Friday, May 25, 2018

New York New York

Well, my goodness, seems I have been gone from this place for wayyyy to long.  I had every intention of giving you a recap of my NY trip earlier this week, but I've been under the weather and just wasn't up to the task.  I came down with a cold about 4 days before we left and by the time we got home 5 days later I had full blown bronchitis and a sinus infection.  I was sitting at the doctors office first thing Monday morning.  The weather was less than desirable while we were there, rainy and chilly/cold, so that didn't help my condition at all.  But, I plugged right on as if I had good sense. I mean, we have had this trip planned for months and I couldn't let a little cold stand in the way of a good time. I'm pleased to report that I am much better, still a ways to go, but much improved.  Now on to the business at hand.................and, just so you know, I used my IPhone for all these pics and some are definitely less than stellar, especially the inside ones, but the outside ones make up for it.  I just wasn't going to carry my Nikon camera, too much trouble.

And, here I am, after having gotten up at 3:00 AM about to check in at the airport.

This is all but one of us on the plane and our fearless guide and the instigator of this trip lives in Austin and she flew from there and met us.  I thought we were a pretty good looking group of Southern gals.  And, believe you me, everyone we came in contact with in NY knew we were Southern gals. ~chuckle~

The Marmara was our home away from home for our 4 days there.  We had a 1400 square foot apartment on the 27th floor with these beautiful views. 

This is Beth, the organizer of this trip, our guide for our trip with the able assistance of her lovely daughter, who lives in NYC.  They both stayed very busy figuring out which subway to take or hailing a Uber.  They did an excellent job and it was so, so helpful that Elisabeth lives there and knows her way around.  Our apartment was less than a block from where she and her husband live.

As I mentioned earlier, the weather was not what we would have ordered for sure and this is what we looked like a whole lot of the time. Some days were a drizzle and one day was pure ole rain.

Let me say, we did NOT miss a meal!  We dined fabulously at such places as Sarabeth's, Otto's, Sardi's, Tavern on the Green, the Botanical Garden Cafe and The Barking Dog.  We were all in hopes that all of our walking off set the calories we consumed.  And, yes, that is a pizza with a fried egg in the middle of it. The egg yolk is broken and spread on top of the pizza.  Well, I must confess, I did not even try it.  Nothing about that combination sounded like anything I would like. That concoction was at Otto's.  I chose a different pizza and we had a pasta dish and salad and it was all good.  I think my favorite meal was at Sarabeth's.  I had an omelet, the best crispy bacon and English muffin I've pretty much ever had.  The Barking Dog had a super great breakfast as well.  Can you tell that I do love breakfast?  And, I never eat breakfast except when eating it out.

Our mode of transportation was the subway (and I'm pretty sure we rode them all), Uber's (my first experience with them) and inbetween we rode a lot of escalators.  Needless to say, we learned real quick, "to hang on."

We visited the absolutely gorgeous 911 Memorial Museum one morning.  I had seen the site about 6 months after the horrible attack and then saw it again while the memorial was under construction. It is truly unbelievable all of the thought that went into this museum.  All I'll say, if you ever have an opportunity to visit it, don't miss it!!!  It is so touching.

One evening we all "gussied up" and went out for a night on the town.  We dined at Sardi's and then took in a Broadway play.  I thought we Southern gals cleaned up quite nicely. ~wink~

Here we are in our "made for this trip" comfy lounging clothes.  This group of women was formed to celebrate each other's birthdays 20+ years ago.  After a few years went by one of our group named us "The Formidible Women" and that name has stuck ever since.  So, I felt like we had to have tee shirts to commemorate this trip so my sweet daughter in law went to work on creating these shirts.

 And, I found these cute pajama pants to match the tees.  I gave them to the gals our first night there and we all enjoyed lounging around in them while we were in our apartment.  My daughter said that we should have worn them one day with jeans for all the world to see.  I told her that this group of Southern gals just wouldn't do that. ~laugh~  We'd just use them for lounge wear.  But, I can assure you that we could have worn this outfit out on the streets of NYC and been perfectly in style. ~just not our style~

One afternoon we went to the big Century 21 department store, the discounted one.  It was overwhelming to say the least but Mary K. and I found the Bobbi Brown makeup counter and had ourselves a little fun with eye makeup.  As you can tell from the pics, there's something that causes all women to hold their mouths a certain way when either they or someone else is applying makeup.  I'm  not sure why it's that way, but you should see me when I'm applying my mascara.  A sight for sure!

Our last day was spent at the gorgeous Botanical Gardens.  It was a terribly rainy day so we were thankful that much of the gardens are under cover.  The place is huge and kept immaculate and it has to be a 24/7 job for a whole lot of folks.  We enjoyed a nice lunch at their cafe and enjoyed browsing their lovely gift shop.  It's another stop to add to your visit if you've never been.  And, hopefully the sun will be shining for you.

It was a trip for the books for sure!  We shared a lot of laughs, a lot of fun, a lot of togetherness, and are indeed thankful for the gift of our friendship.

