I've missed the past couple of weeks of the HP and am thrilled to be back today. And, as always, thanks to Joyce for providing this link up for us each week.
1. This time last year where were you?
Right where I am today, at home. June is generally not a traveling month for us, our daughter usually comes to see us in June.
2. In honor of National Pink Day (June 23rd) tell us your favorite pink food or beverage. Was it on the menu at your house yesterday? Do you like to wear the color pink? If we came to visit would we find this color in your home decor? Blush-fuschia-salmon-raspberry-your favorite shade of pink?
My favorite pink food would be a dessert called Pink Fluff. It's a pie made of whipped cream and a can of cherry pie filling, poured in a graham cracker crust and chilled. It is a wonderful summer time dessert.
2. In honor of National Pink Day (June 23rd) tell us your favorite pink food or beverage. Was it on the menu at your house yesterday? Do you like to wear the color pink? If we came to visit would we find this color in your home decor? Blush-fuschia-salmon-raspberry-your favorite shade of pink?
My favorite pink food would be a dessert called Pink Fluff. It's a pie made of whipped cream and a can of cherry pie filling, poured in a graham cracker crust and chilled. It is a wonderful summer time dessert.
No, it wasn't on the menu yesterday nor has it been in a very long time.
I can and do wear soft pink tops on occasions but I currently do not have any pink in my closet.
No, there is absolutely no shade of pink in our home decor.
I would say that blush and salmon are my favorite shades of pink.
3. Stop and smell the roses, looking through rose colored glasses, a rose by any other name, not all moonlight and roses, no rose without a thorn...which rosy saying currently fits your life in some way? Explain.
Hummm......I think I'd have to say, "looking through rose colored glasses." I say that because that is how I am trying to view the current condition of our country. I'm trying hard to stay positive and hope that it all turns out a whole lot better than the way it is headed.
4. Are you a 'reader'? Do you tend to read lighter books in the summer months? Do you have a summer reading list? If so, give us a title or two.
5. Share with us one rose and one thorn from your weekend.
The rose would be a lovely breakfast with friends on Saturday morning before Hubby and I headed out to find light fixtures and a fan for our pergola.
A thorn would have to be the very sad condition of our country. It grieves my heart.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
Monday our illustrious governor gave a Covid update and it was NOT what I wanted to hear. We were suppose to enter Phase 3 in the coming days but no more. He added 28 more days to Phase 2. Good grief! Phase 3 means that families that have loved ones in senior living facilities would be able to go in to see them. I am beyond ready to get in to my Daddy's apartment/room. We have been able to have porch visits the past month but I am tired of having to depend on someone at the facility to do for him what I normally do. Things such as make sure his socks match his clothes, his candy baskets are properly filled, his linens changed in a timely manner and the list goes on and on. His limited eyesight prevents him from being able to do these things on his own. And, one would think that "assisted living" means just that, ASSISTED. But, sadly it doesn't. I have to contract separately with a nurse to administer his meds twice a day. Assisted living facilities in Louisiana are not allowed to do anything medically for their residents. I mean, really!!!! Oh, my, guess I'm sounding a bit negative and I don't like that. So, I'll close by saying throughout this whole Covid ordeal my Daddy has been so content and for that, I am more than thankful.