Monday, April 29, 2013

Miscellany Monday

Is it really Monday again? I mean these weeks are just rolling along at break neck speed.  All the more reason that we have to make everyday count.  I've lived long enough to know just how quickly our lives can change in a 24 hour period.  So, folks, enjoy your week, make a whole lot of memories and hold those you love a little tighter!  As always, thanks to Carissa for hosting this very fun Monday meme.
I want blue........
And, blue is what she got!  The Princess spent some time with me last week and one day we went to the Nail Salon to get our fingernails and toenails done.  I asked her what color she wanted and she said blue and then I took her over to the polish and let her pick it out and she immediately picked this turquoise blue color.  She was perfect while the gal was working her, sat still and was totally "into" what was going on.  It was her first professional mani-pedi but it will not be her last.
Little man.........
I know, I know, but I just couldn't help it!  And, once again, I ask you, is he not the cutest??? ~grin~  That's all I'll say about that.......the picture speaks for itself. ~don't ya think~
Time for a project........

Every once in a while I like to tackle some sort of project with my hands.  I've heard so much about chalk paint and absolutely love the look that it can give a piece of furniture.  I've spent the past week researching how it is done, watching tutorials and picking out a piece or two of furniture here in our home that I would like to try it on.  So, stay tuned, a project is about to get underway.
Little Slugger.......
The Princess had her very  first wee ball game this past weekend.  After a few minutes she was definitely "in the zone."  Notice that she is all decked out, even with a matching hair bow.  Gotta love her Momma that goes the extra mile when it comes to cuteness! And, did I mention how precious she is.........~no brag, just fact~
God is at work........
This is a picture of the church that Tommy and I have been members of the past 37 years.  It holds a very special place in our hearts.  It is where our church body has rejoiced with us and cried with us over various events in our lives.  For the past several years, as with many churches across our country, we have been struggling to stay afloat.  It has saddened us and there have been times that we have felt there was no hope. ~shame on us!~ But, in recent weeks and especially in recent days it is very obvious that God is hard at work to restore us.  Now, if we will all just be willing to jump on board with Him, surrender to His leading then I am certain there are some "glory days" ahead.  He is able, that's for sure!
May your week be abundantly blessed!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wednesday Hodgepodge

Joyce is an amazing woman!  She is participating in the A-Z blog posts this month but has still managed to come through for us each Wednesday with great questions.  Let's just say, "she's all that and a bag of chips." 

1. April showers bring May flowers...what have you been showered with this month?
Ponderings, lots of ponderings..........I think it is possibly an age thing.  I've always done a lot of pondering but since I turned 60 last July, I've been pondering overtime and this month I've really done a lot. My ponderings are varied, so at least I keep them interesting. ~big laugh~ I'm not sure what April ponderings bring, guess I'll find out.

2. What is the nature of compassion?  Is it learned or innate?  Can compassion be learned?  If you're a parent is this something you've purposely sought to instill in your children, and if so how?

Compassion is to show concern or pity for the suffering or misfortune of others.  I think it can be both learned and innate.  Both my husband and I are compassionate people and both of our children are and I feel they saw it lived out in our lives and it definitely "rubbed off" on them.  Example is the best teacher for sure!

3. Do you prefer to watch romantic comedy or romantic drama...or are you rolling your eyes saying bring on the action flicks?

I'll take romantic comedy and two of my favorites are: Legally Blonde staring Reese Witherspoon and Maid in Manhatten staring Jennifer Lopez.

4.  It's April which means baseball season is officially upon us here in the US of A. Humphrey Bogart is quoted as saying "A hot dog at the ballgame beats roast beef at the Ritz." Agree or Disagree?
Oh, I so disagree!  I have never and will never eat a hot dog at the ballpark.  I am so picky about hotdogs and pretty much will not eat one, except at home with my own homemade chili.  I know, picky, picky, but I don't think I'm going to change at this point. ~smile~ I'll take roast beef at The Ritz any day!

