Wednesday, February 16, 2022

A Nutty Hodgepodge

Little did I know that today was National Almond day.  My goodness, I suppose there is a day for everything.  Joyce's questions are a bit nutty today and a whole lot of fun.  Enjoy!

1. February 16th is National Almond day...are you a fan? If so what's your favorite food item or recipe that contains almonds?
I am a fan, but generally prefer them in cookies or slivered almonds in some casserole dishes.  I'm not much on whole almonds.  Now, a chocolate covered almond is mighty hard to resist.

A very favorite recipe would be these Almond Joy Cookies.  Talk about yummy goodness! 

2. Something you are currently 'nuts' about? 

One year ago this month I became a fan of nutritional shakes and I have long lost count of how many of them I have consumed this past year.  They are soooo good and generally are my lunch.  I live about 3 miles from one of the nutrition shake and tea shops and it takes me no time to go over and get back home with it.  How awesome that they only have 200 - 250 calories and have so many healthy ingredients in them.  It's a "win win" for sure!

3. Something currently driving you 'nuts'? 

The state of our country.  It saddens me to think of the division, the lack of leadership, and are we so far gone to ever recover.  I just remind myself that "what is out of our control is under HIS rule."

4. Something you recently bought for 'peanuts'? 

Greeting cards are sooooo expensive and I love sending cards.  A while back a friend of mine told me about the Hallmark cards at Dollar Tree.  They are supposedly a lower quality than regular Hallmark but I truly do not see that.  They have some lovely cards and they are $1.25 each, no matter the size.  That is a far cry from the $4.95 and up for most cards.  I generally go at the end of the month and buy the cards I will need for the following month.  And, I pick up some sympathy, get well and thinking of you cards while I'm there.  Yes, the cost is pretty much peanuts comparatively speaking. 

5. Share a favorite quote uttered by any U.S. President ( if you're not an American, a quote made by the leader of your own country). 

I've always liked this quote from dear ole Abe. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

This little firecracker was 7 years old last Friday and she has looked forward to her birthday for weeks.  She is such a ray of sunshine and has the best laugh and never misses a trick.  In the above photo she was celebrating 101 days of school last Thursday.  She can find fun in most anything.  Our lives are richly blessed by our Andi Kate. 

Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. You Andi Kate is such a doll, and one can easily see personality all over her. You were nicer with your 'quote' than I was, but I did have fun with it. Oh my, those Almond Joy cookies are absolutely the best but haven't made them in years and won't. Enjoy your week and I'll see you back here in a couple weeks.

  2. Yeah, the state of our country indeed. I am with you on that!

  3. You're the second person I've seen mention the Dollar Tree for greeting cards- such a good tip! Also those almond joy cookies look to die for- will definitely have to try them!

  4. I need to make those cookies for my hubby. He would love them. Yes! Yes! Yes! The Dollar Tree is definitely a win for greeting cards!!

  5. What a great hodgepodge! We love almonds...often have handful with an apple or pear for a snack, but LOVE them in cookies. Will have to try this recipe. I have a recipe for Almond Joy cookies that I found Mom On A Time Out...only 4 ingredients and easy to whip up. Love the cards from Dollar Tree - last year my sister was sick and I sent her a card from the Dollar Tree. She called me crying that it was the most beautiful card she got and WHERE did I get it??? Driving me nut - Political Ads on the television ALL the time now as we come up to the elections. Quote - "The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all."- John F. Kennedy And thanks for sharing the photo - Oh, what a blessing to have such an adorable granddaughter!

  6. I'm going to check out my Dollar Tree too. I enjoy sending and receiving cards but the pricing has gotten crazy. Speaking of crazy...whew. I pray we can resume some sense of peace and civility, but I don't see that happening with this administration. Happy birthday to your little firecracker. Grandchildren are such a joy.

  7. Katie is so cute! I keep praying for our country.

  8. Andi Kate is truly a little doll. She is the same age as my youngest granddaughter. What fun they are!!!

  9. Thanks for the tip on the Hallmark cards! Your granddaughter looks so sweet and spunky!

  10. The cookies look good but I don't like shredded coconut so I'd end up passing them up sadly. The lemon cream pie shake looks amazing. Yum. That's a great deal on the cards.

  11. Yes girl on the greeting cards. I buy all of mine from Dollar tree. I do enjoy almonds but really like almond joy candy bars. Happy belated birthday to your firecracker. Hugs and blessings, Cindy


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