Monday, October 22, 2012

Miscellany Monday

Hubby and I returned Saturday night from a fun getaway to Northwest Arkansas.  The beautiful colors, great friends and fun festivals made for a wonderful time.  But, as always, it's good to be back home.
 Owls and more owls..........
What is the big deal with all the owls?  I have never seen owls in so many shapes, forms and fashion in my life.  Every craft show and every shop we went to while on our trip had owls, anyway you might want them.  I decided to join the fad and got this cute fella since he went really well with the items on my kitchen island. And, there was owl jewelry by the truckload.  So, if you do now have anything "owlish" then I'm suggesting that you get something.  Especially if you want to be "in." ~laugh~

Bubble Necklaces............
These were the other items that were EVERYWHERE we went while on our trip.  I'm not even sure why they are called bubble necklaces but I do like them and these two had my name on them, so they came home with me.  And, they came with matching earrings, and since I'm all into "matchy matchy" that made it all the better.  I guess a gal's gotta do what a gal's gotta do to stay "in vogue." ~really~

Southern Hospitality at the finest....... 

These dear friends wrote the book on Southern Hospitality. They know how to make their guests feel so special and they pull out all the stops to show them a good time.  And, it doesn't hurt that they live in beautiful NW Arkansas.~ big smile~

 This is the delicious meal that we sat down to the night we arrived.  It looked like something straight out of a magazine.  I'm afraid that this is the type of thing that we're getting away from more and more and it was a delight to sit down to a wonderful meal in our dear friends home.

A penny for his thoughts........
This is Hubby as we are preparing to head towards home Saturday morning.  I can just about tell you that he is standing there waiting on the elevator and thinking "does it really take this much STUFF for two people to be gone a mere 3 nights and 4 days?"  And, he would be quick to tell you that 75% of it is mine. What can I say?

And, I leave you with this.......
why is this so hard to do at times????

I'm linking up with sweet and charming Carissa for
Miscellany Monday today.

Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. I'd better go out and get something "owlish"!

    That meal looks yummy ... and that reminds me that it's time to invite some friends over for a meal.

    We take a lot of stuff when traveling, too ... every time we travel, I try to cut back how much stuff we take, but we still end up taking more than we need. I always think "what if" and add a few extra things. ;-)

  2. Good morning! Well I certainly like the way your owl looks on his new perch, haha. I think your right, friends over for a nice dinner just doesn't get done enough. I travel light over here...haha, but not hubby. He would pack the kitchen sink if he thought he might need it! ; ) Enjoy your day!

  3. Fun post...owl too cute, the hospitality, yes we have moved away from that and what a shame, the luggage and hubby...too funny!

    I like the necklaces

  4. I have a bubble necklace. Seems in the blogging world everyone does. I get alot of compliments on it when I wear it. Love the picture of your husband! he seems like a good sport.

  5. That does seem like a lot of luggage for a short trip. But then again I have a half empty closet.

  6. Looks like you had a beautiful time. I love owls and have since I was a little girl. I think the owl you brought home is beautiful!

  7. So happy to hear that you had such a fun time in my beautiful home state! I knew you wouldn't be disappointed with the fall colors! Love your pretty necklaces...I've been wanting to try those out myself!

    That last picture cracks me up! Chris gets so aggravated with me whenever I pack for a trip. I know I take way too much, but a girl hs to be prepared for whatever might come along, right?

  8. You and I are kindred spirits when it comes to packing : ) So glad you enjoyed time with friends and warm hospitality. It's a gift!

  9. I've seen that look on MY hubby's face as he waits at the elevator, too. He packs in 15 minutes and says, "Four days, four outfits, something to sleep in, toiletries, done!" Sounds so simple, but I remind him he 1) has had all the laundry done for him, so that's a big step done for him 2) he doesn't have to change a sweaty bra or think about a slip or hose 3) doesn't accessorize 4) wears the same shoes the whole time unless he needs flip flops on the beach and 5) his deodorant doubles as cologne; mine doesn't.
    Hence the 75% of the luggage, right? LOL. Glad you enjoyed your trip; your friend's dishes alone are gorgeous, let alone the food she served on top of them!

  10. oh my dear, i laughed so hard at Tommy and the luggage. he takes such good care of you, doesn't he?! those necklaces must look absolutely lovely on you. i have seen them all over the place! so happy you had a fun time. xoxo.

  11. What a fun trip! I have been thinking about getting one of those kind of necklaces too but haven't yet. I have to ask you what kind of luggage you have- I love the pattern and need something new :)


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!