5. What's something in your community or city that needs fixing or improving?
Well, there are several things.......Our dear city lost it's largest tax base, International Paper, almost 5 years ago and we've been on a downward spiral ever since.  Our population has dwindled and small businesses have suffered and some have closed.  We are hoping we can survive and are constantly looking for ways to fix and improve the situation.

6. Share a song you enjoy that mentions flowers or a specific flower in its title.

Oh, my goodness, it would have to be I Didn't Promise You a Rose Garden by Lynn Anderson.  She made it popular in 1970 and I'm embarrassed to say that I remember it like it was yesterday. ~wink~
7. April 22nd is Earth you believe there's life on other planets?  That wasn't the question you were expecting was it? 
No, it is not the question I was expecting and the answer can be debated by people for days on end.  I have never given much thought to there being life on other planets because it doesn't really matter to me one way or the other.  I guess that's a "cop out" of an answer, but it is the truth and I'll just leave it at that.
8.  Insert your own random thought here. 
 Recently a friend told me about the PBS series, Call the Midwife. She knew that I have so enjoyed the Downton Abbey series and thought I would likely enjoy this series as well.  Well, she was right!  I'm addicted!  So,if you are looking for another series, give it a try.  This is just season 2, so you can easily catch up at this point. I've about decided that PBS is the best kept secret on TV.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Miscellany Monday

I love starting my week with Carissa and it's been over two weeks since I have done so.  I'm looking forward to being random and sharing some random stuff with you today.

Dawg tired..........
Is this precious or what?  This is our little man completely tuckered out last weekend.  His Momma said he slept for 1 1/2 hours just like this.  Can you even imagine?  It hurts me to even think about staying in that position for more than a minute or two.  I guess you call this "going until you can't go anymore."
Meet Ellie........
While on our recent visit to Gainsville to visit Hubby's sister and husband, my SIL took me to a cute boutique in their downtown area.  This is where we meet Ellie.  Ellie sits on the counter and keeps a close eye on everyone that comes and goes.  She was so precious and never made a sound nor did she ever try to get down.  Her owner said she will stay there all day long. I really could have brought her home with me. ~I cannot remember the type of dog she is, some mix that I had never heard of~
What a man........
    When I heard that George Beverly Shea had passed away this past week, a sadness filled my heart.  I cannot remember a time in my life that he was not a part of.  My childhood was spent listening to his records.  And, I thought he was an old man then but to listen to his voice was a soothing balm to my soul, even as a child.  I will never hear "I'd Rather Have Jesus" or "His Eye Is On The Sparrow" that I will not immediately think of him.   I cannot imagine the rejoicing that took place as he entered heaven's gates.  What a man.............
Lemons and limes......
 I'm thinking nothing says spring and summer like lemons and limes.  So, that's what I chose as decor for my dining room this season.  The faux fruit is so realistic in both color and texture and I get a tart taste in my mouth every time I walk by our dining room. ~pucker - pucker~ 
The Orchid.........
Our doorbell rang the other day and one of our local florists was standing there with this gorgeous orchid in her hand.  It was from a most thoughtful friend that was remembering me in the loss of my Aunt.  I have never had any experience with orchids so we shall see how long I am able to keep this one alive.  I have done internet research and they are very tricky but I figure anyone that can grow beautiful African Violets like me can surely keep this alive as well. ~ grin~  We shall see!  In the meantime I will be enjoying it's beauty while it is thriving. 

Friday, April 19, 2013

Friday Fragments

Mommy's Idea

Rather than tell you about our recent travels in full detail, thought I'd just share fragments of them with you.  Now, aren't you glad you do not have to read all the "itty bitty" details.  Okay, here we go.........

Hubby and I left on Saturday morning, April 6th headed to Savannah, Georgia.  We had never been and decided that we needed to go and I ordered the Frommer's guide and began planning back in January.

