The Hodgepodge is on vacation this week so I thought it would be a good morning for a Daybook. If you would like to read more daybooks click here.
Outside my window...the sun is already showing it's face and is promising to put forth some heat on us today. We've really had a rather mild summer all things considered but this week is promising to be rather hot. ~and of course, humid~
I am thinking...that we just never know, even though we may think we do, how different situations are going to work out. I've been so surprised at what I had figured and what God did. Thank goodness, He's the one in control and I'm NOT!!!
I am thankful...that my Dad is doing so much better and his back pain is tolerable. His back has multiple old compression fractures and a lot of arthritis and he will likely live out his remaining days dealing with back issues. Hopefully we will be able to manage the pain and keep it tolerable.
In the kitchen...There hasn't been much going on in our kitchen lately. Oh, I fix a sandwich of some sort for our lunch and dinner of some sort, but nothing worth talking about. ~shame on me~ I'm about ready for stews, soups, gumbo, and chili weather. That's my kind of cooking!
I am walking clothes, capri leggings, a t-shirt and my Shape-Ups by Skecher. I will be changing before leaving the house. I'm not sure anyone cares to see me in my "walking clothes."
I am creating...well, don't know that it's really creating but I'm thinking a whole lot about our new house and the different aspects of the interior. We are still a ways off from interior work but I want to have my mind pretty much made up on those things before it actually starts. I'm so thankful for a wonderful decorator that is walking this process with me. She thinks of things that would absolutely never enter my mind.
I am begin the process of "cleaning out, going through and packing" in the next couple of months. I want to take my time and methodically go through things. I know there are things in cabinets and drawers that I probably have not seen in 20+ years. And, the decision is, if I haven't seen it or apparently needed it in that length of time, why would I keep it? We shall see how it all comes together once I get started.
I am wondering...why I ever doubt God and HIS ability to work things out. I've lived long enough at this point to have seen how HIS hand has guided me through the various issues of life and how He's proven faithful in any and all things.
I am reading...Kingdom Woman by Tony Evans and his daughter Chrystal. All women who attended The Declare Conference were given a copy of this book.
I am two Grans have absolutely wonderful school years. Clancy will start Kindergartner and Hanna Beth will begin Pre-K this coming Monday. I can hardly wait to hear about their first day.
I am looking forward to...September and fall. I'm in a couple of organizations and we do not meet in the summer. And, there are many ladies that I do not get to see or connect with except through these organizations. I look forward to seeing and being with them again after our summer break.
I am pondering...the arrival of our newest Gran this next Feb and so excited about finding out what it will be on Sept. 11th. And, praying and giving over all the details of his/her little life to the Lord. I still find myself having a hard time really believing that my DIL is pregnant. What a miracle!!!
A favorite quote for today...
Life is 10% of what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.
Chuck Swindoll
A few plans for the rest of the week......I will have the Princess tomorrow and I'm not sure what we will be doing but I imagine that Hubby and I will be doing more "house stuff" on Friday. But, we are little by little getting things picked out and decisions made. I'm so thankful that my husband is a man who covers the details of things. He has spent literally hours pondering different aspects of our new house to hopefully ensure that we make the wisest and best decisions.
Super excited about your little miracle! I love how God works....
Sounds like the house is moving along. How fun and exciting to be adding another grand to your family! Hope mom and baby are feeling good.
ReplyDeleteI love hearing how God works in daily life! It was interesting to read your answers, and I appreciated Chuck Swindoll's quote. You seem to have a positive and upbeat personality. It is a blessing to visit you here.
ReplyDeleteWe've lived in 3 houses in our marriage, and I've taken advantage of the moves to get rid of stuff that hadn't been used since the previous move (unless it had sentimental value). I can only think of one thing that I wish I'd kept ... and even so, not having it didn't create any kind of hardship. ;-)