Wednesday, March 30, 2011
It's Wednesday again and time to think about what we're loving. I'm linking up with Jamie at This Kind of Love for today's entry.
I love it when my house is neat and orderly, most of the laundry and ironing is done and my " ducks are in a row." Ah, that's when it truly is " home sweet home."
I'm loving that our azaleas are bursting forth every day with more and more blooms. It is such a shame that they do not last very long at all. They will create a gorgeous backdrop for pictures of the Grans one afternoon soon.
I'm loving the series of Bible Studies, by Nancy Leigh DeMoss, about the tongue. It is taken from Proverbs 18:21, " Death and life are in the power of the tongue." I listen to these on my IPod while I walk on the treadmill each morning. I'm not only getting physical exercise but I'm being challenged spiritually at the same time. Yes, I'm loving it.
I'm loving that they make V-neck tops that I feel very comfortable in because I DO love V-neck tops and have found some cute ones for this spring and summer. Some are just way to extreme for this 50 something woman. ~giggle~ I decided many years ago that the more of me that's covered the better I look. ~smile~
I'm loving that I serve a God that knows just what I need and when I need it and always supplies me with the strength to go on when times seem overwhelming. Who else do you know that can do that! ~did I hear an Amen~
I'm loving American Idol this season. While I do have my favorites, this is one of the most talented groups that has come through as far as I'm concerned. Hubby and I enjoy watching it together and making our predictions.
I hope you are thinking of all the things you are loving today and I'm wishing for you a wonderful Wednesday!
Monday, March 28, 2011
{1} Wow, last week was busy, busy, busy! I missed you gals, but sometimes life does get in the way of blogging. ~smile~
One of Hubby's sisters and her husband were here at the beginning of the week and we enjoyed a visit with them.
Don't you just love how they match my front door decor? They are some mighty sweet folks! As I've stated before, we have family all over the country and wish so much that we were able to spend more time with all of them, but the long distances sometimes make it very difficult.
{2} Yesterday was Hubby's birthday. We went to dinner on Saturday evening and had a quite celebration here yesterday. The older one gets, the quieter the celebrations become. ~grin~ His birthday dinner was topped off with White Chocolate Bread Pudding. Oh, my, the two bites I had were sinful!
Hubby and his best buddy |
Isn't it just the cutest? That is her precious little hand prints all over the bird house.
{4} I am so proud of myself. I am learning more and more about photo editing and am loving it. I know, I'm still not near as "savvy" as some of you, but I have graduated from Picasa to Picnik and am not sure what I will graduate to after I've mastered Picnik. ~wink~ I love being able to do cute photos such as this.
{5} Rachel Ridge, from Home Sanctuary,was the speaker for our Ladies Spring Event at our church this past Thursday evening. I will be blogging about this on Friday, but let me just say, if you are looking for a speaker for a ladies event, I HIGHLY recommend Rachel. To hear more, check my blog on Friday.
Rachel Ridge |
Inpatients and I will post pictures again in few weeks when they are "bursting forth" in these pots. Take my word, these will be stunning shortly!
I'm linking up with sweet Carissa today and you can read more Miscellany Monday by clicking on the button at the top of the page. Wishing each of you a beautiful week!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
I'm linking up with Jamie at This Kind of Love today for the first time and looking forward to thinking about what I love.
I'm loving that the Ladies Spring Event at our church is tomorrow evening. This is an annual event that our Women's Ministry hosts and I have been in charge of it this year. Sweet Rachel from Home Sanctuary is going to be our speaker and I am so excited that I was able to secure her for this event.
I'm loving that my friends double my joy and divide my grief. Friends, definitely one of God's greatest gifts.
I'm loving this beautiful spring weather that we are having. Spring weather means it's time to pull out all the cute flip flops and I love, love, love my flip flops. Of course, they are NOT just ordinary flip flops you know. I mean, they have style these days! Volatile are my very favorites!
I'm loving that Hubby and I have a Tempur-Pedic mattress on our beds. I'm telling you, there's just nothing like it. Ah, such good sleep!