We stayed at The Mansion on Forsyth Park and a mansion it was.  I highly recommend it!  When we arrived there was some type of festival going on in the park across the street and there were a bazillion people in attendance.  We were not sure we had made such a good choice at first, but by dark it was over and the folks had gone home. ~thank goodness~

  Our first evening there we met Tim who was a driver for Royal Bike Taxi.  We hired him to take us around and "introduce" us to Savannah.  Tim is a native of Savannah and knew everything there was to know about the city and shared it with us while showing us the landmarks of the city.  We enjoyed Tim so much and liked that way of seeing the sights, so we arranged to spend another 4 hours with him on Tuesday.  It was so much fun talking with Tim and we found out very quickly that he was a Christian with a testimony that would bring tears to your eyes.  I can't recommend Tim enough either!

We ate at the famous Lady and Sons, Vinnie's Pizza , Fiddlers, and the Gooseberry Patch, to name a few.  We saw beautiful old homes, the School of Art and Design (better known as SCAD), several parks, the river walk and lots and lots of candy companies.  On Monday we traveled over to Hilton Head to check out the beach and we were surprised at how many families were there.  It was obvious that many schools were still enjoying Spring Break that week.

 One of the high lites of our time in Savannah was touring the beautiful St. John the Baptist Cathedral in downtown.  We have been to many cathedrals, churches and such over the years and this one would rate right at the top for sure.

We had originally planned to be in Savannah until Thursday morning but decided on Tuesday that we'd just about done all there was to do and decided to go on to Gainsville, Ga. to visit Hubby's sister and her husband a day earlier than we had planned.

They are such gracious hostesses and always succeed at making our time together most enjoyable.

The high lite of our time with them was going to the gorgeous Gibbs Gardens, located in Ball Ground, GA (about 45 minutes from Gainsville).  Jim Gibbs is the founder of Gibbs Gardens and it started out as a 300 acre private family estate in 1980. Gibbs had a dream of creating a world class public garden.  He worked on it for 30 years, creating 220 acres of landscaped gardens, streams, ponds and lakes, surrounded by hillsides covered with woodlands. As you can tell from the above photos, it is like walking through a little piece of paradise.  It is often referred to as, Georgia's Secret Garden.  And, I highly recommend it as well.

It was a fun 8 days but as we always say, there is no place like home.
This scripture brings such comfort after the week of tragedy and turmoil that so many have faced this week.  Blessings my friends!



Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Hodgepodge Wednesday

Well, in case you are wondering, I did NOT fall off the face of the earth.~aren't you glad???~  It has been two weeks since I blogged and I am having major withdrawal for sure!  Hubby and I have been traveling and I'm anxious to share it with you, but for today, it's Joyce and the Hodgepodge.  Thanks Joyce for always showing up for us!
1. April 15th is the deadline for Americans to file their state and federal income tax returns.  What's a job you do on a regular basis that could be described as 'taxing'?
I suppose I could be called the CFO of my husband's insurance agency. ~big laugh~ I take care of all bill paying and until a few months ago I took care of payroll.  I retired from payroll last June and it has been glorious! So, my job has definitely been lessened, but it can still be very taxing at times.  Everything is done through Quickbooks and then "whizzed" to our financial folks, so that is really cool.  I balance the bank accounts and the credit card accounts too.  As I said, it can be taxing and it seems to roll around with such regularity. ~blah~

  2. I'm participating in the April A-Z blog challenge, and the Hodgepodge happens to fall on Day O this week. In keeping with that theme...olives, onions, oysters, okra...of the foods mentioned, what's your favorite O food?
Oh, I'll take all of the above mentioned except for oysters  and, I'll take them just about any way you can fix them.  I've never tried oysters and won't.  They just remind me too much of eyeballs. ~sorry, I just had to say it~
3.  What is something memorable you experienced as a child that your own children (or future children/nieces/nephews) will not get to experience?

Primitive camping.  Yep! times were hard when I was growing up and one summer in order for us to go and see my Mom's family in Virginia, we had to camp along the way.  And, I do mean camp!  It was at primitive camp grounds because they were about $1 a night and we pitched a canvas tent, grabbed a sleeping bag and that was that.  It is definitely not among my fond memories but it sure makes me appreciate a fine hotel now.

