Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

It's Wednesday again and time to think about what we're loving. I'm linking up with Jamie at This Kind of Love  for today's entry.

I love it when my house is neat and orderly, most of the laundry and ironing is done and my "  ducks are in a row."   Ah, that's when it truly is "  home sweet home."  

I'm loving that our azaleas are bursting forth every day with more and more blooms.  It is such a shame that they do not last very long at all.  They will create a gorgeous backdrop for pictures of the Grans one afternoon soon.

I'm loving the series of Bible Studies, by Nancy Leigh DeMoss, about the tongue. It is taken from Proverbs 18:21, "  Death and life are in the power of the tongue."    I listen to these on my IPod while I walk on the treadmill each morning.  I'm not only getting physical exercise but I'm being challenged spiritually at the same time. Yes, I'm loving it.

I'm loving that they make V-neck tops that I feel very comfortable in because I DO love V-neck tops and have found some cute ones for this spring and summer.  Some are just way to extreme for this 50 something woman. ~giggle~ I decided many years ago that the more of me that's covered the better I look. ~smile~

I'm loving that I serve a God that knows just what I need and when I need it and always supplies me with the strength to go on when times seem overwhelming.  Who else do you know that can do that! ~did I hear an Amen~

I'm loving American Idol this season. While I do have my favorites, this is one of the most talented groups that has come through as far as I'm concerned.  Hubby and I enjoy watching it together and making our predictions.

I hope you are thinking of all the things you are loving today and I'm wishing for you a wonderful Wednesday!

Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. Love this list! Your blog always makes me smile. I've missed reading...but I'm finally back to a semi-normal schedule, so I'll be commenting regularly again :) Happy Wednesday!

  2. Hi! I'm stopping by from the WILW link-up. I love a clean house, too! When my house is in order, I feel like my brain can relax :-)

  3. Great things that you are loving today! Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!

  4. I love all my ducks in a row too!
    I am also loving Idol this season.
    I just ordered some v-neck tees.
    Enjoy the rest of your day and week.

  5. I wish that I could wear v-neck tops. Perhaps I should try again if you say that they're making them more modest. I'm short, so anything with much of a scoop at the neck ends up showing more than I'd like it to.

    I love azaleas ... I do wish that they'd bloom longer. Our azaleas aren't close to blooming yet.

  6. I love it when I have a clean house with the laundry done and PUT AWAY! :) It makes me feel at peace, I think. This is a fun link up. I'll have to remember it!

  7. I am a "ducks in a row" kind of gal everything in order and in its place...Azaleas welcome Spring in the most beautiful way...I am so anxious for things to bloom this season, but I must be patient...I have not really been that much of an American Idol fan, but this year there is so much talent..amazing young people...Thank you for sharing with us....Have a great day...:)

  8. :) Pretty flowers!

    I'll have to look for the Nancy Leigh DeMoss Bible study.

  9. I've never done a Nancy Leigh DeMoss study. Sounds interesting!

    I don't regularly watch Idol but I am liking this season.

    Have a great weekend!

  10. Love that top! Where's it from? My azaleas aren't even budding yet. :-(

  11. Oh, have you ever seen Encore azaleas? They bloom 2 or 3 times over the season.

  12. I love V-neck tops lately, too! Cute post!!


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