As hard as I seem to try, I can't seem to get back in the habit of participating in the weekly HP regularly. But, I'm so glad to be back with the Hodgepodgers today.
2. March 22nd is National Goof Off Day...will you celebrate? Your favorite way to goof off? Last time you had a whole day to spend 'goofing off'?
Well, I never knew there was a National Goof Off Day, how interesting. I don't know that we actually "goofed off" but my "sister friend" and I spent this past Friday at a local Spring Market and had the BEST time. I can't remember the last time we did something of this nature and it was so much fun. We saw folks we had not seen in ages, visited with interesting vendors and perhaps we even were a bit silly at times. I'm pretty sure that folks would have never thought of us as "two older women." ~big laugh~
Today I will be attending Bible Study so don't think I'll be goofing off.
3. Something on your to-do list that has been there more than a month? Will this be the month you finally cross it off?
Hummmm..........I pretty much live each day crossing things off my list. I generally have some type of list every day. And, if I am in control of getting it done by myself then it is done. If it requires the help/assistance of someone else, well, I am at their mercy and sometimes that can be frustrating for me. I feel a real sense of accomplishment crossing things off my "to do" list.
4. In your opinion, what emotion is the most beneficial? Which one is the least useful?
I'm not totally sure that crying is considered an emotion but rather a by product of an emotion. But, crying has proven to be so very beneficial to me over my lifetime. I can have a good cry, pull my boot straps up and be ready to go forth. The crying could be the result of sadness, extreme happiness or utter frustration. You can ask anyone that knows me well and they can tell you that I am not a pretty crier, I make it worth my time. ~chuckle~ I have many girlfriends that are such dainty criers and I do envy them. ~smile~
This question caused me to read several articles on emotions and I had no idea there were so many human emotions. I've never given human emotions much thought but have found them to be so interesting. As to which one is the most useless, I'm just not sure.
5. What was your favorite thing to do as a kid? Elaborate.
My paternal grandparents in a nursing facility in about 1986
I enjoyed several things as a child but one of my favorites was spending time with my paternal Grandparents, especially my Grandmother. My Grandmother was a mess! She loved to play games and nothing really mattered when grandkids were at her house except to have a good time. Grandpa loved us just as much as Grandma but was a quieter, gentler soul. He left the entertaining up to Grandma.
I ended up over seeing their care the last years of their lives as they moved into a nursing facility here. My Daddy was their only child at that time and he and Mom lived in Virginia and they simply did not want to live there. They lived in Arkansas and Louisiana was much closer so they moved here. Little did I know that would be the beginning of years and years of overseeing care for family members.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
I clicked over to Pinterest for the first time in a very long time the other day. I started looking at Easter flower arrangements. Oh, my goodness, I truly do not have many flower arranging bones in my body but, if I did, I would so create this masterpiece in the above picture. I might be able to create this on a MUCH smaller scale and I might just try to. It gives me all the feels and just screams "welcome spring!"