Happy Wednesday girlies and here's hoping that you have all kinds of things that you are loving too!
I'm loving sitting in my comfy recliner this evening (Tuesday). I've had a busy past few days and I think it's about caught up with me. I have to remind myself sometimes that I am NOT the energizer bunny. Shucks!
I'm loving that the Ladies Spring Event at our church is tomorrow evening. This is an annual event that our Women's Ministry hosts and I have been in charge of it this year. Sweet Rachel from Home Sanctuary is going to be our speaker and I am so excited that I was able to secure her for this event.
I'm loving that my friends double my joy and divide my grief. Friends, definitely one of God's greatest gifts.
I'm loving this beautiful spring weather that we are having. Spring weather means it's time to pull out all the cute flip flops and I love, love, love my flip flops. Of course, they are NOT just ordinary flip flops you know. I mean, they have style these days! Volatile are my very favorites!
I'm loving that Hubby and I have a Tempur-Pedic mattress on our beds. I'm telling you, there's just nothing like it. Ah, such good sleep!
Happy Wednesday girlies and here's hoping that you have all kinds of things that you are loving too!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
This Tuesday's tour is something I'm excited about because I love, love, love my home office. This room use to be a parlor and of course, it was totally useless to us, but it sure was a pretty room. About 10 years ago I got the brilliant idea of turning it into my home office. Hubby thought that was a grand idea and we began work on it immediately. Since I do a lot of work on the computer for my husband's insurance business, he thought he would be great for me to have an " official" office. It is probably the most used room in our house.
This is my computer desk and when we purchased this I was "tickled pink" with it because it was such a pretty piece of furniture. After switching computers out on it a couple of times, I have decided that if I had it to do over, I would get a more functional desk for the computer. It would be so much easier to manage the towers, cords, etc. But, I still think it's a beautiful piece and I'm sure I'll be enjoying it for years to come. I'll just need to always have some strong men to move it out from the wall for me occasionally. ~chuckle~ By the way, the piece to the left side is an old side table I found at an antique store and it serves to hold the
" stuff" my computer desk will not hold. Need I say, I have a lot of stuff in my office.
This is my personal desk that " houses" everything from my calculator, writing essentials, postage stamps, etc. I LOVE my desk!
This is not a great picture (notice my Sonic drink in the floor) but this is my filing cabinet that holds a " bazillion files." Literally, everything from A - Z. I told my husband that if anything ever happened to me that as long as he could say his ABC's he could find the answer to anything in those files. ~chuckle~ I love organization and most especially when it comes to the business of a household.
And, finally, this is actually a buffet, but it is used as a credenza in my office. It is filled to the brim with computer checks, all the items concerning my computers and cameras and on and on. I love this piece and it went so well with all my other furniture and serves a much needed purpose.
I hope you enjoyed your tour and I think it is likely very apparent to you that I do love my home office and spend many happy hours in it "doing my thing."
Thanks to Daphne and Shannon for hosting HTT each week. For more tours, click on the button above and "tour away."
Monday, March 21, 2011
{one} Today is the 2nd anniversary of my blog!
Yea! what a fun adventure this has been and what awesome friends I have made along the way. I never knew in my wildest dreams all the fun that blogging would bring into my life. Thanks to each of you for being faithful followers and dear friends. You are very special to me and I look forward to a long relationship with you. Okay, I know each and every one of you are waiting with "baited breathe" to see if you are the winner of this gorgeous cross. In case you are in the dark, I've been hosting a giveaway the past couple of weeks in celebration of my anniversary. I had 25 wonderful entries and I had my sister in law that is visiting from the Atlanta area draw for the winner.
This cross is about to find it's way to Jen at Finding Heaven. Jen and I have been following each others' blogs for about a year. She is quite the writer and artist and has such depth that she often has me scratching my head. ~smile~ CONGRATULATIONS Jen, I know you will enjoy this cross for many years. I really wish that I could send all of you one of these crosses, but perhaps I'll have another giveaway before too long.
