And, it's another edition of some of my favorites...........
I cannot remember if I have mentioned this before, but if I did, it bears mentioning again. This is the BEST sausage for egg casseroles, dips,homemade pizza and anything else where you might need crumbled sausage. It also comes in the regular pork and I sometimes combine the turkey and the pork. I use it for all my egg casseroles and for homemade pizza and we love it. It's just so convenient and sometimes that outweighs anything else. ~smile~ And, if there is another brand, I have never seen it, I've only seen Jimmy Dean.
It's spring and most of us are readying our yards, porches and patios. I have looked at these Garden Rockers for the past several years and thought about buying one but never did. That is until a couple of weeks ago. I browsing through Tuesday morning and came across it again and this time I grabbed it and it was $20 well spent! It is the dandiest little thing and makes planting plants and digging in the dirt sooooo much easier. It's adjustable so you can adjust it to whatever height is most comfortable for you. What a cleaver idea!!

I had never heard of "dry mouth" until 3-4 years ago and now I've heard of all kinds of folks that deal with it. My Daddy has serious issues with it, especially while he is sleeping. He's been dealing with it about 5 years and I have bought him mouthwashes and toothpastes that are suppose to help but until Xylimelts, nothing worked. I heard about these through an acquaintance that dealt with severe dry mouth and she said they were the greatest thing she had ever tried. I immediately began trying to find them and could not find them anywhere except the internet and of course, I ordered from Amazon. I placed an order and after 2-3 nights Daddy was singing their praises. He uses one when he first goes to bed and then said he uses another about 1:00 or 2:00 AM and that takes care of his dry mouth. I have never had an issue thus far but if I ever do, I'll be using Xylimelts.
I had no idea that Lysol came in a travel size. I was looking on Amazon for something else when this popped up. I was so excited and placed an order immediately. They come 5 to a package on Amazon and I have never seen them anywhere else but they may be available through some retail stores. I will never leave on a trip again with a can of this. I'm always wishing that I had some room freshner for our hotel rooms or bathrooms I may have to use. I'm keeping one in my purse as well. I'll have all my bases covered that way.
Wishing all of you a glorious Easter weekend as we celebrate our risen Savior!