Monday, April 21, 2014

An Easter recap.......

The Monday after Easter, how can that be?  It seems it was just January 1st a few days ago.  Not sure if it's an "age thing" or if time truly is flying by.
We had a good Easter celebration...........
Hanna Beth dyed more Easter eggs with her Mom on Friday.  Her Mom spread out a huge beach towel in the front yard and Hanna Beth worked away painting and decorating eggs.  I thought it was a cleaver idea to do it outside.  It was a beautiful afternoon and I stopped by for a few minutes to watch "the artist at work."
I always fix the Grans a basket and this year I did not use a traditional basket.  Hanna Beth loves Minnie Mouse and I found this basket/box and filled it for her.  The basket on the left is the one she uses to hunt the eggs with at our house.  I have a pink one and a blue one and they stay here for the Grans to use.  Clancy got his basket via the mail this year.  
We had our family Easter celebration on Saturday afternoon.  Our menu consisted of grilled pork tenders, potato casserole, green bean casserole, congealed salad, rolls and lemon ice box cake.  Even if I do say so, it was scrumptious! 
Daddy even enjoyed the fun and continues to feel very good.  Doesn't he look like a "star" in this picture?  He's a mess!
The Easter bunny had dropped by and hid eggs in our backyard for Hanna Beth and she had a good time finding them.  She was extra excited when she figured out that he had left money in the "prize eggs."  It's so much fun viewing through the eyes of a child!
 One of Hubby's iris' was in full bloom for our celebration.  I don't know that I've ever seen one any more beautiful.
We had a wonderful service of worship at church yesterday morning.  Our choir did a cantata that told the Easter story beautifully and I do believe stirred the souls of all who were there.  
It was a beautiful Easter from beginning to end.  And, it looks as though  Spring has fully arrived!  Hip! Hip! Hooray!!!
Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. Sounds and looks like a wonderful day. When Tommy gets ready to separate his Irises, I would love to have one of these. It's my favorite flower and that's the most gorgeous I've seen. Happy week.

  2. Well it certainly sounds like a wonderful celebration from beginning to end. Glad you enjoyed. Hope you have a good week.

    The iris is just GORGEOUS!

  3. It seems that you had a wonderful Easter weekend from beginning to end. I love the photos and the iris. And I love going to church especially on Easter. After all, if there was no resurrection we would be fools. He has risen indeed.

    Blessings and love,

  4. Looks like a wonderful weekend. That iris is beautiful! Have a nice week.

  5. Appears to have been a family filled weekend of fun and blessings!


  6. Looks like a fun time. The menu sounds delicious and your dad looks wonderful :)

  7. So glad you had such a wonderful Easter celebration, Lea...your dad is just the cutest! Definitely "star" material!

  8. Looks like a wonderful weekend y'all had! I miss the dying/hunting Easter eggs with kids years! That's always so much fun. That iris is gorgeous!!

  9. What a memorable weekend you had! It is so special that young and old alike could spend time together, and your pork tenders look delicious!

    As for the Iris, I would be so proud if I grew that.

  10. Beautiful iris! I need to plant some here since they remind me of my grandma <3 -- so windy out here, so I haven't found the right spot yet.

    So very glad to SEE your dad looking well too! :D

  11. I know! This year is flying by. Looks like you had a great Easter celebration.

  12. What a fabulous Easter weekend! I love irises (they always remind me of my mom).

  13. It does sound like you enjoyed a great weekend with family and your dad looks great! What a blessing to have him feeling better just in time for Easter! Blessings to all, Cindy


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!