Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Hodgepodge Wednesday

It's so good to be back with the Hodgepodgers today.  Joyce did a super good job with the questions today and I always marvel at her ability to come up with questions week in and week out.  Way to go Joyce!
1. I included this quote (attributed to William H. Danforth) in my blog post yesterday... "The best cure for a sluggish mind is to disturb it's routine." When was the last time you 'disturbed your routine' and how'd you do it?  Well, my routine was disturbed for almost two weeks ending this past Saturday.  I won't go into the details again but if you are a regular reader then you know what all has been going on in my life.  If that quote is true, then my mind is anything but sluggish, in fact, it's in "high gear."

2. What's your favorite fried food indulgence?
Oh, I LOVE coconut friend shrimp!!!  I do not indulge in it very often but there are times when I just can't resist and it makes me a "happy gal" for sure!
3. Did you have an allowance as a kid? What did you do with it? Do you give your own kids an allowance?
Yes, I did get an allowance as a child and it was at that time that my parents explained to me the importance of tithing.  My first allowance was $1.00 a week and I didn't really get why .10 of it had to go to my church each Sunday.  But, what a great lesson!  I remember going to what was then known as the "Five and Dime"  and the corner grocery (the quick stops of that day) and spending most of my allowance there.  Our kids did get an allowance and we did teach them the importance of tithing as well, but I'm afraid their allowances were a far cry more than $1 and they too, didn't quite get the whole tithing deal until they were older.
4. What's something you wish you knew more about?
I would like to know more about the inner workings of a computer.  I know how to do a lot on a computer but I do not understand a lot of what makes it work or how to fix a lot of issues that can go wrong. I know more than I did when I got my first computer 18 years ago but I wish I knew more. And, I'd love to understand the whole HTML code stuff.  Oh, well, maybe one day.....
5. Is there anything you feel too old to do anymore? If so, what? Ugh, this is a toughie, especially since I just had a BIG birthday.  But, I no longer play tennis and I played for many years 4-5 times a week and loved every minute of it.  Having had shoulder surgery, some lower back issues and do not tolerate the heat very well, I no longer play.  But, hey, I never mentioned it was an age thing. ~smile~

6. What's a song you think has a great first line?
Amazing Grace - Amazing Grace how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me.  Yep! that's a great first line and makes my soul smile!
7. Who are you writing to/for when you create a blog post? In other you write, who is the audience in your head?
That's a good question! I started out writing my blog for myself and soon a few friends and family began reading and before I knew it, I had a follower or two. I still write for myself but it is now fun to know that there a lot of other folks that actually enjoy my entries and look forward to reading them.

8. Insert your own random thought here.
 My girls, daughter and DIL, both started back to school this week.  Our daughter teaches 5th grade and our DIL is a Special Education teacher at a Middle School.  They are both tops in their field and I pray they will both have a great school year.  They take their jobs very seriously and have their students best interest at heart and I am very proud of them.
Lea @ CiCis Corner
Lea @ CiCis Corner

Hi there! My name is Lea. I've been wife to the best Hubby for 44 years....Mom to a son and daughter....CiCi to 4 precious Grans....lover of family and friends....enjoy laughter and a good time....shopper....picture taking maniac....maker of delicious fudge....organizational enthusiast....memory maker....Southern Belle...and most importantly.....a Child of the King! Welcome to my little corner!


  1. I love coconut shrimp too : ) My youngest has an interview tomorrow for a teaching job. She's in grad school but would love to be teaching alongside that.

  2. I would love to know more about computers too and how to make blog headers!

  3. My parents didn't teach me the importance of tithing, and unfortunately I didn't teach my daughter that either. I'm thankful that she and her hubby are passing that along to my grands ... 1/3 of the money they are given goes to God (church, World Vision, helping those in need), 1/3 of it goes to savings, and 1/3 can be spent. I pray that they will be a generation of tithing savers. ;-)

    I didn't think about Amazing Grace for #6 ... it IS a great first line!

  4. Enjoyed reading your responses today, Lea, and I agree, Joyce did a good job with the questions this week. But she always does. Have a great day.

  5. Coconut shrimp is delicious!

    Great choice for a first line song.

    So sorry about the hard road you've been on.

  6. Hi Leah!
    Haven't visited you in awhile because I've been spending lots of time with my family...and I've loved every second of it! I'll have to read some of your previous posts to find out what's been going on in your life. Happy Belated Birthday, as well! Hope it was filled with many warm memories.

  7. Leah...I am so very sorry to learn about the loss of your precious grandbaby. Please know that I will lift you and your family up in my prayers during this difficult time.

  8. I am one of those who always looks forward to reading your posts:) . Even when life is frought with sadness, as yours has been lately, I appreciate your willingness to let your praying friends in on your needs.

  9. I would LOVE to know more about computers! Or just any technology in general :)

  10. I love coconut shrimp and haven't had it in ages. Praying for all of your family during this sad time.

  11. you know more about technology than i do! ha! i'm serious... you are one savvy gal!!

    i'll be praying for Bridget as she starts work back up with all of the stress she's been under. i'm sure it will be a good distraction, but still, it's got to be challenging.


  12. Coconut Shrimp look yummy!
    That's a great song choice.
    I love blogging for the friends I have meet but hopefully it will be here for future generations.


So glad you stopped by and hope you enjoyed your visit. I love your comments and read each and every one of them and I always try to reply to them. Blessings to you this day!