Wednesday, July 24, 2024

An Olympic Hodgepodge

It's Wednesday and that means The Hodgepodge. Joyce asks the questions and we provide the answers. Easy enough and so enjoyable to read everyone's answers.  Here ya go!

1. The Olympics kick off this coming weekend. Will you be watching? If you could watch just one event in person, which one would you choose? 

I may watch the opening ceremonies as they are generally most impressive but probably will only catch it in bits and pieces.

If I could watch one event in person it would be gymnastics.  I've always enjoyed gymnastics but since our 9 year old granddaughter (pictured above)  is quite the gymnast, it's gone to a new level for me.  I will add that it is nerve wracking for me to watch and especially when Andi Kate is competing. 

2. Have you ever been to Paris? Is this a city you'd like to visit? What's your favorite 'French thing'? 

There was a time that I would have enjoyed going to Paris but I never give it any thought anymore and figure I'll live just as long if I never go. ~smile~

I love the French language and our oldest granddaughter will be taking French this year and she is beyond excited.  We, her family, tried talking her into taking Spanish as we felt it would serve her better.  But, there was no changing her mind and who knows, it just might serve her well.  And, perhaps she will want to take her CiCi to Paris and she can do all the communicating. 

3. Macaron, creme brulee, chocolate soufle, mille feuille, or an eclair...your favorite French patisserie from the ones listed? 

Hands down, the Eclair!  I was reminded this past weekend of how much I like them.  We were at a gathering and the hostess served Eclair Cake.  OMG! it was sooooo good! 

4. July 24th is National Cousins you have many cousins? Are you close to them? Will you see any of your cousins on July 24th? 

I have 10 cousins located in Arkansas, Alabama and Virginia.  Regretfully, I have never lived near any of them and have not seen any of them in a while.  No, I will not see any of them today.  In spite of the distance, I do feel a closeness to them.

5.  Last time you went somewhere that felt like 'everyone and his cousin' was there? 

I NEVER go to Walmart on the weekend unless it is absolutely necessary.  But, a couple of weeks ago I had to go in the early afternoon of a Saturday and I promise "everyone and his cousin" was there.  I generally say, "everyone and his brother." ~chuckle~ Drives me bonkers and it's why I avoid afternoons and weekends at Walmart.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Just wanted to report back on a couple of items I have mentioned in my random thought the past month............

I started a subscription to Gardencup to see if we might like them.  And, yes, they were very, very good salads and it is amazing how much is crammed into these containers.  But, the least amount you can order is 6 salads and the least often is every 2 weeks.  That just doesn't work for us.  We do love a good salad but we would need to eat 6 in a week as they are only good for 5 days once they arrive.  So, that subscription was cancelled.

Then I made my very first and only purchase, thus far, from Shein.  If you remember, this dress was $10.87. Unbelievable! It arrived in less than 2 weeks and I could not believe how cute it is and appears to be well made to me.  I have no idea how on earth they can sell it for $10.87 but...............I've not ordered anything else and may not. That remains to be decided.  

In closing I, like many of you, have a very heavy heart for the "state of affairs" of our country. I pray for a miracle of peace and unity to sweep through and hearts to turn to God before our November election.

Happy everything!!!!!

Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. I will have to check out Shein. We eat a lot of salads, but that does sound like a lot, even for us. I too am in prayer for our nation. I read a quote by Tozer the other day that said, 'While it looks like things are out of control, behind the scenes is a God who has not surrendered authority.' It's good to remember that He will work out His perfect plans for this tired troubled earth. Have a nice day!

  2. Going to Walmart on the weekend is like going to the Costco on a weekend - something I try to avoid!

  3. My daughter insisted on taking French over Spanish also. I agree it would be more beneficial to know Spanish but she didn't like Spanish, I think a lot had to do with the teacher unfortunately.

  4. Paris sounded nice when I was much younger, but even if I did want to go there now (and I don't), I doubt it would be like I imagined it to be.

    Like you, I think Spanish is probably more useful to learn. I took it in high school and it has helped a few times.

  5. I took one year of French and I liked the class. I took 3 years of Spanish as it (foreign language) was required for university entrance. I once thought it would be nice to go to France and other countries. Now I can't travel much. I love to watch the Olympics. Cute picture of your granddaughter!

  6. Nice to visit you today. I have not buy anything from Shein. That is a pretty dress.
    Your little gymnast is a cutie! I've not heard of GardenCup.

  7. My 3 year old granddaughter loves gymnastics and I think she'd have fun watching it. Also a girl from a nearby city is on the gymnastics team.My MIL loves eclairs. They are good. I'd love to try making them. Haha...yes...sometimes it seems when I go that's how it is. Did the dress seem to be ture to size?

  8. What a cute little gymnast! I’d rather watch the little ones. Enjoyed all your answers.

  9. That dress is so cute and glad that was a positive experience!

  10. That is amazing that the dress turned out to be good for $10! I'm with you on the state of affairs. Each day seems to bring crazier news than the day before!

  11. My daughter took French in high school also and she really enjoyed it. My husband knows a bit of French and I know a tiny bit since we both grew up in Canada, so we liked that she was interested in learning it as well. Hope you're having a great week!

  12. Always in prayer for our country. I pray God intervenes in the November election. I was sad to hear about the opening ceremony at the Olympics. Our youngest was a distance runner in college and we caught many of his races even though he was in Kansas and we are in Colorado. The athletes work so hard and many of them are CHRISTians so I can not imagine their feelings over the blasphemous display against God. We love track and field and swimming. We loved watching Misty May and Carrie Jennings Walsh in beach volleyball. Good memories. My husband knows limited French from high school. He calls me Mon Annie and I LOVE it! Sometime while he is working I use translator and send him French messages . Never been to France. But I have read so many books about times there during the Holacaust. I shiver when I see beautiful buildings that were used to house the Jewish people and those from the Resistance. Such a sadness. I do not want to relive those times here. My mom would say PRAY HARDER so I do.

  13. What a fascinating take on the Olympics! The mix of cultures and events truly makes it a unique spectacle. Speaking of transformation, if anyone’s considering a personal change, abdominoplasty Dubai is a fantastic option to achieve that confidence boost!


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!