Saturday, September 5, 2009

Decked out for Fall.........

There has been a "nip" of fall in the air this week and it caused me to begin thinking in that direction. So, today I decided I would do a little fall decorating. Well, might you know, it was a very hot and humid day and anything but "fall like." But, I had made my plans and I went forth with my decorating. I am so glad that I live in an area that "celebrates" all the seasons of the year. I cannot imagine living where there is virtually no change in the seasons. How boring!! My favorite seasons are spring and fall. I just do not find winter and summer all that exciting. In the spring I think of bedding plants, decking out the patio and a "fresh start." In the fall I think of pumpkins and mums, all the cute little ghosts and goblins at Halloween and the beautiful colors of the trees. God "shows off" His creation the best in both spring and fall.
I use to do a whole of decorating on the inside of our home, but in recent years I haven't done as much. I guess I've grown tired of pulling it out and putting it up. But, I still enjoy a small amount of inside decorating for the seasons.

Yes, we are "decked out" and ready to celebrate fall and all of the exciting things it holds in store for us. A happy fall to each of you and take time out of your busy schedule to enjoy His handiwork.

Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. Pretty, pretty! It wears me out just thinking about getting my things pulled out. :)

  2. I love your door decor!! Beautiful! I also admire all your energy for "decking out"!!


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!