I am so sorry but this is going to be a very short MM today. Hubby's sister and her husband are here visiting and I don't have the time to do a regular MM. I know that is a huge disappointment, but sometimes there are more important things than blogging. ~wink~
I am so sorry but this is going to be a very short MM today. Hubby's sister and her husband are here visiting and I don't have the time to do a regular MM. I know that is a huge disappointment, but sometimes there are more important things than blogging. ~wink~
Friday, March 18, 2011
Good Friday Morning! It's a beautiful spring morning and in recent days I have gotten our home all "decked out" for Spring and thought you might enjoy seeing it this morning. I love my front door decor and went with something really different this year. I have never seen one of these rectangular shaped "thingys" but I like how it turned out. And, no I did not make it, I had it done. I'm not good with that kind of creativity. ~smile~
I haven't used these sweet bunnies in years but knew that the Grans would love them, so found the perfect spot for them this year. This is in the foyer and the first thing you see when you come in the front door. And, they look so cute on the little bench I purchased a few months back.
We'll see how having these bunnies on the glass top coffee table work with the Grans. It may be more temptation than they can resist. They are so good to not bother things, but this may be a bit much. And, if it is, well, the bunnies will take a trip when they come to visit. I'm not about to allow such to get their little hands slapped. I cannot stand that. ~smile~
I was thrilled with the way the dining table scape turned out. That is jelly beans in the glass containers with the candles. (The glass containers are some of those really, really inexpensive ones I found at TJ Maxx on one of my many visits to that store.)
I have decided that Spring is definitely my favorite time of year, even more than Christmas. Just a much calmer time, the sign of new life breaking forth and of course, the celebration of Easter is just the "icing on the cake."
Hubby's sister and her husband will be arriving this afternoon for a visit and we have a lot of family fun planned while they are here. Looks like the entire weekend weather is going to be awesome so that will make it even more enjoyable.
Before I close, if you have not registered for my giveaway, be sure and do so by clicking on the giveaway button on the upper right hand corner of my blog. Monday is the day the winner will be revealed and I can't wait to send that beautiful cross to someone. I hope it is YOU!
Blessings to you for a beautiful weekend!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
1. What would you do if you found a pot of gold? Let's pretend this pot of gold is worth exactly $1500 (which would actually be more like a cup of gold at current values). Anyway, let's also pretend you have to spend it as opposed to making a donation someplace. Now tell me what you would do with that cup pot of gold? Well, since I can't make a donation with it, I might as well go and by myself an IPad since I've been wanting one for some time. But, I feel guilty saying such with all the dear folks in Japan in such sad shape.
2. Do you celebrate St. Patrick's Day in any way, shape, or form? My youngest brother was born on St. Patty's day and we use to always have a fun birthday party for him. But, once I married and moved 1000 miles away, that ended and we've never really had any kind of celebration. I do like the green, the shamrocks and the leprechauns though.
3. Have you been bitten by the Spring Cleaning bug? What spring cleaning job most needs doing at your house? What spring cleaning job are you most dreading?
Yes, I've definitely been bitten by the cleaning and facelift bug. If I haven't cleaned it, I've probably given it a facelift. The baseboards need a "going over" and of course, the ceiling fans need more than a "going over." And, the most dreaded job is all the "stuff" on the top of my kitchen cabinets need to be taken down, washed and dusted. It is such a huge task that I usually hire someone to help me and it goes a lot quicker and is a whole lot more fun. Guess you could say, "misery loves company."~smile~
Yes, I've definitely been bitten by the cleaning and facelift bug. If I haven't cleaned it, I've probably given it a facelift. The baseboards need a "going over" and of course, the ceiling fans need more than a "going over." And, the most dreaded job is all the "stuff" on the top of my kitchen cabinets need to be taken down, washed and dusted. It is such a huge task that I usually hire someone to help me and it goes a lot quicker and is a whole lot more fun. Guess you could say, "misery loves company."~smile~
4. lime-shamrock-sage-forest...your favorite shade of green? Sage green would be my favorite and I use that color in our Master Bath.
