Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wednesday's Random Dozen

1. What was the last thing about which you procrastinated? Oh, my, I'm not much of a procrastinator but I have procrastinated calling and checking on a very dear lady in recent days. I'm not usually one to procrastinate on duties that need to be done. I'm all about "getting it done." Just something else I can mark off my list.

2. How long does it take you to fall asleep, and do you sleep through the night? I fall asleep almost as soon as my head hits the pillow and it is a very rare night for me not to sleep the night through and enjoy some really good z-z-z-z-z's. I hope I'm always that fortunate.

3. Which decade would you choose to exemplify your favorite fashion styles? I think the 40's when women dressed with such femininity and class.

4. What is your personal best dish to feed a crowd? I make a really good seafood casserole with shrimp and crayfish and I never fail to get "rave reviews" when I serve it.  Of course, this recent oil spill may hinder our ability to get this good seafood here in Louisiana  in the coming months.

5. Are you an impulse shopper? What was the last thing you bought on impulse?  Well, the hardest thing for me to resist buying is "another" pair of shoes and that was my last impulse purchase. Shame! Shame!

6. What is one wish you have for your own funeral? First, I do not wish to have a traditional funeral, I desire to have a visitation and then a private family burial. And, I do not want my casket open for viewing at the visitation. The only people that need to view my body is my family because that  helps with the closure of someone's life.

7. If it's true that joy is in found in the simple things in life, what does your joy look like today?  My simple joy today was enjoying a cup of coffee and a piece of strawberry pie with my precious Dad and my step Mom. It was an hour of pure and simple joy.

8. What is your favorite type of bread? The bread that is served at Outback Steakhouse is my all time favorite bread. I think it is called Squaw Bread, but whatever, me likes it!

9. What trait do you fear developing the most? (Laziness, greediness, grumpiness, etc.) WOW! I've never thought about this but it would have to be laziness. I've never been lazy in my life and I don't have a lot of tolerance for it either.

10. What trait would you like most to develop? I've spent way too much time thinking on this, so will take that to mean that there's too many to name or perhaps none. I'll keep pondering this one.

11. Which room in your house best reflects your personality? Why? Oh, my kitchen most definitely!!! I began collecting roosters several years ago because they are so colorful and have such personalities and remind me of myself a bit. ~smile~  I also have a collection of crosses made from all types of materials and they always remind me of the ONE who gives me life eternal. And, I have a cuckoo clock that puts a smile on my face every time he announces the time. Below are two pictures (sorry,their not the best quality) from my "personality filled" kitchen.

12. How do you maintain balance in your life regarding, work, family, church, other organizations and activities, and blogging?  I have always tried to live with God first, family second and my interests third.  I wish I could say that I have always succeeded, but that would be a lie.  But, I am certainly conscious when I get things out of order and I'm a firm believer that a balanced life is a productive and happier life.

For more interesting answers check out Linda's Random Dozen.
Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. I'm so glad that you stopped by, and I'm glad that I came by in return! You have a wonderful blog, and I loved today's post! I would have answered many of these the same way. I love your roosters! I am a big fan of them myself. Have a blessed day!

  2. Enjoyed catching up on your blog today as I'm checking daybook links =) Trust you will have a sweet time with your family this week.
    Keep those flip-flops handy for smacking unwelcome critters!

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment. I enjoyed your blog,too. Love your dogs! I, too, am the child of a minister, so we have that in common. You can come and organize my house anytime. I'd like to be organized, and I try, but I'm not terribly successful.

  4. I hopped over from Lid's blog hop. I don't remember visiting you before, but I enjoyed my time here. I love your photographs of your collctibles. I like roosters myself, but haven't collected any--yet! The visit over that piece of strawberry pie sure sounded heavenly, too. Enjoy your visit with that little grandson. Aren't they "grand"?

  5. You have very good answers.
    I do hope that you will be able to sleep soundly for the rest of your life too.
    I am sleeping much better nowadays.
    Mine is here
    Nice to meet you.
    Happy Wednesday!
    Wishing you an advance HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!

  6. I love the picture of all the crosses...I would love to do that some day. Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  7. Good afternoon! I enjoyed your post of these days I may join in with the random dozen. Hope your day is wonderful!

  8. I agree with #6. I don't people to see me either. Squaw bread is very good. I buy it in Bishop, CA at Schat's bakery on our way to Mammoth Lakes each summer. I love Random Dozen Wednesday's.

  9. I have crosses and rosters in my kitchen too! I only have two roosters but one wall in the kitchen with the crosses grows with each new one I get. I keep my eyes open for different designs but primarily I stick with black wrought iron ones.

    Thanks for stopping by!


  10. Love the cross collection. I've often thought of starting that collection.

  11. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    I enjoyed your answers. Your blog is very nice and I'll be visiting again. You should post some helpful organizing tips for those of us who are "challenged" in that area. ;0) I'd love to hear your ideas!

  12. i am such a fan of the forties clothes....tailored, but feminine...and hats! then you mention shoes...oh yeah, we could visit for hours. :)


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!