Monday, February 6, 2017

Here's to Good Health

Well, did you think I had fallen off the face of the earth?  Last week was just busy with other more important items and sometimes that happens.  My goal is to blog at least 2 times a week, preferably 3 but I just have to "let it go" and do the best I can.  So, there, you have it! ~like you really cared~😀  Today's post is unlike any I've ever done but it's what was on my mind and I thought others might profit from it. I'm all about enjoying good health!

Over the past several years and most especially since my Dad's illness 5 years ago, I have become painfully aware of the "horrors" of prescription drugs.  I really think that many of the side effects of drugs are far, far worse than the condition they are used to treat.  I cannot stress enough how important it is to check out the side effects of drugs.  My most recent issue has been with the drug, Neurotin (generic name, Gabapentin). My Dad was given this drug (6 per day) almost 5 years ago to help with the tingling and pain in his feet and legs following his bout with Guillian Barre Syndrome.  At that time I didn't do my homework and check the drug out.  He was such a sick man that I was just about willing to let him take anything to get better. Well, in the past year he has gotten to where he sleeps half of the daytime hours and he can't remember anything past 5 minutes after you tell him.  Yes, he is 87 and he certainly  could have some dementia but something about all of it just did NOT seem right to me.  So, I started checking his meds and their side effects and when I read the Neurotin side effects I knew he had to get off of it.  Two of the top side effects are: loss of memory and sleepiness.  Good grief!  I called his Dr. and told him that I wanted to get him off and he has gradually been weaning him off of it for 5 weeks. I talked to my Daddy about this and he was a bit apprehensive because he was afraid his feet and legs would start hurting.  I assured him that we would do something else if that happened but it might be that he no longer needs anything for that issue.  After 3 weeks I began to notice and others began noticing the difference in his memory and he is now just taking his usual afternoon nap.  And, he suffered from extreme dry mouth and that's another side effect of Neurotin and his is pretty much gone.  It has been amazing and since it is such a popular drug I thought by my sharing this it might help someone else out.  And, Daddy is experiencing little to no pain in his feet and legs now and looks like he won't need any medication, outside of an occasional Ibuprofen.   Many, many drugs can be a two-edged sword, so do your homework before taking them!!!
And, while I'm on the subject of health matters..........Tommy has had a racing heart for 25+ years and it's really never bothered him as it only happened rarely.  He had it checked out many years ago and Drs. were not concerned since it was so occasional.  Well, some 6-8 months ago it began occurring frequently and became quite a bother to him and it caused me much concern.  I just didn't think it was good. So, in Jan. he was checked out by a Cardiologist and a Electrophysiologist (deals with heart rhythms only) and it was found that he had what is known as Heart Block.  That sounds much more scary than it is and it is fairly easy to fix.  This past week Tommy went into the hospital and had an Electrical Path Study done and the Dr. found that he had 5 extra pathways that were causing the issue.  The EPS was done through a catheter in his groin and through that same catheter they ablated those pathways.  Ablation is quite an amazing procedure and we are most hopeful that he will no longer have to deal with a racing heart.  He was in the hospital over night and then home the next morning.  It left him a bit weak but he's done well and after a week, he has no limitations.  I'm so thankful we live in an age of such medical advancement!
Have you ever heard of this?  I had not until about 5 years ago when our son in law told me about them.  And, after he told  me I began taking them and have been taking them every day since.  There are many proven benefits of having adequate amounts of minerals in our diets and few people, if any, get it through the food they eat.  I will not go into detail here but would urge you to Google "the benefits of Trace Minerals" and decide for yourself.  It is proven to ward off many health issues and build immunity.  I have never been a sickly person and generally only have maybe 1 cold a year but I am all about doing anything to stay healthy. And, as we know, the older we get, the more difficult that can be.  So, I take a Trace Mineral every day to aid in good health!  And, yes, they can be ordered from Amazon!

And, I leave you with this..........
I don't know that there has never been a greater need for prayer for our country than right now.  It makes my heart so very sad to see all the decisiveness, hatred, ugliness and just down right meanness among people.  I urge all of us as Christians to pray earnestly for hearts to turn to Him for healing and unity.
“If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 2 Chronicles 2:14

Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. Good Morning! My husband was given gabapentin years ago for diabetic neuropathy and was extremely allergic. It was very scary. You are so right about checking the side effects of scripts. I pray that Tommy's racing heart problems have been solved and hope he regains his strength quickly. Thanks for the info on trace minerals. I so agree with you about our Country needing prayer. A beautiful verse you have shared. God bless your day.

  2. Oh goodness the "drughappy" philosophy these days is one of my pet peeves. There's a pill for everything it seems. I do my very best to take ONLY what I must, and a firm believer in vitamins and supplements. I rarely have even a cold (it's been a year ago last September) and am not actually sick sick much at all. HOWEVER I make up for that with my arthritis which is pretty much everywhere. Some places worse then others. Then I have IBS, pre diabetes, and trouble occasionally with blood pressure too. All of my blood tests seem to always come out great. But trust me I am all about alternatives to drugs. Poor mom. After her stroke she was a slave to medications because without she had seizures. At the end of the day I do the best I can and trust God for the rest. And your right, never was there a time when our country needed prayer more and I find myself praying about that a lot. However do people get along without Him? You have been sooo blessed in the health department and I know you are grateful. I love that you share what works for you. Have a good week! 😊

  3. My Dad took Neurontin for years! I also am in good health and want to stay that way! I am open for any ideas that might help, thanks for the information:) Have a blessed day, HUGS!

  4. We do either need to be our own advocates when it comes to our health, or we need an advocate. Your dad is fortunate to have you looking out for him!

  5. I am so glad that Mr. Tommy is doing well! What? More pills?! You just reminded me to take my vitamin for the day!

  6. It is, indeed, so important to read the information that comes with our prescriptions. I had to do some reading and research on my own regarding my thyroid medication -- things that had not been emphasized by my physician's assistant but turned out to be pretty important.

    I'm glad you've been successful in getting your guys straightened out with their meds. They are blessed to have you!!

  7. I'm so glad you figured out the issues with your dads medication. I know three people who are a statin drug and the newest side effect to those is Alzheimer's and Diabetes. In most people it just takes good eating habits to bring down your cholesterol. I am very interested in the Trace-Mins you shared. Unfortunately I am on a lot of medications with my COPD, HBP and A-Fib but I try my best to eat as healthy as I can.

  8. Thankfully, I am not on any medication, whatsoever, and I pray that continues. Just so many side effects can happen. I am not familiar with trace minerals, but will be looking into it. Yes, our country and our leaders need prayer desperately! Our nation needs to turn back to God!

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So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!