5. Thomas Jefferson once said, "I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it." you believe in luck or do you believe we make our own luck? Oh, I think it's probably a little of both.
6. Monday (3/14) was Pi Day. Get it? Pi =3.14. Those math types are so clever aren't they? Since I'm not one of them tell me what's your favorite piE (the edible kind).Goodness, I'm glad this question is about the edible kind, otherwise, I'd be "lost as a goose." ~smile~ It would be a Coconut Cream Pie. Yum,yum, yummy!
7. That same date (3/14) happens to be the birthdate of the late physicist Albert Einstein. I bet he knew the value of Pi. So...what do you think is more important and or valuable in life... intelligence or common sense? Well, I think it's great if you can be blessed with both, but I have met so many intelligent folks without a lick of common sense and if I only had one or the other (which I do) I would prefer common sense.
8. Insert your own random thought here. I think we can say that Spring has arrived in Northeast Louisiana. We are having some of the most gorgeous weather, the daffodils are beginning to bloom and we should be seeing some buds on the azalea's shortly. That means lots of picture taking of the sweet Grans! Stay tuned.......
Once again, Joyce has outdone herself with these Hodgepodge questions. I can't help but wonder where she gets some of these "dozzie" questions. ~chuckle~ But, for sure, it's never dull and always a lot of fun. Thanks Joyce!
Once again, Joyce has outdone herself with these Hodgepodge questions. I can't help but wonder where she gets some of these "dozzie" questions. ~chuckle~ But, for sure, it's never dull and always a lot of fun. Thanks Joyce!
Monday, March 14, 2011
{1} The "One in a Million" Bible Study by Priscilla Shirer has been such a blessing. As the facilitator, I have been doubly blessed. If you have never done it and you get an opportunity, I highly recommend it. It is all about how God uses the "wilderness times" in our lives to strengthen and develop our walk with HIM. We have two sessions left out of the six.
{2}Well, we moved our clocks forward Saturday evening and of course, when I woke up Sunday morning it was still dusky dark outside. That's what I do not like about Daylight Savings Time, I want light in the morning and in the evening. ~smile~ Oh. well, I'll get use to it in a few weeks and then it will just about be time to move them backwards for Fall. Ugh!
{3} My youngest brother lives in the DesMoines area and as you know, all kinds of political things take place there. He is CEO of a company there and is often invited to attend some of the political functions. Last Monday he attended a luncheon in conjunction with the Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition and he had this picture snapped. I don't think there's any need to say who is who. ~grin~
He said while he didn't think he could ever have a "chummy" relationship with Newt, he did feel that he had great leadership capabilities. I guess time will tell.
{4}This same brother will be celebrating his 46th birthday this Thursday, St. Patricks Day. I remember the day he was born like it was yesterday. I was beside myself with excitement over having a baby brother and that excitement still exists. He and I have a very special relationship and I just hate that so many miles separate us. He and my Dad met up with each other in Florida last month and enjoyed a little time with each other. I was a bit jealous! ~wink~
{5}Okay girlies, you have one more week to register for my Two Year Blogoversary giveaway. I have about 25 names in the pot right now and if yours isn't in there, make sure it is by next Sunday. I will post the winner right here on MM next Monday. For the details, click on the giveaway button on the upper right of my blog sidebar.
Thanks to our sweet Carissa for hosting us each and every Monday.
Blessings to all for a beautiful week!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Melanie at Out of the Miry Clay had this as her entry the other day and I thought it looked interesting and just knew my Company Girl friends would enjoy it too. ~smile~
