. You are just so precious, CiCi! I love learning more about you and what is going on in your world. And I'll need to look into your sleep machine! Without some kind of background noise at night, I'm toast. Thanks for the recommendation!
    Sweet blessings to you~
    Cindy :)

  8. love the Mothers day project....very adorable.

  9. i'm so happy to hear they arrived safely to their new home. can't wait for you to go visit them!

    noise makers are heaven-sent. : )

    that is a unique dress! southern charm all the way. ; )


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!