Friday, April 25, 2014

Fraggin' Friday............

Half-Past Kissin' Time
I'm joining up with Mrs. 4444 this morning and she's about to celebrate her Tercentennial (bet you are like me and never heard of such) but that means she about to celebrate her 300th post of Friday Fragments.  Goodness, that's a boat load of fragments isn't it?   
 Have you ever met someone and after just spending a short time with you, felt as though you had known them a long time?   Well, that is the case with Prissy. I met Prissy last May  at a gathering for some of the folks that graduated from our local high school.  It was a reunion of sorts in Northwest Arkansas (where Prissy now lives).  Prissy is from here and she was passing through this past week and we met for lunch and had such a nice visit.  She is a dear and I wish we lived closer as I'm quite sure we could have a good time together.
A friend and I went to check out a new patio store in our area last Friday and we had such a good time.  We were just mesmerized by all the furnishings and decor that is available. We were like "kids in a candy store."  We both loved the realness of the drinks and food that were sitting around.  If any of those had been for sale, I'm thinking we both would have bought some to just sit around. ~smile~  Patios have just about become an extension of the house with beautiful furnishings and decor.  
Hubby has been hard at work with his "maters."  For the past few years he has enjoyed growing tomatoes and generally he has them in abundance and shares them with our friends.  I do not eat tomatoes and he is just sure that there is something wrong with me, but I do not like the texture and do want any part of them.  But, he enjoys them enough for both of us and while he enjoys a BLT sandwich, I enjoy just a BL.   As you can see, he is very methodical with his planting and care.
 Yesterday I went to my monthly study club and the gal hosting us this month has such a flair with flowers and  home decor.  She had gorgeous fresh flowers throughout her home that gave such a "welcome feel." And, she had some of the most unique light fixtures 
I have ever seen in my life.  These pictures do not do them justice but you can get the "jest" of it.
Our guest speaker for study club  was Barbara Sharik, who is an author, poet, and columnist.  She is such an interesting person and we enjoyed hearing about her writings.  She truly inspired us as she told about her diagnosis of early onset Alzheimer's a year ago.  It was after this startling diagnosis that she wrote the book, My Shrinking Brain (can be bought through Amazon).  She said that the book deals with the feelings she had following this diagnosis and a lot of facts about the disease.  I have not read the book but intend to in the very near future.  If keeping the brain active helps fight Alzheimer's then hopefully she can keep it at bay for many years as she continues to  write.

That's my fragments for this Friday and I wish each of you a fun filled and relaxing weekend!
Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. I'm glad you showed that picture of your hubby with his tomato plants. We're doing a raised bed garden this year and I was wondering what we could do to keep weeds at bay. I assume that's just standard landscaping fabric that he reuses each spring?

  2. I'm working at keeping my brain alive and well. I love the photo of you and your friend. I can't imagine anyone not loving you. You have the sweetest smile and the joy of the Lord comes through even online. I love how your hubby is taking on the planting of tomato plants. They taste so much better when it comes from your own garden.

    Blessings and love,

  3. Your husband reminds me of my daddy. He loves to plant tomatoes and shares them with everyone. I've tried a few times to grow them and do okay, but nothing like his. Besides he always gives me a bunch, so I just eat his rather than grow my own. lol

  4. You, as usual have had a busy, fun-filled week. Always enjoy hearing about your escapades. Great picture of you and new friend.

  5. Those flowers are beautiful. I love looking at them...but I don't enjoy growing them. They attract bees!

  6. I enjoyed the photo of your husband and his tomato plants, I''m a big fan of garden fresh tomatoes. We always end up growing more than we need, but half the fun is giving them away. Great photo of you and your friend


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!