A. Age: Um, huh, 58, okay, there I said it
B. Bed size: KING - love, love our king sized bed
C. Chore you dislike: cleaning bathrooms, yuck!
D. Dogs: 2 - a chocolate and yellow lab
B. Bed size: KING - love, love our king sized bed
C. Chore you dislike: cleaning bathrooms, yuck!
D. Dogs: 2 - a chocolate and yellow lab
E. Essential start to your day: coffee and prayer time
F. Favorite color: muted tones of blue
G. Gold or silver: I like them both equally and which I wear depends on what color I'm wearing. My wedding ring set is white gold but it use to be yellow gold
H. Height: 5' 6" I fully expect to start shrinking anytime :o)
I. Instruments you play(ed): piano
J.Job title: Domestic Diva - okay, I'm really a Homemaker
K. Kids: 2 - a boy and a girl
L. Live: Northeast Louisiana
M. Mom’s name: Geraldine, but thank goodness, everyone called her Jerry
N. Nicknames: I use to long for a nickname when I was growing up, but it just never happened
O. Overnight hospital stays: when both children were born, when I had a miscarriage, and when I had a hysterectomy and all these were well before the new way of thinking that unless you are dying, you do not spend the night in the hospital.
P. Pet peeves: people being late, functions that do not start on time and folks that are attached at the hip to their cell phones. Need I say more............ ~giggle~
Q. Quote from a movie: Can't think of one, isn't that pitiful......
F. Favorite color: muted tones of blue
G. Gold or silver: I like them both equally and which I wear depends on what color I'm wearing. My wedding ring set is white gold but it use to be yellow gold
H. Height: 5' 6" I fully expect to start shrinking anytime :o)
I. Instruments you play(ed): piano
J.Job title: Domestic Diva - okay, I'm really a Homemaker
K. Kids: 2 - a boy and a girl
L. Live: Northeast Louisiana
M. Mom’s name: Geraldine, but thank goodness, everyone called her Jerry
N. Nicknames: I use to long for a nickname when I was growing up, but it just never happened
O. Overnight hospital stays: when both children were born, when I had a miscarriage, and when I had a hysterectomy and all these were well before the new way of thinking that unless you are dying, you do not spend the night in the hospital.
P. Pet peeves: people being late, functions that do not start on time and folks that are attached at the hip to their cell phones. Need I say more............ ~giggle~
Q. Quote from a movie: Can't think of one, isn't that pitiful......
R. Righty or lefty: Righty.
S. Siblings: 2 brothers, 1 is 3 years younger than me and 1 is 12 years younger
T. Time you wake up: 5:40 everyday except Sat. and Sun. I love the early morning and hit the floor like a Jack Rabbit, ready to go
U. Underwear: Hum, I'll pass on this one How about “Uniform” instead? I have never had a "go to" piece of clothing, I like variety but I do wear a lot of black and white, just love the crispness of that look
S. Siblings: 2 brothers, 1 is 3 years younger than me and 1 is 12 years younger
T. Time you wake up: 5:40 everyday except Sat. and Sun. I love the early morning and hit the floor like a Jack Rabbit, ready to go
U. Underwear: Hum, I'll pass on this one How about “Uniform” instead? I have never had a "go to" piece of clothing, I like variety but I do wear a lot of black and white, just love the crispness of that look
V. Vegetables you don’t like: are Beets considered a veggie, if so, can't stand them but as a general rule, I love veggies of every kind
W.What makes you run late: Something that I simply have no control over, otherwise I am not going to be late
X. X-rays you’ve had: teeth, back,and shoulder
Y. Yummy food you make: I get lots of "shouts" over my Almond Pound Cake, my gumbo and chili
Z. Zoo animal favorites: I love to watch the gorillas because they have so many human characteristics that it's scary. I also like the Zebra because of their color. See, I really do like black and white. ~smile~
Okay, if you would like to do the A-Z entry, feel free to do so, it's lots of fun. And, now you know even more about me. ~wink~ Thanks Rachel for always letting us "do our thing" on Fridays. For more Company Girls click on the button above and enjoy!
And, don't leave without clicking on my giveaway button on the top right of my blog and register for the beautiful hand crafted cross. I'll be giving it to some lucky winner on March 21st in celebration of my 2nd blog anniversary.