  4. Term limits for our elected officials...your thoughts? first response was YES, for sure.  That way if you get someone that is not "fit" for the job, you are not stuck with them forever.  But, on the other hand, if you get a "goodie," it might be nice to have them hang around a while.  
5. On April 18th, 1775, Paul Revere made his famous 'midnight ride'...when did you last make a midnight ride?  Perhaps the fate of a nation wasn't hanging in the balance, but tell us where you were headed anyway.

Well, I guess this is pitiful but I cannot remember the last time that I was headed somewhere at midnight, unless it was a medical emergency.  That's about the only thing that gets Hubby and I out that late.  We're pretty much of the opinion that the best place to be at that time is at home, in.the.bed! ~laugh~

6.  What would freak you out more...a mouse running across your floor or a big fat hairy spider?
Oh, there is no thinking on this one, it is a mouse.  I am literally scared too death of anything that scurries across the floor faster than I can run, and can get into places that I can hardly see.  I can kill a spider because I'm definitely quicker than they are. I get chills just thinking about a mouse. ~horrors~

  7. I love it when people ask me________________________?
Any question that shows they are interested in me and mine.  I think it is so thoughtful when someone is truly interested in you and asks questions pertaining to you and your family. I'm afraid we are seeing less and less of this and more about "me, me, me." I am amazed at how many conversations are never truly engaging but rather centered around the one who began the conversation with no thought of the other(s).
8.  Insert your own random thought here. 
Some of you may remember that my Aunt Wanda was diagnosed with Bile Duct Cancer last June.  The above picture was taken May, 2012 at her 90th birthday celebration in Virginia.  She went to be with the Lord last Friday morning with her four boys at her side.  She was the oldest of my Mom's siblings and the only one living, so an era has ended and it makes me very sad.  She was always so dear to me and I am so thankful for my last visit with her in Sept.  We both knew that would likely be our last time together on earth and we had some precious conversations.  Heaven definitely gained another Saint and she had a life well lived.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Randon Things About ME.......

Joyce is taking a well deserved break from Hodgepodge this week.  So, I thought I'd make up my own Hodgepodge of random things about myself that I'm sure you are just dying to know.  I always enjoy learning more about my fellow bloggers, so here goes, ready or not.........

