Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Wednesday Hodgepodge

It's time for Hodgepodge and I always fine the questions so interesting and the answers even more so as I visit around.  I think I sometimes think way too hard and try to make something hard out of something that should be fairly simple.  I have to remind myself that there are no right or wrong answers.  Thanks Joyce for your faithfulness, week in and week out.
1.  In what ways do you indulge yourself?Hummmm.........I eat pretty much anything I want, but I use portion control to the "inth" degree.  I enjoy my desktop, laptop,  IPad and  IPhone.  I love being connected, but once again, I do try to keep a healthy balance with my gadgets.  We probably eat out more than we eat at home just because we enjoy it and since it's just the two of us, we "just do it."  Oh, I could go on but I'll leave it at that...........

  2.  Have you ever taken a cooking class?  Any interest?  What type of class would you most like to try?
My birthday group went to Jackson, MS about 3 years ago and took a Viking Cooking Class.  While I thoroughly enjoyed the class and wouldn't mind taking other cooking classes, I have no desire to be a gourmet cook.  If I took another class of this type, I think something to do with desserts would be my choice.

  3. What does it mean to be a good citizen?
Believing our country is worth fighting for,  being responsible and always voting when there is an election and keeping our families strong. 

  4.  'Tis the season of the political these ads influence your vote?
  Depending upon the election I may listen to the ad, especially if I am not familiar with the candidates. The Presidential candidate ads have had no influence in the way I will vote on Nov. 6th. I knew who I was going to vote for long before the campaigning began.

  5.  What's something you see today that makes you wish you were a kid again?
Parents caring and providing for their children.  Oh, my, if I could go back, I'd enjoy those days so much more.  Not that I didn't enjoy them, I did. But, I just had no idea the responsibility that went along with being an adult, being a wife and being a mother. I enjoyed being a child the first time around but if I could be a child again, I'd enjoy it twice as much.  I look at my grandchildren with their happy go lucky spirits, and no responsibility and think if they only knew how good they have it. ~grin~

  6.  What's your least favorite cliche?Oh, I love cliche's and use them alot but one that sort of bothers me is, "do as I say and not as I do."  I know that most cliches are meant to be funny but in this world today it should be "do as I do" and we should do RIGHT!!! 

  7.  What percentage of your Christmas shopping has been completed?  How does that make you feel?
I have well over half of my shopping done and it has all been done via the internet. ~gotta love the internet~  I have always done my shopping early and then I can just sit back and enjoy the season when December rolls around.  I have never liked a hurried feeling, especially during the holidays.

  8.  Insert your own random thought here. 

 I came up with this fall table scape for our dining room and was really pleased with the way it turned out.  I love the golds and rusty reds and the little tree bark discs reflecting in the mirror set it off. I'm thinking this will carry me through until it's time for Christmas decor.

Thought this was pretty profound.......
Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. I feel the same way about Christmas. I have done some shopping for the girls and it's been over the Internet too. enjoy your Wednesday!!!

  2. Your tablescape looks lovely! I'm right with you on the political stuff: I knew who I was going to vote for before the campaigning began, too! :)

  3. I love that tablescape - beautiful!

    I try to do all my Christmas shopping online ... I'm so over fighting crowds at the mall.

    I love your answer to #5.

  4. good morning! I am with you on the campaign thoughts for sure! And I haven't barely even thought about Christmas yet. But we made it soo much simpler last year and did it ever work. Wish I had done it years ago. Enjoy your day!

  5. I like that tablescape! Simple, pretty,and well-scaled for the table.

  6. I loved that profound thought! The tablescape is beautiful. You are so creative. There's nothing like shopping on the internet.

    Blessings and love,

  7. Your tablescape is elegant. I love shopping online and have done most of my Christmas shopping that way. Have a good day.

  8. I love the tablescape, Lea.. So pretty. I too love the colors of fall and just find them comforting. Enjoyed your Hodgepodge answers today.

  9. The tablescape is beautiful, love the fall colors.
    My husband likes to Christmas shop last minute. He used to shop on Christmas Eve before we were married. Thankfully now most of the stores close early on Christmas Eve :)

  10. Love your tablescape. I have those colors in my house year round so maybe that's one of the reasons I love fall. It matches my decor : )

    Enjoy your day!

  11. even though you can't go back and care for your children as littles again, you are doing it amazingly now! and not only your own family but me, too. : ) thanks for loving on me. you are such a light!!!

  12. Love your answer to number one!
    That's a good cliche that you picked, I don't care for it either although I do love using cliche's.
    Good for you having half your shopping done. I'm not stressed about it. Out of towners now get gift cards and my adult children give me their lists with links so it's super easy! Your tablescape is beautiful.

  13. I have not purchased the first thing for Christmas...panic is starting to set in! I always fly by the seat of my britches, it seems! I need to get hopping ASAP!


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!