X. X-rays you’ve had: teeth, back,and shoulder
Y. Yummy food you make: I get lots of "shouts" over my Almond Pound Cake, my gumbo and chili
Z. Zoo animal favorites: I love to watch the gorillas because they have so many human characteristics that it's scary. I also like the Zebra because of their color. See, I really do like black and white. ~smile~
Okay, if you would like to do the A-Z entry, feel free to do so, it's lots of fun. And, now you know even more about me. ~wink~ Thanks Rachel for always letting us "do our thing" on Fridays. For more Company Girls click on the button above and enjoy!
And, don't leave without clicking on my giveaway button on the top right of my blog and register for the beautiful hand crafted cross. I'll be giving it to some lucky winner on March 21st in celebration of my 2nd blog anniversary.
Blessings for a beautiful weekend and don't forget to move your clocks forward one hour tomorrow evening
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
It's Wednesday and I'm linking up with Joyce for a little Hodgepodge. You can link up too by clicking on the button above. Here we go...............
1. The season of Lent begins on March 9th this you participate and if so, in what way? I have never participated and have never been a part of a church that did. I never thought much about it until a few years ago and I really feel like that those that do participate in Lent likely have a much more meaningful Easter than those of us who do not.
2. Traditionally pancakes are eaten on the day known as Shrove Tuesday which is the last day before Lent (March 8th this year). So....butter and syrup? Blueberry? Chocolate chip? ewww, no thanks!! What's your pleasure when it comes to eating pancakes?
I'm a real "vanilla" gal when it comes to pancakes. I just want them plain with butter and syrup. I love blueberries but the thought of them mixed in pancakes just does not sound that good to me and I sure don't want any whipped cream on top. ~smile~
I'm a real "vanilla" gal when it comes to pancakes. I just want them plain with butter and syrup. I love blueberries but the thought of them mixed in pancakes just does not sound that good to me and I sure don't want any whipped cream on top. ~smile~
3. Spring is coming. (It is coming, right?) What's your favorite springtime flower and do you suffer from seasonal allergies? Two questions I know, but they're lightweights.
My favorite spring time flower is the Daffodil. It screams SPRING to me, I love it's yellow color and it's just a happy flower. I do not have any spring time allergies. Thank goodness!
4. "Our opinion of people depends less upon what we see in them than upon what they make us see in ourselves." Author unknown. Agree or Disagree? Why?
My favorite spring time flower is the Daffodil. It screams SPRING to me, I love it's yellow color and it's just a happy flower. I do not have any spring time allergies. Thank goodness!
4. "Our opinion of people depends less upon what we see in them than upon what they make us see in ourselves." Author unknown. Agree or Disagree? Why?
Oh, my, this question is making my brain hurt and causing me to think too hard. ~chuckle~ But, I disagree. I'm moving on without explanation because I'm stressing way too much over this question. ~smile~
5. Since it's "March" and also the season of Mardi Gras....have you ever been in a parade? What's the best parade you've seen?
I have never been in a parade, but hands down the best parade I've ever seen is the Disney Electrical Parade. I've seen it several times, but each time was just like the first, wonderment and amazement.
I have never been in a parade, but hands down the best parade I've ever seen is the Disney Electrical Parade. I've seen it several times, but each time was just like the first, wonderment and amazement.
6. You would jump up and down and shout for joy right now if someone told you___________? that I was about to move into a new house on a postage stamp size lot. ~smile~ We live on an acre and a half and it is all manicured to the hilt and it is a whole lotta work!!! No, I don't do it, I don't even help, but if we had a postage stamp size lot, I think I might actually enjoy it. ~grin~
7. How clean is your car on the outside? Inside? Is there junk in your trunk? Clean through and through. I cannot stand a dirty car and there is definitely no "junk in my trunk" as I have organizer caddies for anything that is in my cargo space. I have a wonderful hand held Shark vacuum that I use any time my mats begin showing a little dirt.
8. Insert your own random thought here. I'm excited to be doing my first ever giveaway in celebration of my 2 year "blogoversary." If you have not registered, click on my giveaway button at the top right side of my blog and read all about it.
Blessings to you as we enter this Holy Season
Monday, March 7, 2011
I'm linking up with Carissa at Lowercase Letters today for our Miscellany Monday post. Click the button above for more fun
Miscellany Monday.