*I'm a "preacher's kid."  My Dad entered the ministry when I was 7 years old and I was excited beyond words and pretty much always felt very honored that my Dad was a minister.
*As a result of my Dad being a minister, our family moved a lot. I attended 7 different schools in 3 different states before graduating. We moved the 2nd semester of my Junior year and my class ring was not even from the high school I graduated from. ~how sad~
*I am the oldest child and the only girl.  I have two younger brothers.
*I babysat for $.50 an hour and was thrilled to make that much when I was in high school.
*For even more extra money, I cleaned our neighbors houses and did their ironing during the summers. ~money was scarce at our house and this, along with babysitting gave me my spending money~
* My family did not have a TV until I was 8 years old.
*The Lawrence Welk Show was my favorite TV show and until we got a TV my parents would take me to my Grandparents house so I could watch it every Saturday night.~big smile~
*I met my husband when I was 12 years old and he was 18. I told my parents when I met him that one day I was going to marry him. ~they laughed~
* My husband  waited until he finished graduate school and for me to grow up, then asked me to marry him. We married when I was a mere 18 years old. ~scary~but, hey, that was almost 42 years ago ~smile~
*Both of our children have B names - Brandon and Bridget. At one time when they were small, we had a dog named Bengal and a cat named Baxter. We had the B's going on........
*I thrive on organization and structure ~I got it honest~ my parents thrived on it too. ~wink~
*My day generally starts about 5:30AM and ends around 10:00 - 10:30PM.  I hit the floor running and generally slow down as the day goes by.  I love early mornings! ~I know, weird~ 
*I'm a classic dresser for the most part, every now and again I will step out of that box, but not often.
*I take about a dozen different vitamins every day and have for many years. ~guess time will tell if it pays off~
*I am often referred to as a Southern Belle and I take that as a big compliment. I'm thinking it may be because of my Southern "drawl." ~grin~
*I am very emotional and can cry with the best of them and might I add, I do not cry "pretty."  I'm pretty pitiful when I cry.
*I would have never dreamed that I would have faced some of the trials that have come my way, but because of these, I have learned a dependence  on the Lord that I might not have otherwise learned.
*In the same vein, the Lord has blessed my life more abundantly than I could have ever dreamed. Sometimes I have to pinch myself.
*I love, love the old hymns and never tire of hearing them.  I am truly sorry that the younger generation, including my own children, will not have the cherished memories of the old hymns. 
*When I was very young I recall hearing my Dad pray that the Lord would provide for us because we had little to no food and little to no money to buy any. The Lord always provided and I have never forgotten that.
*I am well qualified at being an advocate for the elderly.  For the past 20 years I have been overseeing the care of someone. It started with my paternal Grandparents, for 14 years, then my MIL for a couple of years and now my Dad for the past 2 years.  Don't even get me started on what all this entails and don't even mess with me if you (those providing the care) do not provide the care that they need or try to take advantage of them.  I become a "force to be reckoned with." I pray that one day, should I need an advocate, that there will be one for me. ~and I ain't jokin'~
*I can't help but wonder how different my children's random things about themselves would be when they are 60 years old.
~quite different for sure~ 

Well, I imagine that you now know more than you ever cared to know about me, but remember, it was your choice to read this. ~and I so thank you and so appreciate you~

I leave you with this and I couldn't agree with it more........


Monday, April 1, 2013

Miscellany Monday

Oh, my, April 1st and I think that means, April Fool's Day. But, let me assure you that my post is not fooling, it's the truth, the whole truth. ~wink~ Thanks to Carissa, no matter what's going on in her world, she always shows up for us, April Fool's Day and all.  We love you Carissa!
Formidible Women Outing.........
Last week The Formidible Women loaded up for yet another "birthday outing."  This trip took us to Jackson, MS  As you can tell from the photos, it was a rather chilly day and we were bundled up in jackets and scarves.  As always, a lot of fun was had by all, a little retail therapy, some good eats and a whole lot of thankfulness for our friendship.
Dying Eggs........
DIL invited me over to watch her and the Princess dye Easter eggs.  Oh, my, has dying eggs come a long way.  DIL saw something on Pinterest about mixing food coloring in shaving cream and dipping eggs in it and leaving it on them for a few minutes and you get this neat marbled look.  Hanna Beth was very hesitant about getting her hands down in the mixture, she isn't too fond of having dirty hands. ~how cute!~  
The Happy Couple.......
 This past weekend we attended a wedding reception for a precious young couple.  We have known the young man since he was born and from all reports he picked a "real jewel" for his wife. They were married at one of the Antebellum homes in South Louisiana the previous weekend in a small ceremony and then we all got to celebrate with them at the reception this weekend.  It was another lovely Southern affair. Are they not the cutest! ~smile~

An indoor hunt.........
Mother Nature caused us to have to change our egg hunt to the inside on Sat.  I was not happy about it, but there was not a thing that could be done.  So, I went about hiding eggs inside the house before the Princess and her parents arrived.  I'm not sure she could have had any more fun outside.  She was so excited about each egg and could hardly wait to open them up and see what prizes the bunny had left in each one.  It ended up being a fun time in spite of the weather.  You know, sometimes you just have to make lemonade out of lemons. ~grin~ 
 Can you believe this is the same man that walked right up to death almost two years ago?  I can't.  For the past couple of months he has done extremely well and we are so thankful. He is truly a miracle.  This picture was taken Saturday while he was over enjoying our Easter celebration with us.  Yes, God is good! 

Happy April!