Monday, April 28, 2014

Lea's Daybook - Monday, April 28th


Outside my is rainy and dreary and the forecast says it will be that way all day.  ~Ugh~

I am thinking...that our society has just become so, so casual in our dress for any and all occasions.  I think there is a place for casual dress but I am still of the opinion that there is a time to "dress up." I am sure the younger generation feels totally different and there will probably come a day that no one dresses up for anything.  But, I still enjoy "dressing up" for church and funerals.  I also think that our dress sets our "frame of mind".......~just my opinion~ And, when I go into a professional business I wish that the employees were still dressed in a professional fashion.  Well, I'd better hush and get of this soapbox but, as I'm sure you can tell, it's a huge "pet peeve" of mine.

I am thankful...that so many things that didn't make sense just a year ago, do now. God uses so many things to teach us and make us into who He wants us to be, even when we don't understand. ~it's amazing~

In the kitchen...I had a cleaning out of the cabinets last week.  I don't know how it happens but cans get shoved to the back and then there are items that I don't even know why I bought and it all needed going through and gotten rid of.  Don't worry, I did not throw it away, I gave it to someone that was more than thrilled to receive it.  Well, I did throw away some open packages of items that were way past their "date."

I am wearing...some black,grey and white chevron printed palazzo pants with a black top and black shoes. Probably NOT a good choice on this rainy day. ~wink~

I am the shoulder specialist on Thursday.  I went last Oct. and since that time I've had Physical Therapy and my Chiropractor has worked on it. But, I'm still having issues.  I have an impingement in my left shoulder and it is so aggravating.  I've already had surgery on my right shoulder about 7 years ago and I don't really relish the idea of having surgery again.  The surgery was not all that bad, but the rehab, took like, what seemed forever!!! I'm hoping to find out a whole lot more on Thursday.

I am wondering..what in the world we would do without Goggle.  Have you ever thought about it?  I mean we can Goggle any and all things and find out more than we ever needed to know.  I guess it could be a two-edged sword but used correctly, I think it is a powerful tool. ~don't you agree~

I am reading...Destination Success by Dwight Bain. A powerful book about living out your dreams.  I have recently listened to some of his DVD's and what a blessing they have been to me.  Dwight Bain is a Christian Life Coach, author and speaker.

I am hoping...that my Dad will continue to feel good and enjoy life as he is right now.  It is so amazing to see the recovery he has made.  He still, and always will, have very compromised vision but we have made some accomodations for him recently that seem to be helping.

I am looking forward to...our daughter and her family moving to Mt. Pleasant, Texas.  That will happen the end of May and we are so excited that they will be only 3 1/2 hours away instead of 13 1/2 hours away.  Bridget has already gotten a 4th grade teaching position there and little Clancy will be able to go to school with her as he begins his Kindergartner year. 

I am learning.....that  we should  save our "yeses" for the very best, things in life and then to pray that we have the wisdom to know what are the very best things. ~tough at times~

Around the house...I've noticed cobwebs in corners and in light fixtures, baseboards that need cleaning and I'm trying to get motivated to do something about those things.  Overall my house is very clean, extremely neat but..............the cobwebs seem to come out of no where and cleaning baseboards rates as one of my all time least favorite things to clean.

I am pondering...having a Keratin treatment on my hair.  No, my hair is not curly, but it does have a few waves and my hair stylist tells me that I will love how easy my hair will be to manage and style afterwards and it can cut the drying time by 60%.  Humm.....I have read nothing but good reports and my SIL has had it done and was most pleased with her results.  So, we shall see........

A favorite quote for today...A lady in our SS Class said yesterday that, "God never wastes our pain."  Now, I don't know if she is that author of that quote or if she read it somewhere, but, regardless, I really liked it and totally agree with it.

One of my favorite blogging.  It has become such a part of my life and has connected me with so many other wonderful bloggers.  And, it seems that there are those that really look forward to my posts and that's just "icing on the cake" for me each time I post.  I don't generally have any trouble coming up with "blog fodder" but if I do I'm learning to just "let it go" and not try to get the creative juices flowing if they aren't willing. That takes the fun out of it and I don't want that to happen.  And, if life gets in the way of blogging, that's okay too.  The sun is going to come up if I blog or not and it's not like I'm getting paid to do this. ~wish I was~ ~big laugh~

A few plans for the rest of the week.....I'll be meeting a gal in Monroe (about 25 miles from here) today and we're going to work on a project together.  On Wednesday I'll be taking Dad to one of his Doctor's appointments and then I'll go to the shoulder specialist on Thursday.  It's a busy week but not overly busy and that's just the way I like it! 

A picture worth sharing.........
Clancy and his Mom went to a baseball game Friday afternoon to watch one of his babysitters play.  He was playing around with one of his teenage buddies at the game and ended up with his hat.  Those rosey cheeks, that big smile and that big hat just melted this CiCi's heart. ~what a cutie~ Do you see those little freckles across his nose?  ~awe~

Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. Good morning! First of all, I am soo pleased for you that your dad is doing so well and join you in prayer that it will continue. And also that you get some answers on your shoulder...soo frustrating! And excited for you that your daughter is moving so much closer. I honestly would be beside myself if Melody were moving only 3 and half hours away instead of 15!! Such good news. And glad that she has already got a teaching position. As for the hair treatment, my hair is as straight as it can possibly be so I have no need of that treatment, but Melody's hair is thick, wavy, and curly and she has done this a couple of time. Especially before she cut it off and it was near her waist. It worked WONDERFULLY. Cut her blowing time in more than half. In fact, she could if she so chose, to just let it air dry and then brush it into a style. Unheard of without the treatment. Soo I think you will be happy with that. And Clancy? He just can't get any cuter. What a little doll. Enjoy your week!

  2. As I was reading this, I realized I was still in my nightgown! Yes, we are a casual society now, aren't we? Now that I work from home, I actually enjoy dressing up. I'm trying to find some sundresses for my author events--I've lost weight, so none of the fancy clothes I wore last summer fit anymore.

    Clancy's adorable, by the way.

  3. I'm with you....we should definitely dress up more!!!! What would we (I) do wo google???? I get anxious even thinking about it! Lol.

  4. Having had shoulder trouble myself, I know how frustrating it can be. My hair is so fine and limp (as well as straight) that I'm not sure Keratin would do anything for me. But DD has very curly hair ... maybe she needs a Keratin treatment for Mother's Day?

  5. I'm 28 and I don't care for casual dress these days either. I was raised in the heart of England and it was considered bad manners. Nowadays, I mostly wear tunics if it's a casual day out, but like to get dressed up for church, dinner with my hubby or any big family events.

  6. First off the photo of your grandson is adorable! A group of us were talking the other day about how casual dress has become, not usual to see folks going out in pajama bottoms etc. I'm like you, I think things have gotten way too casual. I still like dressing up when hubby and I go out on a date, it makes the occasion feel more special.


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!