Is it really Monday again? I mean these weeks are just rolling along at break neck speed. All the more reason that we have to make everyday count. I've lived long enough to know just how quickly our lives can change in a 24 hour period. So, folks, enjoy your week, make a whole lot of memories and hold those you love a little tighter! As always, thanks to Carissa for hosting this very fun Monday meme.
I want blue........
And, blue is what she got! The Princess spent some time with me last week and one day we went to the Nail Salon to get our fingernails and toenails done. I asked her what color she wanted and she said blue and then I took her over to the polish and let her pick it out and she immediately picked this turquoise blue color. She was perfect while the gal was working her, sat still and was totally "into" what was going on. It was her first professional mani-pedi but it will not be her last.
Little man.........
I know, I know, but I just couldn't help it! And, once again, I ask you, is he not the cutest??? ~grin~ That's all I'll say about that.......the picture speaks for itself. ~don't ya think~
Time for a project........
Every once in a while I like to tackle some sort of project with my hands. I've heard so much about chalk paint and absolutely love the look that it can give a piece of furniture. I've spent the past week researching how it is done, watching tutorials and picking out a piece or two of furniture here in our home that I would like to try it on. So, stay tuned, a project is about to get underway.
Little Slugger.......
The Princess had her very first wee ball game this past weekend. After a few minutes she was definitely "in the zone." Notice that she is all decked out, even with a matching hair bow. Gotta love her Momma that goes the extra mile when it comes to cuteness! And, did I mention how precious she is.........~no brag, just fact~
God is at work........
This is a picture of the church that Tommy and I have been members of the past 37 years. It holds a very special place in our hearts. It is where our church body has rejoiced with us and cried with us over various events in our lives. For the past several years, as with many churches across our country, we have been struggling to stay afloat. It has saddened us and there have been times that we have felt there was no hope. ~shame on us!~ But, in recent weeks and especially in recent days it is very obvious that God is hard at work to restore us. Now, if we will all just be willing to jump on board with Him, surrender to His leading then I am certain there are some "glory days" ahead. He is able, that's for sure!
May your week be abundantly blessed!