Image result for quotes and images about friendship

Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. Ahh loving this recap and your darling tees!!! Such a gorgeous group and you look to be navigating the city quite nicely!! Sounds like you hit some of the great restaurants...I spied cuffed jeans in a photo...look how cute you are!! Hope this weekend finds you with many smiles feeling MUCH better! xo

  2. What a fun time!! You certainly hit the hot spots!!

  3. Sounds like such a fun good time! A forever memory for sure. So glad you were able to go. Feel better soon now!

  4. Wonderful photos looks like you had a great trip. We went to NYC last year to see the lighting of the Christmas tree.

  5. I really enjoyed seeing the recap of this great trip. It sounds like your guides planned it to perfection. And you all are just lovely. You didn't post the makeup pic though and I was disappointed.

  6. What a fun time! Sorry the weather didn't cooperate for you and that you weren't feeling your best. Who is your friend from Austin?

  7. Sounds like a wonderful time. Nothing like our girlfriends is there? I'm glad you were able to power through with your cold and that you feel better. And yes, I would have been in that makeup chair too! xo

  8. Oh my....I am sooooo envious! Even with your bad cold looks like you had a great time....and you looked wonderful doing it! Your hair seemed to hold up awesomely in the rain!!! This post made me see we have lots in common. *I wouldn't have eaten that pizza either! *I love, love breakfast but almost never eat it unless dining out. *I am part of a lady's group; we call ourselves VALLEY GIRLS....we've been best of friends since high school. Our next trip will be (back) to Savannah this summer. *And my face always looks wonky when applying mascara!!! Hope you are all well very soon.

  9. So glad I happened to see this post of yours. What a fun trip! I grew up on Long Island and so we made frequent trips to 'the city'. It's always fun for me to go back and visit. Next time you go, I would recommend taking the subway to Brooklyn to go to church at the Brooklyn Tabernacle. Pastor Jim Cymbala is a wonderful preacher and the choir is amazing. The congregation is such an assortment of colors. I feel like it is a foretaste of heaven. Thank you for posting and I love your group of gals.

  10. Beautiful post about your NYC trip. I'm glad you got to go and were still able to enjoy it in spite of the weather and your cold.

    Like you, I wonder why we have to hold our mouth a certain way for the application of eye makeup, but I'm that way, too! I've tried to hold my mouth normal and it just doesn't seem natural. How odd is that?!!!

    BTW, I took you up on the recommendation for the Jergens Natural Glow Daily Moisturizer. I really like it!

  11. So sorry that your cold got worse, that's not fun when your traveling. Glad to hear that you are feeling better. How wonderful to have someone who took care of all those little details! I thoroughly enjoyed Sardi's when I visited NY and you can't beat Tavern on The Green in Central Park. I'm so glad you had such a wonderful trip. Enjoyed your photos.

  12. What fun! I have never been to NYC but I would want to go there with someone who knows their way around like you did. I am not a city person but I would like to have this experience just once! Especially to visit The Brooklyn Tabernacle and meet Jim and Carol Cymbala! Great post, Lea!

  13. Wow Lea, you look so cute. What a lovely trip. The ladies all look fabulous. You definitely hit some great spots. So good to see this sweet post. Smiling faces are the best!

  14. Lea, what a fun trip with friends! You look so cute. What a thoughtful gift of the tees for your friends! I had a girls trip to NYC several years ago and your trip makes me want to do it again! I am glad you are feeling better!

  15. What a wonderful time in a beautiful city, even when the weather is bad:) I mostly use my phone for taking pics simply because I always have it on me! I am so sorry that you have been under the weather and SO PRAY that you are ALL better! Have a blessed day and thanks for sharing your trip with me! HUGS!

  16. I enjoyed reading about your fabulous trip.

  17. I'm so glad you enjoyed your visit to the Big Apple. And especially glad you ate well because NY is a lot about the food : ) I do hope you're feeling better soon.

  18. Oh I do hope you are feeling better Lea. That bronchitis mess can be so dangerous. I am so glad you enjoyed your trip with your friends. Looks like a great time. I hope to get to go to NY one day. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  19. So sorry you were under the weather on your trip and that the real weather wasn't the best, but it does look like y'all managed to have a ball together. My college girls and I are talking about a NY trip to celebrate us all turning 50. So far I'm the only one to cross that line. I sure hope we get the chance to do it. Love the tees and bottoms. So cute!

  20. Five weeks ago my boyfriend broke up with me. It all started when i went to summer camp i was trying to contact him but it was not going through. So when I came back from camp I saw him with a young lady kissing in his bed room, I was frustrated and it gave me a sleepless night. I thought he will come back to apologies but he didn't come for almost three week i was really hurt but i thank Dr.Azuka for all he did i met Dr.Azuka during my search at the internet i decided to contact him on his email he brought my boyfriend back to me just within 48 hours i am really happy. What’s app contact : +44 7520 636249‬


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!