{1} On Saturday, daughter, DIL and myself took the two babies to the Shrine Circus. It really went much better than I had expected it to go with a 2 1/2 and 1 1/2 year old. Both
were still a little frightened by the clowns, as you can see Clancy is hanging on to his Momma pretty tightly here. The clowns were so nice and child friendly, but they are, I assume, a scary sight for the wee ones. It was an enjoyable time but when we left, this was the scene on the way home.
I think you call that "being out like a light." ~smile~
{2} In case you have not heard, and it's likely that many of you have not, tomorrow , known as Fat Tuesday, is the "official" celebration of Mardi Gras.
I have lived in Louisiana almost 40 years and I've never been to a Mardi Gras parade and know little about the whole celebration. I do like the King Cakes and have even tried my hand at making a couple, and I do love the colors - purple, gold and green. For many, it is a huge celebration and party,but for me, it's just another day. ~grin~
{3} We just finished our 3rd week of the "One In A Million," the Bible Study by Priscilla Shirer. Let me tell you girls, it is so awesome! It has blessed me more than I could have ever imagined and it's just half over. If you ever get a chance to participate in it, don't miss the opportunity.
{4} I'm not much into TV but I love "feel good" shows and I've found that "The Secret Millionaire" and "Undercover Boss" fit that bill. It's so good to see such inspiring shows with so much otherwise "trash." Kudos to these producers!
{3} We just finished our 3rd week of the "One In A Million," the Bible Study by Priscilla Shirer. Let me tell you girls, it is so awesome! It has blessed me more than I could have ever imagined and it's just half over. If you ever get a chance to participate in it, don't miss the opportunity.
{4} I'm not much into TV but I love "feel good" shows and I've found that "The Secret Millionaire" and "Undercover Boss" fit that bill. It's so good to see such inspiring shows with so much otherwise "trash." Kudos to these producers!
{4} Okay, now listen up girlies, I'm about to do my FIRST ever giveaway! It will be to celebrate the anniversary of my 2nd blogoversary. Yes, on March 21, 2009, I joined the wonderful world of blogging. I really just did it on a "whim" and before I knew it, I was hooked. To thank all of you faithful followers who have become special folks to me, I want to give you a "happy." I wish I could give all of you one, but since I can't, you'll have to register for this:
It is a beautiful, oak, hand crafted cross made by my Dad. It is 10" long and 5" wide and is quite the "conversation piece" hanging on the wall. It is even signed and dated by my Dad.
Now, here's how you can win:
It is a beautiful, oak, hand crafted cross made by my Dad. It is 10" long and 5" wide and is quite the "conversation piece" hanging on the wall. It is even signed and dated by my Dad.
Now, here's how you can win:
1 - leave me comment on this post
2 - put my "giveaway button" on your sidebar
3 - mention my giveaway in a blog entry
For each one of these, your name will be entered, so you can have your name "in the hat" from 1 to 3 times. I will draw for the winner on Monday, the 21st, two weeks from today. Be sure you let me know if you do #2, or #3, so I can put your name in again. I look forward to sending this beautiful cross to some lucky winner. AND, for those of you that still have not registered to actually leave comments on my blog, maybe this will "push" you to do so. I love your comments through email, FB, conversation, etc. but I love, love reading your comments on my actual blog. Come on, it's a painless process! ~smile~ P-L-E-A-S-E....................
A happy week to each and every one of you!
Friday, March 4, 2011
Good Morning Girls! Looks like it may well be a "wet day" here and well, I really wish that the Lord had decided to allow it to rain only at night and for the sun to shine in the daytime. He knew best but I'm just not a "wet weather" fan and don't like to get out in it unless I have too. I'm afraid I'll melt. ~grin!
I've just been about to "bust my britches" to decorate for Easter , but since it is still 7 weeks away, I'm trying to hold off for another week or so. But, it is so hard. We've had some beautiful spring days and it has given me the itch to get out those bunnies and spring items. I did get a new spring arrangement for the kitchen table and I am more than a little proud of it.
I saw a similar type arrangement in a magazine and took it to one of our local floral designers (for the local folks, Andrea at The Flower Tree) and she created this. I wanted something "happy" and I do believe this spells HAPPY with a capitol H.
On Tuesday of this week I kept Clancy. He was getting over some kind of virus and the Mommies didn't want the babies together just yet. Anyway, as I've stated recently, he is in the midst of potty training. I had left him watching Backyardigans and I came into my office to do something. In a few minutes he runs in here to me and says, "I pee peed CiCi." He didn't have a stitch on except a shirt. I praised him for going by himself, as he has never done this, and then I went in the bathroom to fetch his undies and pants to put them back on him. The undies are no where to be found. After I had looked and looked I thought, "did he flush them down the commode." So, I asked him and sure enough he said, "yes, I flush them." Merciful heavens! we're on a septic tank and that is grounds for serious trouble. So, I immediately called Hubby. He came home and went outside to check the trap and had me do all kind of things to try and help him locate the undies as they came through the septic tank trap. No luck! So, we are hopeful that they slide right on through and won't come back to haunt us in a few days. I did explain to Clancy that we do not flush our undies down the commode and as any 29 month old, he just looked at me as though he had full understanding of what I had just told him. Oh, me!
Did you notice that I now have a navigation bar on my blog? I don't have it fully up and running just yet, but at least it is there and ready for me to put to use. Karen Valentine with Valentine Designs did this for me. If you are looking for someone to do your blog design, I whole heartily recommend Karen. She is so talented and creative and is a pleasure to work with. I think my blog is so "me" and I couldn't be happier with it.
And, let me give you Company Gals a "heads up." Beginning on Monday I will be doing my very first ever giveaway. Check back on Monday for all the details. You will not want to miss it, I promise!
Thanks to Rachel for hosting us each Friday. It has been such a pleasure to make such good Company Girl friends. They are the BEST! Blessings to all for a wonderful week-end!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
1. March 2nd is Dr. Seuss's birthday so I'm you like green eggs and ham? Okay-how about this do you like your eggs? Or don't you? Yes, I do like eggs, but PLEASE no runny yellows. It's fried with the yellow cooked or scrambled. No sunny side up for me and certainly no green!
2. Is March coming in like a lion or something less ferocious where you live? Well, don't think I can say it's ferocious, but it's definitely brisk and aggravating for the hair. ~smile~
3. Do you work better or worse under pressure?
I do not like pressure in any shape, form or fashion! But, let's face it, sometimes it just cannot be avoided. I definitely do better without pressure, but I survive either way (or at least I have up to this point) ~smile~
4. March Madness-are you a fan? It's college basketball in case you're wondering. And if you're outside the USA tell us-is there any sort of 'madness' taking place during March in your part of the world? No I am definitely NOT a fan and neither is my husband.
5. Under what circumstances do you do your best thinking? When I am here at home alone with some quiet easy listening music playing. Love times like that!
6. What item of clothing from your wardrobe do you wear most often? I guess this will sound crazy, but I wear one of my white camisoles almost everyday. I have just gotten to where I like a camisole under almost every top I wear.
7. Do you use sarcasm? Not on a regular basis but I think we can all be sarcastic at times. I'm not normally sarcastic.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Did you know that toy chests are more fun to play in than to put toys in for little 2 year old boys? Yes, Clancy discovered this not long ago and now if he is missing, we know where to find him.
I'm linking up, as I do each Wednesday, with Joyce. Click on the button above to enjoy more Hodgepodge. You'll be glad you did.
Did you know that toy chests are more fun to play in than to put toys in for little 2 year old boys? Yes, Clancy discovered this not long ago and now if he is missing, we know where to find him.
I'm linking up, as I do each Wednesday, with Joyce. Click on the button above to enjoy more Hodgepodge. You'll be glad you did.
Keep a smile on your face and love in your heart!
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I've been wife to the best Hubby for 52 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 5 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....baker of yummy cookies....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!
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